「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2007年11月30日 星期五

Giant steps in management

這篇將 Deming 置於20世紀3大經營-管理貢獻者

Giant steps in management
Julian Birkinshaw - London School of Economics

British scientist Isaac Newton famously remarked that “if I have seen a little further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”. London School of Economics professor Julian Birkinshaw would argue that many of today’s CEOs owe a similar debt to key management innovators. In his recently released book (co-authored with Michael Mol) Giant Steps In Management: Innovations that change the way you work, Birkinshaw outlines the key practices that have shaped today’s organisations. CEO Forum asked him to explain why he wrote the book, why CEOs should care, and how CEOs can recognise when a new management innovation is likely to benefit their own organisation.

ceoforum.com.au: Why have you written this book about the history of innovations in management practices?

"there is certainly a danger for some companies that they will waste time and resources chasing bigger and better ideas..."

JB: The first point I wanted to make is that it is really important to distinguish between management ideas and management practices. Management ideas exist in the abstract; they are often quite idealistic or prescriptive in saying how businesses should operate, and not necessarily grounded in what any organisation is actually doing. Management practices, on the other hand, are much more specific – they are the particular behaviours, structures and ways of organising work that you might implement in a particular organisation. The “learning organization”, for example, is a management idea, while setting up a community of practice and a knowledge repository in your own organisation would be the associated management practices. I would argue that, generally speaking, management practices are far more useful to CEOs than management ideas, as they have provided much more concrete guidance on what a business should actually do to become more productive.

ceoforum.com.au: You have also spoken about the danger of business people getting seduced by elegant ideas – something another commentator has called the ‘smart talk trap’. Why do you think this seduction sometimes happens to very experienced business people?

JB: A lot of it is explained by the fact that most senior managers are continually operating under conditions of uncertainty. The strategic environment is continually changing – new competitors may be entering the market, new technologies are being developed, and new customer expectations are arising. The key question in business is always “what should we do?”, and when we are facing an uncertain situation, it is very natural to seek out others who may have more experience with the problems we are facing.

Of course, there is no shortage of advice available, and often we can get seduced by those would-be advisors who are better able to conceptualise the problem, and/or have more impressive intellectual credentials than our own. I would argue we are particularly vulnerable to conceptualisations that fit our understanding of what a ‘solution’ should look like. Any ‘solution’ will generally be more appealing when it is both rational (has a plausible and very overt logic to the approach) and progressive (is seen as something new, and is seen as an ‘advance’ on what we were doing previously. Businesses generally have an aversion to doing things that are not overtly logical, and/or hark back to a previous time in business!

Not all companies get trapped in this process, but there is certainly a danger for some companies that they will waste time and resources chasing bigger and better ideas, which may not even be able to be implemented in their organisation. It’s important to remember that a good strategy is often a simple strategy, as a pre-requisite for a successful strategy is that it is easily able to be communicated loud and clear across the organisation.

ceoforum.com.au: How does a CEO keep a balance between being open to new ideas and practices on one hand, while not being too credulous on the other?

JB: One mistake that is easy to make is to take a particular management practice out of it’s broader organisational context, and expect to achieve the same results using that practice in a totally different organisational context. A good example is GE’s “work-out” practice (ie. a practice at GE introduced by former CEO Jack Welch where large groups of employees get together to discuss problems, work out solutions, and discuss implementations with their managers in ‘town hall’ style meetings – Editor). Many companies who implemented this did not get the success they expected, because they found that the associated values and behaviours at GE that made this work – such as a commitment to facts, and the idea that it was acceptable to challenge your boss in the pursuit of those facts – were not present in their own organisations. As a result, the practice was much less effective that it had been (and is) at GE, where there are a lot of complementary practices that make it work.

ceoforum.com.au: There certainly has been an explosion of management books and literature over the last twenty years or so. What do you see as the two or three most important management practices that have been developed over the years?

