In an interview on Sunday, Mr. Porter, Mr. Hayes’s fellow songwriter, said that his friend was “recuperating from a stroke,” but added that “in the middle of all that he was still trying to have fun” and had even returned to his birthplace in Covington to go fishing.
---Isaac Hayes, 65, a Creator of ’70s Soul Style, Dies 紐約時報
「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.
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- 書中人物網絡
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- 張忠樸先生
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- Statistical Quality Control Handbook 中譯之故事
- 劉振老師致漢清同學 (三通 1980 s)
- 敬請賜覆RSVP 東海戴明學者講座(2008年10月16日)
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- 1951 (デミング賞「戴明獎」)
- 三頭六臂 通信集 15-20
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- 【三頭六臂 通信集 5 】
- 三番兩次回譯 Deming's 1950 Lecture to Japanese Management
- trying to have fun
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- Quality Management Monthly , CSQ vs JUSE , Aug. 20...
- 談 ASQ 的 Deming Medalists
- Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures 2008
- "The New Economics" is about the future of Mankind
- 2008 Deming in Quality Progress