- 簡 - [ 轉為繁體網頁 ]陸游詩全集(十七). 戊午元日讀書至夜分有感強戴羅旛怯歲增,光陰堪嘆捷飛騰。 ..... 末俗陵遲稀獨立,斯文崩壞欲橫流。紹興人物嗟誰在?空記當年接俊遊。 ...以下是我與 Nike 供應商(策略夥伴)的高幹陳先生在Google閒聊 包括他們中國和越南的 ISO 情況 請參考
Chen: 找到您了
have a good year
"Davos" Should Come To NYC, Again, Permanently... 365 Days A Year
Huffington Post - New York,NY,USA
Second: NYC is home not just to the UN but to The UN Global Compact, the leading global network for those business leaders who know their corporations must start being part of the solution, not the problem. The Global Compact is a very intellectually rich - yet still largely unknown - resource for those business and NGO leaders seeking support in transforming corporations to a sustainability-focused model. It operates out of a Learning Organization model, which has its roots in such continuous learning and improvement management philosophies as that developed by Dr. W. Edwards Deming and championed, in America, by the Baldrige National Quality Program. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has taken of for Kofi Annan, who launched the Global Compact at Davos ten years ago, in championing the initiative. In fact, Secretary-General Moon just delivered a strongly worded speech on the subject in Davos while The Global Compact's office released a special paper, Global Sustainability in the 21st Century: An Action Plan for Business.
一日找一下紐約時報資料庫中關於iso 9000的文章
還有些公司的公關報導 譬如說 德州的客服中心EF Johnson Technologies Receives ISO 9001:2000 Re-certification for Transcrypt International
Published: December 8, 2008
* BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY; Global Yardsticks Are Set to Measure 'Quality'
American companies got religion on quality during the 1980's, studying the teachings of such gurus as W. Edwards Deming and Joseph Juran and introducing programs that usually had the words "total," "quality" and "management" in their name. The problem: Everybody seemed to have a slightly different definition of what quality was.
But now, any American company hoping to sell its products in Europe is being forced to come to grips with a series of internationally agreed-upon quality standards. Formulated by the International Standards Organization in Geneva, the guidelines have been adopted by the countries in the European Community as the yardstick for measuring quality.
The standards cover the manufacturing and pre-sale inspection of products, as well as installation and postsale servicing. Arcane, but crucial, the guidelines will largely determine whose products may be sold to and within Europe's unified market.
Although there is no legal requirement that companies adopt the standards, which are grouped under the rubric I.S.O. 9000, many European companies are pushing their suppliers to become registered under the I.S.O. guidelines as a way of insuring that the products they buy will be of acceptable quality. A company without an I.S.O. 9000 registration risks being effectively barred from bidding on new business.
"This is the ticket to doing business globally," said Kymberly K. Hockman, a quality consultant at E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. "It tells customers that they do not have to send in teams of auditors; they use I.S.O. 9000 as the quality standard."
The International Standards Organization agreed upon the I.S.O. 9000 criteria in 1987. Besides the European Community, more than three dozen countries have adopted the guidelines for national use. An American Version
American counterparts have been issued by the American National Standards Institute, a private industry group, and the American Society for Quality Control, an association of corporate quality-control executives. These guidelines are technically equivalent to the I.S.O.'s standards, but incorporate American language usages and spelling. As with the I.S.O. guides, compliance is voluntary.
The I.S.O. 9000 is actually five separate standards, I.S.O. 9000 through I.S.O. 9004. The first and last of these, 9000 and 9004, are primarily concerned with definitions and advice on ways companies can improve their internal operations. For American companies intent on doing business in Europe, the more significant standards are 9001, 9002 and 9003.
I.S.O. 9003 covers requirements for the detection and management of problems uncovered in final inspection and testing. I.S.O. 9002 covers production and installations, as well as inspection. I.S.O. 9001 adds standards for postsale servicing.
Like most I.S.O. standards, the rules specify what is required, but not how to do it. For instance: "Where servicing is specified in the contract, the supplier shall establish and maintain procedures for performing and verifying that servicing meets the specified requirements."
