「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2008年9月26日 星期五

三頭六臂 通信集 41-46

三頭六臂 通信集 46

˙來自中國食品,若含15%以上之牛乳成分,或牛乳成分不明者:超過2.5 ppm須銷毀

中國質檢總局在星期一(9月30日)發佈的最新通告,中國共查出20家企業的31個批次的奶粉產品含有三聚氰胺,其中中國著名乳品企業伊利和蒙牛都榜上有名。 不過在中國290家奶粉生產企業中,只有154家企業的產品接受了檢查。


科技部在網站上發佈消息,呼籲中國各界向政府提供快速檢測液態奶和奶粉中三聚氰胺存在的技術及產品。 這從側面反映出了出三聚氰胺污染事件的嚴重程度。 科技部呼籲有關機構和人士在10月7日中午前向科技部提供有關的檢測技術和產品。 他們提出,希望有關技術檢測準確,設備和運行成本低,而且希望能夠快速在現場進行檢測。 根據有關徵集啟事根系,有關的檢測產品將應用於2升/公斤或以下包裝液態奶或奶粉的現場樣品檢測。



Cadbury recalls China-made sweets 國際知名巧克力糖商 雖沒驗出 有可能 採取最嚴的下架



在大陸製造乳製品,引入國內的18家廠商,隨著衛生署的檢驗標準改變,原本檢驗的產品均全部合格,如今使用串聯質譜液相層析儀 (檢驗極限值0.05ppm),雀巢的產品被驗出微量三聚氰胺,其他廠商恐怕也挫在等了。

由於檢驗儀器不一致,部分產品使用2.5ppm的濃度檢驗,部分產品使用0.05ppm的濃度檢驗,當時全部過關。 衛生署長葉金川上任,昨日宣布所有的奶精、奶粉、嬰兒奶粉必須使用0.05ppm檢驗極限值的儀器檢驗,雀巢公司首當其衝,第一個被驗出有微量的三聚氰胺。

衛生署昨天定調,對於奶精原物料、奶粉或嬰兒奶粉,不論是進口及本地產品,經靈敏度最高的液相層析串聯質譜儀(LC/MS/MS)檢測,且「未檢出」,才算合格。 不過,對於液相層析串聯質譜儀有無偵測極限,衛生署不願明說,只表示所有檢驗機構會採取統一標準檢驗流程。 ...

民間 ZD教育--熱門話題:三聚氰胺零ppm迷思

苦勞網 - 2008年9月28日
三 聚氰胺因不屬食品可使用的物質,所以不能添加在食品中。理論上「零ppm」(零汙染)是存在的,但科學上它卻不太可能被證實,因此無所謂「零檢出」。目前 科學只能作「未檢出」或「檢出」判定,但未檢出並不能被解讀為產品「零汙染」。未檢出和「零ppm」之間的關係,類似於 ...

綠營執政的南部七縣市將統一採用最精密的「液相層析串連質譜儀 LC/MS/MS」堅持 " ○ppm"(??),衛生署如果採用教不準確的「高效液相層析儀 HPLC」,將控告衛生署涉嫌公共危險。 台南縣長蘇煥智也自訂○.○5 PPM檢驗標準,將優先檢驗雀巢、克寧等...

Tests in Taiwan have found minor doses of melamine in milk powders produced in China by Nestlé, and those products are being withdrawn.
中廣新聞網 - 台北,Taiwan

繼歐盟、紐西蘭之後,美國食品藥物管理局 (FDA)今天也公告檢驗三聚氰胺的標準,除了嬰兒奶粉,一般食品訂為2.5ppm。衛生署已經把相關資訊公告在官方網站上,但是目前的政策仍然是維持「不得檢出」的檢驗標準。
  根據FDA的新聞稿,FDA對三聚氰胺暴露情況作了最壞假設,所得的結論是:除了嬰兒奶粉,食品中的三聚氰胺和相關化合物低於2.5ppm不會引發問題。 歐盟執行委員會日前已經要求,所有來自中國的產品,含有百分之十五以上牛乳成分,或牛乳成分百分比不明者,三聚氰胺含量不超過2.5 ppm。 紐西蘭也公告,大部分食物的三聚氰胺標驗採用5ppm,嬰兒奶粉的標準則為1ppm。

三頭六臂 通信集 45



── 2008年東海戴明學者講座

A Taiwanese Deming Circle (1964-2008)

原著者W. Edwards Deming(品管九講)、 William W. Scherkenbach (200年8東海戴明學者講座(三場)、 鍾漢清(第二、四部及他處)、劉振(序),王晃三(序)、蔡坤祥(實驗計畫)

翻譯人: 劉振(品管九講)、鍾漢清(東海戴明學者講座及其他)



版權所有 (Copyright)2008 All rights reserved.








網址:台灣戴明圈 http://demingcircle.blogspot.com/


郵政劃撥:18827960 戶名:鍾漢清

出版日期:西元2008年10月 初版


三頭六臂 通信集 44


我問他們,為什麼不看地圖? 答說,「根本就看不懂......這的確有道理,如果你沒有一參考座標系。


現在記者文章可能直接上網,多半沒品管之機制,所以錯字多。如下述之 sic(原文如此)處:




2008.09.26 02:56 am




吳家誠說,到現在” (sic) 止,國際間有關添加三聚氰胺的試驗和建議,都只是在牲畜飼料添加的研究試驗階段,看看牲畜吃含三聚氰胺的飼料是否會致癌,也還沒有制定出標準,美國是否制定在飼料添加的標準,也僅在開放公聽的階段。


三頭六臂 通信集 43

凡事都必須從多維角度看 每人都可學習
我昨天9/22 決定 努力編書 希望10/16日可以出版
東海工社設所小七班幫我們設計的logo和海報 我以為相當不錯 褒獎有"嘉"

第一次 copy 師大這種新聞
朱德群「奇妙之光」 朱德群1951年起在台師大美術系任教,1955年離開台灣前往巴黎深造

三頭六臂 通信集 42

上周 美國股市之一面向:先賣再說 ("They're selling first and asking questions later.")
我們的生活是否也類似呢 一天天過去 每天都忙
不過 整年檢討起來 可能淪於"窮忙"而已
能夠像德國舉辦路德十年慶嗎 Martin Luther Decade
現在 試想 2009年能辦三場 Deming紀念演講嗎
其實 很容易 譬如說談他主要著作
現在要想如何做成它 做好它
其他呢 再來呢


The Recipe

The Hodja purchased a piece of meat at the market, and on his way home he met a friend.

