「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2016年3月16日 星期三

Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures 2008 《戴明修煉III:戴明的淵博知識》

2008 Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures
CISP Portrait.jpg

創立東海戴明學者講座的主旨,要紀念東海大學的一些老師、學長:高禩瑾先生 王錦堂先生 劉振 (Liu Cheng ) 先生吳玉印(Yuin Wu)先生張忠樸先生等人。

在美國,一些主要的戴明學生,成立一美國The Deming Cooperative 「合作社」【主旨如後* 我作一台灣 The Deming Cooperative 介紹】。

William W. Scherkenbach【簡稱 WWS】先生就是社員。他是位難得的人物,套上古人說法:「這就是十七位舉人中的空谷足音。」

A Q&A with Mr. William W. Scherkenbach
We invite you to send us your questions, comments and suggestions to

William Scherkenbach is currently Vice President Quality Management, Six Sigma and Best Practices for Liteon Technology Corporation. He and his wife reside in Taipei. He is recognized as one of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject of Quality and its implementation. Bill has over thirty years experience of successfully delivering for diverse clients higher quality at lower costs. His career has been optimally balanced between consulting and line assignments: Samsung, Dell, Lexmark, Ford, US Department of Defense, US Department of Energy, Booz Allen & Hamilton, Tokai Rika, South Fulton Medical Center, British Aerospace and EDS.
He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy. He also has a graduate degree from New York University’s Graduate School of Business, where he studied under Dr. Deming.
Bill has frequently been the keynote speaker at major conferences on quality and management as well as annual executive meetings. He has written numerous articles on the subject of quality and his work has been included in several recent books as well as two PBS documentaries.
He is the author two often cited, best-selling books on the management of quality: The Deming Route to Quality and Productivity and Deming’s Road to Continual Improvement. He also is a co-author of a CD-ROM entitled "Deming: Best Efforts Are Not Enough!" His latest work is a DVD-ROM that is the second in a series on Breakthrough Performance which applies the best of Deming's methods to the improvement of the individual.
He is a recipient of the Deming Medal and The Engineering Society’s Gold Award. He is a past member of the Board of Directors of the Quality Insurance Congress, the American Society for Quality Control (ASQ), and The University of Texas Center for Performance Excellence. He was adjunct to the University of South Florida where he taught graduate level courses on quality management.
Aim and Content of Lectures
Lecture One: Dr. Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge is the culmination of his life-long work to improve government and industry.
Lecture two: Statistical Thinking and Psychology are paired because the only reason to collect and analyse data is to take action. Action involves other people.
Lecture Three: Systems Thinking and Knowledge are paired because solutions in a chimney of knowledge are often aided by thinking outside of that body of knowledge.

2008年東海戴明學者講座【主講人: William W. Scherkenbach

戴明博士(W. Edwards Deming, 1900-1993) 參與創建日本現代經濟奇蹟,世界級管理哲學家。戴明博士一生的學問為一套完整系統,即其晚年所稱之淵博知識體系(Deming's System of Profound Knowledge)。
「淵博知識體系」指志在從事組織「轉危為安」「長治久安」的轉型領導者,都必須能稍為體會、欣賞、融 會、貫通四大核心價值、知識(1)整體系統觀(2)系統的變異觀(3)知識理論(4)心理學。這是一套專為全人員貢獻的心得,也是套精微高妙的「新經濟學」--適用於工商業、政界、教育 界等等。也是個人修養精進、公司發達、社會繁榮、世界和平所不可或缺的。
亞洲中,除了日本, Deming 博士可能與台灣關係最密切。他的學生之中,對台灣最有緣份的,可能是 威廉‧謝爾肯巴赫先生了---他今年是台灣某大科技公司的副總,看來可以對台灣成為國際級的企業有所貢獻。
我們很幸運,在國際馳名的管理大師 William W. Scherkenbach【威廉‧謝爾肯巴赫】以及東海蔡副校長和品質學會諸主管的慷慨協助下,能推出『東海戴明學者講座 2008』。希望這三場演講能協助產官學界了解戴明的淵博知識精華應用到組織與個人轉型之道

