「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2020年2月29日 星期六

Boeing admits it failed to test the Starliner spacecraft adequately before its maiden flight NASA 說 Boeing的Starliner 有嚴重軟體缺失;iPhone 11 Pro 射頻暴露測試超出FCC 規定



Boeing's Starliner spacecraft was slated to begin flying NASA astronauts to the International Space Station this year. But now the program faces new questions about safety after a botched test flight in December.

The company cut a key test short and used faulty software, setbacks that led to a flawed mission.

The Boeing Starliner spacecraft shortly after it landed in White Sands, N.M. (Bill Ingalls/AP)By Christian Davenport Christian DavenportReporter covering the defense and space industriesEmailBioFollowFebruary 28, 2020 at 5:34 PM ESTBoeing acknowledged Friday that its procedures for testing the Starl...


Boeing admits it failed to test the Starliner spacecraft adequately before its maiden flight

www.space.com › boeing-starliner-test-flight-softwa...

Boeing's Starliner test flight had a 2nd critical software issue ...

15 時間前 - Boeing is considering another test flight for its CST-100 Starliner commercial crew spacecraft amid concerns from a NASA safety panel about its first flight. Boeing's Starliner spacecraft launched on Dec. 20, but was unable to ...

spacenews.com › nasa-safety-panel-calls-for-review...

NASA safety panel calls for reviews after second Starliner ...

1 日前 - A NASA safety panel seeks reviews of Boeing after a software problem during a CST-100 Starliner test flight that could have led to a “catastrophic” failure.

www.geekwire.com › starliner-software-shortcomin...

Starliner software issues spark NASA safety review of Boeing ...

6 時間前 - An assessment of what went wrong during the first uncrewed flight of Boeing's Starliner space taxi turned up so many breakdowns that NASA is ordering a comprehensive safety review.

---iPhone 11 Pro  射頻暴露測試radio frequency exposure test 超出FCC 規定
For a cellphone, the FCC’s threshold of safe exposure is 1.6 watts per kilogram. Penumbra’s test found that an iPhone 11 Pro emitted 3.8 W/kg.

2020年2月28日 星期五

Japan’s tsunami supply chain comeback. Just-in-time networks are very efficient but extremely fragile.

Just-in-time networks are very efficient but extremely fragile.

2011.9.15這篇沒提到的 更長遠的對於災區的投資 包括設新廠等努力.....

日本供應鏈的活力Japan’s tsunami supply chain comeback作者:東京大學教授喬治•奧爾科特, 愛丁堡大學商學院負責人尼克•奧利弗為英國《金融時報》撰稿

