「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2008年7月30日 星期三

Columbia 大學兼課

我查一下可能還沒介紹Columbia 大學商學院的 Deming Center 當然 那比不上下述的精彩
Deming 在紐約市有一小套房 周一半天在紐約大學(50年以上) 半天在Columbia 大學 兼課 (約10年)
比較有趣的問題 是 這賺不了什麼錢的......

Columbia 大學 科技史一瞥

人多以母校貴。胡適先生在195368日的日記錄 World Telegram的新聞:Columbia Started the Atomic Age 「其中記1938年底至19391……」(胡適日記全集 - Google Books Result9 31--他說當時科學家雲集該大學實為 independent convergence一例)

當然胡適博士忘掉當時那傲報紙已改名 如下說明

In 1950, the World-Telegram acquired the remains of another afternoon paper, the New York Sun, to become the New York World-Telegram and Sun. The writer A.J. Liebling described the "and Sun" portion of the combined publication's masthead as resembling the tail feathers of a canary on the chin of a cat.

2008/7/31早上在BBC看到連載的 The Long Goodbye 談失智之問題

主要是Columbia大學為主導的找其基因之專案 TAUB
The Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain is the
... The institute brings together Columbia university researchers and ...




談Google Knol和Cuil

最近幾天我有機會用deming相關的字眼來測試google 的 knol和它的對手 cuil


Google`s Wikipedia Answer: A Second Shooter on the Google Knol ...
eWeek - New York, NY
By Jack Margo Google Knol tries to out Wiki Wikipedia. Just as you settled on Wikipedia as your de-facto source for all information, Google Knol jumps onto ...

然而對於大部分人而言 wikipedisa的已夠用

google的knol 現在還很貧乏 似乎只英文
我看read beads experiment 許多偏見 差得多


New Search Engine Boasts Depth
Start-up Cuil plans to introduce a search engine that claims to cover three times as many Web pages as Google. It aims to deliver better results than other major search engines by searching across more pages and studying them more accurately.

用GOOGLE查該公司 有簡體字新聞


We’ll be back soon...

Due to overwhelming interest, our Cuil servers are running a bit hot right now. The search engine is momentarily unavailable as we add more capacity.

Thanks for your patience.

之後我進去試用 deming 來查這種號稱以context為主導的搜索引擎




而google 可能更多資料 讓讀者更困惑

Town questions employee evaluation methods

不過世間組織多 經常重新發明問題

Town questions employee evaluation methods

SOUTHINGTON - While town administrators have long held that yearly evaluations of municipal department heads were of little use, members of the town council are asking for more information on ways to measure job performance.

Councilor Anthony D'Angelo brought up the subject of job evaluations at the council meeting Monday, when he asked Town Attorney Mark Sciota to look into the idea of evaluating the job performance of department heads.

To the surprise of several council members, Town Manager John Weichsel said that municipal employee evaluations have not been done in town for years.

Weichsel cited the opinions of Peter Drucker as one of the reasons for not doing yearly evaluations.

"They sometimes do more harm than good," Weichsel said, adding that yearly performance evaluations are controversial and might be difficult with unionized workers.

Drucker, who died in 2005, was a writer and management consultant who is widely considered to be the father of modern management principals. He advocated use of the Management by Objective method of evaluating performance. Essentially, after objectives are identified, the employee is expected to work toward the goal and audit themselves on how they are doing, with immediate input from employers.

According to Weichsel, municipal managers and employees are evaluated daily as they perform their duties.

"We do it every day," he said.

D'Angelo, however, said he felt it was important for the members of the council to have a way of looking at how a manager is performing duties because it also would point out the good things employees were doing.

Councilors Christopher Palmieri and John Barry agreed that having a way of evaluating performance would be an asset for managers, councilors and the employees.

"It's hard for me to believe that in 2008 a union would hinder an evaluation," Barry said.

Councilor Nicholas DePaola, who also is a business owner, pointed out that the town's police department and school employees are subject to yearly, or more frequent, evaluations.

Weichsel said that the town would look at how yearly evaluations could be done and indicated that forms used in the past might be still available.

At D'Angelo's request, Sciota said he would put together a plan for evaluations and deliver it to the council by the fall.



戴明博士(1900-1993)以曾參與創建日本現代經濟奇蹟之美國品管大師而著名,而他為世界級管理哲學家之地 位,也漸為世人所公認。自他開始赴日本工作以來之五十年,戴明博士已建立一套完整系統,即其晚年所稱之淵博知識體系(Deming's System of Profound Knowledge)。

戴明博士的「淵博知識體系」,指志在從事組織「轉危為安」「長治久安」的轉型領導者,都必須能稍為體會、欣賞、融 會、貫通四大核心價值、知識(1)整體系統觀(2)系統的變異觀(3)知識理論(4)心理學。這是一精微高妙的「新經濟學」--適用於工商業、政界、教育 界等等。也是個人修養精進、公司發達、社會繁榮、世界和平所不可或缺的。

譬如說過去幾年的產品含鉛過量 食物藥物等不安全 標示証照造假...
Japan bans lobster shipments after FDA warning
Boston Globe - United States
PORTLAND, Maine—Shipments of North American lobster, also known as Maine lobster, have been banned by Japan because of a misunderstanding over safety, ...

下文取自WSJ 很值得當入門的思考



Daniel Ikenson




包括世界銀行(World Bank)的斯米恩•迪亞科夫(Simeon Djankov)和約翰•威爾森(John Wilson)在內的全球優秀經濟學家指出﹐“貿易便利化”對增加全球貿易流量起到的作用要甚於進一步降低關稅所帶來的影響。降低關稅固然重要﹐但如果繁復的海關流程和薄弱的物流及通信體系依然未有改變﹐那麼縱然降低關稅也不會促進貿易的發展。


然而﹐前面的路依然漫長。世界銀行最新進行的“生意人”(Doing Business)調查向我們介紹了一個也門漁業出口商的故事。這個名叫塔力克(Tarik)的出口商﹐其生意由於長期存在的繁瑣出口流程而受到了限制。他原本能以每公斤5.2美元和1.1美元的價格分別向德國和巴基斯坦出口新鮮金槍魚和冷凍金槍魚﹐但由於等待政府出口批文的時間平均要花上33天﹐因此他只能向德國賣出300噸鮮魚﹐而向巴基斯坦賣出1,700噸凍魚。他每年為此付出的機會成本可能達到700萬美元。