JB: Ironically, perhaps, I would say the three most important management practices around today are, in some cases, almost a hundred years old. Taylorism, or the rational organisation of work processes, with the associated ideas of task-specialisation and process improvement, is still enormously influential today, and you can see echoes of it in almost any process engineering approach, such as Six Sigma. Alfred P. Sloan really invented the idea of the multi-divisional corporation in the 1920s at General Motors, and we can see a lot of his thinking about decentralisation of decision-making present in organisational structures today. Finally, W.Edwards Deming’s ideas and practices about quality management transformed first Japanese manufacturing, then world manufacturing and has now spread into almost every industry sector. Most organisations today are built on variants of these management innovations. This has allowed us to make enormous strides in productivity and efficiency, though I would argue it has also reduced the level of innovativeness and creativity, particularly in larger organisations.

ceoforum.com.au: What advice would you give a CEO on how they can best decide whether a management idea or practice they or a colleague discovers can actually benefit their organisation?

JB: It sounds deceptively simple, but I would say that there are three very simple questions to ask. Firstly, how would we implement that idea? There are many interesting, even fascinating, ideas that people have about business, but only a small subset of them can be actually translated into effective organisational practices.

Secondly, how is that idea or practice different? A lot of management concepts are simply old wine in new bottles – they are simply recycled ideas which you may have tried before and had limited success with. So make sure there is something really new that is worth investigating, not just some attractive new packaging.

Finally, ask yourself ‘how would that work for our organisation?’ Make sure you can identify the particular values, attitudes and behaviours that make the practice work, and make sure that those things are present in your own organisation. Then and only then do you have a chance of implementing the practice successfully.


regular and irregularity

"Tony Chen’s Cartoon Guide to Quality".

有一張指正職品管經理 regular qc manager 走了

我一時對這錯綜複雜的糾紛說不上 (我對這簡短的報導有許多疑問 不過所謂6張certificates 表示.....)
Dear HC,,




入學考試不考英文?大量招收備取生?學生總是收得滿堂座無虛席?然後沒有能力『改造』學生到自己要求的水準?中原有許多老師已經有些錯亂!曾有老師抱怨﹐無法忍受學生的低落﹐要趕快放水讓學生畢業﹐但是論文則以商業機密為由『永不公開』﹐以免誤了老師的『令名』! 真是『師不師 生不生』了


對了﹐我不是跟不上學習才抱怨﹐這一次期中考統計﹐我考了破表的 103 分﹐只是被底下的新聞觸動一些看法!


Best rgds

系主任嚴苛, 高雄第一科大學生靜坐抗議

2007/11/30 15:21:48







2007年11月29日 星期四



再記"Tony Chen’s Cartoon Guide to Quality".


主題 :漫話品質漫畫



“……百來張漫畫中 兩三張是故人張宗賜先生的美國同事之說明美語日常用語


"Tony Chen’s Cartoon Guide to Quality".

(他有一頂CSQ帽子 PC投影筆接USB控制ppt 上下 我笑說去年他到台中演講 還帶回土產…….樓上10樓的劉小姐可能聽到 拿一盤餅乾下來….)

一次的聚會 當然可以作無窮的聯想 推演



━━ n. 時事漫画, 風刺画; (続きものの)漫画; 漫画映画; (モザイク・壁画などの)下絵.
━━ v.
cartoonist ━━ n. 漫画家.

(日本的日本漫畫家協會 最近大頒獎 分兩類 一為故事編類 一為”cartoon他們的獎章是十二世紀的鳥羽僧正覺猶(10531140)所畫<鳥獸>…….)


陳教授也有許多取自美國品管協會ASQC 月刊Quality Progress (1978-83) 作者都是同一人……我但憑記憶 找不到Schmitt 這人可能要請Tony 賜知作者

(我在洗手間 向他介紹中國的幽默與諷刺雜誌和他們立國之宣傳”……)

陳教授有幾張醫學相關之漫畫:譬如說 三位醫生對病床上的病人() 各自想用他們的專長來解決”…..


再有台灣大學出版社” –畢竟台灣大學醫院從前身算起 至少110年了

台灣大學醫學院名義出版的書 至少數十本 從台灣的現代醫學之發展史鄧法律-倫理-通識(甚至於藝術)到各專科的技術書……)

劉先生提”QC旨在追求真 ROOT CAUSES …..而真象會死人的……”

我說了MOMENT OF TRUTH 其實是海明威翻譯西班牙鬥牛的決戰之剎那間”…..

