「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2009年4月29日 星期三

100 days later (Obama's presidency)/ 螺絲的品質

Barack Obama's presidency

100 days later

Apr 28th 2009
From Economist.com

How Barack Obama compares with other presidents at 100 days

THE 100th day of his presidency falls on Wednesday April 29th and Barack Obama remains popular. Despite the dire economic situation, his overall approval rating is a healthy 65%, only three percentage points lower than when he first took office, according to Gallup. Over the past 50 years, the approval ratings of presidents at the 100-day mark have varied widely. Democrats seem to do badly: Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter suffered a similar dip in their fortunes. But every Republican had gone up in the public's estimation after 100 days.


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(藤本隆宏( 2003 )『能力構築競争:日本の自動車産業はなぜ強いのか』中央公論社. ...。藤本隆宏 {能力構築競爭:日本的汽車產業為何強盛} 北京:中信,2007)
這本書提到,日本車的螺栓等,都是客製的,而不像美國車多採標準品。這樣成本比較高。這樣,是否太超過一般的規格( OVER-SPEC)呢?

他說,這也難說,因為這些螺絲讓日本車贏得好品質的聲譽:二手車都很搶手、車價可維持高水準。所以,也許是值得的 。


(德 國)「故障原因已经部分查明 :2007/7/10周二,克吕梅尔核电站出现了新的故障。运营商法腾法尔解释道,核电站对全部630个膨胀螺栓进行了检测,发现设备中的十几个膨胀螺栓 安装不配套,其中至少两个型号错误的螺栓都得更换。这些螺栓主要用于固定操作设备的装配台。联邦环保部长加布里尔声明,克吕梅尔核电站在彻底查清原因、排 除故障之后可以恢复运行。」

screw (sth) up (MISTAKE) phrasal verb [M] INFORMAL
to make a mistake, or to spoil something:
I reckon I screwed the chemistry exam up totally.

justing: 「……Cross thread fastener,是指螺紋未依正常程序作業(螺絲external是兩塊牙版相互輾牙未對稱,螺帽internal是牙攻未依內導倒角攻入或重攻牙造成 不正常雙螺紋線,所導致交錯螺紋 or 俗稱:亂牙.,造成對鎖件無法正常鎖入或鎖一半。 」

HC:謝謝Justing很專業的解釋。我昨天弄一詞條"cross, cross threaded,"現在應更新。其中可能的情形是將瓶子等沒依照原紋而鎖錯。這是應用上的錯誤 他們日常可能也這樣用。不知道這想法對不對。

justing:「Dear 鍾老師, 這種想法是正確沒錯,因為都是在有螺紋的情況下,

大型機構,如:鑽油機,:方螺紋,用途:傳遞動力... 」
cross〔俗〕 不正, ごまかし

cross talk (ラジオの)混信, (電話の)混線, 漏話; 雑談.

Cross threaded 咬扣; 錯扣

Definition Angular misalignment of internal and external threads relative to each other resulting in improper make-up.內外紋未正確扣住


Mike Taylor takes visual and all other information he receives, mixes it with emotions stirred by daily life in a hyper, cross-threaded, twenty-first century postmodern culture and ends up with paintings that lean towards the surrealistic or sometimes the abstract. Strongly influenced by western art of the first half of the twentieth century, Taylor's subjects range from rocks and trees to people to basic celebrations of form and colour.


('pər) pronunciation

adj. Slang.
  1. Having a very excitable or nervous temperament; high-strung.
  2. Emotionally stimulated or overexcited.

[Short for HYPERACTIVE.]


Prefix meaning above the normal range, or abnormally high.

