「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2013年7月1日 星期一

品質眾生相 (24-26) : 實驗各種類保險套的配偶。潮TStage掌握品質。警惕“競爭力”的負效應

  品質眾生相 (25) :


品質眾生相 (24): 實驗各種類保險套的配偶

 在TED設計大師系列. 某人重新設計保險套.
Getting Men to Want to Use Condoms

Testing Condoms: Someone Has to Do It
As guinea pigs in scientific clinical trials, Amy and Max H. take their commitment seriously. They perform the required tests of each product at least several times. They fill out the required forms. After all, they consider it a big responsibility: testing condoms for the California Family Health Council.
“We call it sex for science,” said Amy, who, like Max, is 26. (They agreed to speak only if their full names were withheld.)
They are so diligent that they fill out the forms right after testing a condom. “If I fall asleep and I wake up in the morning and do it, I’m not going to be able to remember the answer to any of the questions,” Max said.
The questions couples are asked are detailed. They include “what they like, didn’t like, did it break, did it flip, did it hurt, how was sex, how was orgasm,” said Ron Frezieres, vice president of research and evaluation for the council, which recruits many of its study participants through Craigslist.
Max has not been a great fan of condoms. For about 18 months he and Amy, who live in Los Angeles and have been together for eight years, used condoms for birth control, and “God, it was stressful,” he said.
“While you’re naked and you’re with another naked person and you’re in bed, and you’re not 100 percent focused on, like, how I put this on properly. It’s really difficult. And it’s a situation where you often don’t probably find yourself with two hands free.”
Also, he said, “if surprise sex happens and you’re not near your condom drawer, you have to go get your condom.”
Amy had fewer quibbles. “Yes, sometimes, it was like the worst thing to ever happen on the planet,” she said. “But even if you’re, like, ‘I want you right now,’ it can be almost like a fun pause because you’re forced to let it linger for a little bit longer.”
When they started testing condoms for the council, neither was overwhelmingly impressed with the new versions, which were mostly standard-design condoms made of materials besides latex.

They had some differences of opinion. Amy liked polyurethane, for example, because “it kind of heats up a little bit more,” she said. But Max said: “They felt very plastic-y. Latex stretches, and the other materials didn’t so much.”

But they were unanimous in their antipathy to the female condom. As Max put it: “We both found the female condom to be aggressively unsexy. It didn’t really seem to make much difference in terms of feeling, but visually we were like, ‘Oh, man, we should just stop.’ ”

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