「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2019年12月24日 星期二

《 戴明博士文選 : 統計品管到淵博知識 ‧戴明作︰以概率作為行動的根據.》;David Kerridge序言及幫忙

戴明博士文選 : 統計品管到淵博知識

序言 (David Kerridge)
編譯序 (鍾漢清)
第一篇☆☆《戴明統計品管九講》 6

☆編輯說明 (鍾漢清)
☆第一講 統計的品質管制在工業上的利益
☆第二講 統計知識對工程及其他基本知識之關係...
☆第三講 變異性的特殊原因和共同原因...
☆第四講 尋找特殊原因而發生的兩種錯誤
☆第五講 有關管制圖的幾個基本觀念...
☆第六講 判斷管制是否存在的管制圖法
☆第七講 用實驗室方法做的幾個實驗
☆第八講 生產期間管製品質的管制圖法
☆第九講 驗收抽樣
☆☆戴明︰Walter A. Shewhart 百年誕辰紀念文...
☆☆品質標準的性質與起源 (W. A. Shewhart)...
. ☆OUT OF THE CRISIS 第二章經營十四責任
☆戴明︰統計推論的界限 (含《實驗改善手冊》序)..
無意中找大故友David Kerridge教授2006.9.1給我的回信:關於Essay on Objections
Dear Hanching,
>In the meanwhile, please kindly consider to express the main points
>for the layman.
An interesting challenge: but it must cover a lot of ground. Without
explaining the way we test scientific theories, the argument about
statistics is not meaningful. I will think about it.
I would also have to explain why (as Shewhart's said) "Applied Science
is more exacting than Pure Science."
I attach a copy of Deming's paper, as far as I have got with working on
it. The main thing missing is a table, which illustrates a very
important point in statistical/scientific method.

☆☆ 尾聲與前瞻...
Ed Deming wants big changes, and he wants them fast.
August 1, 1990... He has always looked younger than he is, but even with that he is clearly old. He moves slowly through the hotel lobby, preceded by his ample stomach, leaning forward slightly and looking straight ahead through his glasses. From a distance, he...
Smithsonian 月刊1990年8月號