Seeing the Hodja's purchase, the friend told him an excellent recipe for stew.

"I'll forget it for sure," said the Hodja. "Write it on a piece of paper for me."

The friend obliged him, and the Hodja continued on his way, the piece of meat in one hand and the recipe in the other. He had not walked far when suddenly a large hawk swooped down from the sky, snatched the meat, and flew away with it.

"It will do you no good!" shouted the Hodja after the disappearing hawk. "I still have the recipe!"

三頭六臂 通信集 41

A good start 穆罕默德們 女人們 孩子們 你們知道我今天會說什麼嗎

Faith Moves Mountains

The Hodja was boasting about the power of his faith.

"If your faith is so strong, then pray for that mountain to come to you," said a skeptic, pointing to a mountain in the distance.

The Hodja prayed fervently, but the mountain did not move. He prayed more, but the mountain remained unmoved.

Finally the Hodja got up from his knees and began walking toward the mountain. "I am a humble man," he said, "and the faith of Islam is a practical one. If the mountain will not come to the Hodja, then the Hodja will go to the mountain."


I can’t move mountains,

But I can make lighr.



聶華苓的先生Paul Engle之詩 (墓志銘)--《三生影像》頁532



名詩人葉慈(W. B. Yeats)的墓誌銘。他當過愛爾蘭的教育督學,
認為「教育不是注滿一桶水,而是點然一把火。」(Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.)

教育人行道 3號 On Educating, No.3

ix) 之九

我的高中同學洪信佳牙醫師從苗栗打電話來 我邀請他們參加 Scherkenbach 演講
我們談些往事 他說高中時背的羅素的一篇散文 WORK AND ART byBERTRAND RUSSELL 影響他一輩子的工作觀 我說 恰好 WWS 綜述的Deming哲學 乃是
Joy of Ownership through Joy of Workmanship (p. 4)
他說 打算工作到75歲 我說 Deming 是到93歲呢......

2008年9月20日 星期六

A good start 穆罕默德們 女人們 孩子們 你們知道我今天會說什麼嗎

(部分 待修正)

近兩月來 花許多時間在"企劃" 2008Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures
現在戲擬故事準備介紹 Bill 的三場演講

(七月十七日 2008)

我剛光到內湖與 BILL 談一鐘頭
幫學會摧像光寶這種企業 公司 年營業額超過2000億


簡單報告 並附上幾分鐘前給他的信(部份) 給您們參考



Dear Bill,

Thanks for your kindness to promise to deliver three Deming Scholar Lectures for CSQ and Tunghai University.

As I mentioned to you that the purpose is to address the understanding and application issues of Deming's System of Profound Knowledge.I have been working in this Asia Pacific region for several years and must have some insights or reflection about.the subject of this year lectures.

Let's do some benchmarking for the lectures. Please kindly visit the BBC's Reith Lectures, 2008:

Radio 4 - Reith Lectures 2008: Chinese Vistas

The 60th Anniversary Radio 4 Reith Lectures, on the subject of China, given by Professor Jonathan Spence. Each of the lectures will be available after broadcast to listen again or download.

Well, this is our first year of Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures, perhaps some day some people will celebrate our 60th Anniversary much later. Anyway, It's better late than never.

In the Chinese version of his Deming's Road to Continual Improvement, pp.204-207, he used a three dimensional diagrams to to help us get a whole picture by putting all perspective all together. (《戴明修煉II:戴明的持續改善之道》pp.204-07 )
He now is like showing us in the soon-coming lectures.

"I borrowed the idea from MC Escher’s drawings and I want to stress that each lecture will give a different perspective on what Dr. Deming taught. But I have added other perspectives from other scholars and I urge you to add your perspective so that we might better learn."

我借用荷蘭名設計師M. C. Escher (1898-1972)的幾張圖,目的在強調我的每一場演講都是從不同面向來介紹 Deming博士的學說。我也借用其他學者的視野來闡述各面向,我希望你們也能「接下去增益」,這樣我們的學習會更進步。

I'll accept Bill's invitation by retelling the famous Nasreddin Hoja (Circa 13th
century, please refer to Wikipedia article "Nasreddin". )

纳西鲁丁·霍加(Nasreddin Hoca)
阿拉伯文:جحا (舊哈) 或نصر الدين (納瑟.·丁) 是一位活跃在西起摩洛哥,东到新疆突厥诸民族中的传说人物 ...
阿凡提,Nasreddin,或者拼做Nasrudin, Nasr ud-Din, Nasredin, Naseeruddin Nasruddin, Nasr Eddin, Nastradhin, Nasreddine, Nastratin, Nusrettin,下级毛拉,11-14世纪时活动于安那托利亚,名字之前经常加上一些表示“宗教学者”,“神学教师”,“智者”这样的称号: "Khwaje", "Hodja", "Hoca", "Hogea", "Hodza", "Chotzas", "Mullah", "Mulla", "Molla", "Maulana"。生平不详。只有N多的故事流传于人间。

600 Mulla Nasreddin Tales (Silsilah-i Tajdid-i Chap-i Mutun-i Mashhur-i Farsi)

Ramazani, Muhammad (EDT)
Ibex Pub (1997/06 出版)

穆罕默德們 女人們 孩子們 你們知道我今天會說什麼嗎

Delivering a Khutba

Once, Nasreddin was invited to deliver a khutba. When he got on the minbar (pulpit), he asked "Do you know what I am going to say?" The audience replied "NO", so he announced "I have no desire to speak to people who don't even know what I will be talking about" and he left.
The people felt embarrassed and called him back again the next day. This time when he asked the same question, the people replied "YES". So Nasreddin said, "Well, since you already know what I am going to say, I won't waste any more of your time" and he left.
Now the people were really perplexed. They decided to try one more time and once again invited the Mullah to speak the following week. Once again he asked the same question - "Do you know what I am going to say?" Now the people were prepared and so half of them answered "YES" while the other half replied "NO". So Nasreddin said "The half who know what I am going to say, tell it to the other half" and he left!
I actually read another version of this story with a fourth day episode. I'll share it in the speech (Oct. 16th) with an invented fifth day story.

