「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2009年4月14日 星期二

Chance, Luck, and Statistics

Chance, Luck, and Statistics (Paperback)

by Horace C. Levinson (Author)1963年版

Product Description
In simple, nontechnical language, this volume explores the fundamentals governing chance and applies them to sports, government, business, and other fields. Part I concerns the theory of probability in relation to superstitions, fallacies, and betting odds. Part II applies probability theory to statistics, including its relevance to warfare, sports, social problems, stocks, and other areas. "The style is clear and lively. The treatment ... is remarkably accurate. In short, it is a good book."--Scientific Monthly.

第 325 頁
Dr. Shewhart and his associates at the Bell Telephone Laboratories studied the problem of quality control in the manufacturing process, with very important ...
中文翻譯本沒出處 1926年10月的 The Bell System Technical Journal
統計你贏的機率, 萊文森(Horace C. Levinson)著, 天下文化2004

"This is a very ellementary, almost jejune text. It is strictly for the non-mathematical & even non-logical!"jejune, meager