曾在《經濟學家》(Economist)當過貿易記者的羅伯特•加斯特(Robert Guest)在卡圖研究所(Cato Institute)近日舉辦的一次論壇上發言﹐向人們講述了啤酒是如何從一個喀麥隆港口運送到該國的內陸雨林的。一次原本要不了一天的行程卻走了四天﹐貨車因沿途設立的關卡停了47次﹐向工作人員支付通行費和其他費用。


斯蒂芬•克里斯考夫(Stephen Creskoff)最近在《國際貿易與關稅》(Global Trade and Customs Journal)雜志中指出﹐如果出口的美國貨物從倉庫運抵港口以及進口貨物從美國港口運抵國內倉庫所需的時間平均縮短一天﹐美國每年的貿易額將增加近290億美元。這一數字比經濟學家預計美韓自由貿易協定所能帶來的美國貿易年增幅還要高。



Quality Movement Is Transforming Medicine

How the New Quality Movement Is Transforming Medicine.

W. Edwards Deming (1900-93)生前就這樣說過

“The best way for a student to learn a skill is to go to work in some good company (or hospital), under masters, and get paid while he learns.” W. Edwards Deming, Out of the Crisis

Re: QRDC開會7/11記錄
我常說 我可以寫出不在會議記錄中的許多事情
上次會議中 我強力建議品質學會成立healthcare 委員會
我說日本科技連盟 JUSE多年前就出版過"醫療品質手冊"
我說..... 我說.....

現在 用紐約時報的一篇書評代替"我說"

唯一要補充的是 提議人似乎也可以當跑腿...


2008年7月29日 星期二




2008年 悟

早已過 "我今四十餘,從此終身閒。若以七十期,猶得三十年。"白樂天



· A note for 2008 Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures

Bill to Hanching:

Looks good. Profound Knowledge is a good topic for the lectures. You might point to Deming's influence on key Japanese companies and recognized industries, if the mention of Japan doesn't stir up controversy. You might bring up the competitiveness with India companies wining Deming Awards recently.





: 在台灣嗎?很難得看到你。

Chen: 是阿 我在台灣 我減少上網次數

me: good idea

Chen: 我最近有一人才培育的體會與鍾sir分享

me: 請說

Chen: 有人問說人才怎麼培訓

我現在覺得 人才就是人才 人才是無法培訓的

主管能作的 只有辨別某人是不是人才

me: 要有機會讓它發揮 : 這是多維的能力

Chen: , 有機會讓他嘗試以辨別

就像小孩子唸書的本事不太行 去惡補也是沒用的



me: 沒錯 你的主要心得是...

Chen: 這是最近的一個體會 我的team裡面明顯的有些人是不太行的

me: 可是能不能互補

Chen: 我開始覺得我應該找其他人來試試看



me: 開發是特別 如何一開始就投入其中 是否從資深中去找

Chen: 新人看他的反應




我發覺那很容易區別的 真的

me: 你很資深 不能要求人人如此


Chen: 同期進來的人, 同樣交付類似的任務

比如說碰到困難 有的人會放著不作


有的人會想, 有的人會問

他大概不知道我在觀察他們, 不過真的很有趣

me: 其實主管績效靠部屬


Chen: 不過我會覺得可以比"需要的人"再多開一個缺

me: 當然 這是好主意

Chen: 有多一個人來看看, 對我而言算是投資吧


me: 其實DEMING認為所有這些 都是投資

Chen: 那我從實務中學到這點了



me: 今天讀到:信望愛之外,還有LUCKY

Chen: 同樣是哭 肚子餓跟不舒服跟亂哭是不一樣聲调

me: 你信心多 因為有小孩 那天你會……

Chen: 如果有注意小朋友表現, 好的和中等的或是比較差的



me: 基弘 我們總結一下 這些整理之後再發NEWSLETTER

Chen: 你說

me: 我沒懂具體個案 你最近公私心得融合一起

我認為 大家同事一場 最重要要想辦法帶心 讓人發展、發揮

Chen: Thanks for the wisdom.

me: 剛看到STARBUCKS澳洲關61 其實 跟對公司很LUCKY

Chen: 的確

決策是上層, 受苦是下層

me: Peter Drucker once said, "whenever anything is being accomplished, it is being done, I have learned, by a monomaniac with a mission. ...

法美電信 ALCATEL-LUCENT雙老大剛下台Alcatel-Lucent Chiefs to Step Down

我不打擾你晚餐時間 以後有空聊

Chen: bye. busy on phone call.

昨天談話中的知名洋公司事情今天WSJ 都有翻譯呢:



2008年7月27日 星期日


約1992年我在日本京都某居家之大屏風狂書此詩 驚訝異常

歸國買白氏全集 讀樂天之長詩 曰人生盡在山間區折中

1998-99年幾次請朋友幫忙打字 都無法成篇

2005年四月二十日張 瑞麟兄初稿 回hcl"有無法將??處補上"?

429_33 游悟真寺詩(一百三十韻)】白居易




2008年 悟





A note for 2008 Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures

The purpose of 2008 Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures is to to foster understanding of The Deming System of Profound Knowledge™ to advance commerce, prosperity and peace in Taiwan, so that Taiwan can maintain its leading role in various fields.. The Lectures are sponsored by a group of friends of Mr. Hanching Chung who like to dedicate it in the memory of some of his deceased teachers and friends of Tunghai University, honoring the memory of their Tunghai Days. We particular like to express our thanks to Mr. William W. Scherkenbach ‘s kindness to agree to deliver the lectures.

It is easy to cite the praises from the presses about Dr. Deming’s legacy. A few samples for your reference. .In 2005 BBC Radio 4 there is an episode “Do It Like Deming” (July 03, 2005 Business on the box ) In Fortune Magazine’s 75th Anniversary( July, 2005) special section of “20 That Made History”in last 150 years, ”Dr. Deming 1950”was among one of the key historical decisions. Dr. Deming was also one of “The 50: People Who Most Influenced Business This Century” (with General Douglas MacArthur, Oct,1999, the Los Angeles Times). Not to mention the well cited as one of the “revolutionary thinkers” of the history of Wikipedia article "U.S. News & World Report". (Oct. 10:52, 1991).

