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2013年8月17日 星期六

波音787夢想客機:問題與難題 New Challenges For the Fixers Of Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner

這是紐約時報7月30日的文章. 我前幾天讀過日本ANA航空發現 有問題 當時因為不打算報導波音787夢想客機近來的問題 所以沒貼文. 今天讀此篇. 改變想法.


Boeing makes the 787’s fuselage out of strands of carbon fiber layered around a rotating mold by a computer-controlled robot that looks like a spider.波音在製造由碳纖維構成的787飛機機身。一個蜘蛛外形的機械人,在電腦控制下繞着一個旋轉模具層層疊加碳纖維絲。

然而,儘管這一輕型混合物節省燃油的性能深受航空公司的喜 愛,但最近發生在倫敦希思羅機場一架787客機的火災,首次驗證了修復嚴重損傷的難度和高昂成本。現在正值波音的關鍵時期,公司急於展示,像787這樣的 碳複合材料飛機,即使有重大損傷,也能與老式鋁製機型修復得同樣快、同樣有效。一架飛機每停飛一天,就會讓航空公司損失數萬美元。
  • 檢視大圖 位於法國圖盧茲的裝配線在組裝空客A350客機。和波音的787夢想客機一樣,A350擁有複合材料機身。
    Francois Mori/Associated Press
航空專家表示,波音將把受損部分切割下來,然後用膠水,或 者很可能是螺栓,把一塊由多層複合材料板構成的大補丁,固定到這架使用不到一年的鋥亮的新飛機上。聖迭戈航空顧問漢斯·W·韋伯(Hans W. Weber)說,「這有點像《歌劇魅影》(Phantom of the Opera),裡面那傢伙戴着面具,掩蓋他半邊臉沒了的事實。」
波音還需要安裝新的複合材料支架,其中一些可能將由強度更 高的鈦製成,目的是固定住補丁,並鞏固飛機的結構強度。假如破損更嚴重,波音還可以把容納機身後部大部分結構的23英尺長的桶狀外殼整體取下,簡單地換上 新外殼。不過複合材料專家懷疑,此次這樣做的可能性不大。擁有這架飛機的是埃塞俄比亞航空公司(Ethiopian Airlines)。
波音首席執行官小W·詹姆斯·邁克納尼(W. James McNerney Jr.)上周稱,「我們感覺很踏實,我們知道如何應對這一問題,以及可能出現的多數其他結構問題。」
然而,一些分析人士似乎沒那麼有信心。2011年底以來, 波音公司交付了70架夢想客機。分析人士認為,埃塞俄比亞航空公司飛機起火提出了一些未知問題,可能導致維修工作比其他已交付飛機的維修複雜得多。波音透 露,公司曾在少數幾架787上進行過規模較小的複合材料修復,這些飛機的破損源於雷擊,或是被機場服務車或機修工具撞擊。
波音希望在接下來的數十年里賣出數千架這樣的飛機,鑒於這 種創新型噴氣機對波音的未來至關重要,紐約州華盛頓港航空顧問羅伯特·曼(Robert Mann)說,「此刻,他們會不惜採取任何措施,來顯示飛機是可以修復的。我們會知道,波音公司需要多長時間來修復飛機,不過老實說,我們也許永遠不會知 道維修的成本。」
華盛頓大學(University of Washington)運輸飛機結構先進材料卓越中心(Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials in Transport Aircraft Structures)主任、機械工程學教授馬克·塔特爾(Mark Tuttle)說,「現在已經有完善的維修技術,用來維修複合材料的結構,不過,公平地說,這些得到認可的技術只適用於修復較小的部位。」


New Challenges For the Fixers Of Boeing’s 787

The thin plastic skin on Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner is an engineering marvel, a mix of carbon fibers and epoxy molded into large barrel-shaped sections that are then baked at up to 350 degrees in giant ovens.
But while airlines love how this lightweight concoction saves fuel, the recent fire on a 787 at Heathrow Airport in London provides the first test of how difficult and costly it will be to repair serious damage. It’s happening at a pivotal moment for Boeing, which is eager to show that even significant damage to a carbon-composite plane like the 787 can be repaired as quickly and effectively as in the old aluminum models. Each day a jet remains grounded costs an airline tens of thousands of dollars.

