「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2009年4月29日 星期三

PDSA循環 and Discovery-driven Growth: The Only Plan Is to Learn as You Go

如果你有興趣讀這篇 請先複習一下PDSA循環(Dr. Deming版本)

Strategic Management
(Videocast with Transcript)
Discovery-driven Growth: The Only Plan Is to Learn as You Go

For companies planning to launch new initiatives during uncertain times, it's important "to know from the start that the plan is wrong," according to Ian MacMillan, Wharton professor of innovation and entrepreneurship. Assumptions are what get most companies into trouble, MacMillan and co-author Rita Gunther McGrath, a professor at Columbia Business School, argue in their new book, Discovery-Driven Growth: A Breakthrough Process to Reduce Risk and Seize Opportunity. In an interview with Knowledge@Wharton, McGrath and MacMillan describe how firms can make the most of new opportunities, even during the current downturn.

100 days later (Obama's presidency)/ 螺絲的品質

Barack Obama's presidency

100 days later

Apr 28th 2009
From Economist.com

How Barack Obama compares with other presidents at 100 days

THE 100th day of his presidency falls on Wednesday April 29th and Barack Obama remains popular. Despite the dire economic situation, his overall approval rating is a healthy 65%, only three percentage points lower than when he first took office, according to Gallup. Over the past 50 years, the approval ratings of presidents at the 100-day mark have varied widely. Democrats seem to do badly: Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter suffered a similar dip in their fortunes. But every Republican had gone up in the public's estimation after 100 days.


Readers' comments

The Economist welcomes your views.


(藤本隆宏( 2003 )『能力構築競争:日本の自動車産業はなぜ強いのか』中央公論社. ...。藤本隆宏 {能力構築競爭:日本的汽車產業為何強盛} 北京:中信,2007)
這本書提到,日本車的螺栓等,都是客製的,而不像美國車多採標準品。這樣成本比較高。這樣,是否太超過一般的規格( OVER-SPEC)呢?

他說,這也難說,因為這些螺絲讓日本車贏得好品質的聲譽:二手車都很搶手、車價可維持高水準。所以,也許是值得的 。


(德 國)「故障原因已经部分查明 :2007/7/10周二,克吕梅尔核电站出现了新的故障。运营商法腾法尔解释道,核电站对全部630个膨胀螺栓进行了检测,发现设备中的十几个膨胀螺栓 安装不配套,其中至少两个型号错误的螺栓都得更换。这些螺栓主要用于固定操作设备的装配台。联邦环保部长加布里尔声明,克吕梅尔核电站在彻底查清原因、排 除故障之后可以恢复运行。」

screw (sth) up (MISTAKE) phrasal verb [M] INFORMAL
to make a mistake, or to spoil something:
I reckon I screwed the chemistry exam up totally.

justing: 「……Cross thread fastener,是指螺紋未依正常程序作業(螺絲external是兩塊牙版相互輾牙未對稱,螺帽internal是牙攻未依內導倒角攻入或重攻牙造成 不正常雙螺紋線,所導致交錯螺紋 or 俗稱:亂牙.,造成對鎖件無法正常鎖入或鎖一半。 」

HC:謝謝Justing很專業的解釋。我昨天弄一詞條"cross, cross threaded,"現在應更新。其中可能的情形是將瓶子等沒依照原紋而鎖錯。這是應用上的錯誤 他們日常可能也這樣用。不知道這想法對不對。

justing:「Dear 鍾老師, 這種想法是正確沒錯,因為都是在有螺紋的情況下,

大型機構,如:鑽油機,:方螺紋,用途:傳遞動力... 」
cross〔俗〕 不正, ごまかし

cross talk (ラジオの)混信, (電話の)混線, 漏話; 雑談.

Cross threaded 咬扣; 錯扣

Definition Angular misalignment of internal and external threads relative to each other resulting in improper make-up.內外紋未正確扣住


Mike Taylor takes visual and all other information he receives, mixes it with emotions stirred by daily life in a hyper, cross-threaded, twenty-first century postmodern culture and ends up with paintings that lean towards the surrealistic or sometimes the abstract. Strongly influenced by western art of the first half of the twentieth century, Taylor's subjects range from rocks and trees to people to basic celebrations of form and colour.


('pər) pronunciation

adj. Slang.
  1. Having a very excitable or nervous temperament; high-strung.
  2. Emotionally stimulated or overexcited.

[Short for HYPERACTIVE.]


Prefix meaning above the normal range, or abnormally high.

2009年4月27日 星期一

三頭六臂集 493-503


To 川瀨健一 kawase kenichi

台南 世界館
林長二郎 嵐寬壽郎 山田五十郎 鈴木橙子 逢初夢子
邱永漢: 我的青春.台灣 我的青春.香港.


The "aha!" moment comes from realizing that there is no single
objective quantifiable measure of quality, but rather, as Wikipedia
puts it --


我最近與朋友談東海大學的所謂"博雅教育" (Liberal Arts)
聽一位老師 (留美教書到退休回饋)說 現在學生還有一種理論
說台灣的社會科學碩士教育很不錯 一定比去留學學得更多

朋友心想 你們都沒留學過


Books of The Times
The Era of Adapting Quickly

Published: April 27, 2009

The philosopher Isaiah Berlin famously divided thinkers into two categories: hedgehogs (like Plato, Pascal, Hegel, Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche, Ibsen and Proust), who know one big thing and tend to view the world through the lens of a single organizing principle, and foxes (like Herodotus, Shakespeare, Montaigne, Goethe, Balzac and Joyce), who know many things and who pursue various unrelated, even contradictory ends.


The old adage that what's good for GM is good for America could become a reality.

The Los Angeles Times and New York Times lead with the new restructuring plan outlined by General Motors yesterday that would make the U.S. government the majority shareholder of what was once the world's largest company. The old adage that what's good for GM is good for America could become a reality. But first the automaker would have to get pretty much all of its bondholders to agree to receive next to nothing in return for the billions of dollars they lent the company. That seems unlikely so the automaker might very well have to settle all this in bankruptcy court. Under the plan outlined yesterday, GM would accelerate its plans to become a smaller company by cutting 21,000 factory jobs, closing 13 plants and 2,600 dealers, while focusing on only four brands.

我使用 Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary) 近十年
今天注意到它有Google公司的Adsense 廣告 特記下

'Tweeting' Carefully to Avoid SEC Ire
More companies are using blogs and "tweets" to communicate with investors and customers, but risk running afoul of SEC regulations.

台灣的case 之一是---網路律師法律咨詢每小時2000元---大受歡迎
不過律師公會規定的是8000/小時 所以現在

前幾天才在 CNN 聽到網路讓一對父女重圓
這是INTERNET 最早之功能之一 現在似乎已發展成產業之一

Why Google Wants You to Google Yourself

By Tom McNichol

Google profiles are the search giant's fiendishly clever attempt to turn your egosurfing pain into their gain

現在 字母湯在新聞紙中滿天飛 什麼 PSI.....

依據環 保署空氣品質監測資料顯示,25日下午起全台受沙塵影響空氣品質多達不良等級,25日全國76處空氣品質監測站共有50站PSI超過100(空氣品質達不 良等級),包括嘉義以北及花蓮、宜蘭等地。新竹測站PSI值亦達152,是本年度新竹市第一次空氣品質達不良等級。 ...

Air Quality Index: Definition from Answers.com
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established an overall air
quality index known as the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI). ...


boom town noun [C]
a town that experiences sudden economic growth
CNN報導墨西哥市已因流感幾乎成 ghost town
全成 鬼域
ghost town

A once thriving town, especially a boomtown of the American West, that has been completely abandoned.

