Google delays building of new campus
07/12/2013 04:32:38 PM PDT
07/12/2013 05:55:15 PM PDT
has delayed for up to a year construction of a massive campus at the
NASA-Ames research center in Mountain View, apparently because the tech
titan seeks to improve the design of the complex.
Google's Bay
View complex, a short distance from the company's headquarters in
Mountain View, would consist of 1 million square feet of new offices.But work on the new campus will be delayed by six to 12 months, according to sources familiar with the company's plans. Google would not confirm the length of the delay but acknowledged
that construction has been put on hold for the time being. Google had previously said it planned to occupy the campus by 2015.
want to make our Bay View campus a terrific and environmentally
sustainable place for Googlers to work," said Katelin Jabbari, a
spokeswoman for the technology firm. "To make sure we get it right,
we're being thoughtful in our design process."
An estimated 3,500 to 5,000 people are expected to work at the campus on the leased NASA grounds, where Google intends to build the offices.
Mountain View City Manager Dan Rich said Google informed the city about the delay early this month.
"Google wants to refine the architectural design," Rich said. "They want to get it right. I was a little surprised when they told me, but they decided to take a step back."
The Bay View campus is a short distance from -- although not adjacent to -- the main headquarters complex of Google.
One area of controversy involving the massive new project is the placement and configuration of a bridge over Stevens Creek that would connect the headquarters and the new campus at NASA. But the bridge has nothing to do with the delay, according to city officials.
"The delay has to do with the actual design of the project, the look and the exterior of the buildings," Rich said.
However long the delay, it does not seem to mark any sort of retrenchment for Google, or signal that Google intends to scrap the project altogether. The company is on the hunt for even more office space beyond what it has leased or bought recently in Mountain View and Sunnyvale.
Palo Alto's East Meadow Circle area, where several large office buildings are located, is one site where Google has been looking. And the company's Google Glass unit has considered numerous properties in the vicinity, including the San Antonio Station complex near Central Expressway and San Antonio Road.
"Google is still in major growth mode," said Jim Beeger, a senior vice president with Colliers International, a commercial realty firm.
An estimated 3,500 to 5,000 people are expected to work at the campus on the leased NASA grounds, where Google intends to build the offices.
Mountain View City Manager Dan Rich said Google informed the city about the delay early this month.
"Google wants to refine the architectural design," Rich said. "They want to get it right. I was a little surprised when they told me, but they decided to take a step back."
The Bay View campus is a short distance from -- although not adjacent to -- the main headquarters complex of Google.
