「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2013年7月9日 星期二

品質眾生相(32-35): 生活品質無法外造 。 中國與日本: 鐵的質與量, Sustainable Manufacturing

As I speak with CEOs around the country about their current and future priorities, I am encountering a growing interest in sustainable manufacturing. By sustainable manufacturing, I mean essentially the creation of manufactured products with processes that minimize negative environmental impacts, conserve energy and natural resources, are safe for employees, communities and consumers, are economically competitive and add value.
The sustainability movement can be historically traced to the focus on total quality improvements popularized by the great W. Edwards Deming, whose genius inspired the Japanese quality revolution in the 1950s, and eventually had a tremendous impact on U.S. industry that continues to this day. I have no doubt Deming would be an enthusiastic champion of sustainable manufacturing.
To some, sustainable manufacturing is synonymous with "green manufacturing" and without question environmental concerns are a key aspect of it. The movement is being driven in large part by a new generation of young people who are acutely conscious of threats to our environment and are determined to improve the communities they live in.
A recent survey of nearly 3,000 companies, reported on the Environmental Protection Agency's web site, found that two-thirds agreed that "sustainability was critically important to being competitive in today's marketplace." As an indicator of growing interest in the corporate sector, 93 of the 100 S&P 100 companies offer sustainability information on their web sites.
A variety of companies are in the forefront of this campaign. For example, Anheuser Busch has saved enough water to produce 25 billion cans of beer, saving millions of dollars in the process. Dow Chemical has reduced energy consumption up to 1.5 megawatts per year, saving money and reducing carbon emissions. Freescale Semiconductor's Oak Hill fabrication plant in Austin, Texas, reduced its annual energy consumption by 28 million kWh of electricity and 26,000 million Btu of natural gas between 2006 and 2009, saving more than $2 million each year. What you see from these specific examples are companies that are making improvements in both environmental and economic performance at the same time. 

This is truly a grassroots movement sprouting up all over. For example, The Institute for Sustainable Manufacturing at the University of Kentucky will host its third annual forum on the topic this August in Lexington. The 11th annual Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing will be hosted by the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, in September. 

Predictably, the EPA devotes a good deal of attention to this movement, offering an array of interesting "Sustainable Manufacturing Tools" that companies can use to guide their efforts to get on board. It also offers a series of case studies of various projects underway to promote sustainability. This material is very provocative and I should think of great value. I urge companies to visit www.epa.gov/sustainablemanufacturing. Clearly, sustainable manufacturing is the wave of the future.
Jerry Jasinowski, an economist and author, served as President of the National Association of Manufacturers for 14 years and later The Manufacturing Institute. Jerry is available for speaking engagements. July 2013


2013年第一季度(1~3月),韓國三星電子拿到了全世界智能手機市場3分之1的份額。如此之大的份額當然是世界第一,現在,該公司的智能手機產量在3億~4億部…… (詳見全文)


......日本鋼鐵企業表現強勁,還在於中國鋼鐵廠商萎靡不振。   按粗鋼產量計算,中國廠商去年有6家企業躋身「世界前10」。但今年業績均表現低迷,股價也處於「低空飛行」姿態。


  「歐盟(EU)應該提高來自中國的產品的關稅」。阿塞洛·米塔爾首席執行官(CEO)拉克希米·米塔爾最近發出了不滿。雖然新日鐵住金也受到中國鋼材的影 響,但作為大型客戶的日本車廠商在全球範圍內銷售強勁,受到的打擊比較輕微。由於希望避免連續2個財年出現虧損,阿塞洛•米塔爾正在積極對歐盟進行遊說。






  為了擺脫「鐵即國家」,日本的新日鐵住金決定在全球市場展開戰鬥。今後將面對的是「鐵即國家」的中國。如果考慮到這些情況,新日鐵住金今後需要付出相當大的經營努力。「希望規模再大一點」,管理層如此認為的日子或許不會再來了。----日本經濟新聞(中文版:日經中文網)編輯委員 中山淳史: 「鐵即國家」的遠去