(納西魯丁Nasruddin),又被稱作阿凡提維語「先生」的意思),阿拉伯文:جحا (舊哈) 或 نصر الدين (納瑟.•丁) 是一位活躍在西起摩洛哥,東到新疆突厥諸民族中的傳說人物,大智若愚,才辯超群。在突厥斯坦傳說中,他被稱作叫做阿凡提;西亞、中東地帶為納西爾丁或納西列丁。由於他才智過人,因此在不同地區的傳說中往往以智者或者導師的頭銜來稱呼他,如霍加毛拉阿凡提等。某些宗教史論,把他歸入流行伊斯蘭世界的『托缽僧團』- 達爾維斯(波斯語Darvis,衍生出英語Dervish,藉此有譯『德爾維希』)旋舞修會。



2008年9月17日 星期三

updating 《戴明修煉II:持續改善之道》

準備聽William Scherkenbach 主講 Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures 2008 《戴明修煉III:戴明的淵博知識》

主要 updating 《戴明修煉II:戴明的持續改善之道》Deming’s Road to Continual Improvement


William Scherkenbach: "我借用荷蘭名設計師M. C. Escher (1898-1972)的幾張圖,目的在強調我的每一場演講都是從不同面向來介紹 Deming博士的學說。我也借用其他學者的視野來闡述各面向,我希望你們也能「接下去增益」,這樣我們的學習會更進步。"

克里蒙特(Clement, Catherine). 著的傳記.. Gandhi Mohandas Karamchand 1869-1948


Gandhi athlète de la liberté

英國版則為 Gandhi : father of a nation

美國版 書名為 Gandhi, The Power Of Pacifism,

台灣的中文版取為 甘地──神聖的騾子(副標題為羅漫羅蘭的話)

現在我要請教我們如何取類似的書名之副標題 Dr. Deming, ...

ii) 之二

因為翻譯 寫mail 問 wws (Scherkenbach)
同樣都在台北 他就打電話來談
我想wws也需要有人跟他互動 給建議
溝通相當難 從討論中他會知道
連hc在internet找資料高手 所猜的 都與他原意有落差
譬如說 COS 我以為會不會是COST 誤寫 原來是 Continuity of Supply
positive interlocking 是技術用語還是用來比喻組織間之關係
(Sharpening and leveling) 是認知風格嗎
可是 wws 解釋
(Sharpening)多類似打9折而 leveling為流於以平均數道一 range之值.....
我們最有收穫的是決定投影片採中文 (因為csq只有一固定之projector 而他認為中英對照的ppt格式會亂)....我還給 READABILITY 方面建議


Theory of Knowledge can be better understood with Variation (Sharpening and leveling).

Physical error proofing, positive interlocks, visual controls, pull system, other Lean solutions, etc.

In one company the SCM VP wanted to issue long-term contracts with key suppliers for COS reasons. He told his buyers to make it so. He looked at the results the next Quarter and found no change. He told the buyers again, he explained the reason for what he wanted. One quarter later, no change. He looked at the procedures on record and they required two levels of supervisory approval for a long-term contract. No buyer wanted to go through the hassle of documentation and time of the approvals. Therefore no real change took place until the procedure was changed…we changed one word…if a buyer wants to issue a short-term contract, he must go through two levels of supervisory approval…it happened in a month.


參考《戴明修煉II:戴明的持續改善之道》p.86 --這次演講 wws對此表有增定


大概8月中 晃三老師從美國來電長談

當時 我向他解釋 WWS 的"轉型"說法 類似 四健會
現在 Wikipedia 發達 找到資料如附
......四健會(4-H Club)是美國農業部農業合作推廣體系所管理的一個非營利性青年組織,創立於1902年美國。它的使命是「

讓年輕人在青春時期盡可能地發展他的潛力」 ("engaging youth to reach their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development."[1]四健(分別對應英文的4個"H"字母)代表健全頭腦(Head)、健全心胸(Heart)、健全雙手(Hands)、健全身體(Health)。官方的四健會標誌是綠色的四葉苜蓿。....


hc案 這4h 其實可以用三葉來表示---健康(Health)為 健全頭腦(Head)、健全心胸(Heart)、健全雙手(Hands)等之交集

再怎麼說 這種比喻在 2600年前的 Aesop 寓言中 已有 "身體百官 vs 胃"之說法

到 Deming 引 聖保羅之比喻說法再經600年

不過這是系統觀之初階 WWS 此次演講可以用他的三分法講解/分析許多"現象"人物" "思想"等等

除了講義說的 "個案研究法是哈佛大學商學院用來促成變革的。......"
HC to Bill


I just came across it and for your reference.

Perhaps the trouble of it is that "truth is stranger than the case study."

"What Do You Think? Is Case Method Instruction Due for an Overhaul?

The case method of teaching business management has come under criticism on a number of fronts as educators rethink how to incorporate new teaching tools and methods made available by technology.

WWS 回答

I think this exactly makes the point. Case Studies are logical. They miss the emotional and the physical frequencies.

iv) 之四

"......以"才學""議論"為詩者 即後人所說的宋詩尚理不尚情.....不能拘泥於此說.....我以為 "唐詩多以丰神情韻擅長 宋詩多以筋骨說理見勝".....較嚴羽所說為合理"....臺靜農 中國文學史 頁509-510

v) 之五
產業經驗最特殊 不知道如何從中取經驗
Scherkenbach先生在 Ford 和 G. M. 兩大公司都各服務過5.5年
當時美國汽車業"中興"也 盛世也
曾幾何時 G. M. 公司開始公司百周年慶祝
不過近幾年 "倒閉"之傳言 多少非空穴來風

我2006年與 WWS 初見時 他是 Dell公司之顧問
現在我們讀一些報導 如Dell 要賣廠等等

September 16, 2008 -- 3:00 p.m. EDT
Dell Warns of Softening Demand

Dell said it is seeing "further softening" in global demand and plans to take more steps to cut costs. Shares fell 10%.


vi) 之六

大人的友情 大人の友情

這本 大人の友情 從Jung的心理學
看世界 日本的某些名著

不過 真正的 大人の友情的傑作是 Deming 博士的原文著作 Out of the CrisisThe New Economics 其中 WWS多次被引用 應該是前5-10名之內

vii) 之七
今天讀美國大石油公司 Chevron Corporation的董事長兼執行長David J. O'Reilly在華盛頓演講稿"能源共識"The New Energy Consensus" 引 Dr. W. Edwards Deming 的話:

...The global energy market has been reshaped in ways that are deeply affecting our economy - and those effects are intensifying.