One area of controversy involving the massive new project is the placement and configuration of a bridge over Stevens Creek that would connect the headquarters and the new campus at NASA. But the bridge has nothing to do with the delay, according to city officials.
"The delay has to do with the actual design of the project, the look and the exterior of the buildings," Rich said.
However long the delay, it does not seem to mark any sort of retrenchment for Google, or signal that Google intends to scrap the project altogether. The company is on the hunt for even more office space beyond what it has leased or bought recently in Mountain View and Sunnyvale.
Palo Alto's East Meadow Circle area, where several large office buildings are located, is one site where Google has been looking. And the company's Google Glass unit has considered numerous properties in the vicinity, including the San Antonio Station complex near Central Expressway and San Antonio Road.
"Google is still in major growth mode," said Jim Beeger, a senior vice president with Colliers International, a commercial realty firm.
塔台搖晃PO臉書 民航局將議處
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蘇力颱風侵台,桃園機場航班調度大亂,有塔台人員在颱風夜錄下塔台內搖晃畫面,並張貼在個人臉書上。(畫面取自壹電視) |
外面下雨 大樓內處處漏水
蘇 力颱風來襲,中台灣一夜豪雨,台中市議政大樓更是出現「外面下大雨,裡面淹大水」情況,初步調查,地下室停車場淹水,還好昨天非上班日,否則議員座車恐變 成「泡水車」;八樓議事廳重金鋪設的紅地毯溼答答一大片,恐怕必須全部換新;官員席前水漬遍佈;議員座位上方漏水,許多資料被淋濕;六樓副議長接待室天花 板不堪積水重量,出現崩塌。
副議長接待室 天花板崩塌
由 於災情慘重,市議會緊急要求負責建物施工的市府建設局請包商搶修,除鋪上帆布墊防水,並調來小水桶「接水」;初步研判,十四樓的屋頂花園因為積水,水滲透 到辦公區塊的走廊;至於六樓及八樓,則因中空設計的「圓弧型」就在八樓的上方,雨水無法外洩、直灌而下。建設局表示正在搶修,希望週一上班日前完成善後。
位 於七期重劃區的台中市議政大樓,從興建到啟用爭議不斷。早在前市長林柏榕時期即規劃興建,胡志強上任後,卻規劃原用地做為古根漢園區;古根漢闢建無望後, 胡志強回頭規劃為市府與市議會特區,其中議會大樓部分,九十五年編列十四.四九億元,經多次追加預算,最後共花了廿六億元,胡志強在議會備詢時,針對議員 質疑他在七期坐擁豪宅,曾表示:「市府在七期蓋了這麼好的議會大樓,議員也可以在精華區上班。」
怎麼驗收的? 藍綠都質疑
廿 六億大樓一夕泡湯,昨天引起藍綠議員強烈抨擊施工品質有問題,國民黨議員陳有江就質疑,大樓到底是怎麼驗收的?民進黨議員陳淑華也表示,議政大樓完工後, 就有「風水不佳」的說法,尤其是中間挑空的設計,被譏為「心臟挖了個洞」,市長胡志強、議長林士昌在一個月內相繼做了心臟相關手術,如今又爆出「瀑布」奇 景,恐怕更是人謀不臧。
這當然是篇勵志產業的訓典 不過還是可以參考啦:
50 年前的咖啡館還在原地等你
第一次去巴黎,我帶著爺爺的重託, 替他尋訪當年留法時最愛的梵卡咖啡館。
Google 一 搜,嚇我一跳,梵卡咖啡館居然還在,連地址都沒變。 我急匆匆趕到那,一進門就興奮地找老太太。這一環顧, 又嚇了我一跳,吧台還真坐著一位銀髮老太,正專心致志地磨咖啡。
我跑到她面前激動地掏出爺爺當年在這拍的照片,她也很激動, 指著照片的女店員說這個是她,她叫索非亞。
半個世紀的咖啡館,連女招待都沒變,門口那花, 都還是當年的天竺葵,仿佛位置都沒挪動一下。
我問索非亞,為何不把梵卡做大做強, 至少也要在門口掛個百年老店這樣的金字招牌。
索非亞笑笑: “
如果那樣,我的咖啡還能讓你爺爺念念不忘嗎? ”
我想現在的梵卡和它的主人索非亞以及巴黎一樣,已經過了比較欲求 的階段,都在很安分地做自己,不會一窩蜂地模仿別人、複製別人。
年前,一個年輕人在那喝咖啡, 50 年後,他的孫女漂洋過海還是在那喝咖啡。店主人還是那個人, 不過生了一頭白髮,卻還是很快樂地坐在那調製咖啡,這裡面一定有 一種不可替代的滿足感。
馬修乳酪是唯一讓我掏錢購買時可以不用想歐元匯率的食品, 口感一流。這家小店竟然被好萊塢電影導演發現,作為拍攝地, 我曾懷疑我再也不能在乳酪店櫃檯前看到馬修燦爛的笑容, 他將在電視財富人物專訪, 津津樂道他的擴張計畫。
“Hi ,馬修的乳酪是馬修親手做的喲。 ”
“ 我只是一個熱愛做乳酪的人,埋頭幹活,遠離麻煩。 ” 他甚至拒絕了家樂福、歐尚這樣的大型連鎖 超市的配貨訂單。
“ 我們在這兒非常快樂,我對現在擁有的一切感到非常滿意。夠了。 ”
“ 我並不富有。 ” 馬修說, “ 但錢對我就像甜布丁,多了會毀掉我的牙齒。 ”
馬修好像有一種 “
夠了 ”
的感覺,我也終於長舒一口氣, 這個 “ 夠了 ” 是一個很難的哲學 :我就是做這件事情,很開心,每個吃到我做的乳酪的人都很快樂, 所以,夠了。這種快樂是我一直想學到的。
我的同學瑪蓮娜家族一直經營著刺繡工坊, 這是巴黎僅存的兩家刺繡手工坊之一,另一家剛被 Chanel
收購。每年, 法國高級成衣設計師將要推出的高級定制系列設計草圖和構圖交給他 們,再由他們一針一線地將水晶、寶石、萊茵石、 玻璃珠等縫製上去。
法國的奢侈品 LV 、
Chanel 、
Dior 一直派人來瑪蓮娜家談收購意向,但瑪蓮娜的父親認為: “
如果那樣, 我們就會變成龐大的奢侈品集團和時尚王國的一條流水線, 夜以繼日地忙碌。 ”
“ 這樣,我將沒有時間為我的女兒親手做她的畢業禮服和嫁衣, 我還想為我的孫女縫製她的結婚禮服。 ”
“ 這個世上還缺少什麼呢?不過一點時間和忍耐。 我們不需要強大自己,因為我們一直在做我們想做的,這就夠了。 ”
在巴黎生活久了,我發現,這的每個人都有他自己的定位, 他們的自信,不是建立在與別人的比較上, 他們任何時候都能做自己。
我們的導師羅曼特常常告誡我們,其實快樂, 遠不需要我們渴求的那麼多。