Unfortunately, most people’s understanding of Dr. Deming’s true legacy, Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge are still very limited and in many ways misleading. For example, I made a comment about the article “Red Bead Experiment” by Mr. Mike Johnson which claims his red beads kit is the original one and he “donated an original paddle and set of beads to the ASQ Organization to be displayed in their new headquarters building in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Information about this display is available in the Deming Newsletter dated Spring 2005..”(http://knol.google.com/k/mike-johnson/red-bead-experiment/3p1wt3p4nkpas/2#)

I suggest him to change the title to "a red beads kit for ASQ display" and as for the ASQ 2005 Display in Deming Newsletter, the readers should read the original report. Please visit. Deming Newsletter dated Spring 2005. http://deming.org/pdfs/DemingInteractionSpring2005.pdf

I also recommend readers to read Dr. Deming's books for the meaning of the game. The reason is very simple that we can easily trace the Red Bead Experiment at least since early 1950s in Dr. Deming’s Japan lectures and the texts of lectures in Taiwan in late 1960s.

It is obvious that Taiwan is a leading place for Dr. Deming’s teachings thanks to many pioneers of productivity and quality movement since 1950s. In fact, this 2008 Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures are dedicated to some leading advocates and contributors during past half century.

We are most lucky to invite Mr. William W. Scherkenbach as our speaker. We published his two masterpieces ( with Dr. Deming’s most favorable forewords) in 1996 and ever since then Bill become one of our honorable Taiwanese friends. He now work for one multi-national corporate Litton-On as a vice president of Six Sigma and Quality.

A comment for "Red Bead Experiment" Google's Knol

Red Bead Experiment


In 2005, Mr. Mike Johnson donated an original paddle and set of beads to the ASQ Organization to be displayed in their new headquarters building in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Information about this display is available in the Deming Newsletter dated Spring 2005.



I suggest to change the title to "a red beads kit" for ASQ display

I recommend readers to read Dr. Deming's books for the meaning of the game.

As for the ASQ 2005 Display in Deming Newsletter, the readers should read the original report. Please visit. Deming Newsletter dated Spring 2005.


2008年7月26日 星期六


1997年台北出版的 W. Edwards Deming 晚年代表著作之翻譯:《轉危為安》《戴明新經濟觀》兩書。它們在2003年出版簡體字版(二合一),另外取名為《戴明論質量管理》(海口:海南出版社)。我約於2004年在台北購得它,並帶戴久永老師去購一本。它定價人民幣48元(約192元台幣,是台灣書定價合計750元的約4分之1)。




2008年7月25日 星期五

戴明博士四日談 絕版

(兩周前)HC「請問 美商艾迪生一維斯理合作出版 聯絡電話」

報價竟然是5-7年前的一倍 所以不再搞合作出版啦」


HC:「這正是12年前出的。當初addison 台灣堅持必須合作出版。我開始時拒絕,後來台積電提供粗稿,我勉為其難搞。當初每本95 6400

Dear Mr. Chung,

Good day!

Below is the brief quotation for reprinting this title:

600cps NT$ 190/ per copy

1000cps NT$160/ per copy

Please let us know which qty you decide to do the reprint, and we’ll issue official order form for you right away.

2008年7月24日 星期四








戴明(1900-1993)或許聽說過胡適(1891-1962)大名(待 考),然而胡適大概從未聽過戴明。不過,我以為胡適是少數有淵博知識系統的人,他又是極有影響力、前瞻的人、在文化上、政治、教育上,都極有成就,也留下 大量的作品和紀錄,成就很了不起。我們可以從多重角度來看胡適的遺產,例如從文學、哲學、史學、文化批評、教育家或行政家(外交官等),來考察胡適的種種 貢獻。我們今天的觀點比較特殊,是從行政學及管理學來談"胡說"。

首先,胡適遠比戴明博學的多,雖然胡適也勸人為學要如「金字塔」般求博求精,但基本上胡適是學者,他在論事、問世(做校長、大使、院長……) 都有貢獻,而戴明是管理顧問、「統計研究顧問」及兼任商學院教授。不過,他倆都是「美國製」的,都是受實用主義影響的,都相信「產官學」新經濟的重要。對 胡而言,他的產業是文化業及農業,而戴明的產業基本上是各行各業,尤其是工業。不過這樣比較,是得不出洞識力的。 我想,我們要看這兩位「愛國志士」終生要做的大事業之「一以貫之」之道才好。胡適的人格發展及歷練,都比戴明要平衡的多。胡適是紳士;戴明對有些大公司的 負責人等,則有「見大人則藐之」的「自卑感」這些只是小缺點,我以為他倆的人格,基本上都達到「情感-理智-意志」上平衡的發展。







2008年7月23日 星期三

日本"隨機"殺人案數判定與 情感問題

日本"隨機"殺人案 數

既然是"隨機" 數量的意義要技術解釋.....這是"共同音因或特殊因"的管制狀態判定問題

以上從" 理" (logical) 層面看 不過事件可以從

Utter fool snuffs out a woman's tomorrows


snuff sb out phrasal verb [M] US SLANG
to kill someone

Tall buildings framed the sky where cumulus clouds were forming here and there, while the hot summer sun beat down on bouquets of flowers on a makeshift altar. A card, almost buried under the flowers, bore this message: "Dear Bookstore Lady, thank you for your many, ever-ready smiles. I won't forget you."

Tragically, life ended abruptly for Mana Saiki, the victim of Tuesday's fatal stabbing at a bookstore in Hachioji, western Tokyo. Saiki was a university student who worked part-time at the store. To everybody who knew her, she "was always cheerful and responsible." It breaks my heart that those words must be written in the past tense now.

I cannot describe how much I loathe this horrendous crime, which snuffed out the life of this gem of a young woman, leaving her forever in the past.

I cannot even begin to imagine the pain and sorrow of her grieving family and friends, who will never again be able to speak of her in the present tense.

As I bowed my head silently before the flower-laden altar, I recalled a passage from a poem by Tatsuji Miyoshi (1900-1964). It goes: "No, there is no yesterday/ There is only today's clock marking today's time ... There is no yesterday anywhere/ You were standing there yesterday/ You were laughing there yesterday/ Yesterday is no more."

Still, the passage from life to death must be hardest on those who are dying, rather than on their grieving bereaved ones.

Saiki's killer, who severed her "yesterday" from "today," reportedly told police that his victim "could have been anyone."