This renewed public concern presents an opportunity.

W. Edwards Deming - one of America's respected business thinkers - once said: "It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best."

The good news is, we know what to do. For over five years, informed observers have seen this situation coming, and offered solutions.

The bad news is ... public policy has not kept pace...

The New Energy Consensus
RealClearPolitics - Chicago,IL,USA

這當然就是 WWS等人經常採用的" Best Efforts Are Not Enough!" (pp.103-04等)

應該順便談一下 這冠上"東海大學 戴明學者講座"之緣由之一
2007年任職台大哲學系的我的"學弟 " 一直認為東海大學的"排名"等方面之沉淪 是他的最痛

"2007/7/7 傍晚。我在台大校園遇到一位哲學系的老師。他都叫我學長。
我們談了他兒子剛考完大專(他說,真抱歉,兒子,把你從歐洲帶回來受 苦。不過,身為台灣男子漢,不經過這一關,沒辦法自稱是英雄……..)。我們主要談台灣社會科學界的不振和方法論,不過這沒趣……。他的另外一驚人之言是 說,台灣過去40年教育部最大的成績,就是把好私立大學,像東海大學,給毀了……

我是出身工商界的校友 我想知道問題 報怨等都還不足過 (我現在住台灣大學附近 這大學的資源 或許是東海大學的百倍.....)
在我們極貧乏的資源中 我們或許該 想清楚 看清處 plan清楚 再擇善固執 努力以赴....
"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best."

viii) 之八
WWS 這兩本書的背後有一"美國-日本"互動之問題
記得月前多他建議我談Deming Prize--他知道談日本的做法或成就現在爭議多
其實 80年代的 Quality Wars 背後還有太多議題和故事可以討論

In Japan, Financial Crisis Is Just a Ripple

80年代起 美國多想學日本
90年代 日本的泡沫經濟險象環生
不過日本則 "老神在在"

這三本各定價rmb 25,海南出版社,2004,(各冊由多人分別)翻譯自Carlton出版社,無索引,彩圖。似乎不比以前翻譯自Thames and Hudson的好(台北:貓頭鷹;大陸…..) 譬如說 ,無索引的書,J. Austen著的《Elinor and Marianne》(1795)此本書信體小說即為《理性與感性》的前身,這一資訊無索引幾乎如「海底撈針」。
台灣習慣將 Sense and Sensibility, 翻譯成《理性與感性》是20世紀初的了解英文水平
日本除了早期工藤政司訳「知性と感性」之外 現在多用分別と多感Sense and Sensibility、1811年)
換句話說 《理性與感性》是很不清楚的名詞

ix) 之九

我的高中同學洪信佳牙醫師從苗栗打電話來 我邀請他們參加 Scherkenbach 演講
我們談些往事 他說高中時背的羅素的一篇散文 WORK AND ART byBERTRAND RUSSELL 影響他一輩子的工作觀 我說 恰好 WWS 綜述的Deming哲學 乃是
Joy of Ownership through Joy of Workmanship (p. 4)

他說 打算工作到75歲 我說 Deming 是到93歲呢......

x) 之十

提到 "高爾夫球新手的管制圖"和"可造之材"的"窗口"問題
我們可以知道其1950年 Deming 的日本演說
它採用的書名似乎與日本JUSE 所使用的不一樣

其實 細心的讀者應注意到 1950的演講中

同理 這本書中的 G. M. 現在銷售寶座已不保 甚至"岌岌可危"呢

這本書的"變革之理論"現在看來 似乎也失之單薄
金融機構的人去年大賺 隨誰會想到今年百年老店都必須"倒店"

xi) 之十一


到某種程度,或許可用 4.1 「相依的流程網絡」(p.106)來表示供應網,不管是產業,如最近所謂「中國毒乳品業」或全球的投資銀行業。






xii) 之十二

請對照分布/知識兩推移圖 (系統穩定 )

《戴明修煉I:品質和生產力之道》pp.150-51 11.圖8-11.4411、《戴明修煉II:持續改善之道》
p.203. 圖 5.24
This thing all things devours:
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel,
Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays king, ruins town,
And beats high mountain down.
這玩藝吞食萬物萬事 那管:
百鳥, 群獸, 樹林, 花海 無遺;
食鐵, 咬鋼,
硬石 俱磨成齏粉;
王者亡, 城市毀,
- (- R. R. Tolkien『Hobbit人』關於「時間」謎語 (Riddle about time by J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit )(鍾漢清意譯2005/3/29))

xiii) 之十三




這簡潔有力的表現法,翻譯之後,可能變調,譬如說,將原來的數短句改成一長句、或引書沒解說--譬如說 頁210的譯者補注25 / p.224的注33,從而辭不達意。因為這是障礙,或許造成中文讀者理解上的不便。

p.224的注34 傾聽補充

THE WRITER Abraham Maslow in his book on human nature (The Farther Reaches of Human Nature 1971) sees the Jonah story as a real example of someone trying to run away from his own importance. Maslow sees this problem as a challenge which lives in all of us. Once we realize what our talents and abilities are, we should use them to the best of our ability.
原文 The Farther Reaches of Human Nature

(The main idea of the book Difficult Conversations (Stone, Patton, Heen; 1999) is that
“People never change without first feeling understood.” That’s the difficult part!)