A once thriving town that has been completely abandoned, as in Many of the old mining communities are ghost towns now. This idiom implies that there are no living people left in town. [First half of 1900s]


Chien, Ying-Che (Y.C.) 從美國來信 笑說" ......祝 多享春景."
真的會讓人想起 Santayana 的"我與春天有約"
不過 生命是我們自己的


Non Profit Organization
1982年在 電子所 ERSO 聽胡定華所長說這最好稱為

2009年4月26日 星期日

三頭六臂集 482-92





科恩:領導人需要像企業家那樣思考和行動。我在哈佛商學院的同事史蒂文森(Howard Stevenson)曾將企業家定義為“在不考慮現有資源的情況下對機會的不懈追求。”這個定義的精髓目前非常重要。我們應該像許多人那樣思考在全球的動盪之中潛伏著的各種機會。


Philips/ TOYOTA 公司產品回收

T>は、中国の合弁会社が生産・販売したセダン車「カムリ」にブレーキシステムの不具合があるとして、25万9119台を対象にリコール(自主回収)を実施している。 ...

Dr. Deming 對紐約大學之校友選出之獎 也有許多可參考處

教学奖--Edinburgh University Student Association

RSPCA wants dangerous dog rethink



United States Air Force Awarded 14th Annual W. Edwards Deming Award --The Graduate School Recognizes Excellence in Government through Training

Last update: 6:23 a.m. EDT April 24, 2009
WASHINGTON, April 24, 2009 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The Graduate School awarded its W. Edwards Deming Outstanding Training Award to the Directorate of Legal Information Services, United States Air Force (USAF), Maxwell Air Force Base at the Excellence in Government conference on April 20, 2009. USAF was recognized for implementing a program that directly led to improvements in administrative efficiencies and enabled more then 4,600 USAF legal professionals to use Information Technology to put valuable time back into their workdays.

"The Directorate of Legal Information Services clearly exemplified what this award stands for," said Dr. Jerry Ice, CEO and President, The Graduate School. "USAF's dedication to excellence was apparent in the attention they paid to finding the best way to identify and fill training needs among their workforce."

The Graduate School presents the W. Edwards Deming award annually to a federal government organization, civilian or uniformed branch of the military. It highlights an impressive workforce development and training initiative that has measurably improved the organization's performance and impacted its mission.

The award's namesake is Dr. W. Edwards Deming, a 20-year instructor at the School who is known as the father of Total Quality Management. His work has been described as the third stage of the Industrial Revolution and incorporated the idea that employees at all levels of private industry and government have a responsibility to cooperate to produce excellent products and services.

"We undertook this initiative with the understanding that knowledge workers need training to make the best use of the technology tools at their disposal," said Colonel Peter Marksteiner, Director, Legal Information Services. "We are very proud to be recognized with this prestigious award."

The Directorate of Legal Information Services first conducted an in-depth survey that determined the barriers that prevented legal professionals from keeping pace with technological advancements. As a result of the findings, the training was developed in specific mandated time slots and included short, practical and concise modules where results could immediately be seen.
To learn more about the Graduate School's W. Edwards Deming Training Award, visit www.grad.usda.gov.

About the Graduate School
The Graduate School is an independent institution that's enthusiastic about providing quality, accessible educational opportunities. A vibrant learning community, the Graduate School offers a range of services that includes individual assessments, career-related courses and continuing education, including distance learning. The School's experts provide training and education solutions, including conferences, workshops and symposia, for participants from U.S. federal, state and local government agencies as well as the private sector and international organizations. The Graduate School is both GSA 69 (Training) and Schedule 874 (MOBIS). The School is dedicated to academic excellence and lifelong learning.
SOURCE The Graduate School

Forty Years’ War
Advances Elusive in the Long Drive to Cure Cancer

The death rate for cancer has barely changed since 1950, despite Richard M. Nixon’s pledge to cure cancer in five years. Now, President Obama is making a similar vow.


Fagan: Famous quote points to my wife as selectman

To the Editor: I was interested to hear candidate Ed Vitone attribute a quote to Dr. W. Edwards Deming during the candidate's night last week. He quoted Deming as saying, "If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always gotten.

The noun selectman has one meaning:

Meaning #1: an elected member of a board of officials who run New England towns

昨夜沈金標兄 世琦學妹等來訪暢談

即 為什麼變更數如此多
所謂變更如何界定 如何讓你們把事做得更好


著名美學家 P氏曾有論文說RR車的COOLER桿之設計
背後 的理念實有數百年之文化社會之積累

2009年4月23日 星期四

『台灣戴明圈:2008年東海戴明學者講座』 再續前緣 VIII



── 2008年東海戴明學者講座

A Taiwanese Deming Circle (1964-2008)

開場白:故事、寓言(鍾漢清) 11
台灣戴明圈的故事(鍾漢清) 15
簡介戴明、威廉‧謝爾肯巴赫先生(鍾漢清) 23

導言:戴明到日本(鍾漢清) 35
戴明與台灣(簡記)(鍾漢清) 45
《1950 年戴明博士對日本高階經營者演講》 53
品管九講 譯者序言(劉振) 64
品管九講 品質管制與企業發展(小柳賢一) 67
日本品質管制之回顧(戴明) 74
日本的成就(戴明) 80

導言 (鍾漢清) 91
《戴明博士四日談》中文版導言(鍾漢清增修) 102
一首值得傳唱的史詩:《轉危為安》(鍾漢清) 109
運用戴明循環(鍾漢清) 118
鳥瞰 Lean/Six Sigma 運動 (1979-2008) (鍾漢清) 128
簡談實驗設計(鍾漢清) 153
由戴明理念談實驗設計之應用(蔡坤祥) 158
西式管理風格必須改弦更張(戴明) 163
戴明博士到 HP,團隊合作(鍾漢清) 172

2008 年東海戴明學者講座 185
主講人:威廉‧謝爾肯巴赫先生簡介 188
講座之一 193
講座之二 227
講座之三 252

尾聲 Epilog 2008 年戴明淵博知識系統之旅 275

第四部 東海…人物
播種季 286
東海大學和 英國 Essex 大學的點滴 288
從東海第七宿舍讀司馬賀先生談 30 年的緣份 294
慶祝東海 IE 創立四十年 鍾漢清 297
前進英國省錢大作戰 - Less $ can be more 300

引言:從漢寶德老師談其他老師 305
陳其寬老師 310
高禩瑾院長 314
劉振老師 322
劉振老師紀念獎 Liu Cheng Award 328
紀念 吳玉印(Yuin Wu)老師 330
王錦堂老師 334
張忠樸先生 338

陳勝年老師 (故) 教過我行銷學 大四 1974-75
two books by Churchman, C. West et al 陳勝年老師序


楊維哲 談所謂標準化 科學月刊十三卷八期 p.45
讓我想起他弟弟楊維禎 教過 我們 作業研究
陳其寬老師CHEN Chi-Kwan 的陰陽2 彩墨紙 30*546 cm 1985

它其實可列入樓下的「世外桃源 Arcadia:龐畢度中心收藏展」**
參考 "法國龐畢度中心暨國立現代美術館工業創意中心副館長、世外桃源—龐畢度中心收藏展策展人戴迪亞.歐登傑Didier OTTINGER先生主講"

((((*1983年建館至今,典藏作 品件數已達四千餘件。集合本館研究人員選出台灣美術史上具指標性意義的34件經典作品,策劃「25年典藏精粹」典藏常設展,將依據藝術史發展脈絡,以及不 同媒材對應關係,將展場區分為7個各具台灣美術發展變貌的空間,以呈現台灣藝壇因應各類文化衝擊所煥發的人文精神及在地特色。



「世外桃源」展以古羅馬詩人所描述的田園牧歌般恬靜生活為主題,展出法國龐畢度中心所典藏的二十世紀重量級現代藝術作品,內容囊括畢卡索、馬諦斯、 布拉克、波納爾、夏卡爾、杜布菲、克利、布紐爾等大師之素描、油畫、錄像、裝置等創作形式,總計約有八十件,其中更包括龐畢度中心難得出借的重要典藏作 品。本展覽受古羅馬文學中的詩歌啟發,呼應法國古典主義畫家普桑筆下「阿卡迪亞牧人」對於生之喜悅與死亡的詮釋,延伸出十個子題,更進一步闡釋畫面中豐饒 而合諧的感受、狂歡式的感官刺激,以及對於世事無常、浮華虛幻的辯證與思考,以嚴謹的主題論述,提綱挈領的方式,精采呈現現代藝術之精華。))))


為了找圖 讀一blog


Lean principles are the tenets of the Toyota Production System known in manufacturing as TPS. Do they help in service contexts, too? HBS doctoral student Bradley R. Staats and Professor David M. Upton put lean principles to the test at a large Indian software vendor, and saw improvement in problem solving, coordination, and standardization of work. Their working paper, newly revised, is titled "Lean Principles, Learning, and Software Production: Evidence from Indian Software Services" [PDF].


