「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2013年8月14日 星期三

品質眾生相 (88-91 ): York 大學暴漲十多倍之後如何品管? /一定空間的取捨/紐約時報當機/印尼出口品質

品質眾生相 (91 ):
CNN 印尼國家形像廣告的出貨箱子印EXPORT QUALITY

品質眾生相 (90 ):
Http/1.1 Service Unavailable
Times Web Site Returns After Hours Offline
Officials said the failure was the result of a problem with regular maintenance of the site.

品質眾生相 (89 ): 商務+經濟艙- 一定空間的取捨和組合

It's not always the case that adding more premium seats will make an airline's normal offerings worse, it all depends on how many seats the airline tries to cram into the rest of the plane. If an airline reduces the number of economy seats, it can maintain the same level of service there while adding premium seats http://econ.st/1cZb4DW品質眾生相 (88- ):

今年我們的同學蔡英文 (中研院) 回校演講。他過去公費留學是到英國York大學取得博士學位。
近日我寫York 大學的創校校長Eric John Francis James, Baron James of Rusholme (1909 –1992)傳記。這所大學現有11學院 28個研究中心,與世界288所大學有合作關係。(1970)該大學學生只有3000學生。現在學生數55 千,教職員7千,校友25萬人之多。