pp.234-35 說明戴明在紐約大學的教學經驗,可以補充「東海戴明學者講座(2008年度) 第一場開場白的說明。」

(統計學)「組間 vs 組內」變異的基本道理(pp.221-22)和它在心理學的應用必須說明。

p.236 關於MBA教育與領導重點為未來之說法,可參考今日發表的美國杜邦公司高階主管之交接:Ellen J. Kullman

PP.263-64 英國國情與英文知識
take courage
Courage (brewery), a London brewery now part of Scottish & Newcastle, still officially called "Scottish Courage Limited"
take heart
Be confident, be brave, as in Take heart, we may still win this game. This idiom uses heart in the sense of "courage." [First half of 1500s]

p.272 有兩詞最近報紙都是新聞

Chief Quality Officer/
稱中共因 三鹿奶粉 事件辭職的高官為Quality Chief

漫畫上的的Selling Short 是「賣(放)空」

Russell Ackoff ( 88歲 /2007)在倫敦賣新書 罵 Henry Ford's business model

今天 談 Case Study法
Russell Ackoff 以前批評過HBR的CASEs學問法 錯誤.

G.M. 慶祝公司百年 想起他2007年
( 88歲)在倫敦賣新書: Henry Ford's business model still influences our thinking unduly

BBC News - UK
He was a friend and associate of the still-influential management expert W Edwards Deming, the man who took quality to Japan and then saw it bounce back to ...

How to avoid the fatal F-Laws
Peter Day
By Peter Day
Presenter, BBC Radio 4 and BBC World Service

It is always exciting to meet a real subversive, especially when he (or she) is old and wise.

Henry Ford in one of his cars in the early 1900s
Henry Ford's business model still influences our thinking unduly

Russell Ackoff was in London the other day to launch a new book and he fits all the categories.

He is 88 and simply bubbles with ideas about what's wrong with the way business works.

His new book is all about the F-Laws, uncomfortable truths about the (mistaken) way most organisations are run.

The flaws come from decades of repeated management mistakes and conventional business teaching.

When I met him just before a packed session at the London School of Economics, Russell Ackoff told me how he came by his unorthodox approach to management and how much most organisations still have to learn.

"Companies and organisations get things wrong most of the time," he said.

"The average life of a US corporation is only 11-and-a-half years, the rate of bankruptcy is increasing very year. There's a great deal of evidence that we don't know how to manage organisations very effectively.

"The F-Laws are simply based on observations over the year about regularities which are destructive to organisations."

Parts and wholes

As that word "regularities" might suggest, Russell Ackoff started academic life as a specialist in operational research.

The important switch in his own life occurred with the rise of systems thinking in the 1970s.

Russ Akoff
Meet the business subversive

As he puts it, corporate problems were arising that could not be solved by simply taking care of the parts, the obsession of operational research.

"We found that we could improve part of a corporation and destroy the whole by improving the part."

From this emerged Russell Ackoff's obsession with seeing the system as a whole - a personal change which coincided with the rise of system dynamics as a brand new way of looking at organisations, in the round.

He was a friend and associate of the still-influential management expert W Edwards Deming, the man who took quality to Japan and then saw it bounce back to his native US.

Russell Ackoff thinks that, imprisoned in centuries of Western education which values only analytic thought, most people cannot do the "synthetic" thinking that sees an organisation as an intermoving whole.

Analytic thinking uses research and experimentation. Design is the way that synthetic thinking operates, putting things together rather than taking them apart.

Changing times

This enthusiasm may spring from his upbringing. Russell Ackoff trained as an architect, not at a business school.

"Architects have to start with the concept of the buildings as a whole - they don't start with the details," he says.

London's landmark Gherkin building
Russell Ackoff's insights come from his background in architecture

"Complexity is not a problem to the architect, but it is to the analyst. The architect puts things together into wholes, as opposed to what business people do, putting parts together to make wholes."

Business people still inspired by Henry Ford are told to "Keep It Simple, Stupid", to create chains of processes that cannot go wrong.

But they can and they do go wrong - and so do the businesses they run in that Fordist way.

Henry Ford arranged his production lines around untrained workers who were pouring off the boats seeking jobs in Detroit, dividing tasks up into tiny pieces which an unskilled and illiterate worker could perform.

But things were changing fast, says Russell Ackoff.

"At the beginning of the 1900s in the US, the average educational level of the worker was barely above literacy.

"By World War II, it had risen to eight years of schooling.

"During WWII, we started to employ women who were not working primarily for money.

"When the men returned, fed up with military discipline, we had a conversion from the mechanistic to the biological concept of the corporation - corpus means body, after all.

"The CEO was called the head of the corporation - machines didn't have heads. Ford had been called the 'controller' of Ford Motor Company," Russell Ackoff points out.


"Since then, there's been a third change, seeing the corporation as a social organisation. Now we must treat the parts as having purposes of their own, which must be served if the corporation is to be served.

Mini production line at the Cowley car plant, Oxford
Car production lines now are not the same as in Henry Ford's day

"Charles Handy is one of the principal prophets of this, looking at companies as communities."

Management is now about managing interactivity. An educated workforce is full of people who know more about their jobs than their supervisors. On the Ford production line, the supervisor was the man who knew the job best.

Ford's organisation was almost autonomous, making everything it needed. Now many companies, such as Dell Computers, merely assemble things made by others.

The interaction of independent parts has become the critical thing in organisations. And few, says Professor Ackoff, have much idea how to do it.

Russell Ackoff's book, Management F-Laws: How Organisations Really Work (with Herbert Addison and Sally Bibb), is published by Triarchy Press. In the next Work in Progress, more from the Professor: the truth about business schools.

Work in Progress is the title of this exploration of the big trends reshaping the world of work as we steam further into the 21st Century; and it is a work in progress, influenced and defined by my encounters as I report on trends in business and organisations all over the world.