台北的第一場分A(預備課程) 和B(主題演講和問答) 兩部分(可分開任選參與)

A. 特別研討會
講師 鍾漢清

0910-1030 《戴明修煉I:戴明的品質和生產力之道》
1030-1050 休息
物理層次上變革 /邏輯上變革/情感上變革

1330-1430 從統計品管到 實驗設計 (台灣中油研究員 蔡坤祥博士 )
《戴明修煉I:戴明的品質和生產力之道 第171-72頁》 Scherkenbach, William (1993). "The Deming route to quality and productivity". Quality Press. Milwaukee, WI. pg 116-118 lists how design of experiments apply to Deming's learning cycle step #1. Two interesting excerpts are as follows:

  • If you had nine factors that you need to vary at only two levels, you will need 512 experimental runs (2^9) and you still wont measure interaction effects if OFAT methodology is followed. A well-planned experiment could reduce this to 32 tests and begin to get interaction effect information. Time and money are saved and information is gained. Because of short-term performance pressures, today's manager might not approve a single OFAT test but after understanding the power of DOE, he/she is more likely to approve the 32 run test. Therefore, the real significance of DOE becomes a 32 fold increase in testing (1 to 32 runs) vs. a four fold decrease in testing (512 to 32 runs).

B. 1500-1700 東海戴明學者講座(2008年度) 第一場
開幕致詞 東海大學蔡禎騰副校長

導論:台灣戴明圈的故事 (鍾漢清)
1515-1700 主題演講《戴明修煉III:淵博知識導論和應用》
主講 謝爾肯巴赫先生(Mr. William W. Scherkenbach
概要淵博知識系統是他畢生的精華,目的要改善政府和工業界。Lecture One: Dr. Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge is the culmination of his life-long work to improve government and industry.
This lecture series will cover what Deming considered the capstone of his career: A System of Profound Knowledge. In this first lecture, I will outline its evolution from his work in Statistical Studies to the state of its development at his death in 1993. I will also continue with my development of it to date.
這講座三場要探討的主題為,戴明自認為生平的登峰造極思想總結:「Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge」。在第一講中我會說明,它如何從他畢生致力的「統計應用研究」,到他1993 過世之間的演化經過。我也會「接下來講」,談談我近年來一些不斷進修的一些心得。
The second lecture will introduce two of the four parts of Profound Knowledge: Statistical Thinking and Psychology. The third lecture will cover the remaining two parts: Systems Thinking and Theory of Knowledge. All four parts are interdependent and the results are greater than the sum of their parts. There is no particular reason to pair any of the two, I am just trying to even out the time limitations of the 3 lectures.
I will have time at the end of each lecture for questions and possibly answers, but certainly more questions, because they are more important than answers.

A Q&A with Mr. William W. Scherkenbach
問答與討論(主持人:中原大學榮譽教授 王晃三 )

報名:品質學會( 02-2363-1344)
費用參加 全天(A和B) 2500元/ 只參加B場者 500
報名參加(A)者,另贈Mr. William W. Scherkenbach作兩冊:《戴明修煉I:戴明的品質和生產力之道》、《戴明修煉II:戴明的持續改善之道》和 2008年東海戴明學者講座講義一本。

*歡迎你到東海大學參加《戴明修煉III:淵博知識》 另兩場免費演講
II. Lecture two: Statistical Thinking and Psychology and Actions.
10月17日 (五) 16:10-06:00 台中東海大學工業工程
III Lecture Three: Systems Thinking and Knowledge..

