「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2019年12月24日 星期二

《 戴明博士文選 : 統計品管到淵博知識 ‧戴明作︰以概率作為行動的根據.》;David Kerridge序言及幫忙

戴明博士文選 : 統計品管到淵博知識

序言 (David Kerridge)
編譯序 (鍾漢清)
第一篇☆☆《戴明統計品管九講》 6

☆編輯說明 (鍾漢清)
☆第一講 統計的品質管制在工業上的利益
☆第二講 統計知識對工程及其他基本知識之關係...
☆第三講 變異性的特殊原因和共同原因...
☆第四講 尋找特殊原因而發生的兩種錯誤
☆第五講 有關管制圖的幾個基本觀念...
☆第六講 判斷管制是否存在的管制圖法
☆第七講 用實驗室方法做的幾個實驗
☆第八講 生產期間管製品質的管制圖法
☆第九講 驗收抽樣
☆☆戴明︰Walter A. Shewhart 百年誕辰紀念文...
☆☆品質標準的性質與起源 (W. A. Shewhart)...
. ☆OUT OF THE CRISIS 第二章經營十四責任
☆戴明︰統計推論的界限 (含《實驗改善手冊》序)..
無意中找大故友David Kerridge教授2006.9.1給我的回信:關於Essay on Objections
Dear Hanching,
>In the meanwhile, please kindly consider to express the main points
>for the layman.
An interesting challenge: but it must cover a lot of ground. Without
explaining the way we test scientific theories, the argument about
statistics is not meaningful. I will think about it.
I would also have to explain why (as Shewhart's said) "Applied Science
is more exacting than Pure Science."
I attach a copy of Deming's paper, as far as I have got with working on
it. The main thing missing is a table, which illustrates a very
important point in statistical/scientific method.

☆☆ 尾聲與前瞻...
Ed Deming wants big changes, and he wants them fast.
August 1, 1990... He has always looked younger than he is, but even with that he is clearly old. He moves slowly through the hotel lobby, preceded by his ample stomach, leaning forward slightly and looking straight ahead through his glasses. From a distance, he...
Smithsonian 月刊1990年8月號

2019年12月23日 星期一

戴明《新經濟學》作者序; 戴明的新經學與好友 2019-01-18 漢清講堂

268 戴明的新經學與好友 2019-01-18 漢清講堂
我在《轉危為安》書中提到的管理十四要點(14 points for management),乃是運用淵博知識系統,將現行管理方式往最適化轉型下的自然產物。
The New Economics for Industry, Government , Education
博客來→ http://goo.gl/rgk2KG
誠品→ http://goo.gl/uP8M7u
金石堂→ http://goo.gl/vjM2JY
TAAZE→ http://goo.gl/NIdhYX
城邦讀書花園→ http://goo.gl/b635sS

2019年12月20日 星期五

【#戴明哲學國際週報】007:家居設備的開放標準;Google goes offline 品質眾生相 (240-241):Google Services Hit by Outages ;歐盟訂定手機充電器和插座標準;



Google goes offline after fibre cables cut

Severed fibre optic cables disrupted internet access in parts of eastern Europe, Iran and Turkey on Thursday.
The issue, which lasted for about two hours, was caused by multiple fibre cables being physically cut at the same time, a highly unusual thing to happen.
Google said its services were among those unavailable in the region for about 30 minutes.
The company told internet service providers to connect to its other servers to "route around the problem".
In a statement, the company blamed "multiple simultaneous fibre cuts", which are very rare.
BBC Monitoring confirmed that internet access in Bulgaria, Iran and Turkey had been disrupted for about two hours on Thursday morning.
Sadjad Bonabi, a director at Iran's Communications Infrastructure Company, said two cuts happened at once, one between Iran and Bucharest and the other on a line to Munich.
This disrupted traffic on one of the major fibre cables in the region. But Mr Bonabi said traffic had been routed on to "healthy" connections in western and southern Iran.
No explanation for the cut cables has been offered.

