新經濟學:產官學醫等百業適用 4號 The New Economics for Us, No. 4,
Jan. 15, 2008 (創刊: 2008/01/09) 主編:鍾漢清
2008/1/15 下午鍾漢清與王晃三老師在公館的咖啡店聊天。會後 hc 作詞條贈王老師:
Chinese Society for Quality is not a business unit but must run like a business.
根據Deming, W. Edwards (2000). The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education - 2nd Edition.,p.22
引述London Times, 7 July 1990. 說美日醫院的行政文書成本為其總成本之23% vsesus 5%....
過去20餘年來, ISO 9000 品質系統給業界帶來的成本和浪費,真不知多少……套上Deming的說法是:這損失之大,既無法評價亦無法衡量。
. Out of the Crisis. (Deming, W. Edwards 1986) 談了許多The Seven Deadly Diseases: 其中西方經營制度下的第6項致命死疾為高昂的保健成本· Excessive medical costs.
對經營品質及環境管理的國際認證“ISO”進行統一審查的國際認證機構聯盟(IAF)將改變認證審查方式,以提高認證可信度。將改變以有無內部監查手 冊等形式上的標準為主的審查,採取重視顧客滿意度等實效性的方法。由於食品虛假事件等企業醜聞的影響,日本經濟產業省也將推動相關制度的改革。
“ISO”是國際標準化機構規定的規格認證的總稱。其中,品質管理“9001”及環境管理“14001”稱為管理認證,目前全球企業及組織已 取得100萬件認證。但近年來,各國產業界認為ISO認證“已不能成為優秀企業標準”的批評越來越多。美國IBM及美國化學工業協會也在IAF中指出“審 查方法還有改善的餘地”。
對此,IAF在去年10月份于悉尼召開的大會上同意設立專門常設委員會。另外還決定於3月份在波恩召開該委員會的首次會議,開始討論具體的改革方案。(1月11日 《日本經濟新聞》晨報)
日前,四川、江西、上海、瀋陽四地相關部門對市場上銷售的手機電池進行了品質方面的抽樣檢測,相關檢測結果顯示,在四地銷售的手機電池合格率均不超過80%,不合格的電池中大部分為非原裝電池,主要體現在放電性能不達標和 150℃熱衝擊試驗不合格兩方面,其中150℃熱衝擊試驗 ...
「国務院が定めた(安全)キャンペーンの我々の任務は、すべて完了しました」(中国質検総局 蒲長城 副局長)
TOYOTA (3): Cutting Healthcare Costs Seen Vital To Growth
TOKYO (Nikkei)--For Toyota Motor Corp. (7203), providing preventive healthcare is not merely an altruistic policy designed to help its employees. With its ever-growing workforce, the auto giant sees it as a cost-effective way to hold in check healthcare expenses that could otherwise snowball and hurt its competitive position.
A glass-walled building that could be mistaken for a luxury hotel is being built for this purpose in the carmaker's home city of Toyota, Aichi Prefecture. The firm will spend roughly 4 billion yen on the cutting-edge facility, which is called WELPO and opens in March. Masahide Ono, general manager of Toyota's health insurance association, said he believes that services to be provided there will serve as a model of healthcare support by a private employer.
Once the WELPO facility opens, Toyota employees age 36 or older and their spouses will be able to go there for an extensive one-day medical checkup. They will be required to undergo similar testing at the facility every four years after that, in addition to the simpler annual checkups they currently receive across the country.
Employees will spend the morning receiving advanced medical tests, including computerized tomography scans, and then enjoy a healthy meal for lunch. In the afternoon, they will be given healthcare advice based on their test results and attend health-related seminars. By taking an indoor walking lesson, for example, examinees will be able to actually experience the amount of exercise they need in order to maintain good health.
The support center will also construct a database on the health conditions of about 220,000 Toyota group employees and their family members so as to estimate, based on each person's checkup results and hospital records, which health problems -- and to what degree -- they are prone to develop. The facility will offer programs that include advice on diet and exercise, in a bid to prevent metabolic syndrome and other lifestyle diseases.
The WELPO project not only embodies the shift in Toyota's employee healthcare policy from treatment to prevention, it also reflects the company's strong resolve to stem the rise in medical costs even if it means taking such steps as giving employees advice in areas that extend beyond the workplace.
Each year, Toyota's health insurance association pays out a total of more than 20 billion yen in benefits. According to data provided by the National Federation of Health Insurance Societies, two-thirds of health insurance associations of large companies expect to incur losses for fiscal 2007. Although Toyota's association is thought to operate in the black, its burden has been growing.
"According to a survey, diseases and injuries at the workplace can cause productivity and quality to decline," said Masamitsu Iwata, general manager of Toyota's Safety and Health Promotion Division. Employee health is no longer merely a matter of productivity. An increase in medical costs, due in large part to Japan's declining birthrate and rapidly aging population, has forced Toyota to take a broader, companywide approach.
Toyota's management is almost certainly aware of how hard the Big Three U.S. carmakers have been hit by legacy costs such as healthcare expenses and pensions. The sum of medical expenses paid by General Motors Corp., for example, once surpassed 5 billion dollars a year, which pushed up costs per vehicle by as much as 1,500 dollars.
While the situation is not the same in Japan, where all citizens are supposed to be covered by health insurance, Toyota President Katsuaki Watanabe said his firm nevertheless cannot afford to take a passive approach regarding employee health.
In September, GM agreed to shift 50 billion dollars in retiree healthcare obligations to the United Auto Workers union. The reduction in its healthcare burden has enabled GM to put more money and effort into global marketing, possibly threatening Toyota by narrowing their gap in profitability.
(The Nikkei Thursday morning edition)