「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2009年4月2日 星期四

Transformation 2009, UK

Transformation 2009
The 10th Annual Transformation Forum
The Rules Have All Changed ...or have they?

Tuesday 19th to Thursday 21st May 2009
The Robinson Executive Centre, Wyboston Lakes, Bedfordshire, UK
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Ten years ago the UK Deming Transformation Forum held its inaugural conference to promote the sustainable transformation of organisations in the private and public sectors. It recognised that there are well trodden paths to consistent and sustainable success. Organisations must work steadily to improve their performance, focus tirelessly on the needs of their customers, deliver consistent and high quality services, and embed a systematic approach to continuous improvement. Top-down bonus and target-driven approaches tend to optimise each department at the expense of the others. Instead, leaders must work on the whole system, identifying the flows of work and customer pathways, facing their problems honestly and involving all of their staff in the effort.

Ten years ago, things were different. The years since the dot com boom appeared to offer the promise of economic stability, high employment, endless steady growth, easy credit and environmental improvements. In 2008 it became apparent that this was an illusion. It seems that the rules of business and politics have changed again.

Or have they? Most of the problems that we are now experiencing could have been predicted many years ago (and indeed were). However, during the good times few people want to know about the risks. Problems were clearly being stored up and the psychology of society continued its timeless swing between exuberance and despair – boom and bust.

Yet those well-trodden paths still show the way. Systems Thinking & Deming's management methods work to transform any organisation in any economic situation and provide success over the long term. Originally developed and refined by Dr W Edwards Deming through his work and research with many organisations around the world, they now provide the foundation for the Transformation Forum in 2009. Explore all this and other leading thinkers’ views, whilst networking with other people and organisations facing similar challenges to your own. Book your place now.

For information and bookings go to:

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