品質眾生相 (241): 2014.3.16

Google Services Hit by Outages

Thumbs were getting a brief rest Monday as several GoogleGOOG +1.65% services were hit with disruptions.
Google’s instant-messaging tool Hangouts suffered an outage, while its spreadsheet app Sheets and another instant-messaging service, Google Talk, also experienced disruptions, according to the company’s status dashboard.
The Hangouts outage may have the widest impact, since the app now powers text messaging on many of the latest Android devices. People who use the Google Nexus 5, for example, have been struggling to send texts since the first outages were reported around 9 a.m. Pacific Time. (There’s an easy workaround: Download another messaging app like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger.)
The disruptions are Google’s first since Gmail ran into trouble Feb. 25. A larger range of Google services went down on Feb. 20 and Jan. 24. Google’s email archiving and security service Postini Services has seen frequent disruptions over the past month, according to the company’s apps dashboard.
As of 11:15 a.m. PT, Google had posted messages saying Hangouts, Talk and Sheets service had been restored for “some users” and the company expects the problems to be fixed for everyone “in the near future.”

品質眾生相 (240):

美國的電腦工業缺乏標準,導致整個產業界窒息得透不過氣來,並且剝奪消費者使用更佳產品的機會。----W. Edwards Deming, 1986

European Parliament backs common mobile phone charger

Consumers in the 28-nation EU may soon benefit from a standardized charger
and socket for their mobile devices. Compliance among manufacturers by 2017
will be required in a draft law passed by the European Parliament.

The www.dw.de Article

European Parliament backs common mobile phone charger

Consumers in the 28-nation EU may soon benefit from a standardized charger and socket for their mobile devices. Compliance among manufacturers by 2017 will be required in a draft law passed by the European Parliament.
The European Parliament on Thursday approved by 550 votes to 12 an amendment to the bloc's radio equipment law.
That paves the way for a common charger for mobile devices to be made available to consumers by 2017.
Ending clutter
Rapporteur Barbara Weiler said she was particularly glad the modernized Radio Equipment Directive now included details on the introduction of such a charger for mobile phones, tablets and other mobile devices from producers such as Nokia, Sony, Apple, Motorola and Samsung.
"This serves the interests both of consumers and the environment," Weiler said in a statement. "It will put an end to charger clutter and 51,000 tons of electronic waste annually."
Greater monitoring powers

Earlier attempts to get a common charger

European lawmakers also backed provisions that would give authorities additional market surveillance tools to detect radio equipment products which failed to comply with new safety and non-interference rules.
The draft law only has to be formally approved by the European Council, comprising the EU's heads of state.
The EU's executive commission will negotiate the optimal design with device manufacturers over the coming months.
The bloc's 28 member states will be given two years to incorporate the changes into national legislation, while manufacturers of mobile devices will have an additional year to comply.
hg/ipj (dpa, Reuters, AFP)

2019年12月19日 星期四

CAS台灣優良農產品發展協會.......品質眾生相 (163-166)不可靠:: 上海大眾汽車召回/資訊產品或社交軟體/日本不痛針/台灣廠商所有品質認證 ISO/GMP/HACCP......破產

2019.12 曾經,台灣的CAS、GMP等都是敷衍了事的單位。

CAS台灣優良農產品發展協會進行聯合稽查,罕見的一次終止三家廠商標章 !


品質眾生相 (166)



品質眾生相 (165)
1022經過數年來的事件  我們可以說:

台灣廠商所有品質認證 ISO/GMP/HACCP......都已破產

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) - Wikipedia

A year earlier, the American Society for Quality offered their first certifications for HACCP Auditors. (First known as Certified Quality Auditor-HACCP, they were ...

消基會:GMP未與國際接軌 【2013/11/4 19:15】












品質眾生相 (164)
我的同學洪信佳牙醫師留日. 他採用的針都是日本的"小針" 比較不會疼痛.....

日研發不痛針 採血就像蚊子叮

這款名為「PINNIX LIGHT」的採血用針具,是由兵庫縣西宮市的Lightnix研發,日本國內已在去年上市,今年進一步取得美國食品藥品管理局(FDA)許可,本月將在美國推出,台灣及新加坡也準備申請上市。
「PINNIX LIGHT」採血用針具長0.9公釐、寬0.4公釐,針頭以醫療用樹脂製成,就像蚊子的口針一樣表面帶有波浪狀,可減少與皮膚的摩擦,減輕疼痛感。由於其構想正是來自蚊子叮咬,因此是名副其實的「蚊子針」。

品質眾生相 (163):

10月21四晚FACEBOOK 當機: TIMELINE問題 無法傳送出去


據說臉書更新中所以怪怪的 阿那乾脆來企Zzzz好了 大家都被臉書制約了啊哈哈 晚安囉^^

〔記者陳炳宏、編譯詹立群/綜合報導〕全球用戶超過十一億的臉書(Facebook)網站,最近常 發生網頁錯誤,而昨晚更是大規模當機,包括台灣、香港、全球各地,許多網友發現電腦無法按讚或留言,甚至不能傳訊息、照片,即使是Facebook英文社 群論壇,也是一片哀嚎。臉書在官網表示,在例行維修過程中出現問題,歷經二個多小時已修復完成,該公司對使用者造成不便致上歉意。

Facebook down: Users unable to post on social network

While site is still available for browsing, users are not able to like, comment or share.

