「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2008年1月31日 星期四

通信--茶食 和 14要點


感謝郭展昭先生 (Justing) 送些茶食......




戴明 Edwards W. Deming 十四點原則: 克勞斯比 Philip B. Crosby 十四點原則:

1 設定一致的目標; 1 高階主管的承諾,並一再表明決心;

2 接受『新』的經濟學觀念; 2 以團隊行動達成品質目標;

3 以統計資料證實製程的有效; 3 明確清楚的設定各項標準;

4 減少供應廠商,獎勵優良者; 4 確實掌握品質成本;

5 以統計技巧去發現問題的原因; 5 對品質的警覺為公司文化之一部份;

6 制度化實施操作員在職訓練; 6 認清問題,永遠的消滅問題;

7 督導作業的品質必須提昇; 7 仔細規劃『無缺點』的整套活動;

8 組織中的疑慮應予驅除; 8 整套的『品質教育系統』不斷教育員工;

9 掃除部門之間的溝通障礙; 9 安排一天『無缺點』日,舉辦活動;

10 減少追趕產量的標語,除非確保品質; 10 經由團體討論設定短程目標;

11 與產量有關的工作標準應予減少; 11 各人說出狀況,消除引起誤解之原因;

12 其以工作技藝自豪者,應予鼓勵; 12 鼓勵改善品質有效者;

13 在職者之再教育應不斷確實進行; 13 組成品質委員會,集思廣益;

14 組織中有不斷推動上述十三點的力量。 14 經由觀察、參與和學習,從頭做起。
為何二人都是14點 而內容又不相同 又不可以 14+14=28 你以為有那幾項可以「合併」嗎?



這可能是「大哉問」(我十幾年前也亂猜過為什麼:14 ;甚至於走火入魔,猜「14」為基督教希臘文的『基督』奧義)或 「不重要」的問題---因為他們各寫各的,井水不犯河水。

我認為他們都是屬於Wilson 總統的「後代」,彼之14點當然是他倆的「當代語」。


2008年1月30日 星期三


日本報業三巨頭合設網站 這是Deming 喜歡談的合作哲學







中国製ギョーザで10人中毒症状 農薬検出 千葉・兵庫



農薬が混入していたとされる冷凍ギョーザと同じ商品。29日にコープ市川店で撮影された=千葉県提供  日本たばこ産業(JT)子会社の「ジェイティフーズ」(東京都品川区)が輸入した冷凍ギョーザを食べた千葉、兵庫両県の3家族計10人が下痢や嘔吐(おうと)などの中毒・・・>>続き



つなぎ法案、一転撤回 ガソリン税暫定税率、事実上延長





中国産冷凍ギョーザなど回収された商品の一部(30日、東京・千代田区で)  千葉、兵庫両県の3家族計10人が昨年12月28日から今月22日にかけ、・・・>>続き

米GDP、0.6%の低成長 10〜12月期








  「中国製ギョーザで中毒」。警察の一報があった午後4時過ぎから、多数の記者が取材現場へ走りました。1面に回収食品のリストと写真を載せたのは読者に最 も大事な情報と考えたからです。2面「時時刻刻」ではなぜこんな事件が起きたのか、社会面には生々しい被害の状況と後手に回った対策を詳報し、事件の全体 像に迫りました。国会ではガソリン税率の「つなぎ法案」が撤回され、米国のGDPは急減速しました。「あらたにす」初日の朝刊はニュース満載です。(吉)


  夕方飛び込んできた中国製ギョーザの殺虫剤混入事件は弁当作りに苦労する親御さんにはとても心配なニュースです。夜にかけて製品回収の動きが広がり、一面 をはじめ多面展開しました。  景気でも気掛かりな二つの発表がありました。一つは米国の昨年10—12月の成長率が年率0.6%まで落ち込んだこと。市場予想は1.2%だったので想 定以上の急ブレーキです。日本の1、2月の鉱工業生産予測指数もマイナス予想。米国が「肺炎」になると日本も無事では済みません。(田)


  中国製の冷凍ギョーザによる中毒事件が衝撃を呼んでいます。食べ残しから農薬が検出され、警察は中国で混入した可能性が高いとみて捜査を始めました。なぜ 紛れ込み、見過ごされたのか。問題食品のリスト、写真と併せ1、2、社会面で詳しく報じています。一方、ガソリンの暫定税率などをめぐる国会の混乱は、一 転して収拾の方向です。「政界の一寸先は闇」を絵に描いたような決着劇をトップ記事にしました。2〜4面の分析、展望記事もご覧ください。(早)