The legalistic language of the standards is not intended to make the pulse race, nor does it. A typical requirement: "The supplier shall establish and maintain procedures to control all documents and data that relate to the requirements of this standard. These documents shall be reviewed and approved for adequacy by authorized personnel prior to use."
In practical terms, 9002 and 9001 are the only standards that carry clout with customers, Ms. Hockman said. Focusing on inspecting products after they are made, as 9003 contemplates, runs counter to modern quality thinking, which emphasizes designing products that are easily made and devising systems that allow few errors. Top-quality operations have little need for inspectors.
The standards were written on the assumption they would be used in two-party transactions. A purchaser would specify that products would have to be made according to I.S.O. standards as part of a contract. It would be the supplier's job to provide assurance of that. A Costly Process
In practice, however, a third-party registration system has developed. Outside auditors check to see that a company has gone through the time-consuming and expensive process of compliance, before declaring that it meets I.S.O. standards. (Du Pont estimates that it costs $250,000 to certify a plant employing 300 workers.)
Companies doing this work are known as registrars, and in many European countries they must be government certified as qualified to issue registrations. In the United States, there is no clearly designated Government agency to issue such certification.
As a result, a cottage industry of would-be registrars has grown up in recent years. According to Dr. Stanley I. Warshaw, director of standards services at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, a Federal agency, there are more than 40 companies and consultants offering registration services.
This has presented a quandary for American manufacturers. They do not know whether European companies will recognize registrations issued by consultants they do not know. On the other hand, the Americans find it costly to bring to this country teams of auditors who have been certified by European governments. Certifying the Certifiers
The American Society for Quality Control has established a Registrar Accreditation Board in an attempt to establish some standards. But the board has only accredited a handful of registrars so far.
The National Institute of Standards proposed early this year that it set the standards for accreditation. Dr. Warshaw said the Federal agency might restrict itself to "a higher level of approval" by certifying the Registrar Accreditation Board's qualifications to certify registrars and leaving the detailed certifications to the private sector. He said this might satisfy fears that European companies would not accept a completely private rating agency.
Patricia Kopp, an official with the American Society for Quality Control, said American companies that viewed the I.S.O. standards as simply a way for European-based companies to throw their weight around were shortsighted. "These are global standards," Ms. Kopp said. "They are just as likely to be cited in a contract in the South Pacific as in Germany. It helps everybody to understand what base-line quality systems are."
======PERSONAL BUSINESS; Sorting Out the Seals of Approval
RICHARD RICE, a psychiatrist in Northampton, Mass., knows a lot about healing but not much about electronic components. So when he went shopping for a CD player recently, he was swayed by a salesman stressing that one model was ''ISO 9000 certified.''
What does that mean, exactly? Dr. Rice said he didn't know, but it sounded impressive. The salesman, he said, vaguely intimated that it was an international seal of quality.
Dr. Rice didn't get a lemon -- the store sold him a reputable brand with a solid warranty. But ISO 9000 had nothing to do with it. And it is just one of a flock of symbols, squiggles, seals and certifications popping up on consumer products that leave many shoppers baffled.
A consumer might find ISO 9000 mentioned on most anything from a transistor radio to extra-virgin olive oil. But it refers to an international standard that has nothing directly to do with the product's quality, only with how well the company monitors its manufacturing process to ensure consistency. Critics of the standard's use in marketing say that someone could turn out cast-iron life preservers and still qualify, as long as they were all made exactly alike.
The appearance of ''ISO 9000'' on labels is just one way that arcane international standards for product testing and certification are seeping sideways into retail marketing. With goods from all corners of the globe, often bearing unfamiliar brand names, confronting consumers, manufacturers turn to test marks and certifications to help consumers evaluate the safety and quality of what they buy. And anything that smacks of quality, however indirectly, is bound to be used for promotion.
''Test marks exist for two basic purposes: to satisfy government regulations on the local, state, or national levels, or provide additional consumer product assurance,'' said John Donaldson, a vice president of the American National Standards Institute, the umbrella group that represents American industry in global standard-setting forums. Industry leaders and standards experts concur that many standards, including ISO 9000, are meaningful to manufacturers and purchasing agents but of little use to shoppers like Dr. Rice.