今天讀發現真實的失落  文、題字/漢寶德

劉先生在下樓電梯間 對於CSQ淪為學界之天地 公司人很少參與 有點感傷 我說(2006年年會徵文 98%為學生作品) 聯電等還會參與諸如我們辦的”LEAN SIX SIGMA論壇

之前 我進CSQ電梯 碰到林副總 問他的健康情況 以及宋老的情況……

a table showing the diet of children


Here is a table showing the diet of children aged two to three in the Rhayader workhouse.

Entry from workhouse rules

The poor diet, contaminated water supplies, and unclean and overcrowded conditions led to illness and disease. Dish of gruelThe most common of these being measles, opthalmia, small pox, dysentery, scarlet and typhus fever, and cholera.

"Tony Chen’s Cartoon Guide to Quality".

"Tony Chen’s Cartoon Guide to Quality".


主題 :漫話品質漫畫



今夜Tony的presentation和聽眾 都是一時之選
(我說大陸的快遞效率故然高 有遺失風險.....)



James Harrington的東西我猜是IBM內部資料 不是他畫的
(PERSON) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a silly person:
You shouldn't have told him, you dope!

Show phonetics
adjective dopier , dopiest
He's nice, but a bit dopey (= silly).

It's not an ideal ~

百來張漫畫中 兩三張是故人張宗賜先生的美國同事之說明美語日常用語


wing it Informal.
  1. To say or do something without preparation, forethought, or sufficient information or experience; improvise: She hadn't studied for the exam, so she decided to wing it.
Wing it
v. i.To perform an act, such as to give a speech, without the usual preparation. To improvise or ad-lib.

wing it Improvise, as in The interviewer had not read the author's book; he was just winging it. This expression comes from the theater, where it alludes to an actor studying his part in the wings (the areas to either side of the stage) because he has been suddenly called on to replace another. First recorded in 1885, it eventually was extended to other kinds of improvisation based on unpreparedness.

鍾 漢清
Hanching Chung (or HC/ hc)

2007年11月28日 星期三

The Many Errors in Thinking About Mistakes


錯誤之種種心態 The Many Errors in Thinking About Mistakes

OF the many mistakes I have no doubt made over the last few weeks, two stand out: One cost me money and one cost me some pride.

2007年11月27日 星期二


Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
We must satisfy our customers.
Retroactive management emphasizes the bottom line.

2007/11/25 12點火車站見 楊梅

david hsu:“楊梅車站前有個大廣場 我們在廣場見 如果我們找不到停車地點 就會在廣場前的圓環繞 一兩分鐘就會過境廣場一次 請您稍微等候

過程相談甚歡﹐結束前他突然邀請我加入團隊﹐擔任operation VP﹐負責華南 operation (華東包括台灣廠﹑華南的深圳廠及馬來西亞廠)﹐我要好好想一想!見面談

我第一次到楊梅車站前廣場等地---今年我才知道鐵路局各地的站之建築都採取各地顯神通的方式--楊梅車站比苗栗市遜色 不過站前有兩機械人雕像和廣場之處理都不輸苗栗市

我提前半小時到 所以可以逛一下車站附近的商街 感受一下地方風味甚至於可以光顧路邊的豆花攤了解她如何處理 one pack 的訂單 我在廣場前的圓環的陽光下讀點 Emma

David 準時到 談他的車子方便一家三代一齊外出打牙祭 他說日本的TDK公司還在 這是30年前專科生畢業生的就業第一志願

他說朱董事長找一位自行車業最特別的太平洋自行車董事長林正義先生來談天 並且簡單介紹一下太平洋的知名產品Birdy 等等


http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jupiter-hu/article?mid=4498&prev=-1&next=4296&sc=1 )


David 談他最近帶父親到長庚就診時 採取有效率的醫師分級診斷方式 不過沒有考慮到病人 病人痛苦的檢驗重複做 真是豈有此理 我建議他向醫院反映

太平洋自行車創辦人林正義是奇人 當面聽他講他個人(和公司)的許多故事 都遠比網路上的許多資訊來得精彩多多…..

2007年11月24日 星期六

DAVID HSU 的"Flinching" 等

Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
The emphasis should be on why we do a job.

