「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2008年8月27日 星期三



小柳賢一先生是日本科学技術連盟 (JUSE)的専務理事。他的最大貢獻可能是提議設立「戴明獎」。1951 (デミング賞「戴明獎」) ,這創意和落實,可能領先歐美台灣30幾年。

劉振 先生 雖然不懂日文,不過卻能與小柳賢一先生保持連絡,這段台灣日本的文字交往,真是了不起。




'The 10th Anniversary of the Deming Prize : How Have 25 Leading manufacturers Materialized SQC for Better Quality and More Efficient Operation?' May, 1960, presided by Kenichi Koyanagi

'It was in 1948, or three years after the war termination, that the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers started a series of research and investigation on the industrial application of Statistical Quality Control. But our research workers then were few, and they could avail themselves of little information and literature on the subject. Not until Dr. W. Edwards Deming gave his compact, practical Quality Control lectures in this country in August, 1950, under the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers sponsorship did our industrial application of Statistical Quality Control method start steady progress. It is his educational activities at that time and his advices and suggestion in the following years that have given us the guiding torchlight and invincible determination with which we have been well able to use QC methods wider and wider in industry, the Deming Prize was found, and it was award for the first time in 1951…


2件通信(兩封信,照相制版),發表在W. Edwards Deming 品管九講 W. Edwards Deming 劉振譯 ,臺北:品管學會,1970:台北:中國生產力中心,1972。