2009年4月22日,東京都内でソフトウエア開発のイベント「アジャイル ジャパン 2009」が開催された。基調講演には「リーン開発」の専門家であるメアリー・ポッペンディーク氏が登壇(写真1)。製造業の生産管理分野では昔から生産性と品質の向上に「人間性の尊重」が重要であるとされていることを確認しながら,ソフトウエア開発においても同じように人間性の尊重が重要であることを指摘した。

 リーン開発とは,トヨタ生産方式(TPS)を源流とするソフトウエア開発の方法論。ポッペンディーク氏は米3Mでリーン開発を実践してきた。「ハードウ エアの分野ではTPS(トヨタ生産方式)の考え方が強く重視されているが,ソフトウエア分野ではまだそうなっていない」とポッペンディーク氏は述べる。


 次に,戦後に大野耐一氏が体系化したトヨタ生産方式(TPS)を採り上げた。「TPSには,まさにソフトウエア開発の現場を改善するためのヒント が数多く盛り込まれている」(ポッペンディーク氏)。その一つが「標準」だという。標準は常に可変であること,現場が自主的に標準を定め自主的に変えられ ること,策定時から変更点がない標準には意味がないことなど,大野耐一氏の言葉を引用。ソフトウエア開発の現場で採り入れたいエッセンスをあらためて確認 した。


 ポッペンディーク氏は,工場の生産管理で培われた理論を引きつつ,リーダーに求められる資質や能力についても触れた。まず挙げたのは,部下に自己 の能力をフルに発揮できる環境を与えることや権限委譲の重要性である。「現場が自分で考え,自分で判断し行動できる環境が,高い生産性と品質につなが る」(ポッペンディーク氏)。

 ただ,ポッペンディーク氏の主張は,企業や組織全体の方向性を無視するわけではない。アジャイル ジャパン 2009の実行委員長である平鍋健児氏(チェンジビジョン社長,写真2)は,「リーン開発におけるリーダーのスタイルは,『一緒に考えよう』の一言にまとめられる」と補足する。

 「顧客の求める価値」と「会社の繁栄」の両方に貢献するように整合させるのがリーダーの役目であり,それを全うするようなシステムを作るべきとい うのがその主旨だ。「今やっている仕事が顧客と組織全体のメリットにつながっているのかを常に考えることと,現場や一人ひとりの主体性を重視することを両 立させるのが,リーン開発におけるリーダーの理想のスタイルだ」(平鍋氏)。

(高下 義弘=日経SYSTEMS)  [2009/04/22]


Taguchi Quality Engineering Handbook edited by Taguchi, Wu, et al


operational definitions

德语媒体 | 2009.04.23



《新苏黎世报》:怎么看胡锦涛的“不折腾” "对外国观察家来说,解读中国的政策是一项吃力不讨好的差事。那些以简单口号形式表现的政策,尤为如此。附带说一句,这样的口号政策在中国却很正常。"《新苏黎世报》评论文章的这段开场白指的是胡锦涛在纪念改革三十周年大会上提出、在中国引起多种诠释的"不折腾"政策: "中国领导人喜欢用几个字来勾画他们的目标和想法。中国有把文学作为工具传播原则的传统,这对党的干部大有好处。胡锦涛的讲话提出了'三不':'不动摇'、'不懈怠'和'不折腾'。根据中文的上下文推断,三不政策针对的对象是'群众'。 “大多数评论家把'不折腾'翻译成'不要被人转移注意力'、'不要制造麻烦'或'不要惹事生非'。一些观察家推测说,胡锦涛在正式讲话时使用这一民 间通俗说法,是想以此表示自己来自人民。党的机关报《人民日报》则提醒读者说,中国1949年以来的历史经历了大型动荡和混乱的时期,现在是巩固已取得的 成就和前进的时候了,也就是沿着中国特色的社会主义道路前进。 “直到今天,'不折腾'仍然没有官方认可的译法。也许是故意这样,因为选用这一含义不清的词就是为了提供各种解释的可能性。但是使用这样无内容的套话也会引起社会动荡,甚至为'折腾'创造前提条件。" 《南德意志报》:贵州习水官员丑闻引怒火 胡锦涛要人民"不折腾",但不少党的干部在"折腾"人民,强行拆房占地已屡见不鲜,近日更曝出贵州干部"折腾"未成年少女的恶性案件。《南德意志报》在介绍了贵州习水一些禽兽官员的所作所为后写道: "社会愤怒的原因之一是当地司法部门的做法。在中国,性侵犯14岁以下少女通常就是强奸。而检察部门不以强奸罪控告这些人,递交的却是'嫖宿幼女' 起诉书。强奸幼女罪最高可获死刑,而对'嫖宿幼女'罪,量刑会轻得多。许多中国人猜测,共产党任命的习水司法官员想以此保护被告中的共产党干部。 “这一案件揭露了贵州省经济兴旺地区的社会道德水准。十年前,在相对落后的贵州省,习水还从北京中央政府获取扶贫基金。但十年内,78个登记的和无数非法的煤矿使这个地方成了新富们的天堂。据说那些矿主们特别喜欢猎取'书包妹',因为'这些小女孩比妓女干净、便宜。' “这一丑闻也使人深刻地看到,人民共和国的共产党精英们如何看待法律,甚至那些处于最低层的干部也置身于法律之上。这次只是因为数百名义愤的民众聚集在法院外,互联网上也燃起了怒火,这一案件才没有象通常那样被掩盖起来。" 摘译:王羊 责编:乐然 本文摘自或节译自其它媒体 不代表德国之声观点
大家討論樓名不該取佛教字眼 如

底下的詩 告訴CP在天之靈

書寄忠樸(2007年7月28日) 五年? 其實 我們歷經多少五年了。 詩人Yeats的墓碑, “Cast a cold eye / On life, on death” 生死,能夠冷眼相看(不厭)嗎? 你那顆溫暖的心已煙消雲散了嗎? 五年前,一干人參加市立殯儀館的告別,到我這兒小坐 大家都在嘆息你這樣人才的消亡…… 園內的老桑樹 葉子還是在盛夏更新五番 教堂(真理堂)已聳立 你一定沒讀過類似的唐詩: 「聞僧說真理,煩惱自然輕。」(唐˙方干˙遊竹林寺詩) 所以大肚山的「大智慧」也罷, 莫非 神的一聲嘆息…… 你會再飛往西雅圖去品味那Starbucks的體驗嗎? 多可惜 台灣的書市一樣熱鬧 但是 愛書人少了一位 不變的 也許是日本還敬佩你寫過書摘的那巨人 你肯定會參加我們縱談精實和六標準差 我會說 成事在人 我們十年前桃園中信的那場戴明紀念研習會 也不差 許多經驗 無法累積 ASQ的 QP暢談DOE的最近發展(2006) 你會遙想那些電腦中模擬嗎? 我相信這些 都是過眼煙雲 而你肯定 會去紐約 哥倫比亞 會爽朗地開懷大笑 你那「不標準」的人生
Charity shops are sorting and selling record volumes of used household items. While tough economic times may make recycled objects especially popular, Belgium's leading charity shop network says it fears for the future. Report: Nina-Maria Potts
我家隔壁的"真理堂" (這在堂唐朝可能指飼寺廟 現在指 路德宗基督教)

South Korea's economy 2:35 updated Sun, April 19, 2009 CNN's Eunice Yoon talks to South Korea's Finance Minister Yoon Jeung Hyun about the economy. South Korea avoids recession 1:42Good news for South Korea's economy, as CNN's Eunice Yoon explains.