You can not hear what you do not understand.

DAVID HSU "Flinching"

hanching chung 提到...

(雖 然太多點正巧落在接近規格上限,表明可能有人因畏懼而採人為操控數據作法 flinching) ,所以並未採取任何措施。我將大約60天的數據以I-MR 圖畫出它們,如下所示。此等數據清楚地表示,在第53數據點附近,溫度向上偏移了。沒人知道關於溫度上的變化。沒人能確認是否更高的溫度會使該零組件更 好。(不過)大家同意溫度更高會導致更高的能源費用。務必將數據作圖。並務必採取行動。"

大陸的蒲倫昌先生主編的"質量管理辭典"將它翻譯為 "檢驗員縮小問題" (......對少量不合規格產品測量結果弄虛作假的傾向" (p.92)

25/7/07 20:47


又可參考 {戴明博士四日談" 172

2007年11月22日 星期四

consistency in direction

Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
There must be consistency in direction.



身為顧問 將你的服務或商品(重新)包裝上市....

記住 漏斗實驗中的規則2-4......

2007年11月21日 星期三

目標"高不可攀"或無法落實 等於誤人


Quote from W. Edwards Deming:

When people try to do what they can not do, they wish to give up.

就會想打退堂鼓 放棄努力


旅美的張華先生 在


Be nice to America, or we will bring democracy to your country."

我相信民主可以解放千萬人的桎梏 發揮他們的潛力

不過 Deming 則認為
"美式的目標管理等等方式 如果輸出 那實在誤人子弟...."

2007年11月20日 星期二


美國電影的智慧與淺薄--道聽途說 之一


The Apprentice

The Apprentice is a television franchise that originated in 2004 in the United States. As originally conceived, the show depicted a group of 15-18 businessmen and -women competing in an elimination-style competition for a one-year, $250,000 job of running one of host and executive producer Donald Trump 's companies. The Apprentice was developed by Mark Burnett, who successfully brought Survivor to the US. Since its premiere, the show has spawned many licensed international versions as well as several imitations. The show allegedly popularized the catch phrase, "You're Fired!"


過去十年 我知道永和社區大學和中原的王晃三教務長等等都開過類似的課程

電影是綜合藝術 最不能忽視

不過 我們要感謝下文作者跟我們說thinking 更重要

Let's give thanks for our brains - and let's use them

The Red Bead Experiment for CPC

Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
The individual has been crushed by our style of management today.


組織內的朋友 還是修來的福

Tony 來信說 戴久永:"是多年未見的老朋友啦 轉一個 big Hello 給他........ "

慧真說:The Red Bead Experiment: "......其實我比較像小妹 不像廠長 不過既然老師吩咐下來 我就接受指派了"

2007年11月19日 星期一



地 點:中華民國品質學會九樓教室
主題 :漫話品質漫畫


A picture is worth a thousand words is a proverb that refers to the idea that complex stories can be told with just a single still image, or that an image may be more influential than a substantial amount of text. It also aptly characterizes the goals of visualization where large amounts of data must be absorbed quickly.

It is believed that the modern use of the phrase stems from an article by Fred R. Barnard in the advertising trade journal Printers' Ink , promoting the use of images in advertisements that appeared on the sides of streetcars. The December 8, 1921 issue carries an ad entitled, "One Look is Worth A Thousand Words."

Another ad by Barnard appears in the March 10, 1927 issue with the phrase "One Picture is Worth Ten Thousand Words," where it is labelled a Chinese proverb. The Home Book of Proverbs, Maxims, and Familiar Phrases quotes Barnard as saying he called it "a Chinese proverb, so that people would take it seriously." Soon after, the proverb would become popularly attributed to Confucius.

Despite this modern origin of the popular phrase, the sentiment has been expressed by earlier writers. For example the Russian writer Ivan Turgenev wrote (in Fathers and Sons in 1862), "A picture shows me at a glance what it takes dozens of pages of a book to expound."

The quote is sometimes attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte, who said "Un bon croquis vaut mieux qu'un long discours," or "A good sketch is better than a long speech". While this is sometimes translated today as "A picture is worth a thousand words," this translation may not predate the phrase's common use in English.

