「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2013年6月8日 星期六

台灣戴明圈 110-19


周六早大停電約20分鐘 我摸黑準備木瓜等
門口 漆黑 不過大夥10人 陸續到
我先講時 沒用powerpoint
講Ackoff 講 Bell Lab的複總"美國通信系統被摧毀"激發出的理想設計法 和美國鋁業公司田納西州廠區大改善的工作品質之故事
來電 時改由戴老師講
Peter 說 故事很精彩 可惜來不及錄音


Kevin送 The Economist 社論
Toyota slips up
What the world's biggest carmaker can learn from other corporate turnarounds




這裡也記"名譽博士" 我讀胡適的晚年對話 才知道 美國只有康乃爾和史丹佛大學沒這 前者要破例頒給胡適 他拒絕 希望母校維持其傳統

昨晚王老師有MAIL 來問開會情況 我答非所問


戴明愛智合作社連絡簿( 59):友情
2006/3/13DAVE HSU來訪。談些家常:他住在陽光山林 20 年前去過一次,現在據云綠數成蔭。
David 跟我談些他們的改善經驗。
我說,產業之有心人應有三書:專業的(譬如說他對 design性能)、一般管理心得、自傳(回憶錄)
《艾略特文學論文文集》「譯者前言」中,「十七世紀玄學派詩人稱為機智( wit)的統一體:巧妙的將思想、情感和感覺三個因素結合成一體」之說法,正是『戴明修煉 II』的主旨。
Dear Tony, 你選的『西遊記 三圖:大鬧龍宮、大鬧天宮、取回真經』請參考,如果有問題請通知 .
英國 The Observer 周日 Sunday March 12, 2006 Simon Caulkin 專欄談企業界經常被管理潮流 `之空話 迷思所惑 Bosses in love with claptrap and blinded by ideologies
他引 Deming 說如果太刻板重視目標之追求,常常會不惜一切但求達標、犧牲一切
Incentives do incentivise - but be careful what you wish for. As W Edwards Deming said, people with sharp enough targets will probably meet them even if they have to destroy the company to do so. And what about change or die?The trouble, they say, is that companies are so bad at it that 'empirically it is change and die'.
foolish, meaningless talk which should not be believed:
Don't believe a word of what he says. It's just a load of claptrap.
陳寬仁老師今天來我處閒聊數小時。我們覺得王大哥的退休紀念會( CSQ)勢在必行。所以請你選一時間(因為七月你可能赴美)。其他由我與林公負責。
現在最優先的是王老師要說 YES,然後發動,請考慮一下。
下周三晚 CSQ討論中原 Kano 先生榮譽博士之先前作業。

 狩野紀昭 教授(Prof. Noriaki Kano, 民國95年3月23日)

寄英文「製造的近視」(仿 T. Levit 之「行銷的近視」)給 KevinJusting Kevin HBR 之訪問稿。
讀 狄更斯『德魯德疑案』( The Mystery of Edwin Drood (unfinished) (1870) ,項星耀譯)首章注解:狄更斯在這章的寫作要點曾寫道:「接觸到主旨:『惡人若回頭 …..』」
聖公會早晚禱都用此開頭:「 ……惡人若回頭離開所行的惡、行正直與合理的事、他的靈魂即可得救。」
(這可能就是 W. E. Deming 每天之禱詞)
以 西 結 書 Ezekiel
18:27 [hb5] 再者、惡人若回頭離開所行的惡、行正直與合理的事、他必將性命救活了.
[lb5] 再者,惡人若回轉離開他所行的惡,而行公平正義的事,他就會將性命救活。
[nb5] 還有,惡人若回轉離開他所行的惡,行正直公義的事,他就可以使自己的性命存活。
[asv] Again, when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive.
[kjv] Again, when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive.
[bbe] Again, when the evil-doer, turning away from the evil he has done, does what is ordered and right, he will have life for his soul.

官兄的12月/05/2010 會議必須趕怪補"辦法"
他要我更"amnitious "去邀國外訪客
我昨晚已去信給 Orsini 教授 (FORHDAM大學)

譬如說 我第一次知道戴老師會說溫州家鄉話


這《胡適之先生晚年談話錄》沒索引 很不方便
譬如說 多次談到溫州話 胡適之先生以為它很雅 譬如說 茶疲了 等

他是前中華民國中央研究院院長胡適1958年至1962年去世前的秘書。 胡頌平編過《胡適之先生譜長編初稿》.....

Equifinality is the principle that in open systems a given end state can be reached by many potential means. The term is due to Ludwig von Bertalanffy, the founder of General Systems Theory. He prefers this term, in contrast to "goal", in describing complex systems' similar or convergent behavior. It emphasizes that the same end state may be achieved via many different paths or trajectories. In closed systems, a direct cause-and-effect relationship exists between the initial condition and the final state of the system: When a computer's 'on' switch is pushed, the system powers up. Open systems (such as biological and social systems), however, operate quite differently. The idea of equifinality suggests that similar results may be achieved with different initial conditions and in many different ways. [1]
In business, equifinality implies that firms may establish similar competitive advantages based on substantially different competencies.
In psychology, equifinality refers to how different early experiences in life (e.g., parental divorce, physical abuse, parental substance abuse) can lead to similar outcomes (e.g., childhood depression). In other words, there are many different early experiences that can lead to the same psychological disorder.
In archaeology, equifinality refers to how different historical processes may lead to a similar outcome or social formation. For example, the development of agriculture or the bow and arrow occurred independently in many different areas of the world, yet for different reasons and through different historical trajectories. Highlights that generalizations based on cross-cultural comparisons cannot uncritically be made.
In geomorphology, the term equifinality indicates that similar landforms might arise as a result of quite different sets of processes.
In environmental modeling studies, and especially in hydrological modeling, two models are equifinal if they lead to an equally acceptable or behavioral representation of the observed natural processes. It is a key concept to assess how uncertain hydrological predictions are.

See also


Sir Geoffrey Vickers

Respected author and Systems Thinker, Sir Geoffrey Vickers was seen to be a man ahead of his time. Born in 1884, he won the Victoria Cross for distinguished service in the First World War. He studied Classics at Oxford in 1923, and later became a lawyer where he became involved in international affairs. Vickers is regarded as a systems practitioner rather than an academic. He introduced many of the basic systems thinking terms, and derived the concept of appreciative systems to describe human activity. He recognized that appreciation of systems requires the participation of not only the observer, but also that of the subject.
These video clips of Sir Geoffrey Vickers were filmed in 1978.
漫畫來源: Ted Goff


提醒各位 明天要記得來開會

基本上 10:00-11:00 討論 R. L. Ackoff 每人報告15分
11:00-12:00 討論2010年真理大學的會議

有興趣留下來比較深入了解陳教授談 Ackoff 等的 下午在戰
老虎伍茲麻煩纏身 廣告商選擇觀望

"某書局如此說 可我不會去