 朝日新聞、読売新聞、日本経済新聞の三紙を読み比べられるウェブサイト「あらたにす」(http://allatanys.jp/)が31日午前7時す ぎからサービスを始めると、3社の出資で設立された「日経・朝日・読売インターネット事業組合」(理事長、長田公平・日本経済新聞デジタルメディア社長) が30日、都内で開いた記者会見で発表した。









 チャールズ・レイク・在日米国商工会議所会長や白石真澄・関西大教授ら各界の著名な10人が三紙を読み、「新聞案内人」として交代で論評やコラムを書く ページもある。朝刊の編集責任者が、その日の紙面の見どころなどを200字程度にまとめた「編集局から」というコーナーもある。


 「あらたにす」とは、新しくするという意味の古語。ロゴの「新」(new)+「s」=NEWSとなり、3社の英知を結集して多面的な ニュースを提供し、多くのニュースの発信元である新聞に対する見方を「あらたに」できればという思いが込められている、と同組合は説明した。


2008年1月29日 星期二



趙民德老師 趙家酒店http://www.jds-online.com/blog/
年代初之文 (1999)csqc 贊賞有加




從來沒有回函說「收到稿 」「接受 約何時登」「不接受 為什麼」





建議 不要隨便定定 每期主題
英文要注意 譬如說上期 Quality Ethic 等是什麼意思

譯壇、SU 動態


2008年1月28日 星期一



me: 順利還鄉 可賀....

他利用電話談些興奮的"成就" 現在將筆記輸入電腦.....

他也在截止前參加 ASQ 的 網路 Future Study (a Delphi study?)...

We are here for an education.


Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
We are here for an education.

2008年1月27日 星期日

Skyguide 空中撞機事故


Skyguide (official name: Schweizerische Aktiengesellschaft für zivile und militärische Flugsicherung; Swiss stock company for civil and military air traffic control. Official English name: Swiss Air Navigation Services Ltd) is the air traffic control corporation that controls Swiss airspace.

Skyguide is an air traffic control company that operates mainly from Zurich and Geneva, Switzerland. Skyguide is responsible for air traffic control over much of Switzerland as well as some parts of Italy, Austria, France and Germany.

The company was found partially responsible for the mid-air collision of Bashkirian Airlines Flight 2937 with a DHL Cargo Boeing 757 on 1 July 2002 over Überlingen.

External links

Information regarding the air accident at Überlingen on July 1, 2002

On July 1, 2002 two planes collided in the airspace controlled by skyguide above South Germany. You will find here information on this tragic accident.

White rose in the control centre of Zurich in memory of the Überlingen accident victims and of our colleague P. N.

On July 1, 2002 a Tupolev Tu-154M passenger aircraft of Bashkirian Airlines collided in mid-air with a Boeing 757-200 cargo aircraft of express mail carrier DHL. The accident occurred above the town of Überlingen in Southern Germany, in German airspace assigned to skyguide’s control, and resulted in the loss of 71 lives.

On 24 February 2004, the skyguide air traffic controller in service during the night of the accident was stabbed to death at his home.

On May 19, 2004 the German Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau (BFU) published their report, which provides a detailed account of the events leading up to the accident. The report also cites the causes of the collision, and makes numerous recommendations for improving the safety of air traffic management activities. Ten of the report’s 19 safety recommendations relate directly to skyguide.

Skyguide had drawn lessons from the investigations into the accident before the publication of the final accident report, and has already enhanced its safety system. The errors which led to the accident were rectified in its immediate aftermath, and many of the actions recommended by the BFU have also already been taken. The safety management practised by skyguide complies with all national and international requirements, and will continue to be constantly refined. Skyguide’s 1400 personnel are also committed to ensuring that all the BFU’s recommendations are adopted and acted upon in full, to ensure that a tragedy of this kind cannot reoccur.

Useful links:

Inauguration of the sculpture in memory of July 1, 2002 and February 24, 2004:

2008年1月24日 星期四

與Bill談 GREEN Belt訓練等

10分 留點紀錄


I’m here in Taipei. ... Please call. I need to ask you about Chinese Quality Society and its resources. Also, do you have any more of my books available?