I understand he also said: "My parents had no interest in what I wanted to tell them. I thought everyone would come to know my name if I committed a crime."

When I think that a grown man of 33 years can be so infantile and yet so violent at the same time, cold chills run down my spine.

The "bookstore lady" was reportedly well liked by everyone who met her. She already had a job lined up for after graduation next March and was working on her thesis. Her attitude toward life was always positive.

In personality, she could not have been more dissimilar to her killer--an utter fool who habitually blamed society and other people for his unhappy life.

--The Asahi Shimbun, July 25(IHT/Asahi: July 26,2008)

Drming 參觀過東培


我記得Drming 首次訪問台灣參觀過東培 它是 TNT的合作廠商

2008年7月22日 星期二

感謝 蔡坤祥博士


我交代慧真三件事 其中一事是預約
12月出初我會mail 給你新講義 (妳或可考慮先給報名者書或e-學院等資訊)
12日1100 也請蔡坤祥博士來演講 .....
你昨日的概論相當好 可以考慮寫得詳細點 投稿品質月刊





中國石油公司煉製研究所研究員 蔡坤祥

《善用實驗來改善 手冊》

書沒出版 2008





P. D. Moen,T W. Nolan,L P. Provost三位為戴明學生,受到他的啟迪,近二十年來教導業界實用的製/流程改善,寫了這本Quality Improvement through Planned Experimentation(原文書(約500頁,附CD-ROM)供應,請來電訂購),極為戴明所推崇,出版時(1990),戴明給了序。




戴明序《善用實驗來改善 手冊》




可惜的是,一般有關統計方法的教科書及課程上,都沒有告訴學生:數據應用之核心問題,乃在於預測。學生們所學到 的,只是如何作各種統計檢定(t-檢定,F-檢定、卡方檢定、配合度等等),用它們來宣稱檢定下的兩種方法或處理,有無顯著性。令人遺憾的是,此等作法只 不過是形式上的作業而已。檢定該結論有無顯著性的作法,並無法達成我們原先作該比較、測試或實驗的目的,即對未來該方法等的績效或性能,在預測上的信心 (belief),究竟為「高、中、低」?

問題在於任何統計檢定,都是用數據的對稱函數來作,而任何一組數據的對稱性函數,都會使該數據的大半情報消失殆盡 -所謂對稱,指不管你計算任何一組數據的平均值、變異數或第四階動差(moment)時,我們把任何二數據對換,計算結果都不變。與上述對照的情形是:把 數據用來作預測時,如果把任兩依時間順序所作的圖上的兩點加以對換,它們就可能傳達極為不同的信息。

把諸點依時序作圖的方式,可保留作比較或作實驗時引申出的情報。正是此一理由,使得本書所教的方法,對於統計方法 有重大貢獻。它不只對工程師有助益,更對產業界、教育界及政府界中,任何想從比較或實驗中導出的數據中,了解意義的人們,都會有助益。作者們對統計方法上 的貢獻是值得的,令人贊賞的。

W . Edwards Deming





因為 Deming 是前列腺癌過逝的 1900-93)

癌症研究突破 《每日郵報》的頭版報道了英國科學家在治療癌症方面取得了突破。 報道說,對前列腺癌的治療不需要化療。試驗顯示一種新的藥物在80%的案例中能縮小腫瘤,無需使用化療或理療。 報道援引專家說。這項研究結果可能是前列腺癌研究領域幾十年來的最大突破,能夠挽回成千上萬的生命。科學家相信這種技術還能應用於其它癌症,例如乳腺癌和膀胱癌。


主持這項實驗的英國癌症研究所研究員波諾表示:「我們認為,這種藥物非常有效,藥效持久。」阿比特龍是由柯嘉生技公司(Cougar Biotechnology)研製,第一階段的臨床實驗結果已經透過《臨床腫瘤學期刊》(Journal of Clinical Oncology)發表。

部分研究人員認為,腫瘤組織能夠自製助長病情所需的雄性荷爾蒙。波諾表示:「這些荷爾蒙使癌細胞得以存活;阿比特龍可使腫瘤無法製造荷爾蒙。」代號 CYP17的酵素在腫瘤製造荷爾蒙過程中扮演關鍵角色,阿比特龍能夠加以鎖定。此外,即使癌細胞已經擴散,阿比特龍還是可以發揮效果。






The prostate cancer 'wonder pill' set to save thousands every year

By Daniel Martin
Last updated at 7:54 AM on 22nd July 2008

'Wonder drug': Lead researcher Dr Johann de Bono hopes abiraterone will be available for general use by 2011

British researchers have made a dramatic breakthrough against a lethal form of prostate cancer.

Trials of a new pill have shown that it can shrink tumours in up to 80 per cent of cases, and end the need for damaging chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Experts hailed the advance as potentially the biggest in the field of prostate cancer for decades, capable of saving many thousands of lives.

Scientists believe the technique could also be effective on other tumours, such as breast and bowel cancers.

The drug, abiraterone, was discovered by researchers at the Royal Marsden Hospital in South-West London.

Their leader, Dr Johann de Bono, said patients there had been able to control the disease with just four pills a day and very few side-effects.

Prostate cancer is Britain's most common cancer among men and the second highest killer, after lung cancer. Some 35,000 people a year are diagnosed with it - and 12,000 die.

There are two types, aggressive and non-aggressive, which are often called 'tiger' and 'pussycat'. Men with pussycat cancer can often lead a healthy life, but the tiger variety - a third of cases - is usually fatal within 18 months.


Hormone therapy, the standard method of treating prostate cancer, involves blocking production of male hormones like testosterone, which 'feed' the tumour. But it can be ineffective on aggressive forms.

If it fails, doctors turn to chemotherapy, which can have severe side-effects such as nausea, pain, malnutrition, haemorrhages and hair loss.

Many patients also have radiotherapy, to reduce associated pain in the bones. This can be dangerous too, damaging organs and leaving patients exhausted and with little quality of life.

Abiraterone uses a different approach, blocking chemicals in the body which help in the production of the male hormones. It is expected to be widely available in three years, but until then can be obtained only as part of clinical trials.

John Neate, chief executive of the Prostate Cancer Charity, said: 'This is an exciting development which has been eagerly anticipated. Advanced prostate cancer is very difficult to treat as, after time, it stops responding to conventional ways of controlling the male hormone.