2008年9月9日 星期二

updating 《戴明修煉I:品質和生產力之道》

《戴明修煉I:戴明的品質和生產力之道》 The Deming Route to Quality and Productivity十幾年前的舊譯作

並不像一般管理書籍和刊物 如 哈佛企管評論 它們舉些例 就自以為可推論
"轉危為安"等書的許多例子 都應該如是觀
戴明修煉 旨在告訴你 先提問 先問系統之目的 它是不是穩定的
這些措施 是否沒用可運作定義說清處楚
再問....再多提問 ( p.137)

我的原文書 可能從當初任職美台電訊副總 的鄭志庚先生處取得
我還有一份 COPY是從中山科學研究院圖書館 (1988/4/25)-- 這份沒印索引 可見當事者想法 
我的翻譯本的索引比原著稍詳細 現在我認為還可以再多作些索引

的 feed forward 該詳細注釋

p.32/ p.83 Nelson, Lloyd 索引誤為 p.33 我們從 p.32處知道 著名的 漏斗實驗是他首創的 此處妙的是 它提到Out of the Crisis 中一例 Ford 公司的"自動補償修正程式"的問題 正是作者WWS所貢獻的 p.83的 Nelson 名論 正是現在"馬英九先生"團隊選前的數字遊戲......2008/9/8 整個行政院的措施/方法大亂.....

p.39 的TARP 現在已是公司 tarp 網路上沒說 TARP什麼意思

Bracket Creep 正解為

A situation where inflation pushes income into higher tax brackets. The result is an increase in income taxes but no increase in real purchasing power.

第119頁提到德國古堡 現在很容易找到 不過它沒對外開放
Burg Gutenfels

superstitious knowledge 我翻譯成假知識 就是"迷信" superstitious

多處提到 "social memory" --The M-Form. Society,. by William G. Ouchi. Reading, MA: Addison-. Wesley, ..... 卻沒索引

從第一章起介紹 Deming 在1950年的演講 到 TARP的顧客滿意 (1980s) 到2008年
衡量"顧客滿意" (CS) 的大辯論一直持續進行
最近一期 MIT Sloan Management Review Linking Customer Loyalty to Growth(pdf)

pp. 161-63 處理某組 數據 現在這家公司設亞洲分行 我們很容易取得更廣泛的具體各交通行業之評比和得獎資料
J.D. Power Asia Pacific, Inc.

有意思的是此書之後的連續16年以上的 LEXUS 資料

請以Russell L. Ackhoff 合作《翻轉學習過程:把教育拉回正軌》書摘
比較說明這種智慧在第133頁的巴西福特汽車公司之培訓 心得
又 The theory is universal, but you will be talking to the wall if people can not see the theory applying to their jobs. (WWS)

p.137 (採購人員過去25年) 鬥犬的翻譯沒錯 三天內希望變成寵物
An attack dog is any dog bred, trained or used for the purpose of attacking a target either on command or on sight.[1] Attack dogs have been used often throughout history and are now employed in dog fighting, as well as police and military roles.

Dr. Yoshikasu Tsuda of Rikkyo University in Tokyo為「立教大学的津田 義和博士」(這位教授竟然還沒得Deming個人獎。)。我當初(1987/1996)校稿,沒有將他的全名找出來,實在是懶惰。不過這回用他的英文名字去google找,也只有與Deming(獎)相關的東西才找到一頁。日文網頁也如此。只好用土方法:找書,終於在他合力主編的辭典找到:三浦 新、狩野紀昭、津田義和、大橋靖雄主編『TQC 用語辭典』東京:日本規格協會,1985。

Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write. H G Wells (1866 – 1946)
前幾天是UNESCO 的掃除文盲日

p.140 參考書Statistical Quality Control Handbook 中譯之故事

我將 analytic 寫成 analysis
圖11.5 (p.145) 和圖 11.6 (p. 146) 分別說明以預防缺失所使用的"追查原因" 為 "分析型"研究

pp.175-76 鑄 NASA Mentality 說法 索引缺 它果真如此嗎

p.183 標題的 朝氣蓬勃為 a vigorous program of education and self-improvement 現在我們應思考它的意思vigorous, invigorate, lose your way

p.187 圖表內 PE activities . 應是體育 physical education ..
versitility training 究竟什麼 可能翻譯錯誤 所以我改成 versatility
它所提的 teamwork之教育如何

2008年10月29日 07:36 中国质量新闻网





  例如在人造卫星、运载火箭等 大型复杂航天产品的研制中,进行一个阶段或专题的系统分析,需要对多因素进行展开分解和综合权衡,如进行顾客需求分析,通常是把顾客需求转换为设计需求, 而复杂航天产品研制不仅要考虑顾客需求这方面的必要性,还要考虑已有技术储备、研制周期、研制经费等方面条件的可行性。

  再有,日本专家提出的综合质量展开模式和美国供应商协会(ASI)提出的4阶段质量屋系列模式,都在一定程度上将分析模型结构与内容和步骤合为 一体,为使用者应用该方法提供了明确、简单、具体的指南,但如应用于大型复杂产品的研制,则在一定程度上限制了应用的灵活性。如,在人造卫星、运载火箭等复杂产品的研制中,从分析顾客需求到确定具体设计要求,并不像ASI式质量屋要求的那么简单,而是一个复杂的系统工程过程,有着符合产品自身特点的研制程序。


  “为此,我们对二维结构的质量屋进行了扩展性研究,提出了一种多维结构的质量功能展开分析模型———系统屋。”李跃生介绍,系统屋的框架以多维 坐标表示,每一个坐标表示系统分析中的一个因素。坐标上的点表示某因素的元素。系统屋中以坐标表示的相关因素分为输入因素和输出因素,他们分别用“立柱 ”、“横梁”、“墙面”、“阳台”、“屋顶”等可绘制的形象图形表示。



  李跃生对系统屋确定了“5步走”步骤:第一步,建立系统屋“立柱”,即确定系统屋一个分析因素及其元素的内容和重要度。第二步,建立系统屋的“ 阳台”,即对输入因素的各元素通过建立三角形的相关方阵,比较各元素两两之间对该因素的作用大小,用于确定各元素的权重。第三步,建立系统屋的“横梁”, 即确定系统屋一个分析因素及其元素的内容和重要度。第四步,建立系统屋的“墙面”,即确定在一个系统屋中需要进行相关分析的两两因素对。第五步,建立系统 屋的“屋顶”,即对输出因素的各元素通过建立三角形的相关方阵进行相关分析,用于消除各元素之间的重复和不协调之处。



  而FMECA技术则是国防科技工业常用的一种故障或缺陷预想技术,它通过分析产品设计、生产中每一个潜在的故障模式,深入分析故障模式的内在机 理和可能产生的影响,并按其发生的可能性和后果的严重程度排序,从而为评价和改进设计提供依据,是一种有效且易掌握的可靠性分析技术。





The Deming Cooperative

The Deming Cooperative 2003


The Deming Cooperative



The Deming Cooperative aims to provide

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seminars, discussion groups, consultants,

literature, videos and materials that focus on

the understanding, application and extension

of the work of Dr. W. Edwards Deming,

renowned consultant to management on

quality and statistical methods.