Dear Bill,
Nice to talk with you.I hope we can tailor-made a set of somehow unique training materials for the green belt for your company.The first thing is to tell me your specifications for each courses.This is just a suggestion.

2008年1月22日 星期二

Mary Ann Gould

凡在網頁上自稱為 Deming信徒者 都"姑且聽之":

Mary Ann Gould is Co-founder of the Coalition for Voting Integrity and host of "Voice of the Voters!" Radio and Internet voiceofthevoters dot org. She is an active voting rights advocate. Mary Ann's initial study and work was in finance and economics. She also at age 30 started an Electronics manufacturing company which grew substantially and served on many Boards plus received major awards for contributions to Economic development, Delaware Valley Executive of the Year, "Distinguished Pennsylvanian". Mary Ann became interested in Quality and Change Management and was fortunate to become an associate of the late Dr. W. Edwards Deming, world renowned for his innovative management principles. She also developed a successful management consulting career and created many processes used to build organizations, create and manage change and develop leadership and teamwork based on overarching Vision and integrated actions.Her work is referced in several books as well as many news and magazine articles and has been a speaker on at major Universities and conferences..

Mary Ann Gould: I’m struck by how important it is to have a mentor in early adulthood. I was raised Roman Catholic; my mother was a very spiritual woman. I was married the day before I turned 21, raised six kids. As they went to college, I realized they would be gone. I decided it was right for me to get an MA in psychology. I discovered myself, not a s a mother or wife but as me. I did a very powerful eight day silent retreat. Afterward I got a flyer for a Christian Meditation eight day retreat, a John Main seminar, seven years ago. I got into a meditation group at my church. I’ve been growing, trying to release commitments. I set time out each day for my prayer life and scripture reading. I got here through my daughter. I am part of the World Meditation Group headed by Fr. John Lawrence. He was using the “Good Heart” book by the Dalai Lama. Fr. Lawrence wrote the preface to it. My daughter took Jim’s class using the book so I got connected to LMU and through that, to here. I invite Ven. Piyananda.

2008年1月20日 星期日

analytic and enumerative(SEARCHABLE)

analytic and enumerative statistical

Hsu David to me




analytic(ăn'ə-lĭt'ĭk) pronunciation or

analytical (-ĭ-kəl)


Google Generation Lacks Analytical Skills

Despite The Internet, Google Generation Lacks Analytical Skills

analytic v enumerative(SEARCHABLE)

2008年1月18日 星期五

新經濟學:產官學醫等百業適用 6號 The New Economics for Us, No. 6,

新經濟學:產官學醫等百業適用 6號 The New Economics for Us, No. 6,

Jan. 19, 2008 (創刊: 2008/01/09) 主編:鍾漢清

2008/1/18 下午 DAVID HSU 來訪

我跟他談預計3月份要在CSQ開的 課程 品質三部曲:復興與新展開

There are many ways of looking at the formation and evolution of J. M. Juran’s Quality Trilogy.

In the coming seminar on Quality Trilogy : Revival and New Deployment.I’ll takes a worldwide look at the making and unmaking of the new faces of quality trilogy methodology.


我對於台灣大NOTEBOOK PC HANDSET 公司研發單位都超過千人的規模 有點吃驚

又討論 為什麼Motorola 公司的 Razor / Ford 公司的 Tarus 會衰退

Apple 公司的產品 iPod等等變成高級/風行

我們五點多去參加王老師的 QRD 會前會

我聽總幹事說TSMC公司的方先生已轉職到新加坡某校;林公說 每月的QKC都有十人以上參與……這些其實都是相當有意思的會員資訊



剛剛去其WEBSITE 發現其主力刊物擺這兩本

読者対象:職場の第一線で働く方 月刊『クオリティマネジメント』

他們在軟體也有一刊物: クオリティワン(Quality One


Create the World of Good Quality



這為什麼ASQ “願景要寫得完整 連我們都要參考

中之一字眼:imperative (URGENT)

My ASQ Timeline

ASQ (3)

管窺 ASQ (2):Freund-Marquardt Medal: Richard A. Freund 與Donald W. Marquardt

管窺 ASQ (1)