'We look forward to the results of the larger trials already under way or being planned for this drug to prove its potential effectiveness.'

Previous hormone therapy had been directed at stopping the production of male hormones in the testes. This works for only about a quarter of aggressive cancer cases, however, and most scientists had written off hormones as a target for research.

But the Royal Marsden team ignored the doubters through 15 years of painstaking study.

The breakthrough came when they found that sometimes the tumour itself can produce hormones - meaning that new treatment needed to target hormones anywhere in the body.

They decided to aim at a key enzyme which is needed for the hormones to be produced.

The Royal Marsden Hospital in central London where the pioneering research was carried out

The Royal Marsden Hospital where the pioneering research was carried out

Experiments with tumour cells in the Royal Marsden's state-of-the art laboratories - the base of Britain's Institute of Cancer Research and Europe's largest cancer research centre - eventually came up with abiraterone.

Studies on 100 patients at the hospital and 150 more in the U.S. have shown that in more than three quarters of cases, the tumour shrunk.

Most men experienced far less pain, meaning radiotherapy could become a thing of the past.

Maltese-born Dr de Bono, 41, who came to Britain in 1984, said last night: 'The Royal Marsden patients have been monitored for up to two and a half years and with continued use of abiraterone they were able to control their disease with few side-effects.

'The drug works even if the cancer has spread beyond the prostate, such as to the bone.

'These men have very aggressive prostate cancer which is exceptionally difficult to treat and almost always proves to be fatal. We hope that abiraterone will eventually offer them real hope of an effective way of managing their condition and prolonging their lives. My vision is to make chemotherapy obsolete.'

Dr de Bono said patients should ask their consultant for details about getting on one of the clinical trials.

As the drug is newly in development, it is not yet known how many years' extra survival it can bring. But patients on the trial have so far lived longer than the estimated 12 or 18 months.

Prostate cancer is associated with ageing, and over the next 25 years it is estimated there will be a 60 per cent increase in the number of men over 65. This means there will be more cases of the cancer and abiraterone could save many thousands of lives.

Its side-effects can include loss of libido, breathlessness, fatigue, fluid retention and weight gain. Some men may be left impotent, but the effects are far less than with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Abiraterone is now being used in a 1,200-patient international study, including at ten sites across the UK. If it is licensed as expected in 2011, it will have to await approval by the rationing watchdog NICE before it is made freely available across the NHS.

Dr de Bono describes prostate cancer as the 'Cinderella cancer' because it receives just a quarter of the funding of breast cancer - £10million against £40million last year - even though it kills just as many people.

2008年7月21日 星期一






Sison des Semailles, Le soir

(V. Hugo 1802 85) P.120





















按 :

此詩令人想起錢鍾書先生的 好詩勝於畫 的論點,此詩或比他晚出數年的米勒 (J. F. Millet) 之「晚禱」及「拾穗」等更有不同的深遠境界,即使透過藝文的了解。



M. Guyan 《無義務無制裁的道德概論》

余涌譯 中國社會科學出版社 P.89





王晃三(摘自Apples for a Teacher)

《樹與花》..第21期 (1998.12.23) 中原大學教與學通訊

2008年7月19日 星期六


ref.自由談 八月二十三號 (2008)主題:「左派 右派」;「獨立出版」;「翻譯學」

胡慧玲在『在病中』說荷蘭朋友羅斌【羅斌 Robin Erik Ruizendaal】來探其車禍受傷的右足,建議她:「常常對右腿微笑,對左腿說謝謝。」

這妙語將多傳播 特別通知朋友

朋友或許記得 Deming 引新約聖保羅說 "身體是一系統"之比喻.....

W. Edwards Deming (1900 - 1993) was inducted into Automotive Hall of Fame

Deming was inducted into Automotive Hall of Fame

Automotive Hall of Fame (AHF)



This is the single greatest honor in the motor vehicle industry, intended to honor a career and/or lifetime achievement. To become a "Hall of Famer" the nominee must be either retired or deceased. Recipients must have significantly impacted the development of the automobile or the motor vehicle industry. Typically, four to eight individuals are inducted each year.

W. Edwards Deming (1900 - 1993) image1

  • Expanded the used of statistical methods as a management tool to achieve higher quality at a lower cost

  • Introduced statistical quality control methods to Japanese industry and significantly contributed to Japans post-World War II economic recovery

W. Edwards Deming strengthened the worlds economy by improving Japanese industry.

In the aftermath of World War II, the Japanese auto was not fully competitive with other global manufacturers in design and productivity. Aware of Demings work in developing statistical methods to evaluate industrial production, the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers invited Deming to Japan to teach courses on quality control. The implementation of Demings methods enabled Japanese companies to set new standards of quality that were acknowledged in the global marketplace.

American automakers responded to increasing competition from Japan by incorporating Demings methods into U.S. production, resulting in a new relationship between management and workers. The significant increases in productivity and product quality resulted in lowered production costs.

One industry analyst noted: Deming teaches that the more quality you build into anything, the less it costs...because you design it in rather than inspect it in.

standard operating procedure and Deming

standard operating procedure and Deming

standard operating procedure (簡寫為SOP)標準作業程序

(美國USthe usual way of doing something:
Checking references before we lend money is standard operating procedure.

(fromCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


Parisin the Fifties (Preface) "... During the 1950s, when I worked as a Time correspondent inParis, it was standard operating procedure to swamp the editors back in the New York office with voluminous, detailed and often ..."


Indeed, Deming was the classic prophet without honor in his own country. It wasn't until the '80s that U.S. manufacturers adopted his principles largely to meet the competition from Japan. Deming's 14 points are now standard operating procedure around the world. Cait Murphy 這句SOP說得太隨便啦 事實上14經營要點像聖經等做人處世格言 看似簡單 其實不容易實行

吃水果也有SOP喔!」--這句讓我想起Deming將冰箱的雞蛋寫上日期 先進先出

check/checkup to study

2008年7月20日 星期日

check/checkup to study

PDCA(「Plan」計画、 「Do」実行、「Check」評価、「Act」改善) 國際通用
PDSA是Deming博士改的 S為 Study

CHECKUP:健康診断; (仔細)調査. The act of examining carefully:


Tokyo Electric Power Co. announced Tuesday nuclear-related problems in which control rods at nuclear reactors slipped during routine checkups in its Fukushima No. 2 nuclear power plant's No. 3 reactor in Fukushima Prefecture and its Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant's No. 1 reactor in Niigata Prefecture.