  中国南宋思想家。字元晦,号晦庵。徽州婺源(今属江西)人。绍兴十八年(1148)中进士,历 仕高宗、孝宗、光宗、宁宗四朝,庆元六年卒。嘉定二年(1209)诏赐遗表恩泽,谥曰文,寻赠中大夫,特赠宝谟阁直学士。理宗宝庆三年(1227),赠太 师,追封信国公,改徽国公。

九曲棹歌 朱熹

四曲東西兩石巖,巖花垂露碧 毿。


Does H.P. Need a Dose of Anarchy?

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Mark V. Hurd has remade Hewlett-Packard into the world’s largest technology company, but critics wonder whether it is too focused on humdrum, low-profit business areas.

Published: April 25, 2009

Palo Alto, Calif.

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Times Topics: Hewlett-Packard Company | Mark V. Hurd

Peter DaSilva for The New York Times

Carl Taussig, the head of H.P.’s Information Surfaces Lab, left, with Albert Jeans, checking work on a flexible display.

Business Wire

A Hewlett-Packard computer, above, uses the company’s TouchSmart software, which lets people manipulate items by just touching the screen.

Peter DaSilva for The New York Times

Prith Banerjee, the director of H.P. Labs, which has cut its projects.

Paul Sakuma/Associated Press

The designer Vivienne Tam helped H.P. create a more fashionable laptop.

IT all seems obvious when viewed through hindsight’s pristine lens: Hewlett-Packard didn’t need a reinvention. It just needed some fierce fiscal discipline to transform itself from a bumbling, lost soul into a well-oiled profit machine.

At its core, H.P.’s turnaround works against the natural order of things in Silicon Valley, where people talk about technology first and finances a distant second. The frenetic hunt for the next big thing has helped a select few endure decades of busts and booms, and they have always left it to the bean counters to obsess about the bottom line.

So it took a true outsider, in Mark V. Hurd, to engineer H.P.’s resurrection and to create the world’s largest technology company. Mr. Hurd, hired four years ago in the wake of Carleton S. Fiorina’s tumultuous departure as chief executive, forced a steady, boring diet of performance benchmarks, heavy-handed cost-cutting and data-mining down H.P.’s corporate throat.

“Silicon Valley is not known for creating lean organizations, and he’s as good as we have ever seen,” said Michael S. Malone, a historian who wrote “Bill and Dave,” a book about the company’s renowned co-founders, William Hewlett and David Packard. “He’s taught a lesson in what big-time corporate management looks like.”

But with the most brutal cuts behind it, H.P. faces a fresh set of challenges as the second stage of Mr. Hurd’s tenure begins. Most pressing is widespread concern that Mr. Hurd has built an inflexible, solipsistic giant so obsessed with schematics and data-driven fiscal machinations that it has lost the ability to deliver that prized and perennial Silicon Valley trick: to surprise and astound.

Although H.P. is trying to expand its presence in businesses like personal computers and printers, some critics argue that those markets have little left to give. The company could also use more imaginative thinking to bolster its developing line of software products and services.

In short, what may be missing in the formidable intellectual and strategic artillery that Mr. Hurd brings to bear at H.P. is creative inspiration. Or, as Mr. Malone puts it, “I am not sure Mark has built an H.P. that can go through the natural changes that accompany the technology industry as the company has in the past.”

If you posit this idea to any of the company’s top executives, they’ll dismiss it. H.P. has plenty of room to grow, they say — in printers, computers, software or services — and has a firm grasp of the technology industry’s nature and undulations. If you don’t believe such talk, that’s fine, they say — just look at the numbers for any convincing.

“When you hear me talk, I have four quadrants in my head simultaneously,” Mr. Hurd says, outlining a mental tableau that encompasses H.P.’s operations (Quadrant 1), products (Quadrant 2), business and technology trends (Quadrant 3) and competitors (Quadrant 4). Visions of metrics dance in his mind, and he speaks of them with a passion and devotion that has clearly filtered through the ranks — and H.P.’s results.

While that approach also offers a contained, orderly way for Mr. Hurd to tackle his challenges, it isn’t necessarily a recipe for the kind of fertile brainstorming that leads to creative breakthroughs in the tech world.

Steven P. Jobs, the co-founder and chief of Apple, has never discussed quadrants when speaking about products like the iPod and the iPhone, and has dismissed the value of using focus groups to inform design projects. Sometimes consumers need to be shown what they want, Mr. Jobs has said.

MR. HURD, 52, often strums a tabletop like a pianist as he delves into business minutiae, his enthusiasm measured by the steady clack-clacking of his gold wedding band. He also enjoys riffling through a flip chart, tracing and disgorging a panoply of figures with the ease of a symphony conductor. Indeed, his flip chart is so precious to him that it accompanies him on the road.

“He always has that giant white pad and his magic markers,” says Jeffrey Katzenberg, the chief executive of DreamWorks Animation, who says he sometimes has trouble parsing Mr. Hurd’s scrawls.

But for a numbers guy like Mr. Hurd, H.P. is a fantasy land, and the path for navigating it couldn’t be clearer.

“He shows a remarkable familiarity with the balance sheet and amazing depth with numbers,” says Matt Lavallee, the director of technology for the MLS Property Information Network, a real estate service, who talked with Mr. Hurd during a recent customer event. “He’s the most impressive executive I have ever met.”

Thanks to mega-acquisitions and strong growth, H.P. has emerged as the largest buyer of many components that go into computing systems. It buys about one-fifth of Intel’s chips used in PCs and servers, surpassing all rivals. And its purchasing power should increase as the innards of PCs, servers, storage systems and networking gear overlap more and more every year.

H.P. has used its heft as a weapon, playing suppliers off one another, especially during lean times like now, to keep costs as low as possible. Ever to the point, Mr. Hurd says that “if you don’t have scale, and you don’t have leverage, you won’t be able to give the customer what the customer wants.”

In recent years, the company has demonstrated an ability to balance chasing growth with its internal cuts.

Although industry pundits had derided the PC business as a lost cause, H.P. has expanded its computer division sales by $15.6 billion over the last four years, hitting $42.3 billion in total sales last year. During a similar period, computer sales at Dell rose to $35.8 billion, from $35.2 billion.

Just as astonishing, H.P. declared in February that it could shoot past Wall Street’s earnings targets for the full year — at a time when its sales may come in about $18 billion lower than expected because of frozen consumer and corporate spending.

Mr. Hurd attributes this performance to having banged out agreements with suppliers during better days and the company’s ability to turn far-flung corporate dials to fine-tune operations when customers suddenly stop buying.

His own intensity adds to the corporate mojo. Athletic and tightly focused, he comes from a relatively privileged background. His father attended Yale, and his mother, the daughter of a Park Avenue doctor, was introduced to society at a dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria. Growing up in New York and then Miami, he attended college preparatory schools and went to Baylor University in Waco, Tex., on a tennis scholarship.

“He had long hair, wore tennis shorts and was a religious devotee of the courts," says Max Sandlin, a former congressman from Texas, who was president of Mr. Hurd’s fraternity. “At the time, most of us would have thought Mark more likely to be the next Jimmy Connors than the C.E.O. of H.P.”

After Baylor, Mr. Hurd joined NCR, a quiet maker of cash-register equipment and automated teller machines, based in Dayton, Ohio. While not a self-made man in the classic sense, he is by all accounts a self-made business mind who manufactured his own luck and turned himself into a star at NCR, and over the course of 25 years excelled in a number of jobs, including running NCR’s flashiest division, a database unit called Teradata.

