「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2000年11月8日 星期三

Profit Beyond Measure: Extraordinary Results Through Attention to Work and People

我在中國越南 2002-2003 給郭總和其幕僚看過

Profit Beyond Measure: Extraordinary Results Through Attention to Work and People

H. Thomas Johnson and Anders Broms合著的《利潤遠超衡量表之度量:透過對於工作和人的關心來達成優異的績效》(Profit Beyond Measure:Extraordinary Results Through Attention to Work and PeopleFree Press,2000

Seven Generation

'May the Seven Generation after us know a world shaped by his thinking.'

這是一本名著Profit Beyond Measure作者題獻W. E. Deming的。

我猜測這是聖經相關的字,查韓承良編《聖經小辭典》(台北:思高聖經學會出版社,1983),關於「七, Seven」這麼說:古代中東各民族慣用字,它的來源可能是基於陰曆月亮每月28天的四個盈虧階段,所以用「七, Seven」來指一切事物的圓滿結束。關於「代,Generation」有數義:直系後代、人類代代相傳的歷史、或某一時代的社會風氣等。

7`由神聖的3與象徵人類的4所加成,因而可以代表宏觀世界與微觀世界,世間有七大罪(驕傲、貪婪、淫邪、憤怒、貪食、嫉妒、懶惰),使人遠離上帝,所以要回歸祂,要經七重天」(David Fontana 《象徵世界的語言》(The Secrete Language of Symbols)何盼盼譯,北京:中國青年,20001,第97頁)

更完整、多文化的說明,參考(漢思 比德曼《世界文化象徵辭典》劉玉紅等譯,桂林:灕江,2001255-56seven條)


1. 掲載ページ - p.32:
" ... first time-a strategy W Edwards Deming taught in his famous presentations to Japanese manufacturing executives during the summer of 1951. Deming's influence, their own ... "
2. 掲載ページ - p.50:
" ... next month by the amount of the deviation, and all will be well. Dr. W Edwards Deming observed that such "managing by results only makes things worse"
3. 掲載ページ - p.68:
" ... belief in the need for unbroken growth .26 Only a few people- W. Edwards Deming being a notable example-have had the courage to stake their careers ... "
4. 掲載ページ - p.69:
" ... changes in any of its parts will reverberate throughout it in what Dr. Deming called "unknown and unknowable" ways"
5. 掲載ページ - p.93:
" ... withdrawal and replenishment kanban cards may have inspired Dr. Edwards Deming's idea of a "living process map," which he often described in his ... "
6. 掲載ページ - p.178:
" ... century to the present time. That same spirit is also expressed in W Edwards Deming's admonition to managers: "Don't just do something; sit there!"' Both ... "
7. 掲載ページ - p.179:
"DETAILS 179 nese fable and Deming's admonition reflect a belief that the best results come to those who value and nurture proper relationships and who ... "
8. 掲載ページ - p.186:
" ... worldview (Box 6-1). The other is a difference in action (Box 6-2). W. Edwards Deming, in one of the first items on his fourteen-point list of management principles"
9. 後付の引用:
"Instead, top managers focus on measurements. To paraphrase Dr. W. Edwards Deming, although we can only quantify 3 percent of all that is going on in an organization ... "
10. 後付の引用:
"systems thinking, organizational learning, and modern physics. Since Dr. Deming 's death in 1993, the Deming Institute has continued to encourage and support this interest"

11. 後付の引用:
" ... Housman, A Shropshire Lad (1896), "The Welsh Marches," 49. 3. Vil. Edwards Deming, Out of the Crisis (Cambridge"
12. 後付の引用:
" ... diversity and threatening the long-term sustainability of the system as a whole. 5. Statement by Dr. Deming at his June 1992 four-day seminar attended by one of the authors ... "
13. 索引の引用:
" ... 23-24 Toyota Production System versus, 94-96,99,100,112 Defects, 23, 181-82 Deming, W Edwards"
14. 後付の引用:
" ... organizations around the world, including Arthur Andersen & Co., Boeing, Chrysler, The Deming Institute, Ericsson Telefon"
15. 序文の引用:
"This book is dedicated to the memory of Dr. W. Edwards Deming 1900-1993 May the Seventh Generation after us know a world shaped by his thinking"
16. 序文の引用:
" ... may have very different implications than most think. W. Edwards Deming, statistician and management innovator, used to say that, if management sets ... "
17. 序文の引用:
" ... managing by results"-and organizing work systemically- "managing by means"-was framed by W Edwards Deming many years ago in the following words: "If you have a stable ... "
18. 序文の引用:
"Focus on outcome," Deming said, "is not an effective way to improve a process or an activity. . . . [M] anagement by numerical goal is an attempt to manage without knowledge of what to do ... "

Profit Beyond Measure: Extraordinary Results Through Attention to Work and People (ハードカバー)
H. Thomas Johnson (著), Anders Broms (著) "Managers of business organizations will find as a result reading this book that they can no longer accept without question the conventional wisdom that says..." もっと読む