Keith Orr thought he would surprise his doctor when he came for a checkup.

2008年7月18日 星期五

Advertising the Beach海濱當局可惡

我昨天讀Deming 家鄉利用他的名搞顧問公司 莫名其妙 所以不引

底下這海濱/灘顧客的"停車場票效"之不滿投訴 有意思

Advertising the Beach

Over the holiday weekend I paid a meter for two hours of parking near the Virginia Beach Oceanfront. I returned to my vehicle to find a ticket.

My meter had not expired, and a crowd was growing with interest when I flagged down a city police officer, who called headquarters to ascertain why the ticket had been issued.

The foul was I had left a "For Sale" sign in my car’s window. The assisting officer himself had never heard of such a law. The city manager’s office didn’t know of the obscure law, either.

If the people who should know of such a law haven’t heard of it, what is the likelihood a paying visitor/customer will?

Further, what is the likelihood that visitor will come back to the Beach? The city will lose far more than the $20 ticket in future revenue from me.

As the late W. Edwards Deming warned, the satisfied customer will tell 10; the dissatisfied will tell 30. I will tell 300 and stay out of the Beach.

Rick Titi


You do not install quality; you begin to work at it.


Wal-Mart is testing the idea of offering installation and repair services as part of a joint venture with computer-maker Dell.


Protect your furniture with these strong vinyl clipcovers. Easy to install and remove, and keeps your upholstery free of spill, dust and dirt.

一般我們對install只想到安裝...」旅美筆記(之二) 2007


Out of the Crisis by W. Edwards Deming

印象中是 You can not install quality. 表示美國公司當時1980s 有此說法....

正解為:Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
You do not install quality; you begin to work at it.

2008年7月17日 星期四

Taiwan's Deming Scholar Lectures (2008/ a proposal )

Dear Bill,

Thanks for your kindness to promise to deliver three Deming Scholar Lectures for CSQ and Tunghai University.

As I mentioned to you that the purpose is to address the understanding and application issues of Deming's System of Profound Knowledge.I have been working in this Asia Pacific region for several years and must have some insights or reflection about.the subject of this year lectures.

Let's do some benchmarking for the lectures. Please kindly visit the BBC's Reith Lectures, 2008:

Radio 4 - Reith Lectures 2008: Chinese Vistas

The 60th Anniversary Radio 4 Reith Lectures, on the subject of China, given by Professor Jonathan Spence. Each of the lectures will be available after broadcast to listen again or download.

Let's tentatively set our Lecture schedules as follows,

(Each lecture will be one hour speech, 30 minutes break and another one hour free discussion. The speeches will be taped,)

Lecture 1:

Oct. 14, 1400-1630 at CSQ, Taipei

Lecture 2::

Oct. 16, 1900-2130 at Tunghai University

Lecture 3:

Oct. 17, 1200-1200 at Tunghai University

Please prepare the transcripts of three lectures by the early September so that we can prepare a bilingual booklet for the friends and audience.

Please also prepare your resume and your introduction to the lecture.

2008年7月16日 星期三

看看這系統是否穩定的 再說



預估的訪客人數是實際的什分之一(十年間 )

2008年7月14日 星期一

Deming Lecturer Award (American Statistical Association, 2008)


American Statistical Association Announces 2008 Award Recipients

The American Statistical Association (ASA), the nation's preeminent professional statistical society, today announced the winners of its prestigious annual awards. The winners will be honored on Tuesday evening, August 5, at the President's Address session of ASA's Joint Statistical Meetings in Denver. The list of awards and recipients follows. More information about JSM can be found at http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2008/ Presentations will be made at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Denver August 3--7

Alexandria, VA (PRWEB) July 14, 2008 -- The American Statistical Association (ASA), the nation's preeminent professional statistical society, today announced the winners of its prestigious annual awards. The winners will be honored on Tuesday evening, August 5 at the President's Address session of ASA's 2008 Joint Statistical Meetings in Denver. The list of awards and recipients follows.

Outstanding Statistical Application Award
Established in 1986, the Outstanding Statistical Application Award recognizes a paper that is an outstanding application of statistics in any substantive field. The 2008 award winners are Tian Zheng, Columbia University; Matthew J. Salganik, Princeton; and Andrew Gelman, Columbia University, in recognition of their paper, "How many people do you know in Prison? Using overdispersion in count data to estimate social structure in networks."

Samuel S. Wilks Memorial Award
The Wilks Memorial Award was established in 1964 to honor the memory and distinguished career of Sam Wilks by recognizing outstanding contributions to statistics that carry on the spirit of his work. The 2008 Wilks Award will be presented to Scott L. Zeger of Johns Hopkins University, who is being honored for his outstanding contributions to statistics. The Wilks Award is made possible in part by a generous donation from Dr. Alexander Mood, a student of Dr. Wilks.

Deming Lecturer Award
The Deming Lecturer Award was established in 1995 to honor the accomplishments of Dr. W. Edwards Deming, recognize the accomplishments of the awardee, and enhance the awareness among the statistical community of the scope and importance of Deming's contributions. The 2008 recipient is Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP, of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement in Cambridge, MA. Berwick was chose on the basis of his "extraordinary contributions to improving health care delivery and the human condition throughout the world through his visionary leadership, his passion for health care quality improvement, his appreciation of Dr. Deming's philosophy, and his application of statistical thinking."

The Deming Lecturer Award設立於1995年
旨在表彰Dr. W. Edwards Deming在多種領域上的成就
認可得獎者的成就 以及
在統計學共同體中提醒 Deming 諸多貢獻的範圍和重要性
2008年的得講者為 Donald M. Berwick (麻州劍橋市醫療改善學會的醫學博士兼 MPP (待查))
他對於 Deming 哲學的心領神會 以及

Gottfried E. Noether Awards
The Noether Awards were established in 1999 by the wife and daughter of the late Professor Gottfried Emanuel Noether of Connecticut as a tribute to his memory. It recognizes distinguished researchers and teachers and supports research in nonparametric statistics. There are two Noether Awards given:

The Gottfried E. Noether Young Scholar Award winner for 2008 is Donglin Zeng, Department of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

The Gottfried E. Noether Senior Scholar Award for 2008 winner is Madan L. Puri, Department of Mathematics at Indiana University Bloomington.