Mr. Hurd flourished at Teradata, creating a fast-growing business within NCR that caught executives’ attention and ultimately led to his promotion as chief of the entire company. More important, he evolved during those years into a manager both feared and admired for his command of numbers.

“Mark provided a level of stability and leadership that inspired people,” says Jim Murphy, who spent more than a decade at Teradata in sales. “He is the kind of guy you were willing to follow despite the pressure that comes with his constant drive to focus on metrics.”

That drive played out on the basketball and tennis courts, as well, where Mr. Hurd made it clear that he was always out to win. “He is a vicious athlete and competitor,” Mr. Murphy says. “He would get pretty hot-headed and jaw with people.”

At H.P., Mr. Hurd’s reputation for having a quick mind and a quick temper has only grown. It’s common for executives to recount stories about his noticing a lowered forecast in a presentation, slamming his briefing materials down and, with an ever-present salty tongue, ordering that the situation be fixed before their next meeting.

For his part, Mr. Hurd is not about to give up his blunt style. “I go all over the place,” he says. “I do like the ability to go around the company at different levels to find the people that have the actual answers to the question.”

MR. HURD’S zeal has had a controversial reception at one of his company’s most admired divisions, H.P. Labs. Historically, the unit has been the most freewheeling part of the company, charged with creating new businesses out of thin air. Over the years, the products coming out of the labs have revitalized the company’s business during lulls.

Since Mr. Hurd arrived, H.P. Labs has whittled down the number of projects it tackles at any given time to 30, from about 150. Prith Banerjee, the director of H.P. Labs, has dismissed the castoffs as interesting science projects and championed the survivors as big bets with the most commercial potential.

Yet the often idiosyncratic researchers now find themselves writing up business plans and dealing directly with customers rather than funneling their ideas out to people more experienced in such matters.

For example, Carl Taussig, who runs H.P.’s Information Surfaces Lab, a part of H.P. Labs, has teamed with the Army, Arizona State University, DuPont Teijin Films and E Ink to produce flexible display technology that might be used like electronic paper or to create cheaper screens in mobile devices.

“H.P. Labs has a bigger burden now in creating a path toward commercialization,” Mr. Taussig said. “It’s more work, and it’s different work.”

But H.P.’s businesslike approach to research and curtailed money for the labs have former employees concerned about the company’s future. “I think they are seriously underspending on research and development,” says Charles H. House, who worked at H.P. for 29 years, overseeing the creation of 12 product lines. “It seems to me that betting on new areas is a struggle for them.”

Shane Robison, the company’s chief strategy and technology officer, argues that few companies can match the breadth of its research, in areas as varied as printing systems and data mining. Some of the most impressive work has been in nanotechnology and optics, where engineers do nothing less than manipulate light to move data around computers at ground-breaking speeds.

“This is fundamental, breakthrough stuff,” Mr. Robison says. He later added, “It’s just goofy to get into a debate about whether you’re spending enough money.”

A believer in long-term planning, Mr. Hurd says the company still has plenty to show the world. “You would not want to short H.P. on its ability to innovate,” he says.

Its biggest bets surround the plain-vanilla business of providing technology infrastructure to clients. H.P. believes that customers want to buy as much of those products and services from one company as possible — a move that is, yes, data-driven.

H.P. expects the amount of information produced by companies to keep rising along with their desire to analyze that data. More data means more servers, storage and networking gear — and, for as long as companies print paper records of their computing results — plenty of purchases of H.P.’s expensive printer ink.

At the heart of the company’s infrastructure play is Electronic Data Systems, the technology services company it acquired last year that manages customers’ data center operations. H.P. is laying off tens of thousands of employees as it tries to revivify the company and make it an integral part of its offerings to corporate customers.

But critics, most notably I.B.M., castigate H.P. as more or less the dull grunt of the tech world that has doubled down on humdrum, low-profit businesses. If years of price wars for parts and infrastructure services ensue, H.P. will face serious pressure on the cost structure it has worked so hard to achieve.

“There are still lots of opportunities for H.P. to cut costs out, but at some point its ability to do that at the rate of the last few years certainly diminishes,” said A. M. Sacconaghi, a technology analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Company.

Because Mr. Hurd has so ably rationalized the company’s cost structure, he now has to prove that he can foster a culture capable of building a second wave of growth — which zeroes back in on the creativity question.

In that regard, the future looks murky. Current and former employees complain that Mr. Hurd has put so much pressure on the organization that the willingness to take risks has faded. Quarterly business unit reviews with Mr. Hurd are known to be intense and probing and to inspire plenty of worry.

Adding to this is a fear that morale has declined because of benefits cuts and a pay-for-performance rewards structure that creates deep fissures between the haves and the have-nots. Mr. Hurd faced similar criticisms at NCR.

“I am not here trying to tell you it’s perfect,” he says, adding that workers complain about bureaucracy and the process-driven practices creeping into their jobs. “I think at the end of the day all these things come with a price.”

Mr. Hurd, however, contends that internal surveys provide a more accurate view of the company than scattered anecdotes and reveal a satisfied work force. The company’s strong, consistent financial performance has restored its luster as a Silicon Valley icon and imbued employees with pride, he says.

“There is a tremendous attraction for the people to the scale, the opportunity, the entrepreneurship,” he says. “For us, it is a big deal to attract talent that can flourish in an environment like this and take advantage of our scale without it becoming an issue for them.”

A COMPANY of 321,000 people can move only so nimbly, and H.P. has fallen behind in some of the most promising parts of the market.

It arrived late with a line of netbooks, the low-cost, compact laptops that have taken the world by storm, opening doors for its rival Acer. And, over the last few years, a wide variety of online services has captured the attention of consumers and businesses, but H.P. has struggled to make its name synonymous with so-called cloud computing.

Despite talking so much about data and the powers of information analysis, the company trails rivals like I.B.M. and Oracle when it comes to building the most sophisticated business software.

Another glaring weakness resides on the gadget front, where the company concedes an innovation lapse and continues to sell a relatively unpopular smartphone. (H.P. promises that better phones are in the pipeline.)

With its software gurus, its newfound penchant for design and its deep ties to retailers, H.P. might have been expected to disrupt the cellphone market with new devices or even to concoct an electronic book reader that would complement its printer business. Instead, it’s Apple and Amazon that built vibrant new businesses around such products.

“In spite of the fact that there are things we could always do a better job on, innovating and so forth, I don’t think we have ever felt stronger about our portfolio of products and services and our opportunity to serve the market,” Mr. Hurd says. “I don’t think we think we’re confused about what the market wants.”

To H.P.’s credit, it read the PC market just right in recent years, capitalizing on a surge in laptops and retail sales. It revamped the look of its products, developed a distinctive ad campaign and began to assert more independence.

For example, the company built a fanciful laptop in tandem with the fashion designer Vivienne Tam; it looks as much like a purse as a computer. And H.P.’s most daring move may have come with its TouchSmart software that lets people manipulate items on their computer screens with their fingers, while also adding a distinct look and feel to the company’s gear.

On the printing side, the company feels poised to capitalize on another megatrend: a shift to digital presses for industrial jobs like making magazines and labels. Every percentage point of additional share in this market translates into immense profits for H.P., which pours research and development dollars into proprietary ink.

Mr. Hurd points again and again to the company’s scale and diversity as its major advantages.

Companies like I.B.M. and Dell have also emerged as the largest buyers of components during different eras, says Intel’s chief executive, Paul S. Otellini. Typically, the companies have started to struggle just as their buying heft approaches that of H.P., when gains prove tougher to come by and unexpected, nimble competitors emerge. That said, the tech industry has never encountered a giant the size of H.P.

“I do think Mark has carved out a unique opportunity that comes from selling everything from servers to phones,” Mr. Otellini says.