After the paralysis of the global supply chain caused by the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan in M​​arch, there have been the inevitable calls for a rethink of global, just-in-time supply systems. Some predicted that the disruption would last until the end of the year, if not longer. But just four months on, Japan's recovery is taking place with remarkable speed, in large part because of the unusual brand of co-operative capitalism that underpins the tight-knit and remarkably resilient Japanese business system.
July's figures revealed that Japan's industrial production had risen for the third month in a row, with auto manufacturers reviving especially strongly. Mitsubishi Electric also announced better than expected first-quarter profits, and has revised upwards its earnings estimates for this year. Other companies have responded strongly too: Hitachi, much of whose domestic production capacity is located in the area most affected, was almost fully operational by the end of March, while Hitachi Port, crippled by the disasters, reopened on April 3.
7月份數據顯示,日本工業產值連續第三個月實現增長,其中汽車製造業的複蘇尤為強勁。三菱電機(Mitsubishi Electric)公佈的第一季度營利數據好於預期,該企業還調高了今年的收益預估。其他企業的表現同樣強勁:日立(Hitachi)在本土的生產線大部分都位於受災最嚴重的地區,但到3月底,就已幾乎全面恢復運營,一度因受災而陷入癱瘓的日立港口也於4月3日重新開放。
Held in awe by many in the west in the 1980s, Japan's system has until recently fallen out of favour for being slow to adjust to changing macroeconomic conditions, resulting in the country's two lost decades. Yet the tsunami has actually revealed the system's capacity for rapid recovery – just as it did following the 1995 Kobe earthquake, and the 2007 Chuetsu earthquake.
Many of the current supply problems are due to damage at a plant belonging to electronics group Renesas, in Hitachinaka. The plant, jointly owned by NEC, Hitachi and Mitsubishi Electric, produces a significant share of the world's automotive microcontroller chips. The parent firms have sent hundreds of staff to help with the recovery, but, more interestingly, Renesas's customers are helping out too, with Toyota, Honda and others dispatching staff to help with recovery efforts. At one point, there were nearly 3,000 non-Renesas employees at the plant, mostly engineers. As a result production restarted on June 1, much earlier than first anticipated. By late September production should be back to pre-quake levels.
This pattern, in which usually fierce competitors have come quickly to each others' aid, has been repeated elsewhere. Take Hitachi Chemical, which has two factories at Namie, a short distance from the Fukushima nuclear station. One plant produces carbon brushes for heavy- duty electric motors, which are used in vital public infrastructure. Kazuyuki Tanaka, Hitachi Chemical's chief executive, has noted that restarting production was more important than revealing “some important parts of our knowhow to our competitors”. Here, as at Renesas, help has been offered, and accepted, without contracts and without discussion of financial arrangements.
平日里競爭激烈的對手迅速相互施以援手,這種情形在日本其它地方也很普遍。就拿日立化成工業(Hitachi Chemical)來說,它在距離福島第一核電站(Fukushima)不遠處的浪江町(Namie)有兩家工廠,其中一家生產用於重型電動機(用於必不可少的公共基礎設施建設)的碳刷。日立化成工業首席執行官田中一之(Kazuyuki Tanaka)就曾表示,恢復生產比“保護我們的重要技術不被洩露給競爭對手”更重要。這里和瑞薩工廠的情形一樣,在接到其他企業的援助並決定接受的整個過程中,沒有簽訂任何合同,也沒有人討論費用該如何分配。
There has of course been major disruption, despite the speedy recovery. Even a few weeks of lost production is too much for the global clients of major Japanese companies to bear. A range of strategies are therefore being developed to improve resilience, including greater diversification of production and new arrangements to transfer design and production information across manufacturing sites. These will apply to facilities within companies, but also now may include formal agreements with competitors to provide substitute facilities in the event of a future disaster.
In spite of this, and especially given the speed at which supply chains have bounced back, there is little sign that Japanese companies are planning to turn their backs on their traditional “just in time” manufacturing strategies, let alone leave Japan entirely. Professor ​​Takahiro Fujimoto of the University of Tokyo, an expert on supply chains and the automotive industry, admits that improving supply chain resilience must be a priority, but believes this can be done without “sacrificing competitiveness”.
儘管如此,尤其是考慮到供應鏈恢復的速度,沒有多少跡象表明日本企業打算拋棄它們傳統的準時制生產戰略,更不用說徹底搬離日本了。供應鍊及汽車製造業專家、東京大學(University of Tokyo)教授藤本隆宏(Takahiro Fujimoto)坦承,改善供應鏈的複原能力應放在重中之重,但他認為,這不需要“犧牲競爭力”就能實現。
The tsunami has graphically demonstrated how co-operative capitalism allows rapid mobilisation of resources and offers a hidden source of resilience to efficient but vulnerable supply chains. It now seems clear that the latest crisis has strengthened, not weakened, Japan's distinctive form of capitalism.
George Olcott is a professor ​​at the research centre for advanced science and technology at the University of Tokyo. Nick Oliver is head of the University of Edinburgh Business School
喬治•奧爾科特(George Olcott)是東京大學尖端科學技術研究中心教授。尼克•奧利弗(Nick Oliver)是愛丁堡大學商學院(University of Edinburgh Business School)負責人。


VW 「柴油門」於對美國消費者的賠償額(153億美元);德國賠償金總額為8.3億歐元




「柴油門」在德國達成和解 大眾汽車賠償8.3億歐元

2020年2月26日 星期三

A billion Wi-Fi devices suffer from a newly discovered security flaw

MIT Technology Review
9 小時 ·

More than a billion internet-connected devices—including the iPhone and Amazon's Echo—are affected by a security vulnerability that could allow hackers to spy on traffic sent over Wi-Fi.

More than a billion internet-connected devices—including Apple's iPhone and Amazon's Echo—are affected by a security vulnerability that could allow hackers to spy on t...


A billion Wi-Fi devices suffer from a newly discovered security flaw

波音737 MAX油箱內發現異物Boeing finds debris in fuel tanks of undelivered 737 Max jets

The FAA is mandating a new round of safety fixes before Boeing's 737 MAX jets can return to the air.
Boeing finds debris in fuel tanks of undelivered 737 Max jets https://wapo.st/2HCCNjK

在发生空难、被多国停飞后,美国飞机制造商波音公司的737 MAX又爆新问题:多架未交付的飞机的油箱内发现了异物。公司方面现正着手调查。


再爆問題!波音737 MAX油箱內發現異物

2020年2月25日 星期二

But experts are puzzling over the figures.感染、康復(recovered)等數字的意義和困境。switch to new methodology?湖北確診人數為何暴增?我的猜測;納入臨床診斷病例 .......A ray of hope in the coronavirus curve中國冠狀病毒新病例的下降趨勢...... (ECONOMIST.COM)

As Xi Jinping vows to restart China’s economy, a marked slowdown in reported new coronavirus cases is helping his cause. But experts are puzzling over the figures.

