新經濟學:產官學醫等百業適用 5號 The New Economics for Us, No. 5,
Is price the price tag or the total cost?
Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
When we cooperate, everybody wins.
印度業者表示,臺海兩岸制造的汽機車零配 件佔據大半攤位,……漫天飛舞的上千個彩色風箏,絕大多 數都是來自臺海兩岸制造。
?新加坡政府投資公司同意提高原計劃對花旗集團的注資金額﹐此舉旨在填補花旗中國引資失敗所留下的約20億美元的資金缺口。Buddy, Can You Spare a Billion?
?交大今天與奇美醫院簽署合作備忘錄,希望將電子科技帶 入臨床醫療與居家照護領域,改善整體醫療環境品質,嘉惠國人。
質檢系統產品品質和食品安全專項整治目標實現,全國 共有9.8萬家食品生產加工企業100%獲得生產許可證,獲證 產品全部加貼了QS標誌,使用非食品原料和回收食品生產 加工食品的違法行為基本消除,濫用防腐劑、色素等食品 添加劑的違法行為得到有效遏制。 ...
Beijing,China 昨天,高校實施品質工程及創新工程同時啟動。未來4年 內,本市將投入35億元專門用於這兩項工程。 “35億元專項經費中10個億用於品質工程,25億元用於創新工程。”市教 委有關負責人介紹,品質工程旨在使北京地區高等教育在規模 、結構、品質、效益方面能夠均衡發展;
增強研究生創新 能力為核心,提高研究生教育品質,為建設創新型國家和人力資源強國 培養大批優秀創新人才。
Quality Is Major Concern of Toyota’s Visiting Chief
After the news conference for what is officially called the North American International Auto Show, Mr. Watanabe toured the floor of the hall, where he encountered a former colleague: James E. Press, formerly a
Exchanging a warm greeting with Mr. Watanabe in front of photographers, Mr. Press told him, “We have to get caught up.”
The amazing success of the Coastal Sales Center Group is linked to a commitment the leadership has made to the concept of CANEI. The CANEI acronym was developed by Tony Robbins over a decade ago. It stands for Constant And Never Ending Improvement and was inspired by the teachings of Dr. W. Edwards Deming. Dr. Deming is the American business consultant credited with the Japanese quality movement that started after the devastation