「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2009年2月17日 星期二

三頭六臂 集 194-200



Working paper: Goals Gone Wild—The Systematic Side Effects of Over-Prescribing Goal Setting

Download the PDF. For decades, goal setting has been promoted as a halcyon pill for improving employee motivation and performance in organizations. Advocates of goal setting argue that for goals to be successful, they should be specific and challenging, and countless studies find that specific, challenging goals motivate performance far better than "do your best" exhortations. HBS professor Max Bazerman and colleagues, however, argue that it is often these same characteristics of goals that cause them to "go wild."

老是這樣 美國十年一度的全國普查是政治利害的角力機會
  • Editorial - What About the Census?

    It seems safe to say that the 2010 census was not on the president’s mind when he decided to nominate Senator Judd Gregg, ...
  • The Census: Phantom Constituents - The Board Blog

    Why, then, does the census bureau count inmates as “residents” of their prisons? Force of habit, maybe. But it is way past time to bring the ...
  • Editorial - Census Crunch Time

    Any further delay of naming a new director of the Census Bureau increases the chances, which are already too high, of a botched census in ...


現在終於良心發現 要標準化
FEBRUARY 18, 2009
Wireless-Phone Industry To Standardize Chargers

"台中市為刺激消費券印製的摸彩券格式設計有誤,寄件人與收件人書寫地址位置錯置,導致郵件寄回寄件人,胡志強今天表示,如寄件人權益受損將設法補償,也會追究行政疏失責任。 一名台中縣民日前向台中市議員張廖萬堅投訴,摸彩券寄出後沒幾天,居然被退回,詢問 ..."
第 28 頁
Correction of the error in the bill, and replacement of the defective notebook, must have wiped out the profit on the sale and left the customer with a resolution to try some other stationer on future orders...

第 xiii 頁
This book could never have seen print without the dedicated skill and perseverance of my secretary Cecelia S. Kilian. She has assisted me now 32 years in a ...
讓我們再次思考 Deming 博士對於標準之說法
第 297 頁

The aim of this chapter will be to show that a government regulation, and likewise an industrial standard,1 to be enforced, must have operational meaning. Conformance can be judged only in terms of a test and a criterion (some times many tests and many criteria). The criteria and tests must be in statistical terms to han a meaning. A regulation or standard that is not so expressed will be devoid of meaning. A regulation without meaning can have no legal force.
中文請參考轉危為安 頁347.
1. The word standard in this book means a voluntary standard.The voluntary standards program in the United States was launched by Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover on 29 October 1921.


How to increase costs with Military Standard 105 D. 這是Deming博士經常說的
他或許也會說How to increase costs with ISO 9000. ----就某種意義 它是二十年前歐洲流行時尚業的"國王新衣"

本周看到 GOOGLE 產品中有 對手產品之授權使用

February 12, 2009, 3:30 pm

Google, Yahoo and Microsoft Collaborate to Clean Up Web

In a rare instance of collaboration among otherwise fierce rivals, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft said Thursday that they would support a new Web standard that will allow millions of Web publishers to remove duplicate pages from their Web sites. As a result of the effort, search engines should be able to find and index more Web pages, making their search results more comprehensive.

“There is a lot of clutter on the Web and with this, publishers will be able to clean up a lot of junk,” said Matt Cutts, an engineer who heads Google’s spam fighting efforts. “I think it is going to gain traction pretty quickly.”

The problem is the following: Many Web publishers, especially those that have voluminous sites, like e-commerce companies, have multiple URLs that all point to the same page. This confuses search engines, sometimes causing them to index the same page multiple times. As much as 20 percent of URLs on the Web may be duplicates, according to some estimates.

Engineers at Google came up with a simple way for Web publishers to indicate when a URL is a duplicate, and if so, which is the principal, or “canonical,” URL that search engines should be indexing. Yahoo and Microsoft, the No. 2 and No. 3 search engines, have agreed to support the same standard.

“We are happy that everyone is going to support the same implementation,” said Nathan Buggia, a lead program manager at Microsoft. “This is a clear benefit for publishers as it gives them an opportunity to get more exposure through search engines.”

All search engines have developed technologies to detect duplicates that are more or less effective. The so-called Canonical Link Tag, as the standard is known, should make it easier for both publishers and search engines to address the problem. “It is an important step because all the search engines are coming out with it,” said Priyank Garg, director of product management for Web search at Yahoo.