The phrase has been spoofed by John McCarthy, the famous computer scientist, to make the opposite point: "As the Chinese say, 1001 words is worth more than a picture." [1])--hc剪貼

美國2006年2月第12屆的 年度研究研討會論文題目

2006213-14日在紐約市的Fordham 大學舉辦第12屆的 年度研究研討會(THE 12TH ANNUAL RESEARCH SEMINAR)


“Incentives for Executives and Their Effects” by G. Ranney 知名戴明之友

12篇由 Fordham 大學商學院的 Deming 學者:

“Will the Utilization of Six Sigma, as a Tool in Healthcare Quality Management, Produce a Decrease in Medical and Medication Errors in the U.S. Healthcare System?” by S. Graser, Deming Scholar, Fordham University-- 此資訊送王晃三教授

“Single-Source Supply Chain Partnerships” by M. Hanson, Deming Scholar, Fordham University

“The Risks of Managing with a Merit Pay System and Case Studies of Companies that Redesigned theirs” by J. Kourniotis, Deming Scholar, Fordham University

“No One Wants to Leave a Good Party: Boredom, Competence, and Employee Engagement” by J. Kross, Deming Scholar, Fordham University

“Ongoing Control of Stable Processes: Cost Effective SPC” by W. Latzko, Fordham University

“Misuse of Statistical Theory in Market Research” by M. Leto, Deming Scholar, Fordham University

“Funds of Funds are Capable of Beating Market Returns at an Acceptable Level of Risk for a Small Investor” by J. Robbins, Deming Scholar, Fordham University

“The Organizational Benefits of Exercise Programs: Comparisons Between Asian and American Implementation” by S. Song, Deming Scholar, Fordham University

“Dethroning the President’s King” by A. Tieng, Deming Scholar, Fordham University

“Contributing to the Success of Organizational Change: The Significance of Resource Allocation on Improvement Efforts” by L. Vollmer, Deming Scholar, Fordham University

‘“Resistance to an Outside View” by D. Weinerman, Deming Scholar, Fordham University

“Some Common Attributes of Successful Startups in the Slow-Life Industry” by A. Iwata, Deming Scholar, Fordham University

“The OQD Way ‘From 26% Waste to 6Sigma in 2 Months’” by J. Alzamora, E-21 System Group, Mexico墨西哥

“Laboratory Improvement Plan Case Study: Profound Knowledge Transforming the Organization” by M. Antonison, US Army Redstone Technical Test Center 美國

“The Poverty of Control, The Wealth of Cooperation – A Time for Change” by J. Carlisle, Cooperation Works Ltd, United Kingdom 英國

“TQM Initiatives at the Heavy Engineering Division of Larsen & Toubro Ltd.” by J. Desai, Larsen & Toubro Limited, India 印度

“The PKS Applied in a Mexican Winner Local Government” by J. Diaz, Mexico 墨西哥

“Validation of a Technology Management Model Based on a Grammatical Analysis of Value Chain” by G. Granados, Monterrey Institute of Technology, Mexico墨西哥

“Mentoring for Quality using Professional Reviews” by T. Harris & L. Wyssocky, NDS, United Kingdom 英國

“From Discouragement to Pride: A Transformation in Government” by W. Hauck, Supertraining, Inc. 美國

“Application of Deming’s Methods to Brainstorming and Innovation” by D. Hall, Eureka! Ranch Consulting 美國

“Swift Response to Customer Needs? The Solution Tool to Improve Profit Ability” by Srijayan Narayanan Iyer, AFOES Consultants, United Arab Emirates 聯合大公國

“Using Deming’s 14 Points to Assess and Guide Education Reform” by T. Kelly, Dowling College 美國

“A Systemic Approach to Improvements” by D. Nave 美國私人

“The Human Side of Lean Manufacturing” by S. Nobari, DamilerChrysler 汽車公司

“Dr. Deming’s Sugar-Beet Error: Using a Power Structure Grid to Eliminate Its Likely Source, Adam Smith’s Error, and to Develop a Theory of Integrity, Development, and Peace – Our Common Need to Develop Win-Win Relationships” by W. Oberle, St. Ambrose University 美國
“Three Modes of Thinking and its Application in Management Decision-Making” by M. Peters, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

