「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2009年3月20日 星期五

知識社群 2005/6/30



謝謝公孚兄:昨天讀品質知識社群 (QKC)簡訊】之二之前文:週一QKC 會令晃三兄十分振奮,我有小文記其事 .他感到美中不足的是您沒出現 ,似乎少了一份好,但仍然有,待他的主題資料檔寄來時,再傳給您!



愛聽一堂全面品德 酬雄心。





我的個人新聞臺,2 周前開始一系列的QUALITY and People 專攔,草稿很多,貼出的很少。

Simon University



也許我們可以透過這種 email方式來交流。如果你認為這樣是冒犯,可要來信通知一番。

附上bbc 一則數位化出版趨勢,我們QKC 應該思考討論如何自處和發展。

我認為學會基金會應該 HOST可供大家記品質心的之BLOGS (這種管理SOFTWARES Google公司免費提供)。

我甚至認為應該把盡可能多的東西上網,當社會的自由 /免費百科全書…..

Publishing makes shift to digital
The vast majority of UK research material will be available in electronic form by 2020.

According to a study commissioned by the British Library, 90% of newly published work will be available digitally by this time.

Only half of this will also be available in print form, with just 10% of new titles available only in print.

It represents a "seismic shift" in the world of publishing said British Library chief executive Lynne Brindley.

For its part, the British Library aims to spend the next three years developing the infrastructure necessary to store, manage, preserve and provide access to digital material.

Preserving blogs?

Part of our collection of so-called ephemera includes labels from food tins and old theatre tickets. This provides valuable social information and it may be that blogs play that sort of role in future
British Library spokesman

"In many ways digital material is more fragile than physical material and if we don't manage it effectively it won't survive for future generations," said Ms Brindley.

The new collection will include both items "born digital" and those that have been digitised, such as Shakespeare's Quartos and newspapers from the 19th Century.

The British Library's collection already covers every information format from oracle bones to kilobytes and it is determined to provide the same infrastructure for holding a national collection of digital items as it does for its 160 million strong collection of books, manuscripts, sound recordings, patents, stamps and maps.

The system for digital storage has been designed to be tamper-proof. There will be at least three copies of everything. An offline copy will be stored separately in case of a catastrophic system failure.

Part of the move towards a digital collection will involve the archiving of websites and there is a challenge here for the library to decide what to preserve and what to leave to cyberspace.

"We need to identify websites of national significance, such as those of the main political parties at general election time," said a spokesman for the British Library.

Down the line the archive could include blogs as well, he said.

"Part of our collection of so-called ephemera includes labels from food tins and old theatre tickets. This provides valuable social information and it may be that blogs play that sort of role in future," he said.

In 2003 the British Library secured legislation that ensured its legal right to a copy of every book and periodical published in the UK was extended to non-print media, which includes CD-ROMs and electronic journals.