In the end, Mr. Hurd says he’s not worried about his image as a numbers mercenary and refuses to fret about how others view his approach as H.P. tries to innovate its way toward growth.

“When I was at Teradata, I got called a growth guy. And then when I became C.E.O. of the whole company, I got called a cost-cutter,” Mr. Hurd says. “Then, I came to H.P. and became an operations guy.

“To be very blunt, I am not really that concerned with what labels get associated with somebody. I know we have a whole bunch of things to get done.”

2009年4月21日 星期二

Ellis R. Ott / Process quality control : troubleshooting and interpretation of data

這本書的第一代 台灣有兩翻譯本 似乎都不理想
Process quality control : troubleshooting and interpretation of data / Ellis R. Ott, Edward G. Schilling, Dean V. Neubauer
Ott, Ellis R. (Ellis Raymond), 1906-
Milwaukee, Wis. : ASQ Quality Press, 2005
4th ed
xli, 628 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.)

Ellis R. Ott

( -1981) Educator of a generation of quality control professionals

"The problem of developing statistical quality control professionals in kind and in quantity is a major assignment; it warrants top priority in our efforts and should be approached by every promising method." With those words, Ellis R. Ott capsulized a major part of his life work—work that earned him the status of ASQ Honorary member. Ott devoted his career to providing American industry with a stream of high caliber statistical quality control professionals.

Ott began his career thinking that he would be a pure mathematician. After receiving a bachelor's degree at Southwestern College in Kansas, a master's degree from the University of Kansas, and a doctorate from the University of Illinois, he worked at the University of Arkansas as a mathematics instructor. He was a professor of mathematics at the University of Buffalo from 1934 to 1946.

Ott's career reached a turning point in 1946, when he took a job with the National Union Radio Corp. in Newark, NJ. There he was in charge of applying statistical quality control methods to the production of guided missiles. "Once he started in quality control, he knew that would be his field of endeavor," Virginia Ott, his wife, said. When he was offered the chairmanship of the mathematics department at Rutgers University College in 1946, he accepted on the condition that he could also teach and consult in quality control. "The mathematics department considered that 'Ott's Folly,' " Mrs. Ott said, "but they agreed."

From this tenuous beginning came some of the promising methods that Ott used to educate much-needed statistical quality control professionals for industry. At Rutgers, Ott developed statistics courses that led to bachelor and master of science degrees—a fairly rare commodity at the time. He started the annual All-Day Conference on Quality Control and Statistics in Industry, also known as the Rutgers All-Day Conference. The Rutgers faculty included Harold Dodge, Martin Wilk, and Horace Andrews. Ott more than held his own in this impressive line-up, according to Mason E. Wescott, an ASQ Honorary member and former Rutgers professor. "Ellis was the spark plug that kept the team together and always headed in the direction of turning out genuine professionals to serve the needs of the quality control field."

The program became so popular that in 1959 a formal Statistics Center was founded as a part of Rutgers' Graduate School with Ott as director. In addition to programs leading to master of science degrees in applied and mathematical statistics, the new center offered courses leading to a doctorate. The next year, Ott received the Shewhart Medal for his outstanding contributions to the quality control field. In his acceptance address, he warned, "ASQ and industry can have an influence in an expanding and improving series of university programs, especially at the graduate level. The need for increased numbers of Ph.D.s is critical. It isn't a question of whether industry can afford it—it is a question of whether it can afford not to."

Further recognition of Ott's efforts came in 1968, when he received ASQ's Grant Award. He was eventually appointed professor of applied and mathematical statistics at Rutgers, and on his retirement in 1972 was named professor emeritus.

Behind the growth in the Rutgers program lay Ott's conviction that students be taught not only the theory of statistics, but also their application. "Theory and application must be coupled from the very beginning if we are to develop logical processes of reasoning and decision making," he said in his Shewhart acceptance address. Students had to be active in industry while they were participating in the Rutgers program. This helped them relate what they learned in class to the real world.

Ronald Snee, a former student of Ott's, said in accepting the Metropolitan Section's 1980 Ellis R. Ott Award, "The graduates of the Rutgers Statistics Center have had an impressive impact on the statistics profession. They have made contributions in many segments of industry, government, and academia and in many different subject matter areas. These graduates have provided, and will continue to provide, leadership in the quality, statistics, and related professions."

In addition to his academic contributions, Ott provided statistical quality control and statistics consulting in the United States and other countries. His U.S. customers included General Electric, Bristol Myers, and Aberdeen Proving Ground. He headed a team recommended to the United Nations by Walter Shewhart that in 1952 and 1953 taught statistical quality control to government and industry leaders in India. He returned to India in 1957 and 1962, and made similar trips to Mexico and Japan. Ott was a superb salesman in his consulting, according to Mason Wescott. "He had a unique ability to teach and enthuse mixed groups including foremen, engineers, factory employes, and management personnel."

Ott's talent as a teacher also came through in his many papers, perhaps the most popular of which was "Analysis of Means (ANOM)—a Graphical Procedure," which won Ott the 1968 Brumbaugh Award. The result of his research into process troubleshooting, the ANOM technique provides an understandable way to plot the data when analyzing experiments.

The importance of the ANOM procedure is that it provides the kind of objective data most managers require before they will implement corrective action on a process, Ronald Snee wrote in the January 1983 issue of Journal of Quality Technology, which was devoted to Ott's memory. "[Ott] liked to emphasize that improvements can be made in almost any process where there is clear evidence of assignable causes. Ott felt strongly about this philosophy, promoting it throughout his career in his courses, lectures, seminars, his book Process Quality Control, and in his latest papers."

Process Quality Control was based on Ott's consulting experiences in problem solving. First published in 1975, the book was revised by Edward G. Schilling, who received his doctorate under Ott.

Beyond his teaching, consulting, and writing, Ott made time for many contributions to ASQ, of which he was a founding member. He was on the first editorial board of Industrial Quality Control magazine. From 1949 to 1965, he was the editor of IQC's "Practical Aids" column, a how-to statistical series that was compiled into a book by ASQ's Quality Press. He was an ASQ vice president from 1956 to 1960.

As an ongoing tribute to Ott's contributions to the quality control profession, several of his colleagues formed the Ellis R. Ott Foundation after his death in 1981. The goal of the foundation is to "honor his memory by advancing the goals to which he devoted decades of tireless effort: Applying statistical quality control to maximize industrial productivity and introducing statistical quality control to a broad spectrum of people." The Foundation is a fitting honor to a man remembered as a teacher, student, and source of inspiration. Countless Rutgers students remember scenes such as this:

Ott to class at the end of the semester: "I wonder if you've all gotten the point I've been trying to make this semester."

Voice from the back of the class: "Plot the data!"

Ott: "No, I have tried to teach you to think."

Second voice: "Think. Then plot the data."

三頭六臂集 470-481


David Hsu論文快收工了 加油
me: great news. have a good time to the finishing line.

戴明博士經常會使用此辭 {戴明管理方法}等都翻成 "醜陋的個人主義"
  • rugged individualism
  • 徹底個人主義 {てってい こじん しゅぎ}
  • rugged individualist
  • 厳格 {げんかく} な[ 徹底 {てってい} した ]個人主義者 {こじん しゅぎ しゃ}


或大公司如Toyota等內部資料 智材
After ner 200 years, we still knowing the body with English and Japanese.

看看這則外行的報導 什麼ISO是"
國際最高品質的殊榮" 請你笑忘江湖

ISO新版認證 台北慈院獲殊榮(1900)
大愛新聞 - Taiwan
台北慈濟醫院在2006年,成立十個月的時候,醫療服務就獲得ISO 9001的國際品質認證,今年證書到期,醫院不只重新通過稽核,還領先全台,取得2008年最新公告的品質轉版認證,在醫療、護理、行政、研究,以及教育,獲得國際最高品質的殊榮。 從驗證公司的手上接下證書,台北 ...

