「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2008年7月12日 星期六

Deming Memorial Lectures (2008)

ear Bill,

I am available this week most of the time.
If we can meet this week, I'll bring 10 set of your Chinese books for you as you mentioned last month.

I think the most important meeting agenda I'll bring to you is that, we, a group of Deming User Group in Taiwan, like to take advantage of your stay in Taiwan to deliver Deming Memorial Lectures (2008) in Taipei and Taichung around mid-October.

The Taipei venue might be in the Chinese Society for Quality (CSQ) and the Taichung venue will be in Tunghai University. I hope You can reserve a week in October for this schedule. If you agree to deliver the first Lectures, please prepare for 2-4 lectures, each lecture will be one hour for you. We also plan to made a book/ DVD for it. In his year's Book/DVD, we plan to include a book translated by late Prof. Liu for "Nine Lectures by Dr. Deming".

I hope we have the honor to invite you to deliver our first Lectures. More details will be discussed with you while we meet soon.

A copy of a brief explanations of the Lectures in Chinese is included in this mail for some Taiwanese friends of Deming for their reference..




營運方式:講座通常於每年10月中於台北(品質學會等地)-台中(東海大學等地)各舉辦1-2場,每回2小時。相關的經費、文宣、書籍、DVD等,由某些台灣戴明之友當志工支持、完成。 我們的資源很有限,所以希望CSQ等提供免費場地,其他經費由人文促進基金會和朋友們負擔。

