「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2009年4月7日 星期二

三頭六臂集 433-443



Economists debate recovery's shape
Two former chief economists of the International Monetary Fund disagreed Tuesday on whether the eventual global recovery will take the shape of a solid "V" or weak "L."

這雜誌是 Deming 博士喜歡讀的 那天過去研究一番
Harpers.org is the website of Harper's Magazine, an American journal of literature, politics, culture, and the arts published continuously from 1850.

你想 想想這些數據和實務嗎?

Aircraft hit birds 62% more since '90s

近20年前買的一本演講稿 百來頁 我決定拯救這本封面毀損的書Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities, NEH 不知道為什麼沒將它封藏之

它用facade 談他之一面 我突發奇想 寫本 建築的 音樂的 draped facade, Façade:An Entertainment

ntu 圖書館的清潔工橫掃過來
不過她可能不知道 我寶貴的是pc內之資料
隔座要 login 她說等等 先不要

上周的大事似乎是 國民黨的人都要改姓
在中國 黃英九在台北效忠虫虫祖先




Yamaha 鋼琴召回

樂器製造大廠Yamaha Corp.(7951-JP;山葉)周四宣佈,打算關閉台灣與英國工廠,作為營運重整的計畫的一部分。 Yamaha一直以來專注於製造鋼琴,銷售全球。但由於台灣與英國工廠生產的需求量大減,該公司將轉向加強中國和印度工廠的生產。 Taiwan Yamaha Musical Instruments ...
日本YAMAHA慘賠將解散台灣子公司 聯合新聞網
日樂器大廠山葉將關閉台灣、英國 自由時報
產能大降日本樂器大廠山葉關閉台灣及英國廠 中央廣播電台

4/7苗栗某電動玩具 一小時20元
又一Deming Award
Maxwell legal services wins government-wide award
by Carl BergquistAir University Public Affairs4/6/2009 - MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, Ala. -- The director of the Air Force Legal Operations Agency's Directorate of Legal Information Services, or AFLOA/JAS here at Maxwell, said he was notified March 27 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Graduate School that his organization had won the government-wide 2009 W. Edwards Deming Award. Col. Peter Marksteiner said Brig. Gen. Richard Harding, AFLOA commander, submitted AFLOA/JAS for the award for a training program they developed to increase personnel understanding and efficient use of information technology. He said the program could have positive implications for the entire Air Force by becoming a template for future training programs. The award is presented annually to a federal government organization, or a civilian or uniformed branch of the military, in recognition of an impressive workforce development and training initiative that has measurably improved the organization's performance. "Reviewers praised the Directorate of Legal Information Services' submission for carefully linking the training initiative to solid outcomes that improved the performance of the organization," Dr. Jerry Ice, CEO and president of the Graduate School, said in a congratulatory letter to Colonel Marksteiner. "The reviewers also complimented the directorate for providing the training during specific time slots, and for compressing the course content into short modules focused on practical tips and tools that would quickly benefit the user." Colonel Marksteiner said he and his staff are "thrilled" by the award, which is a first for the JAG Corps and the result of a "total team effort" on the part of JAS. He said the IT training modules were built using "cheap, off-the-shelf" software and gave the Judge Advocate General's Corps important skills to do their jobs more efficiently. "I like to say we are teaching people how to better use scraps of time," he said. "If you could give back just 10 minutes in everyone's day, a 220-day-work-year would give each person back more than 2,000 minutes, or about 36 hours they could apply toward their jobs, or trips to the gym, or coaching little league." Tim Skinner, AFLOA/JAS deputy director, said an exhaustive study showed the 4,600-plus members of the Judge Advocate General Corps weren't using IT tools smartly or efficiently. "Our goal was to put together some simple modules to train our personnel on how to be more efficient with IT tools," he said. "We broke the training into short modules that covered Excel, Outlook, Word and a number of JAG Corps-specific applications, and showed people how to use these tools for better performance on the job." Colonel Marksteiner said for at least the last decade, knowledge-centric organizations the world over, like the JAG Corps, have recurrently asked, "How can we best leverage evolving information technologies to execute our legal missions?" "[AFLOA/JAS] concluded the answers to that question falls into two general categories," he said. "The first having to do with what could be referred to as 'technical solutions,' or the hardware and software pieces of the machine, and the second having to do with behaviors and personal practices, or how knowledgeable workers use the technology that's available." The colonel said the technical solutions piece continues to be a fast moving and constantly changing target. The best approach an organization can take is to convince people to remain flexible and to embrace change. He said the IT behaviors and practices piece presents one very enduring principle that is absolutely critical, and that is to ensure people have a solid baseline skill level in how to use the IT tools available to them. Colonel Marksteiner said total training time for the course was four hours, and there were 34 modules available, of which 10 had to be done by everyone. JAG Corps personnel could then select elective modules to fulfill the remainder of the four-hour requirement. Active-duty members had five days in early October 2007 to complete the training, while Air Reserve Component members, due to their duty schedules, had until the end of the calendar year. "The overwhelming majority of available JAG Corps personnel met the goal and completed the course," he said. "We did the active-duty training during an 'information technology stand-down' so that everyone was encouraged to complete the training in a dedicated block of time." Mr. Skinner said one of the advantages of the program was that it helped older members learn the newer software. He said that even many of his computer programmers remarked that they learned new things about IT tools from the modules. "We spend a lot of resources on IT tools but not a lot on teaching people how to use them," Colonel Marksteiner said. In his letter of congratulation, Dr. Ice said he felt the efforts of AFLOA/JAS demonstrated the principles of Dr. Deming's "result-oriented" vision. "I look forward to presenting the Air Force Directorate of Legal Information Services with the W. Edwards Deming Award on April 20, 2009, at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C.," he said. "The presentation will be in conjunction with the Excellence in Government one-day conference. Again, congratulations for your outstanding accomplishment and for your continued commitment to educational excellence in the public sector."
24小時的麥當勞似乎改啦 現實考驗
4/7 晨五點 它前面就有有人在門外等
NTU 的圖書館人馬多 一組最少兩人 或許是換班 不過 她們經常自己聊天說笑