“Applying Deming Cycle to Develop a Totally Integrated Management System” by T. Qadir, Sabic Terminal Services, Saudi Arabia 沙烏地阿拉伯

“Context: The Foundation of Dr. Deming’s Theory of Knowledge and System Improvement” by M. Round, Theory of Constraints for Education 美國

“Lessons Unlearned – William Morris, W. Edwards Deming and 21st Century Management” by M. Thompson, Hose Master, Inc. 美國

“Agenda Setting and Improvement Monitoring in a University Department” by S. Umpleby & I. Dubina, The George Washington University 美國大學

Process Improvement in 3 Dimensions” by L. Ward, Assure New Zealand Limited, New Zealand 紐西蘭

2007年11月18日 星期日

Pope 容易望字生義

Pope 容易望字生義

上周 在嘉義向台灣中油公司的朋友借閱張文隆 著{當責} 台北:中國生產力中心2006年 發現張先生將Pope的一著名說法

An excuse is worse than a lie, for an excuse is a lie, guarded.

翻譯成 "教宗"

作者疏忽 這句引言是 Alexander Pope 的

西方人說教宗會更確切 譬如說 教宗格利高里十三世(Pope Gregory XIII)



Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
Without theory there is nothing to modify or learn.


戴明領導與系統思考-- 嘉義 台灣中油訓練所

素」( one-dimensional quality element " More Is Better")。


(最後建議書單中 有忠樸的名著……我還談某些公司願意將他們的改善個案交 尋智公司網站 發表 這真了不起…..)


2007/11/16尋智專業顧問公司 何哲文先生來電說 寄送一大箱的橘子

2007/11/17 大快朵頤之際

發思古悠情 想起與橘子相關的許多事

……. 真不错!
真正是个好橘子啊! ( 俞平伯)



2007年11月16日 星期五



尋智專業顧問公司 何哲文先生 贈送
橘子收到 請保重 多連絡


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(不怎麼)仔細一看 似乎是我近30年加入永久會員的頭一次



素」( one-dimensional quality element " More Is Better")。

課程中我請 中油研究所的蔡坤祥博士來作場精彩的實驗計畫演講



2007年11月15日 星期四

戴明領導與系統思考-- 嘉義 台灣中油訓練所

(職能管理 -戴明領導與系統思考 ) 業務研討會 圈訊 /園訊 (3)

( For 台灣中油公司第 5538 ) 發行: 鍾漢清 2007/11/14


hc 2007/11/14
嘉義 台灣中油訓練所 屋外池心亭 或南洋松 園中鳥語花香

2007年11月10日 星期六

傳道書 Ecclesiastes or The Preacher

傳道書 Ecclesiastes or The Preacher

傳道書 Ecclesiastes

小讀者《舊約》的《詩篇》, 《雅歌》, 《傳道書》, 《箴言》都非常值得一觀 中譯也很耐咀嚼 ....
hc: 傳 道 書 Ecclesiastes or The Preacher

在一本標準的選集 The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces 所選的章節如下:

1:2-18; 2:1-24; 3; 9:2-12; 11; 12:1-8


Deming引的{傳道書}較為清楚--第三章的引言最堪玩味:令我思考為什麼在在談”系統的”一章”Introduction to a System”,竟然引這樣的妙言:

There is nothing better for a man to do than to eat and drink and enjoy himself in return for his labours.
人莫強如喫喝、且在勞碌中享福.我看這也是出於 神的手。(傳道書 : Ecclesiastes 2:24)

「基督徒的人生哲學,就是化時( chronos)為機(kairos :難得的機會、是有意義,有目的、稍縱即逝)。」(chronos:「時間」、「時候」,或是一連串偶然出現,又偶然逝去的時刻。我們不能制止它的出現,也無法挽留,只能無奈地隨這時刻而逝,毫無意義;這就好像所羅門王在{傳道書 4~5}所說:「一代過去,一代又來,地卻永遠長存。日頭出來,日頭落下,急歸所出之地。」)

「所有的事,既深遠,又玄奧,誰能窮究﹖」(傳道書 : Ecclesiastes)

2007/6/13 David Hsu 小讀者 和hc等3人

我又見人為一切的勞碌﹐和各樣靈巧的工作﹐就被鄰舍忌妒。這也是虛空﹐也是捕風。 傳道書 4.4

And I saw that all labor and all achievement spring from man's envy of his neighbor. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.


