「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2008年1月22日 星期二

Mary Ann Gould

凡在網頁上自稱為 Deming信徒者 都"姑且聽之":

Mary Ann Gould is Co-founder of the Coalition for Voting Integrity and host of "Voice of the Voters!" Radio and Internet voiceofthevoters dot org. She is an active voting rights advocate. Mary Ann's initial study and work was in finance and economics. She also at age 30 started an Electronics manufacturing company which grew substantially and served on many Boards plus received major awards for contributions to Economic development, Delaware Valley Executive of the Year, "Distinguished Pennsylvanian". Mary Ann became interested in Quality and Change Management and was fortunate to become an associate of the late Dr. W. Edwards Deming, world renowned for his innovative management principles. She also developed a successful management consulting career and created many processes used to build organizations, create and manage change and develop leadership and teamwork based on overarching Vision and integrated actions.Her work is referced in several books as well as many news and magazine articles and has been a speaker on at major Universities and conferences..

Mary Ann Gould: I’m struck by how important it is to have a mentor in early adulthood. I was raised Roman Catholic; my mother was a very spiritual woman. I was married the day before I turned 21, raised six kids. As they went to college, I realized they would be gone. I decided it was right for me to get an MA in psychology. I discovered myself, not a s a mother or wife but as me. I did a very powerful eight day silent retreat. Afterward I got a flyer for a Christian Meditation eight day retreat, a John Main seminar, seven years ago. I got into a meditation group at my church. I’ve been growing, trying to release commitments. I set time out each day for my prayer life and scripture reading. I got here through my daughter. I am part of the World Meditation Group headed by Fr. John Lawrence. He was using the “Good Heart” book by the Dalai Lama. Fr. Lawrence wrote the preface to it. My daughter took Jim’s class using the book so I got connected to LMU and through that, to here. I invite Ven. Piyananda.