9:50 PM on Friday

me: long time no see 最近好嗎

Justing: 只~感覺景氣越來越差,鋼價一直上漲,很多產業都撐不下去

me: 你們無法調價嗎

Justing: 很難,因為現在美國生產產品與台灣已經是同價格,


很抱歉 一直未北上還您書錢

me: 那不重要 我們後會有期 有空應將你的看法放在email或 blog上 讓大家了解你們產業之艱辛

Justing: 喔,但彼此又殺價競爭,很可悲

Justing: 最近我自己是一直研究~鈦的通路


me: 鈦是漫長路 只算開發 你們要有一套經營戰略

Justing: 就是這~經營戰略??根本不懂

me: 這只是”設法想得稍全面 遠光遠點”

Justing: 嗯,很困難,我完全沒概念

me: 找機會在好好筆談或見面談台我剛與david去學會開會 累啦 要休兵

Justing: 喔,晚安,請早點休息

me: good night


2008年1月17日 星期四

pdca in "# W. エドワード・デミング博士について 改善する現場力"

1「設計」: 何を作るかの品質基準を決める。そしてそれについてどのように作るのか作業標準を作りだす。


Pillar Five: Quality As Defined By Deming (Mr. Gingrich )

Renewing American Civilization: Class Six

Note: this file can be copied and distributed by users, but can not be altered from it's original content. Renewing American Civilization
Class Six
Pillar Five: Quality As Defined By Deming

Renewing American Civilization

For 30 years, America has experienced declines in many of the most basic measures of cultural health, from out-of-wedlock births, to crime rates to voter turnout. These developments have coincided with the explosive growth of bureaucratic government ("the welfare state") and the emergence of a radical challenge to some of the most fundamental principles of American thought.

Since September 1993, a serious, substantive alternative to this approach has been offered on over 60 college campuses throughout America in the form of a college course: "Renewing American Civilization." Developed and taught by Congressman Newt Gingrich, who holds a Ph. D. in History from Tulane University, the course is dedicated to describing the underlying principles of American Civilization and applying those principles to the challenges facing America in the 1990s and the 21st Century -- including specifically the replacement of the welfare state with an "opportunity society."

In March, Mr. Gingrich completed his latest course at Reinhardt College, a small (900 students) liberal arts college just north of Atlanta. In addition, the course will be distributed by means of satellite broadcast and video tape for use on college campuses across the country. By mid-1995, the Foundation will have the class widely available on a for-credit basis on major college campuses nationally through Mind Extension University and have available a 90-minute video that gives the essence of the 20 hour course.

Renewing American Civilization Course Transcript


2008年1月16日 星期三

新經濟學:產官學醫等百業適用 5號 The New Economics for Us, No. 5,

新經濟學:產官學醫等百業適用 5 The New Economics for Us, No. 5,

Jan. 16, 2008 (創刊: 2008/01/09) 主編:鍾漢清

Is price the price tag or the total cost?

Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
When we cooperate, everybody wins.


印度業者表示,臺海兩岸制造的汽機車零配 件佔據大半攤位,……漫天飛舞的上千個彩色風箏,絕大多 數都是來自臺海兩岸制造。

?新加坡政府投資公司同意提高原計劃對花旗集團的注資金額﹐此舉旨在填補花旗中國引資失敗所留下的約20億美元的資金缺口。Buddy, Can You Spare a Billion?

?交大今天與奇美醫院簽署合作備忘錄,希望將電子科技帶 入臨床醫療與居家照護領域,改善整體醫療環境品質,嘉惠國人。


質檢系統產品品質和食品安全專項整治目標實現,全國 共有9.8萬家食品生產加工企業100%獲得生產許可證,獲證 產品全部加貼了QS標誌,使用非食品原料和回收食品生產 加工食品的違法行為基本消除,濫用防腐劑、色素等食品 添加劑的違法行為得到有效遏制。 ...

Beijing,China 昨天,高校實施品質工程及創新工程同時啟動。未來4 內,本市將投入35億元專門用於這兩項工程。 “35億元專項經費中10個億用於品質工程,25億元用於創新工程。市教 委有關負責人介紹,品質工程旨在使北京地區高等教育在規模 、結構、品質、效益方面能夠均衡發展;

增強研究生創新 能力為核心,提高研究生教育品質,為建設創新型國家和人力資源強國 培養大批優秀創新人才。

Quality Is Major Concern of Toyota’s Visiting Chief

After the news conference for what is officially called the North American International Auto Show, Mr. Watanabe toured the floor of the hall, where he encountered a former colleague: James E. Press, formerly a Toyota director and president of the company’s North American operations. Mr. Press left Toyota in September to become co-president at Chrysler.