不過這句 man's envy of his neighbor 有意思

照英文的原意, 是因為他嫉妒鄰人(的勞苦與有成), 所以他也勞苦並有成: man's envy of his neighbor

和合本中譯, 則是因為他勞苦並有成, 所以被鄰舍忌妒: man becomes the evny of his neighbor



有的從一, 有的從二

也有的如思高本, 兩方兼顧: 彼此競爭, rivalry


simon university blog 舊文



這篇文章 (專訪雷根之子) ,就只討論一下標題好了。
The "Son" Also Rises
海明威的小說 (電影好像是譯成妾似朝陽又照君):
The "Sun" Also Rises


The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.
"Vanity of vanities," says the Preacher;
"Vanity of vanities, all is vanity."
What profit has a man from all his labor
In which he toils under the sun?
One generation passes away, and another generation comes;
But the earth abides forever.
The sun also rises, and the sun goes down,
And hastens to the place where it arose.
The wind goes toward the south,
And turns around to the north;
The wind whirls about continually,
And comes again on its circuit.
All the rivers run into the sea,
Yet the sea is not full;
To the place from which the rivers come,
There they return again.
All things are full of labor;
Man cannot express it.
The eye is not satisfied with seeing,
Nor the ear filled with hearing.

《舊約》的《詩篇》, 《雅歌》, 《傳道書》, 《箴言》都非常值得一觀 中譯也很耐咀嚼

2007年11月8日 星期四

尋常齋 檜軒 華人戴明學院 司馬大學

鍾 漢清
Hanching Chung (or HC/ hc)
尋常齋 檜軒 華人戴明學院 司馬大學
新生南路 台北 台灣 地球 宇宙




(周作人 秋虫 部分)

在一百五十年前,法國的福祿特爾做了一本小說《亢迭特》(Candide),敘述人世的苦難,嘲笑"全舌博士"的樂天哲學。亢迭特與他的老師全舌博士經了許多憂患,終于在土耳其的一角里住下,種園過活,才能得到安住。亢迭特對于全舌博士的始終不渝的樂天說,下結論道:"這些都是很好,但我們還不如去耕種自己的園地"。這句格言現在已經是"膾炙人口",意思也很明白,不必再等我下什麼注腳。但是我現在把他抄來,卻有一點別的意義。所謂自己的園地,本來是範圍很寬,並不限定于某一種︰種果蔬也罷,種藥材也罷,——種薔薇地丁也罷,只要本了他個人的自覺,在他認定的不論大小的地面上,用了力量去耕種,便都是盡了他的天職了。....{周作人著{"自己的園地"} 1923

2007年11月5日 星期一

You do not install quality; you begin to work at it.


20多年前 美國也興類似一套
install quality"說明法;
W. Edwards Deming:博士認為
"品質"不像買家電等東西 可以拿來裝上使用的

Quote from W. Edwards Deming:

You do not install quality; you begin to work at it.

美國TWEDI 的W. Edwards Deming 簡歷

補充一下 2007年8月30日 星期四

W. Edwards Deming


W. Edwards Deming
William Edwards Deming was born in Sioux City, Iowa on 14 October 1900 to William Albert Deming and Pluma Irene Edwards.

As an adult, he used the name W. Edwards Deming.

His brother, Robert Edwards was born on 11 May 1902; his sister, Elizabeth Marie, later Elizabeth Deming Hood was born on 21 January 1909.

The family lived at 121 Bluff Street in Sioux City. In 1904, they moved to the Edwards farm located in Polk City, between Ames and Des Moines. The farm was owned by Pluma’s father, Henry Coffin Edwards (Pluma’s mother, Elizabeth Grant, died when Pluma was young).

In an effort to encourage settlement in the West, the United States government granted parcels of land (usually 40 or 80 acres) to citizens who agreed to settle, farm or develop the land.