哈 那個企業的櫃檯現在用兩人呢 這是響應政府多用人政策
ISO文件 品質目標 滿意度調查









有時候 壞消息可以當好消息 因為做事 只要非矯枉過正 可
商業電台 - Hong Kong


入口商瑞士諾華由瑞士入口的眼藥膏Cortiphenol H 2.5毫克裝,因為註冊過期未有重新註冊,被衛生署下令回收,這批眼藥膏在前年十二月底註冊到期,衛生署估計大約有一萬支已供應私家醫院、私家醫生及藥房。 衛生署發言人指,使用這款眼藥膏並無即時安全和品質問題,不過由於 ...

衛生署表示, 入口商「顯榮行」 , 正在回收兩款從澳洲入口的治療牛皮癬的藥膏--匡膚德蒽林軟膏( Dithrasal) , 因為藥膏被澳洲當局驗出, 含有過量的「二羥基蒽醌」 , 簡稱DHAQ. 要回收的兩款藥膏, 分別是匡膚德蒽林1%軟膏和匡膚德蒽林2%軟膏, 都是50克支裝. ...

被迫卸去通用汽車公司(General Motors)首席執行長一職的瓦格納(Rick Wagoner)應能得到些許安慰。因為這家身為20世紀美國象徵的企業至少不會在他任內宣佈破產了。


據美林(Merrill Lynch)分析師墨菲(John Murphy)計算﹐通用汽車包括拖欠工人錢款在內的債務額達620億美元﹐相當於其市值的35倍。







Barclays Capital分析師約翰遜(Brian Johnson)估計﹐假設美國2.5億輛現有汽車中有一半的車齡超過八年﹐只需鼓勵駕車人將這些舊車中的2%折價換購成新車﹐就能創造250萬輛的新車銷售量。

這種以舊換新項目還具有更公平分配政府汽車業救助資金的效用。它能使汽車工業普遍受益﹐包括福特汽車公司(Ford Motor)﹐後者一直努力避免向聯邦政府提出救助要求。



Liam Denning

但 在美國﹐情況則要稍微複雜一些﹐不僅僅是因為通用汽車公司(General Motors Corp.)在2008年每三週就要耗掉10億美元。更大的問題是﹐通用汽車不斷縮水的資產背後是太多的債務清償索求。美國政府希望通用汽車創造出的自由 現金流能夠抵消開支﹐在當前這一經濟下行週期內﹐這樣的想法似乎並不現實。

Barclays Capital分析師約翰遜(Brian Johnson)給出了一組冷冰冰的數字。在通用汽車最新提交給政府汽車業專門小組的計劃中﹐該公司預計從2010年到2014年能實現營運利潤471億 美元﹐減去255億美元的資本支出後還能剩餘216億美元﹐但這樣的估算因被視為太過樂觀而未獲通過。

同期用於支付利息、到期債務、退休 金及醫療保險繳費和其他各項支出還需要354億美元。就這個數字還是在假設全美汽車工人聯合會(UAW)將同意通用汽車降低對醫療保險信託基金的現金繳付 規模的情況下得出的。約翰遜估計﹐即使通用汽車上述現金繳付規模減少90%﹐無擔保債務償付規模下降一半﹐通用汽車的現金流缺口還有63億美元。




Liam Denning