“You can’t send them home because they might infect others, but you can’t put them in hospital as resources are stretched,” a respiratory expert warns..


A surge in coronavirus cases and deaths in Iran is raising concern because the outbreak can’t be traced directly back to China, the head of the World Health Organization said.



(德國之聲中文網)題為" 新型冠狀病毒肺炎流行病學特徵分析 "的這篇論文,統計了2月11日前中國內地全部72314起病例,發表在《中華流行病學雜誌》 2月刊上,並由該雜誌社本週早些時候在其官方網站上全文刊登。文章指出,在12月31日之前,全國已經有104人發病;到1月10日,又有653人發病;而到了1月20日,全國累計發病人數已經超過了6000人。
Illustration 2019 Novel Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 (Reuters/CDC)

  • 日期 21.02.2020
  • 作者 文山

Coronavirus Cases Seemed to Be Leveling Off. Not Anymore.

Coronavirus Cases Seemed to Be Leveling Off. Not Anymore.

On Thursday, health officials in China reported more than 14,000 new cases in Hubei Province alone. A change in diagnostic criteria may be the reason.
13日 我的猜測:北京嚴控報告的方式失效/負擔不了/自顧不暇,只好承認地方醫生的診斷,不必凡案北京定奪:

A change in the diagnostic criteria meant doctors have broader discretion to determine if patients are infected. Patients could only be diagnosed by test kits previously.


根據該方案,近期湖北省對既往疑似病例進行排查,為對診斷結果進行訂正,與全國其他省份對外公佈的病例診斷分類一致,從今天起,湖北省將臨床診斷病例數確診病例數進行公佈 。









Transmissions of the coronavirus are still occurring but at a slower rate, an indication that public-health authorities are making progress in their battle against the bug.

Daily chart
A ray of hope in the coronavirus curve

A downward trend in new cases in China suggests that the virus might have peaked

Graphic detail

HEADLINES ABOUT the new coronavirus that started in China are grim. More than 1,000 people have died, exceeding the toll from the SARS outbreak in 2003. Despite stringent controls on movement, there are 64,000 confirmed or suspected cases of infections in China. And it is spreading around the world. But there is some good news: the number of new cases reported daily in China has been on a downward trend since February 4th. That is to say, transmissions are still occurring but at a slower rate, an indication that public-health authorities are making progress in their battle against the bug.
Trying to forecast the trajectory of a new virus is complex, with scant initial information about how infectious it is. Several scientists made valiant attempts based on early data from China. Some warned that it might not peak until May, but that was before China implemented strict containment measures. The more pessimistic ones now look too gloomy. Cheng-Chih Hsu, a chemist at National Taiwan University, plugged different scenarios into a simple model for estimating the spread of epidemics (the incidence of daily infections typically resemble bell curves, with slightly fatter tails as transmissions peter out). The tally of confirmed cases so far closely fits a seemingly optimistic forecast by Zhong Nanshan, a Chinese respiratory expert, who said on January 28th that transmissions would peak within two weeks
(Google 翻譯,hc將人名修正)


試圖預測新病毒的軌跡非常複雜,缺乏有關其傳染性的初步信息。幾位科學家根據來自中國的早期數據進行了英勇的嘗試。一些人警告說,它可能要到五月才能達到頂峰,但這是在中國實施嚴格的遏制措施之前。現在,較為悲觀的人看上去過於悲觀。國立台灣大學化學家許成智(sic 徐丞志  Cheng-Chih Hsu)將不同的情況插入到一個簡單的模型中,以估算流行病的傳播(日常感染的發生率通常類似於鍾(sic 鐘)形曲線,隨著傳播逐漸消失,尾巴會稍微發胖)。迄今為止,確診病例的統計數據與中國呼吸系統專家鐘 (sic 鍾) 南山的看似樂觀的預測相符。他在1月28日表示,傳播將在兩週內達到峰值

Transmissions of the coronavirus are still occurring but at a slower rate, an indication that public-health authorities are making progress in their battle against the bug

Don't peak too soon



Have cases of coronavirus peaked in China?