Exchanging a warm greeting with Mr. Watanabe in front of photographers, Mr. Press told him, “We have to get caught up.”

· 企業家は社会の品質向上に役立つ事業に命を賭けよ

· 吉兆Kiccho 品質管理を徹底


The amazing success of the Coastal Sales Center Group is linked to a commitment the leadership has made to the concept of CANEI. The CANEI acronym was developed by Tony Robbins over a decade ago. It stands for Constant And Never Ending Improvement and was inspired by the teachings of Dr. W. Edwards Deming. Dr. Deming is the American business consultant credited with the Japanese quality movement that started after the devastation Japan suffered during the Second World War.

2008年1月15日 星期二

新經濟學:產官學醫等百業適用 4號 The New Economics for Us, No. 4,

新經濟學:產官學醫等百業適用 4 The New Economics for Us, No. 4,

Jan. 15, 2008 (創刊: 2008/01/09) 主編:鍾漢清

2008/1/15 下午鍾漢清與王晃三老師在公館的咖啡店聊天。會後 hc 作詞條贈王老師:



Chinese Society for Quality is not a business unit but must run like a business.

根據Deming, W. Edwards (2000). The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education - 2nd Edition.,p.22

引述London Times, 7 July 1990. 說美日醫院的行政文書成本為其總成本之23% vsesus 5%....


過去20餘年來, ISO 9000 品質系統給業界帶來的成本和浪費,真不知多少……套上Deming的說法是:這損失之大,既無法評價亦無法衡量

. Out of the Crisis. (Deming, W. Edwards 1986) 談了許多The Seven Deadly Diseases: 其中西方經營制度下的第6項致命死疾為高昂的保健成本· Excessive medical costs.



  對經營品質及環境管理的國際認證“ISO”進行統一審查的國際認證機構聯盟(IAF)將改變認證審查方式,以提高認證可信度。將改變以有無內部監查手 冊等形式上的標準為主的審查,採取重視顧客滿意度等實效性的方法。由於食品虛假事件等企業醜聞的影響,日本經濟產業省也將推動相關制度的改革。

  “ISO”是國際標準化機構規定的規格認證的總稱。其中,品質管理“9001”及環境管理“14001”稱為管理認證,目前全球企業及組織已 取得100萬件認證。但近年來,各國產業界認為ISO認證“已不能成為優秀企業標準”的批評越來越多。美國IBM及美國化學工業協會也在IAF中指出“審 查方法還有改善的餘地”。

  對此,IAF在去年10月份于悉尼召開的大會上同意設立專門常設委員會。另外還決定於3月份在波恩召開該委員會的首次會議,開始討論具體的改革方案。(1月11日 《日本經濟新聞》晨報)


日前,四川、江西、上海、瀋陽四地相關部門對市場上銷售的手機電池進行了品質方面的抽樣檢測,相關檢測結果顯示,在四地銷售的手機電池合格率均不超過80%,不合格的電池中大部分為非原裝電池,主要體現在放電性能不達標和 150℃熱衝擊試驗不合格兩方面,其中150℃熱衝擊試驗 ...


 「国務院が定めた(安全)キャンペーンの我の任務は、すべて完了しました」(中国質検総局 蒲長城 副局長)




TOYOTA (3): Cutting Healthcare Costs Seen Vital To Growth

TOKYO (Nikkei)--For Toyota Motor Corp. (7203), providing preventive healthcare is not merely an altruistic policy designed to help its employees. With its ever-growing workforce, the auto giant sees it as a cost-effective way to hold in check healthcare expenses that could otherwise snowball and hurt its competitive position.

A glass-walled building that could be mistaken for a luxury hotel is being built for this purpose in the carmaker's home city of Toyota, Aichi Prefecture. The firm will spend roughly 4 billion yen on the cutting-edge facility, which is called WELPO and opens in March. Masahide Ono, general manager of Toyota's health insurance association, said he believes that services to be provided there will serve as a model of healthcare support by a private employer.

Once the WELPO facility opens, Toyota employees age 36 or older and their spouses will be able to go there for an extensive one-day medical checkup. They will be required to undergo similar testing at the facility every four years after that, in addition to the simpler annual checkups they currently receive across the country.