10月18日(六) 上午10:00-12:00 台中東海大學推廣部

****舊稿 重複
邀請你 參加 東海戴明學者講座【2008
東海戴明學者講座【2008即將登場,本年度特邀威廉‧謝爾肯巴赫先生(Mr. William W. Scherkenbach.)擔任《戴明修煉III:戴明的淵博知識》三場演講-討論。

講師簡介和要旨(中英文),請詳 Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures 2008
你能與世界一流管理大師William W. Scherkenbach【威廉‧謝爾肯巴赫】面對面討論、請益,機會難得。他的著作中文本為:《戴明修煉I:戴明的品質和生產力之道》、《戴明修煉II:戴明的持續改善之道》。
開幕大戲【Lecture One: Dr. Deming's System of Profound Knowledge and Its Applications. 1016. 】,還是到秋高氣爽下美麗的東海大學,參與壓軸戲【Lecture two: Statistical Thinking and Psychology and Actions. 1017 】,大軸子【Lecture Three: Systems Thinking and Knowledge.. 1018日】,都是知識盛會,會讓你大開眼界。


鍾漢清現在從事企業管理顧問。東海大學工業工程系畢業,英國Essex大學統計暨作業研究碩士。曾兼任於東海大學建築研究所和化工系 ,並曾任職於飛利浦、工研院電子所、摩托羅拉、杜邦 。擔任過工業工程、品管、工程、行銷、銷售、大中華巿場開發專案等 職能的主管。著有《品質成本管理》;翻譯過 W. Edwards Deming《轉危為安》、J. M. Juran的《管理三部曲》、P. Scholtes《戴明領導手冊》、B. Joiner《第四代管理》等。

威廉‧謝爾肯巴赫先生 簡介
威廉‧謝爾肯巴赫先生目前是光寶科技公司的副總,統管品質管理,六西格瑪和最佳做法。他們夫妻住在台北。他是公認的世界級品質和其執行這領域的首要權威之一。他在提供各種不同的客戶「更高的質量,降低成本」的成功個案的經驗,已超過三十年。他的職業生涯中一直能取得「從事顧問諮詢和轉換到公司-組織第一線」的最佳平衡:三星, 戴爾,利盟,福特汽車,美國國防部,美國能源部,Booz Allen Hamilton 顧問公司,Tokai Rika公司,South Fulton醫學中心,英國航空航天公司和EDS


他是兩本經常被引用的暢銷書作者:《戴明修煉I:戴明的品質和生產力之道》、《戴明修煉II:戴明的持續改善之道》。他又是戴明:即使盡最大努力仍然不夠的!” CD – ROM的共同作者。他最新的工作是製作一片DVD - ROM光碟,這是一系列關於突破性績效的第二張,係應用最佳的戴明的方法來改善個人績效。

William W. Scherkenbach 先生目前是(台灣)光寶科技公司的副總,統管品質管理,六西格瑪和最佳做法。他是公認的世界級品質領域的權威之一。他在提供客戶「更高的品質,降低成本」的成功個案的經驗,已超過三十年:三星, 戴爾,利盟,福特汽車,美國國防部,美國能源部,Booz Allen & Hamilton 顧問公司,Tokai Rika公司,South Fulton醫學中心,英國航空航天公司和EDS 。


東海戴明學者講座【2008特邀威廉‧謝爾肯巴赫先生(Mr. William W. Scherkenbach.)擔任三場演講-討論。】
I 開幕大戲【Lecture One: Dr. Deming's System of Profound Knowledge and Its Applications. 1016 (四)】 1500-1700,中華民國品質學會【台北羅斯福路】

演講時間:10/17() 下午4:20-6:10
演講主題:Statistical Thinking and Psychology and Actions
演講時間:10/18() 上午10:00-12:00
演講主題:Systems Thinking and Knowledge
演講者:謝爾肯巴赫先生(Mr. William W. Scherkenbach
演講地點:東海大學 基礎科學實驗大樓一樓 求真廳
報名請洽:東海大學 工業工程與經營資訊學系 鄭玉玲小姐

東海大學"約農路" ( Tunghai )

羅家祺這本"[行道樹圖鑑" 晨星出版社 2008 的封面 可能是東海大學"約農路"