William Albert Deming filed on 40 acres in Camp Coulter, later named Powell, Wyoming. The family moved to Wyoming in 1907. They rented a house in Cody until they could build on their own land. William Albert learned that his parcel was poor, useless for farming.

Their first dwelling was a shelter, rectangular in shape (like a railroad box car), covered with tar paper, often referred to as a tar paper shack. Water was pumped from a well. There was little protection from the harsh weather. The family was often cold, hungry and in debt.

Eighty years later, on a visit to Powell, Dr. Deming learned that the 40 acres was still referred to as the Deming Addition. (hc 案: 在美加兩國 addition 為" 増(築)部分".

Pluma Irene and William Albert Deming were well-educated and emphasized the importance of education to their children. Pluma had studied in San Francisco and was a musician. William Albert had studied mathematics and law. Young Ed Deming attended school in Powell and held odd jobs to help support the family.

In 1917, he enrolled in the University of Wyoming at Laramie. In 1921 he graduated with a B.S. in electrical engineering. In 1925, he received an M.S. from the University of Colorado and in 1928, a Ph.D. from Yale University. Both graduate degrees were in mathematics and mathematical physics.

Dr. Deming studied music theory, played several instruments and composed two masses, several canticles and an easily sung version of the Star Spangled Banner.

Dr. Deming married Agnes Bell in 1922 in Wyoming. Agnes and Ed had a daughter, Dorothy. Agnes died in 1930. Dr. Deming married Lola Elizabeth Shupe in 1932. They had two daughters, Diana and Linda. Dorothy died in 1984.

Dr. and Mrs. Deming lived in Washington, D. C. for the remainder of their lives in the house that they bought in 1936. With her family at her side, Mrs. Deming died on 25 June 1986. Dr. Deming, surrounded by his family, died at his home on 20 December 1993.

International Activities

Statistician, Allied Mission to Observe the Greek Elections, January-April 1946; July-October 1946 Consultant in sampling to the Government of India, January and February 1947; December 1951; March 1971
Delegate from the A.A.A.S. to the Indian Science Congress, New Delhi, January 1947
Adviser in sampling techniques to the Supreme Command of the Allied Powers, Tokyo, 1947 and 1950
Teacher and consultant to Japanese industry, through the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers 1950, 1951, 1952, 1955, 1960, 1965
Member of the United Nations Sub-Commission on Statistical Sampling, 1947-52
Consultant to the Census of Mexico, to the Bank of Mexico, and to the Ministry of Economy, 1954, 1955
Consultant., Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden, 1953
Consultant to the Central Statistical Office of Turkey, 1959-1962
Lecturer, London School of Economics, March 1964
Lecturer, Institut de Statistique de l'Universite de Paris, March 1964
Consultant to the China Productivity Center, Taiwan, 1970, 1971(台灣的"中國生產力中心"--亞洲生產力組織的創始會員之一 當初就用CPC--而這CPC商號現在為"台灣中油"公司所使用......)
Lecturer in Santiago, Córdoba (Argentina), and Buenos Aires, under the auspices of the Inter American Statistical Institute, 1971.


Taylor Key award, American Management Association, 1983

The Deming prize was instituted by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers and is awarded each year in Japan to a statistician for contributions to statistical theory. The Deming prize for application is awarded to a company for improved use of statistical theory in organization, consumer research, design of product and production.

Recipient of the Second Order Medal of the Sacred Treasure, from the Emperor of Japan, 1960, for improvement of quality and of Japanese economy, through the statistical control of quality.

ずいほうしょう 瑞宝章

the Order of the Sacred Treasure.

Recipient of the Shewhart Medal for 1955, from the American Society for Quality Control.

Elected in 1972 most distinguished graduate from the University of Wyoming.

Elected in 1983 to the National Academy of Engineering.

Inducted into the Science and Technology Hall of Fame, Dayton, 1986.

In 1980, the Metropolitan section of the American Society for Quality Control established the annual Deming Medal for the improvement of quality and productivity.

Recipient of the Samuel S. Wilks Award from the American Statistical Association in 1983.

Recipient of the Distinguished Career in Science award from the National Academy of Sciences in 1988.

Recipient of the National Medal of Technology from President Reagan in 1987. 這BLOG有當年所有得獎者資料)