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Employees will spend the morning receiving advanced medical tests, including computerized tomography scans, and then enjoy a healthy meal for lunch. In the afternoon, they will be given healthcare advice based on their test results and attend health-related seminars. By taking an indoor walking lesson, for example, examinees will be able to actually experience the amount of exercise they need in order to maintain good health.

The support center will also construct a database on the health conditions of about 220,000 Toyota group employees and their family members so as to estimate, based on each person's checkup results and hospital records, which health problems -- and to what degree -- they are prone to develop. The facility will offer programs that include advice on diet and exercise, in a bid to prevent metabolic syndrome and other lifestyle diseases.

The WELPO project not only embodies the shift in Toyota's employee healthcare policy from treatment to prevention, it also reflects the company's strong resolve to stem the rise in medical costs even if it means taking such steps as giving employees advice in areas that extend beyond the workplace.

Each year, Toyota's health insurance association pays out a total of more than 20 billion yen in benefits. According to data provided by the National Federation of Health Insurance Societies, two-thirds of health insurance associations of large companies expect to incur losses for fiscal 2007. Although Toyota's association is thought to operate in the black, its burden has been growing.

"According to a survey, diseases and injuries at the workplace can cause productivity and quality to decline," said Masamitsu Iwata, general manager of Toyota's Safety and Health Promotion Division. Employee health is no longer merely a matter of productivity. An increase in medical costs, due in large part to Japan's declining birthrate and rapidly aging population, has forced Toyota to take a broader, companywide approach.

Toyota's management is almost certainly aware of how hard the Big Three U.S. carmakers have been hit by legacy costs such as healthcare expenses and pensions. The sum of medical expenses paid by General Motors Corp., for example, once surpassed 5 billion dollars a year, which pushed up costs per vehicle by as much as 1,500 dollars.

While the situation is not the same in Japan, where all citizens are supposed to be covered by health insurance, Toyota President Katsuaki Watanabe said his firm nevertheless cannot afford to take a passive approach regarding employee health.

In September, GM agreed to shift 50 billion dollars in retiree healthcare obligations to the United Auto Workers union. The reduction in its healthcare burden has enabled GM to put more money and effort into global marketing, possibly threatening Toyota by narrowing their gap in profitability.

(The Nikkei Thursday morning edition)

2008年1月12日 星期六

新經濟學:產官學醫等百業適用 4號 PDCA/PDSA;plan-do-study-act

新經濟學:產官學醫等百業適用 4
The New Economics for Us, No. 4, Jan. 12, 2008
2008/1/12 (創刊: 2008/01/09) 主編:鍾漢清

Tony問:「PDCA 原出那裡? 真是Deming的東西? 有說是Shewhart的
一般所見 四字全用名詞 Plan Do Check Action 其中Do 似非名詞
全用動詞 Plan Do Check Act 究竟應該如何用?

1. PDCA應是Shewhart博士所提出,但由於是戴明博士引入日本,因此日本人稱其為Deming cycle;同時台灣許多的品管知識都是延(沿)自日本,因此大都用PDCA是戴明循環。由於戴明博士認為check一字會造成思考及行為上的限制,故比較偏好用PDSA。因此當單獨使用戴明循環時,不管是用PDCA或是PDSA應都是OK的。但有次,我在一個研討會上,有位教授將PDCA講為戴明循環,但同時也提到PDSA為Shewhart 循環;這樣個人就認為不妥。
2. 至於PDCA是否用Plan,Do,Check,Act,目前大多有關戴明理論的書都改成如此了吧(至少Peter的<<戴明領導手冊>>,鍾老師翻的<<新經濟學>>是如此用的);印象中以前好像有討論過這個問題,但已不知是何時了。

Wikipedia article "PDCA". 有詳盡的說明
Dictionary of Accounting Terms. Copyright © 2005 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc.
Plan-Do-Check Act Cycle (PDCA)
"management by fact" or scientific method approach to continuous improvement (the Deming Wheel). PDCA creates a process-centered environment, because it involves studying the current process, collecting and analyzing data to identify causes of problems, planning for improvement, and deciding how to measure improvement (Plan). The plan is then implemented on a small scale if possible (Do). The next step is to determine what happened (Check). If the experiment was successful, the plan is fully implemented (Act). The cycle is then repeated using what was learned from the preceding cycle.