UPDATE: Facebook is 'back'.
Facebook is broken.

Although it may appear that the world is still turning,  online a collective wail went out from procrastinating workers, distressed students and panicking social media editors, after it appeared no one was able to post anything to the social networking site.

Facebook was not ‘down’ as such: users were still able to browse posts and click through their newsfeed, but likes, comments, posts and shares were not available.

Personal accounts and pages were met with the error notice “There was a problem updating your status. Please try again in a few minutes.”

Yet the agony of Facebook fans was prolonged longer than expected, with the error continuing for over an hour.

Iain Mackenzie, European communications director for Facebook took to Twitter to confirm the issue, tweeting: : “We are aware that some people are having problems posting to Facebook and we're looking into it.”

Michael Allen, Director of APM, Compuware, said the outage would potentially affect "billions of people."

He added: "If you look at the Outage Analyzer service, at least 3,587 other domains were impacted; although the actual number is likely to be far greater. This is because many other businesses and websites are connected to Facebook. For example, Facebook is used to enable people to login to many other sites and applications. Any organisation that is seeing errors or slowdowns with their own site or application this afternoon, should check to see if they are relying on Facebook services before they start fire fighting as this might be the cause."

We will update you when the site is back up, should we survive this mini-outage. DO NOT TRY AND SHARE THIS ON FACEBOOK
 好消息: 手機病毒侵入少點......

Given all the talk about mobile malware, users might be forgiven for thinking cybercrooks are cleaning up at their expense. Truth is, surprisingly few bits of malware have found their way into mobile phones. More by accident than design, smartphones have turned out to be much tougher to infect than laptops and desktop PCs. At least, that is the case at present

這樣做就對了: 亞馬遜、蘋果和Google將合作開發智能家居設備的開放標準


2019年12月17日 星期二

【#戴明哲學國際週報】005:波音737 MAX的大醜聞顯示安全與品質無法妥協。600家供應商的打擊:。波音公司嘗到商譽損失之苦果 Boeing's 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers波音將向 737 MAX 墜機事故受影響家庭和社區提供 1 億美元援助。波音首次承認737 MAX飛行模擬器軟件有缺陷;Boeing 737 Max Simulators Are in High Demand. They Are Flawed. .美國 FAA 有本事獨立管理Boeing 737 Max等的認證嗎?ˋ


奇異公司因737 MAX停產面臨的問題更為嚴重該公司可能會因波音公司停產737 MAX噴氣式飛機的決定而遭受現金流的重大打擊,這款飛機已給奇異公司的財務狀況帶來了影響。

What happens to a global manufacturing supply chain when a giant customer halts work indefinitely? Boeing’s suppliers are about to find out.

FAA內部報告曾認為波音737 MAX存在高度墜毀風險

在737 Max噴氣式客機去年秋天首次發生致命墜機事故后,美國監管機構決定允許該款飛機繼續執飛,


Boeing Manager Says He Warned Company Of Problems ...
NBC News
YouTube - 2 日前

Surprised if Boeing's 737 Max re-certified this month: Fmr FAA ...

CNBC.com - 1 日前

FAA Administrator: Boeing 737 Max recertification will extend ...

CNBC.com - 15 時間前

Boeing's making a big push to get the 737 Max recertified in ...

CNBC Television
YouTube - 2019/12/02

Boeing 737 MAX Crashes Immediately After Takeoff | Here's ...