The Deming Cooperative 的網頁版權寫2003
其實更早 更早
不過 就用官方數字

The Deming Cooperative Title

Joyce Nilsson Orsini, Ph.D.
17 Smith Road
Goshen, New York 10924

Tel: 212-636-6219
Fax: 212-636-7303
E-mail: orsini@fordham.edu

Services: Consultant to management in quality and statistical methods. Includes consultations, seminars and workshops on the organization as a system, process improvement, measurement and variation, and systematic learning and improvement.

Kosaku Yoshida, Ph.D.

Edward M. Baker, Ph.D.
John S. Dowd
Barbara Lawton, Ph.D.
Thomas Nolan, Ph.D.
Ronald D. Moen
Michael Tveite, Ph.D.
William Latzko
Joyce N. Orsini, Ph.D.
Louis Schultz
Gipsie Ranney, Ph.D.
Lloyd P. Provost
William W. Scherkenbach
Nida Backaitis, Ph.D.
Heero Hacquebord
Brian L. Joiner, Ph.D.
Peter Scholtes



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2008年9月8日 星期一

東海大學"約農路" ( Tunghai )

羅家祺這本"[行道樹圖鑑" 晨星出版社 2008 的封面 可能是東海大學"約農路"

Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures 2008 《戴明修煉III:戴明的淵博知識》

( 李白 客中行)

三頭六臂 通信集 4 敬獻 趙民德老師

hc的【三頭六臂 通信集 4】

敬獻 趙老師明德
2008/9/9 昨日才知道Deming "蒐集數據的目的在採取行動"出自1936年書

自由談 八月二十三號 (2008 )主題:「左派 右派」;「獨立出版」;「翻譯學」

東海戴明學者講座【2008特邀威廉‧謝爾肯巴赫先生(Mr. William W. Scherkenbach.)擔任三場演講-討論。】

I 開幕大戲【Lecture One: Dr. Deming's System of Profound Knowledge and Its Applications. 10月16日 (四)】 1500-1700,中華民國品質學會【台北羅斯福路】

II. 壓軸戲【Lecture two: Statistical Thinking and Psychology and Actions. 10月17日 (五) 16:10-06:00 台中東海大學工業工程

III 大軸子【Lecture Three: Systems Thinking and Knowledge.. 10月18日(六) 上午10:00-12:00 台中東海大學推廣部】
2008/8/8 1500—1720訪問趙民德博士【中研院統計科學研究所退休】---- 這是hc的"五湖四海訪賓客"之第一站. (Dear Han-ching, I am back to Taipei now. Perhaps we can have a coffee together.

20088月初從Gmail 找「趙民德」,做點網路(中日文)reputation monitoring工作,大概如下。作家的身份並輸統計學家的,所以這篇多談點「應用統計圈邊緣」:
第一名當然趙家酒店September 24th, 2007. 行萬里,幾度舊清秋,且拈花一笑。 問世間閑情,雖長左右,更何時了? 朝來還是青絲,貪歡需早, 漸多有華髮,情人亦老。 誰云乘風可去?…..這是他September 24th, 2007 放在趙家酒店的八聲甘州

趙民德,國立台灣大學數學系畢業、美國加州大學柏克萊分校統計博士。在美國求學及工作多年後,1982年回 ... 雖然學的是理工,但難掩創作才華,趙民德便是這樣的作家。 ...」「名作家王鼎鈞讚譽:「詩的精緻,劇的張力,散文的鋪陳,奠定趙民德業餘小說家的地位。」
5為他演講錄。第.3和第7是他的統計書。第9趙民德與他的參數設計易知錄- 岳林品質大觀園

我最驚訝他說自己沒什麼東西寫作了……【我最佩服Deming 八十幾歲還有驚人的創造力,這是其他”大師”無法企及的創造力品質…….】,不過,可以暢談他昔日對於李建築師的建「統計科學」館之要求(requirements)的故事。

趙博士在17:00時突然"雄心復出" ,跟我相約,以後有機會要認真談 Quality Handbook-- 他或許想介紹 uniform design……我跟他說些中國和Juran Quality Handbook之故事……
(參考昔日 --趙民德老師 趙家酒店 http://www.jds-online.com/blog/
1980年代初之文 (登1999)對csqc 贊賞有加)