主辦通知布告一直弄成4月20日(星期二) 讓許多人搞糊塗 因為沒人檢查一下

"通識教育論壇「我的學思歷程」講座 講者:林柏榕 董事長(家扶基金會) 主持:包宗和 副校長 時間:4月20日(星期一)晚間7:00~9:00 地點:文學院演講廳
林柏榕簡介 籍貫:台灣省台中市 學歷:國立臺灣大學外文系畢業 美國哈佛大學進修(研究美國史與外交政策) 現職: 財團法人台灣兒童暨家庭扶助基金會董事長 財團法人台中世界貿易中心董事長 台中市文山社區大學校長 榮譽: 國立台中一中創校九十週年(2005年)傑出校友 國立臺灣大學創校八十週年(2008年)傑出校友 總統府資政 "

Acer 早晚出貨量全球第一
VW 趕上 Toyota (前年它趕上 GM)
独VW の第1四半期販売台数、トヨタ<7203.t>抜き首位となる見通し
DE: 株価, 企業情報, レポート)は、第1・四半期の自動車販売台数でトヨタ自動車(7203.T: 株価, ニュース, レポート)を抜き、首位となる見通し。独政府の販売奨励策が寄与し、主要市場でVW車への需要が堅調となったことが背景。 第1・四半期のVWの世界の販売台数 ...


since (BECAUSE) ?

since談的是"理由" (reason)
BECAUSE 是原因 (cause)


許多事情 人算不如天算

大學生每天賴網五小時; Bloggers Get the Book Deal

網路是最奇怪的教育場所 我們大多搞不清楚 它對社會文化等的衝擊


教育人行道 blog 第一次有人追蹤
這是鼓勵 不過有點遲了 最好還是通通信 打氣

日本打算申辦2016奧林匹克 天 逝者如斯
The theme song of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics was "Tokyo Gorin Ondo," a tune that reflected the heady celebrations that filled the nation. After it was written in 1963, big record companies rushed to sign pop superstars such as Michiya Mihashi, Kyu Sakamoto, Yukio Hashi and Haruo Minami to record the song for their labels.
這年我國小五年級 台北中山國小忠班 同班有許多有錢人 他們家有電視 我們沒 要幾年之後才有

2009年4月19日 星期日

談幾張難忘的圖 (製作中)


Brian Joiner 的 注冊商標 Joiner 三角

文章中採用第四手圖等的核校問題 譬如說 第27頁 的 "Joiner 金三角" 這在這月刊已多次出現 每次都不一樣 都亂抄 亂改

關於 "Joiner 三角" 的原著者 Brian Joiner的最重要著作 "第四代管理"
我在1996年與 McGraw Hill 公司合作出版
基本上我的翻譯為 "品質(顧客滿意) 科學方法 團隊一體)

至少可以追蹤至1939年出版的 MANAGEMENT AND WORKERS by F. J. Roethlisberg and William J. Dickson 第33章
Mmutually Interdependence Relation between Behavior, Sentiment, and Belief. (p.535)

A= sentiments of the group
B= behavior in restricting output
C= reson given for their behavior

***** F J Roethlisberger (b.1898, d.1974)
Man-in-Organization Essays of F.J. Roethlisberger F. J. Roethlisberger

Management and Morale F. J. Roethlisberger

沟通的天堑与通途 Carl Rogers
摘  要:本文是《哈佛商业评论》历史上最受欢迎的文章之一,首次发表时曾引起巨大反响。两位作者不仅冒管理界之大不韪,提出了全新的理论,强调关注员工感受的观点,同时也通过建议管理者重视下属的想法和感情,对当时视以为神圣的上下级关系提出了挑战。 (共1页)

主要作者 Thompson, James R., 1938-
書名/作者 Statistical process control [electronic resource] : the Deming paradigm and beyond / James R. Thompson, Jacek Koronacki
出版項 Boca Raton, Fla. : Chapman & Hall/CRC, c2002
版本項 2nd ed
Beta :

稽核項 xxii, 431 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
附註 Includes bibliographical references and index

Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fl : CRC Press

Mode of access: World Wide Web
ISBN/價格 1584882425 (alk. paper)

9781584882428 (alk. paper)
標題 Process control -- Statistical methods

Production management -- Quality control

Kwaliteitscontrole. gtt

Procesbeheersing. gtt

Productiemanagement. gtt

Statistische methoden. gtt

Electronic books local
其他作者 Koronacki, Jacek

2009年4月18日 星期六

三頭六臂集 459-69




這句我19日上午參加 苗栗頭屋鄉 Mr. Tea 百茶文化會館開幕典禮和會餐時都體會到
賀客許多客家人 包括鹿苑國樂社的多人

日本 vs 台灣之制度

所以台灣制個人分擔部分太少 容易浪費資源或造成貪污

回來談近日醫師都很少有經驗 盡力保持牙齒


中時電子報 - Taiwan
China國家統計局局長馬建堂日前表示,真實可信不僅是統計系統履行職業責任的要求,也是自覺接受社會和公眾監督的要求。 國家統計局網站17日挂出外國媒體的一篇文章《如何看待中國經濟減速時期的GDP統計》。馬建堂對這篇文章表示,要方方面面共同努力,不斷提升中國統計數據品質和公信力。

統 計專家指出,此舉說明國家統計局希望與國際人士互動,共同探討中國GDP統計方法,把中國GDP數據統計得更準確、更紮實。也是提醒全國統計工作者,在國 際金融危機對中國影響不斷加深的嚴峻形勢下,更應高度重視數據品質,不僅要將真實可信作為統計人履行職責的要求,同時更要自覺接受社會和公眾對統計數據品 質的監督。


2010 Ford Mustang

None of the charm of its predecessor has been lost in the newest Ford Mustang.

Friday, April 17, 2009
Today's Highlights


Buy Poster at AllPosters.com
The Evolving Mustang
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The Ford Motor Company unveiled its new car, the Mustang, 45 years ago today, at the New York World's Fair. The first of the "pony cars," the Mustang was a runaway hit. Though the Ford company only expected to sell about 100,000 cars in the first year, six times that many were sold that model year and it had already made its movie debut in Goldfinger. Agents took orders for 22,000 cars on its premier day, with a ticket price of $2,368. The Mustang was the first car ever to win the Tiffany Gold Medal for Excellence in American Design; it went on to win many other awards and was named five times to the Car and Driver Ten Best list.


"Everything in life is somewhere else, and you get there in a car."E. B. White


Practical Traveler


To counter customers’ reluctance about jetting off for conspicuous consumption, travel companies are pushing trips that emphasize service.





這 篇戰鬥“檄文”中,引用了今年兩會期間,全國人大代表、吉林森工集團董事長柏廣新的一個觀點,那就是他對去年12月實施《飲料通則》提出的否定意見——柏 曾向全國人大常委會提交了《關於禁止飲用水中添加食品添加劑的建議》的議案,對礦物質水進行了“技術層面”的否定。











接 著,從7月24日起,康師傅陷入更為嚴重的“水源門”。一篇名為《康師傅:你的優質水源在哪?》的網路文章在天涯論談上披露,作者稱潛入康師傅杭州水廠 後,發現“康師傅礦物質水是自來水”。這篇帖子立即引來大量的網友熱頂,很快變成論壇的頭版。該文章發佈後38小時的時間段內,共有452篇帖子;8月4 日天涯論壇把它擺成了網路頭條新聞,然後,各網路媒體開始轉載。緊接著,上海一家財經媒體進行了連篇累牘地集中報道,在13天時間裏,針對康師傅礦物質水 事件共發表了19篇文章,發稿最密集的3天時間內,連拋9篇稿件。然後,更是被轉載到全國各地報紙與網路,掀起了一波聲勢浩大的“水源門”事件。