Outstanding Statistical Application Award
Each year, the ASA recognizes a paper what is an outstanding application of statistics in the physical, biological, or medical sciences. The 2007 winners of this award are Jeffrey Grogger, the University of Chicago, and Greg Ridgeway, Rand Corporation, in recognition of their paper, "Testing for Racial Profiling in Traffic Stops from Behind a Veil of Darkness." The paper helped diffuse the contentious battles over racial profiling in two cities where concerns over policing had resulted in court-ordered investigations of profiling.

W. J. Youden Award in Interlaboratory Testing
The W. J. Youden Award was established in 1985 to recognize publications that make outstanding contributions to the design and/or analysis of interlaboratory tests or that describe ingenious approaches to the planning and evaluation of data from such tests. This year's award will be presented to Andrew L. Rukhin of the University of Maryland and William E. Strawderman of Rutgers University in recognition of their paper, "Statistical aspects of linkage analysis in interlaboratory studies," published in Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2007.

Edward C. Bryant Scholarship Trust Fund Award
The Bryant scholarship trust is a permanent scholarship fund endowed by Westat to honor its co-founder and long-time leader, Edward C. Bryant. The award honors an outstanding graduate student who is studying survey statistics. The 2008 scholarship recipient is Benmei Liu, University of Maryland in College Park.

Statistics in Chemistry Award
The purpose of the Statistics in Chemistry Award is to recognize outstanding collaborative endeavors between statisticians and chemists. This award is sponsored by the Chemometrics Committee of the ASA Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences (SPES). The winners are Cliff Spiegelman, William D. James and Simon J. Sheather, Texas A&M University; William A. Tobin; Stuart Wexler, Hightstown High School, East Windsor NJ; and D. Max Roundhill, Chem Consulting, Austin, TX. The citation for the award reads: Chemical and forensic analysis of JFK assassination bullet lots: Is a second shooter possible?

The SPAIG Award
The ASA established the SPAIG Award in 2002 to recognize outstanding partnerships established between academe and business, industry, and government organizations and to promote new partnerships. It is the only ASA award that recognizes organizations.

The 2008 SPAIG award will be given to the following organizations: North Carolina State University and GlaxoSmithKlein. The award cites "an outstanding partnership, which has resulted in:

  • Excellent training, mentorship, and work experience for Masters and PhD graduate students
  • Collaborations leading to publications and dissertation research on problems of interest to industry statisticians
  • Opportunities for financial support for hundreds of graduate students over the course of 25 years"

About the American Statistical Association
The American Statistical Association (ASA), a scientific and educational society founded in Boston in 1839, is the second-oldest continuously operating professional society in the United States. For more than 160 years, ASA has been providing its 18,000 members serving in academia, government, and industry and the public with up-to-date, useful information about statistics. The ASA has a proud tradition of service to statisticians, quantitative scientists, and users of statistics across a wealth of academic areas and applications. For additional information about the American Statistical Association, please visit the association's web site at http://www.amstat.org or call 703.684.1221.

2008年7月12日 星期六

Deming Memorial Lectures (2008)

ear Bill,

I am available this week most of the time.
If we can meet this week, I'll bring 10 set of your Chinese books for you as you mentioned last month.

I think the most important meeting agenda I'll bring to you is that, we, a group of Deming User Group in Taiwan, like to take advantage of your stay in Taiwan to deliver Deming Memorial Lectures (2008) in Taipei and Taichung around mid-October.

The Taipei venue might be in the Chinese Society for Quality (CSQ) and the Taichung venue will be in Tunghai University. I hope You can reserve a week in October for this schedule. If you agree to deliver the first Lectures, please prepare for 2-4 lectures, each lecture will be one hour for you. We also plan to made a book/ DVD for it. In his year's Book/DVD, we plan to include a book translated by late Prof. Liu for "Nine Lectures by Dr. Deming".

I hope we have the honor to invite you to deliver our first Lectures. More details will be discussed with you while we meet soon.

A copy of a brief explanations of the Lectures in Chinese is included in this mail for some Taiwanese friends of Deming for their reference..




營運方式:講座通常於每年10月中於台北(品質學會等地)-台中(東海大學等地)各舉辦1-2場,每回2小時。相關的經費、文宣、書籍、DVD等,由某些台灣戴明之友當志工支持、完成。 我們的資源很有限,所以希望CSQ等提供免費場地,其他經費由人文促進基金會和朋友們負擔。

2008年7月11日 星期五

久米 均 談 Deming 獎

デミング賞 (久米 均 東京大学名誉教授)

標準化と品質管理 2008年4月号

2008年7月10日 星期四

Deming 轉引 浮士德

2006前幾天重讀『轉危為安』(台北:天下文化, 1997),被第十四章 兩則個案( Two Reports to Management)中,轉引的哥德 (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) 的話:When an idea is wanting, a word can always be found to take its place. 弄得迷糊。

書上說 我十幾年前是這樣翻譯的:「缺乏好理念之處,總是不乏空言之瓜代者。」(頁461 )

我想 這 idea會不會是古希臘文的 "理想 "……is wanting又是什麼意思,後來再查日本辭典,才放心我沒譯錯 (: want・ing ━━ a., prep. 欠けている, 足りない ((in)); 達しない; 〔婉曲〕 頭が弱い ; …のない.)

上網發現這句話經常被英文界引用,另外一翻譯版本為: When ideas fail, words come in very handy ...

我知道瑞麟兄有比較完整的引言辭典,就請教他。他說:「 所引 quotation(s)未能從手上三本 Dictionary of Quotations中查得。…… 」
我不死心,一定可以地毯式搜索 …… 不過 我我因讀某本文化史之作,其中提到 (德) 艾克曼[Johann Peter Eckermann] 辑录的『歌德谈话录』,我發現它是大陸的中學指定課外書,所以大陸有近十本的翻譯,不過我有一全譯本,卻是著名的朱先生翻譯的大異其趣……

再怎樣差的全譯本一定有優點,我從一首引 Faust的詩中發現它在談語言,可能相關 …..所以我去找綠原翻譯的『浮士德』(北京:人民文學版),發現

「因為正是在沒有意義的地方,塞進一個詞兒總來得及。」( p.57)
好像有希望…… 。
再找 周學普翻譯的 "浮士德" (台北:志文),得啦!