我們談些我們比較知情的統計學家,譬如說吳院士,以及他今年馾談工業統計學的未來,譬如說,在電腦的實驗計畫---我說ASQ有篇,不過日本paneliscussion更了不起……。他與大陸創Uniform Design的先生有交情。
我向趙博士簡介我校 Essex 的創系老師George A. Barnard 1990-91 ASQ戴明獎),他們招待George E. Box1988-89 ASQ戴明獎)和刁院士寫 Bayesian 領域的書。講一則J. Stuart Hunter1985-86 ASQ戴明獎;Juran 基金會董事;Juran 品質手冊 實驗計畫 撰稿人)在Juran逝市去前數月的幽默對話。
我向趙先生說 QP 起碼有一專欄,叫 STATISTICS ROUNDTABLE 請專家介紹統計之重要方法/觀念。我向趙先生解釋,為什麼這是必要的。幾月前我就碰到某公司的品管部 對顧客的簡報中 完全不知道 BOX-WHISKER 圖的。近8年前,我到某世界級的notebook pc 製造商總部,發現他們寫6-sigma 廣告太離譜……
我們談點老年人與數學和統計,譬如說我提張忠謀(Morris Chang)說過,他已無法跟得上博士論文中的數學推演。我才知道趙先生的指導老師是位法裔數學家….
J.M. JURAN 的”品質手冊”中的統計學越來越少—多的是不入流的管理學實施。這是有趣的現象,譬如說他曾在1948年1月11日的紐約時報周日版寫過一篇簡介統計學的文章 “Statistics at Work”,當然提過 Dr. W. A. Shewhart of the Bell Telephone Laboratories, whose "Economic Control of Quality of' Manufactured ...
1985年12月18日 劉振老師贈書 品管九講--戴明著 劉振譯—Deming的四封信我很認真地逐字"研究---這是一本美國(Deming/ Henry Joconson—劉老師有筆誤 ) 日本(小柳賢一) 台灣(多人)的友情史証。1970年的發行人為高先生--給CSQ 信,希望他們趕到將他的名字書寫錯誤處改正;長遠說,或該參考附件之ASQ和 JUSE 沿革
Bill Scjerkenback 談 ASQ 網站一問題-- ASQ 的 Deming Medalists 年代有錯
或許我可以逐一介紹 現在簡單說2007-08之故事:
這本書與我有特別情份:它是與一位英國朋友交換服務的【我寄書給他的台灣廠商;他寄這本給我】。我也與作者通過一封信他是極知名的會計史教授,近十幾年研究豐田生產……。我在中國越南 2002-2003 給郭總和其幕僚看過。

2008年9月7日 星期日

The 2008 Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures,( and A Story)

The 2008 Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures

Theme: Profound Knowledge (Dr. Deming’s)

Speaker: Mr. William W. Scherkenbach

Date and Venue:

Lecture I.

Oct. 16, 1515-1700 in Chinese Society for Quality, Taipei.

Lecture II/III

Oct. 17/18 in Tunghai University, Taichung


Tunghai University


Chinese Society for Quality.

Please visit Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures 2008 《戴明修煉III:戴明的淵博知識》for more detailed information.

A Story of Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures 2008

( by Hanching Chung)

This week’s Lecture Series is a story of three-generation teacher-student interactions in USA and Taiwan.

Bill told us that he first met Dr. Deming the fall of 1972 at New York Universitys Graduate Business School.

Our Taiwanese Deming Circle has reached its 44-year-mark since Dr. Deming’s letters to late Mr. Liu Cheng in 1964 for the translating and updating of “Dr. Deming’s Lectures on Statistical Control of Quality” in Japan 1950.

One line in Dr.Deming’s International Activities listed in The W. Edwards Deming Institute® website (biography) as follows,

“Consultant to the China Productivity Center, Taiwan, 1970, 1971”


Many people in the CPC that time were highly involved in the establishments of the Industrial Engineering Department of Tunghai University and the Chinese Society for Quality Control. This is the background we have these lectures this week in CSQ and in Tunghai.

We translated and published Bill’s two books in 1996. We met Bill Taipei in 2006 and made good friends.

We were thrilled to hear that Bill will work in Taipei from January 2008.

We were very grateful for Bill to promise to deliver Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures 2008 early July and HanChing Chung wrote “A Note” for it, and Bill set the theme of this year lecture series: Profound Knowledge.

A Note”

The purpose of Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures 2008 is to to foster understanding of The Deming System of Profound Knowledge™ to advance commerce, prosperity and peace in Taiwan, so that Taiwan can maintain its leading role in various fields.. The Lectures are sponsored by a group of friends of Mr. Hanching Chung who like to dedicate it in the memory of some of his deceased teachers and friends of Tunghai University, honoring the memory of their Tunghai Days. We particular like to express our thanks to Mr. William W. Scherkenbach ‘s kindness to agree to deliver the lectures.

It is easy to cite the praises from the presses about Dr. Deming’s legacy. A few samples for your reference. .In 2005 BBC Radio 4 there is an episode “Do It Like Deming” (July 03, 2005 Business on the box ) In Fortune Magazine’s 75th Anniversary( July, 2005) special section of “20 That Made History”in last 150 years, ”Dr. Deming 1950”was among one of the key historical decisions. Dr. Deming was also one of “The 50: People Who Most Influenced Business This Century” (with General Douglas MacArthur, Oct,1999, the Los Angeles Times). Not to mention the well cited as one of the “revolutionary thinkers” of the history of Wikipedia article "U.S. News & World Report". (Oct. 10:52, 1991).

Unfortunately, most people’s understanding of Dr. Deming’s true legacy, Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge are still very limited and in many ways misleading. For example, I made a comment about the article “Red Bead Experiment” by Mr. Mike Johnson which claims his red beads kit is the original one and he “donated an original paddle and set of beads to the ASQ Organization to be displayed in their new headquarters building in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Information about this display is available in the Deming Newsletter dated Spring 2005..”(http://knol.google.com/k/mike-johnson/red-bead-experiment/3p1wt3p4nkpas/2#)

I suggest him to change the title to "a red beads kit for ASQ display" and as for the ASQ 2005 Display in Deming Newsletter, the readers should read the original report. Please visit. Deming Newsletter dated Spring 2005. http://deming.org/pdfs/DemingInteractionSpring2005.pdf

I also recommend readers to read Dr. Deming's books for the meaning of the game. The reason is very simple that we can easily trace the Red Bead Experiment at least since early 1950s in Dr. Deming’s Japan lectures and the texts of lectures in Taiwan in late 1960s.

It is obvious that Taiwan is a leading place for Dr. Deming’s teachings thanks to many pioneers of productivity and quality movement since 1950s. In fact, this 2008 Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures are dedicated to some leading advocates and contributors during past half century.

We are most lucky to invite Mr. William W. Scherkenbach as our speaker. We published his two masterpieces (”Deming’s Road to Continual Improvement” and ”The Deming Route to Quality and Productivity: Road Maps and Roadblocks”, both with Dr. Deming’s most favorable forewords) in 1996 and ever since then Bill become one of our honorable Taiwanese friends. He now works as the Vice President Quality Management, Six Sigma and Best Practices for Liteon Technology Corporation.