YouTube - 2019/11/19

ボーイング737 MAX(Boeing 737 MAX、ボーイング737マックス)は、アメリカ合衆国の航空機メーカーボーイング社が製造するボーイング737の第4世代の小型ジェット旅客機である。 目次. 1 概要; 2 経緯; 3 設計. 3.1 燃費向上; 3.2 エンジン; 3.3 フライトデッキ ...
The Boeing 737 MAX is a narrow-body aircraft series manufactured by Boeing Commercial Airplanes as the fourth generation of the Boeing 737, succeeding the Boeing 737 Next Generation (NG). It is based on earlier 737 designs, re-engined ...
由於 737 MAX 飛機繼續積壓,波音公司商用噴氣式客機交付量 2019 年上半年同比下降逾三分之一,競爭對手空中客車集團料將七年來首次超越波音成為全球最大飛機制造商。
總部位於芝加哥的波音週二連續第三個月公布未獲得 MAX 飛機新訂單。兩起致命墜機事故發生後,該型號飛機自 3 月中旬以來一直停飛。
今年前六個月波音共交付了 239 架飛機,低於去年同期的 378 架。目前有 150 多架 MAX 飛機停放在倉庫中。
4 月將產量削減近五分之一並擱置增產計劃後,波音現在以每月 42 架的速度生產 737 飛機。未交付飛機正讓波音受到密切關注的現金流漸趨枯竭,分析師預計今年該公司現金流將大幅降為負值,這會加大交付 787 夢想飛機、提供飛機服務和防務設備的壓力。

Bloomberg Asia
7月7日上午9:00 ·
It remains a mystery: How did a company renowned for meticulous design make seemingly basic software mistakes?


Boeing's 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers

波音公司承諾向受其 737 MAX 飛機兩次致命墜機事故影響的家庭和社區提供 1 億美元財務支持,這是該公司試圖修復因悲劇受損的聲譽的努力之一。波音表示,這些資金將用於支付受影響家庭的生活費、社區發展和教育等費用。

錯誤的感測器數據導致一架737 MAX客機去年在印尼墜毀,四週後,波音一名高管提到了飛鳥與飛機相撞引發類似事件,從而導致又一次空難的可能性,但隨後他淡化了這種風險。知情人士稱,美國航空監管部門越來越認為,波音高管所描述的此類情形可能是四個月後埃航墜機事件的一個原因

 獅航和埃航空難後,全球各地的航空公司開始積極向波音訂購737 Max飛行模擬器,以加強對飛行員的培訓。但波音最近發現, 模擬器並不能準確再現防失速系統故障後機艙內的情況 ,而兩起空難事故均與這一故障有關。 (《 紐約時報 》)

波音首次承認737 MAX飛行模擬器軟件存在缺陷

美國波音公司首次承認,737 MAX系列機型飛行軟件存在缺陷。去年10月以來,已經發生過兩起波音737-MAX墜機事件,總共造成346人死亡。
Deutschland Flugsimulator Boeing 737 (picture-alliance/ dpa/S. Kugler)

(德國之聲中文網)據法新社報導,本週六,波音公司承認737 MAX系列飛行模擬器軟件存在缺陷。該公司發表聲明稱,已經對737 MAX系列飛行模擬器軟件進行了修正並為設備操作員提供了額外的信息。

737 Max 8,還能讓人放心嗎?

去年10月29日印度尼西亞獅航一架波音737 MAX墜毀。今年3月10日,又有一架波音737 MAX在埃塞俄比亞墜毀。兩次墜機共造成346人死亡。
波音公司原本計劃從今年6月份開始將其最暢銷機型737 Max系列的產量提高到每月57架。自從幾個月內連續發生兩次墜機事件之後,大多數國家對該機型頒發了禁飛令。今年4月初,波音公司總裁米倫伯格(Dennis Muilenburg)表示,從4月中旬開始,波音737 Max飛機系列的生產將從每月的52架減少到42架。

Boeing 737 Max Simulators Are in High Demand. They Are Flawed.

  • Since the two fatal crashes of the Boeing 737 Max, airlines have moved to buy flight simulators to train their pilots.
  • But the simulators could not accurately replicate the conditions created by the malfunctioning system that played a role in both disasters.

Airline safety: The acting head of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration defended the agency’s certification procedures involving the now-grounded Boeing 737 Max airplane, telling the House Transportation Committee that having company-paid employees inspect their own aircraft was “a good system.”

航空公司的安全:美國聯邦航空管理局的代理負責人為該機構的認證程序辯護,該程序涉及現已停飛的波音737 Max飛機,告訴眾議院運輸委員會,讓公司支付的員工檢查他們自己的飛機是“一個好的系統”。