8月14日,有人向上海市工商局12315熱線電話舉報康師傅“違法生產”,理由是康師傅標簽上寫著公司地址是在杭州,但卻正在上海生產,並帶領上海松江 工商局查檢上海水廠,由於異地生產在法規上是允許的,那次檢查無疾而終。不過,媒體上隨即卻出現了《康師傅又陷‘產地門’上海工商昨上門突查》的新聞。各 地的媒體也跟上這股旋風,康師傅還沒有從“水源門”事件脫身,立馬又陷入“產地門”。











在 調查中記者了解到,這個自稱為“青草布丁”的“探秘人”,(如同他在天涯上述文章所說的)曾經潛入康師傅工廠:在發帖前的7月17日,康師傅的確抓到兩位 潛入者,當時他們潛入康師傅在杭州郊外的生產廠進行拍照,結果被工廠的攝像頭錄影,保安立即將其制止。期間其僅僅對廢品回收站和污水處理池進行了拍照。其 中一人被工廠保安發現盤問時,自稱是浙江大學的學生,名為吳超超。


至 於網上登出來的4張照片,康師傅人士指出完全是張冠李戴。其中第一張應該是一家飲料工廠車間的,但不知是誰的,並非康師傅,“青草布丁”也沒有進入到康師 傅的車間內;第二張是疑似抽水機器,與康師傅水廠現場不吻合;第三張是工廠外的開發區的熱力管道;第四張則完全不知道是哪的污水圖片。


據 了解,製造“水源門”的第一篇文章,是“青草布丁”在7月24日上午9點43分發佈的,到7月25日23點42分,在此38小時的時間段內,共有452篇 帖子,除去睡覺的8個小時,即作業時間為30小時,平均4分鐘就有一個帖子,發帖之頻繁令人感嘆。據網路人士分析,這個異常的作業可能是一個有計劃的網路 新聞製作作業,其中,應該用了將近100多個馬甲,是在網吧內密集作業的結果。

該網路人士“解構”了其作業模式:第一步,先 以1分鐘1篇帖子的超快速度將帖子炒熱,用“罵聲一片”引起關注;第二步,進行“有理有據”分析,將矛頭直指“優質水源”;第三步,再由樓主“青草布丁” 發帖第二天冒頭感嘆“沒想到自己的帖子引起這麼多討論”,“澄清”自己絕非槍手,再順便攻擊一下“優質水源”;在槍手們的不斷努力下,終於將帖子頂成頭 條,任務完成,就很少問津此帖。這一大堆內容中除了經事後了解可能是錯誤的圖檔所拼湊的報導外,就是康師傅在外地的水生產基地的外部照片,其他就是各種不 同的“託兒”。發帖者以此搞臭康師傅礦物質水。


去 年8月27日,幾個自稱為品質萬里行四川投訴站的人,在成都召開新聞發佈會,用“紅頭文件”發佈“3號消費警示”,建議消費者“慎飲”康師傅礦物質水。一 時間,各個報紙網路鋪天蓋地眾口一詞地號召消費者“慎飲”康師傅礦物質水。而據了解,所謂的品質萬里行四川投訴站,其在工商註冊登記的工作範圍只包括《品 質萬里行》雜誌的發行與廣告工作。發佈“消費警示”並不屬於其業務範疇。而記者在四川省品質技術監督局12365投訴站了解的情況是,質監局收到投訴更多 針對的是生產過程中的品質問題,消費者“警示”更應該屬於12315的工作範疇。記者在四川省工商局12315辦公室被工作人員告知,所謂品質萬里行四川 投訴站的“消費警示”既不權威更不具有法律效力。

看前衛出版社的台灣諺語大學定價5000 (特價3600)之廣告

碰到世新大學賴校長 練武回來

我說台大真不像話 約10年前即由校長宣布有網路電台
上周演講 還只能 點對點廣播給高雄女中



台大農學院 翻譯 EXPERIMENT 為試験
一般翻譯為 實驗
現在竟然碰到 兩者通吃的
Watch メディアフロージャパンが多チャンネル放送実験、走行実験も
ケータイ Watch
MediaFLOの周波数利用効率の高さや、送信側のパラメーター・屋内外の電波受信状況に応じた品質性能などが検証される。実験試験局(中心周波数213.143MHz)は、豊見城市に中心局(空中線電力170W)と高速道路局(空中線電力10W)が、那覇市にギャップフィラー局(空中線 ...


17日晨偶聽兩則新聞 覺得台灣政府之治理能力真差
一是米酒從20元 到180元 結果地下產品百花齊放

二是號稱國道高速公路以後可能效法國外 上路前要預約
以DOUBLE CHECK 照相機中的起迄站

昨天晚從台中回來 中興號 80元
由於從朝馬上來幾位大學女生 大哥大的說話比較輕聲細語
有一位 她母親可能 "'掌握"其行程四處
電視 兩邊放映 一是魯冰花
一是中視 這可能是我多年再次看它
不過似乎去訪問 HENRY FORD博物館


オイル漏れが生じることにより、エンジンシステムに発火が生じる恐れがあるという。GM広報担当者ケリー・クリストファー氏は、「万全の注意を払ってリコールに踏み切っ ...


Senseo One-Cup Coffeemakers Recalled by Philips Consumer Lifestyle Due to Burn Hazard

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed.

Name of Product: Philips Senseo One-Cup Coffeemakers

Units: About 155,000

Distributor: Philips Consumer Lifestyle, of Stamford, Conn.

Hazard: An electrical fault and the build-up of calcium from hard or medium water can cause an obstruction in the coffeemaker. If this happens, the boiler can burst, posing a burn hazard to consumers.

Incidents/Injuries: None reported in the United States. The firm has received 17 reports of incidents in Europe, including six reports of minor personal injury involving first degree burns to the hands, arms and abdomen.

Description: This recall involves Senseo one-cup coffeemakers with model numbers HD 7810, HD 7811, HD 7815, HD 7820, HD 7832, and HD 7890. Model numbers are located on the bottom of the coffeemaker. Date codes are printed on the bottom of the coffeemaker. Coffeemakers made in China have date codes 0727 through 0847; coffeemakers made in Poland have date codes 0627 through 0847.

Sold at: Wal-Mart, Target and Safeway stores nationwide and online at Amazon.com between July 2006 through March 2009 for between $60 and $140.

Manufactured in: China and Poland

Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the coffeemakers and contact Philips for instructions on receiving a free replacement unit.

Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Philips toll-free at (866) 604-0051 between 8 a.m. and 11 p.m. ET Monday through Saturday, and 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sundays. Consumers can also visit the firm's Web site at www.senseoexchange.com

To see this recall on CPSC's web site, including pictures of the recalled products, please go to:


復盛 王啟州 王錦山 兩先生來訪
主要談 朝會15分鐘如何利用遊戲等教育品質
除了多解釋red beads funnel/介紹 win as much as you can/ daily data for controlling states study
鼓勵自己開發12 短劇

鍾 老師您好
真的非常感謝您今日贈書, 我一定會好好拜讀, 另外關於漏斗實驗與紅珠實驗, 我各
在萬能技術學院與大華技術學院有找到資料, 請您參考, 謝謝.


(See attached file: 漏斗實驗.ppt)2008

Fusheng Group Machinery Division
Sanchung Factory
Quality Assurance Department
Gary Wang

吸引学生 游戏出马 2009

英国教育专家艾伦•斯蒂尔(Alan Steer)爵士说,要让调皮捣蛋的学生变得爱学习,老师就需要在教学中引入一些有较强参与性的游戏。像宾果(Bingo)、猜猜画画(Pictionary)和谁想成为百万富翁?(Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?)这类游戏,都值得借鉴。


曾担任中学校长的斯蒂尔爵士,授命于英国学校事务大臣鲍尔斯(Ed Balls),就儿童行为问题进行一项为期四年的调研工作。上述观点就是斯蒂尔在报告结尾部分提出的。









英国学校事务大臣鲍尔斯(Ed Balls)对斯蒂尔爵士的观点表示赞同,尤其肯定了报告中提出的“家长应在儿童行为教育中发挥重要角色”的观点。