 An Airbus A350 on the assembly line in Toulouse, France. Like Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner, the A350 has a composite fuselage.
Francois Mori/Associated Press
An Airbus A350 on the assembly line in Toulouse, France. Like Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner, the A350 has a composite fuselage.
Investigators believe that the cause of the fire, a pinched wire on an emergency transmitter, was fairly mundane. But the damage was anything but. The high temperatures weakened the supports in a 10-foot stretch at the top of the rear fuselage and seared the paint on the top of the skin, causing the most extensive damage yet to one of the new Dreamliners.
Aviation experts say Boeing will cut out the damaged areas and glue or, probably, bolt a large patch, made of overlapping panels of composite materials, onto the shiny new plane, which is less than a year old. “That’s a little like ‘Phantom of the Opera,’ where the guy had this mask to cover the fact that half his face was missing,” said Hans W. Weber, an aviation consultant in San Diego.
Boeing will also need to install new composite supports, and possibly some made of stronger titanium, to hold that mask in place and shore up the structural integrity of the plane, owned by Ethiopian Airlines. If the damage were more extreme, the plane maker could remove the entire 23-foot-long barrel containing most of the jet’s rear fuselage and snap in another one, though composite experts doubt that it will do so in this case.
Boeing said it was presenting the repair options to the airline and would not discuss them publicly. Its engineers are running computer models to analyze the costs and other trade-offs, like how much the added weight from the bracing might reduce the plane’s heralded fuel savings.
Boeing executives say they have been developing the repair techniques for years, as they gradually increased the use of composite parts in other planes. And many of them are similar to the methods used with aluminum.
“We feel comfortable that we know how to address this issue and most other structural issues as they arise,” Boeing’s chief executive, W. James McNerney Jr., said last week.
But some analysts seemed more skeptical, saying the fire on the Ethiopian jet raised a wild card that could make the repairs much more complicated than others on the 70 Dreamliners delivered since late 2011. Boeing said it had made smaller composite repairs on a few 787s that had been hit by lightning or bumped by airport service vehicles or mechanics’ tools.
Given how crucial the innovative jets are to Boeing’s future — it expects to sell thousands of them in the coming decades — “they will do anything at this point to show that that airplane is repairable,” said Robert Mann, an aviation consultant in Port Washington, N.Y. “We’ll know how long it takes them to fix it, but realistically, we may never know what it costs.”
The composite materials have created new challenges for airline mechanics, who need new maintenance tools and skills. Unlike aluminum, carbon structures do not dent visibly and require special ultrasound probes to identify damaged areas, and there is a shortage of mechanics with the right training.
To address these concerns, Boeing has devised repair kits to fix common types of damage, like when luggage carts bang against a plane.
To reduce the need for complicated fixes, and cut repair time, Boeing has engineered spare parts that can be bolted onto areas that have been prone to damage on other planes. Those include damage around the plane’s nose, from pilots dragging the tail on the runway, or collisions with service vehicles near passenger and cargo doors.
“There are well-established repair techniques that have been developing to repair composite structures but it is fair to say that these recognized techniques are for smaller areas,” said Mark Tuttle, a professor of mechanical engineering and the director of the Center for Advanced Materials in Transport Aircraft Structures at the University of Washington.
For minor scrapes, mechanics can make simple repairs by bonding new layers of composite over the damaged areas with epoxy and heat from portable blowers. Other damage might require casting molds, special cutting tools, vacuum seals or small-scale ovens as well as bolts to hold the new composite layers in place.
The biggest problems come with more substantial damage, like on the Ethiopian Airlines jet. In this case, experts said, Boeing has to come up with a custom repair given the extent of the damage and its location at a critical area right in front of the tail, where the vertical stabilizer is attached to the fuselage.
Airbus has taken a somewhat different approach in building its A350 jets. Instead of the barrel-shaped architecture favored by Boeing, Airbus is using 40-foot to 60-foot composite panels for each section of the fuselage. Airbus contends that the process will make for easier repairs.
But as techniques improve, and airlines perfect the ability to cut out and replace damaged pieces within a section of the fuselage, it may not make much difference in the end whether the fuselage is made out of barrels or panels.
For now, though, all eyes will be on the Ethiopian jet and how the repair is handled.
“This is a very important test for the industry and the airlines,” said Mr. Weber, the aviation consultant.