因為就在概念缺乏的地方,在適當的時機也會有言語出來。」(1995-96 行,頁132)。


因為 Deming 著作的每章章首之引言都有深意。所以他認為
W. A. Shewhart在1938 年的著作或「統計的品管」(SQC),
就是所謂的 Total Quality Control,日本人不必再引入新名詞 ……(約1962 )....

2008年7月9日 星期三

Dear Bill,

Dear Bill,

This mail copied to my wife Y. Y. Liu.

As the mail title shown, this saturday night I'll attend the free performance offered by one of the
Cloud Gate Dancing Theatre
(I recommend you and your wife to visit the site)

That is, this Saturday's schedule is booked.
This coming Sunday is open.

I hope we can meer together some day this month in Taipei.

Best Regards,


2008年7月8日 星期二

Everyday Heroes: From Taylor to Deming:

hero, folk hero, everyday hero

"29年前,Lee A. Iacocca 出書大賣,日本有些評論家說,這種和老東家(Ford)吵架的「叛徒」,如果在日本,根本無法公然「賣出」…..

Perry Gluckman, Diana Reynolds Roome, "Everyday Heroes: From Taylor to Deming:
The Journey to Higher Productivity" SPC Press, Inc. (March 1990)


2008年7月7日 星期一

教育界成果(OBE)導向之弊 與 TQM 神話

今天讀到一篇"辱" Deming的文章 如附
談的是美國教育界成果導向之弊 (What is Outcomes Based Education? Jul 7, 2008)
這作者道聽塗說: Deming 是所謂"TQM之父" 這點 Deming鄭重否認 參考 David and Sarah Kerridge(1995)"Guilt by Association"BDA內部刊物"Variation"1995年元月號。

Outcomes-based education is the latest cure-all for K-12 education though its origins may be traced to the progressivist doctrine that has dominated schools of education (and hence public schools) for nearly a century. ....

"...TQM is likewise an idolatry of mission. It was created as a factory floor technique of minimizing the number of defective products at the end of the assembly line. Its inventor, W. Edwards Deming, eventually got a case of grandiosity and imagined his technique could apply to other aspect of business as well. TQM didn’t naturally fit the work of sales forces, legal departments, or creative engineers, but no matter. American business mindlessly latched onto it for nearly a decade. Education, always the last to know, joined the TQM parade just as American business was quietly forgetting all about it. ..."
What is Outcomes Based Education?
Yorktown Patriot - Dolores,CO,USA

2008年7月6日 星期日

wws談 數據品質

前2年 WWS 做Dell 公司顧問


發佈時間:2008.07.07 09:09 來源:CNET 作者:王丹





   對此,IDC中國高級分析師劉飛表示,IT系統的大量建設造成數據的重復、不一致、格式混亂等問題。這些低品質的數據,即便在完成數據集成之後,得出的 也可能是品質不高的資訊。IDC說:“中國企業複雜的的數據環境導致了多種多樣的數據問題出現:72%的接受調查的中國企業存在重復數據,60%的企業存 在不完整數據。另外,跨系統利用數據、系統間數據傳遞不及時、以及業務指標理解不一致造成了企業典型的數據問題。”


   數據集成這個概念對很多中國客戶來說,其實都還不是很熟悉,儘管他們已經或多或少在實際應用這項技術。Informatica大中國區董事總經理吳韶益 說:“要感謝全球化,客戶在數據集成領域的知識進步非常。數據集成已經在全球形成熱門話題,企業有很多IT預算都是在解決這個問題。現在,很多先進的大型 企業都開始採用數據集成技術,概念也在被越來越多的客戶所接受。”劉飛也說:“作為解決企業數據碎片、數據孤島問題的解決方案,數據集成已經獲得了中國企 業的充分認同。”

  IDC指出:中國特殊的軟體建設背景形成了複雜的的數據環境;43%的接受調查的中國企業有10個以上的業務支撐軟體 系統,81% 的接受調查的中國企業在使用兩2種以上的數據庫產品,42%的接受調查的中國企業在以非結構化方式存儲重要數據。而中國企業實施數據集成主要受以下三方面 需求的驅動:來自相關政策和法規的要求、實現差異化競爭的需要、以及企業並購帶來的需求。

  吳韶益一雀巢公司為例,表明瞭數據集成的重要 性,在雀巢公司,當數據不集中的時候,它的風險反而是小的,而進行數據集中的時候,風險反而被擴大了,它就像癌細胞從不重要器官移到重要器官的時候,風險 被擴大了。此外,有很多大型管理軟體的客戶也碰到了一個問題,不同的應用系統在不同的分支結構所得到的結果就不一樣,因為製造業客戶的成本計算非常講究, 每一個時間點它的成本在變化。而摩托羅拉因為採用了數據集中,至少省了200-300百萬美元,這還只是製造業的一個案例而已。

   Informatica中國區資深市場經理朱敏也表示:Informatica進入中國有兩年半的時間,為什麼現在無論是第三方的媒體還有客戶對數據集成 的認知會有明顯的升高?這裡首先有本身公司所起到的重要作用,或者說整個行業裏的重要客戶它們走在最前沿,他們能夠帶動起整個中國經濟或者其他行業在這方 面的重視性。

  “比如說,消費者辦理二代身份證,可能家中幾個人戶口本上的生日和身份證的資訊都不一致。一個人的履歷經過二三十年的記 錄,可能很多地方都有不一致的現象,只有到資訊化階段了,拿出來一掃描就發現有了問題。——沒想到,這個東西反而成了一個產業,並且每年增長21%。歸根 結底是數據化和全球化造成了這樣的趨勢。”IDC中國區總裁郭昕接受記者採訪時這樣表示。

  附: IDC建議





漏斗實驗 --台灣sqc公司


發現台灣有sqc公司論文 漏斗實驗

或許 類似的網頁可能不會有英文版

2008年7月2日 星期三

Deming 與Loosely Coupled Systems

Deming 談的 或許與它大異其趣

我今天讀 Weick - Loosely Coupled Systems
記得這 LCS曾在 Simon的論文提過
不過"管理行為"一書兩次提到他Weick 都指"心理學"參與等 其實他的最末一組織(政府)設計個案 可以從它出發嗎
我把這記下來 或許有機會進一步了解

課題 Loosely Coupled Systems