Contrast such marks with the familiar UL label. Underwriters Laboratories, an independent testing organization based in Chicago, awards it when electrical products submitted by manufacturers pass safety tests. According to his institute's surveys, Mr. Donaldson said, UL is among the most widely recognized safety seals in the world.
Almost as ubiquitous, but far less understood, is the CE mark. It represents a declaration by a manufacturer that its products satisfy the European Union's health, safety and environmental standards. Without it, a product cannot readily be imported or sold in much of Europe.
American manufacturers have complained that the CE mark is a trade barrier, intended mainly to make competing in Europe more expensive and cumbersome for outsiders. European consumer organizations doubt that the mark delivers the protection it implies. There is not even a consensus over which French phrase it was derived from, Conformite Europeenne or Communaute Europeen; some officials joke that it really stands for Confusion Europe.
''The CE mark isn't a product certification mark,'' Mr. Donaldson said, because no independent tests are required to get it; a manufacturer need only assert that the product meets applicable standards and take legal responsibility for saying so.
Cornelis Brekelmans, a European Union standards official, said that the CE mark criteria were established to harmonize regulations among the union's 15 member nations, not validate products for cosumers, and that meeting them can be just as trying for European as for foreign manufacturers.
Not everyone regards the trend toward more testing and certification as a good idea, especially when consumers are the target. Guido Guertler, director of standardization and regulation for Siemens, is co-leader of an international industry committee working to purge the global market of what he says are redundant test marks (though he would spare some safety labels, like UL and a German equivalent, VDE). Mr. Guertler said consumers should put their faith in reputable brand names, warranties and service contracts, not dubious certification.
SIMILAR views are heard from some American experts. ''Consumers, as long as they operate within the traditional commercial marketplace in the U.S., do not really need to be concerned with certification,'' Mr. Donaldson said. Other experts say the voluntary standards promulgated by some industry groups are set low enough for all members' products to pass, and that endorsements handed out by specialty publications can simply be a quid pro quo for advertising.
Add it all up, critics say, and the proliferation of logos, letters, seals and symbols can make for much unhelpful noise.
But Bill King, the Consumer Product Safety Commission's chief engineer for electrical and fire safety, warned that the absence of a recognized test symbol on an electrical product is a bad sign. He cited substandard power strips and cords without UL labels that entered the country in the late 1990's and were found to pose serious fire hazards.
Mr. King said other examples of marks that conveyed important safety information to consumers internationally include the ETL mark from Intertek, another independent laboratory, and the FM Approved mark from Factory Mutual Research, seen on fire alarms and extinguishers.
But what about nonelectric toys, a category of products on which the CE mark is often prominently displayed? It is not a ''meaningful'' safety indicator, Mr. King said; consumers should look instead for the safety and appropriate-age labels required by American law.168
談Brown warns against 'pessimism'
注解一下 以* 表示*和**
BBC NEWS | Politics | Brown warns against 'pessimism'
- [ 翻譯此頁 ]26 Jan 2009 ... Gordon Brown has given a wide-ranging speech on the economy ... with confidence" and warned against just "muddling through as pessimists". ...**
Gordon Brown 可能沒有讀過政治學中著名的論文 The ART of Muddling Through
其實 因為了解局勢如瞎子摸象 不可能不try and error
***grim 是"不屈" 知其不可為而為" (某時段內)
ISO 9000 (族) 的社會觀察 (之四)
ISO 9000 (族) 到今年約二十三年 似乎已"征服"大部分開發中國家 (我數年前去越南 發現它已滲透到大學 許多廠房門面都採用它當招牌)
不過(各種層出不窮的) 騙子很多 我今天讀到中國寧波的一則新聞 值得貼錄
骗子发放“质量信得过单位”匾牌 |
市质监局提醒:遇到此类情况应尽快报警 |
http://www.cnnb.com.cn 中国宁波网 09年01月31日 08:32 |
据介绍,不久前,鄞州区某企业负责人郑女士接到一个电话,对方自称是市质监局李老师,他表示企业只需交付2000元费用,就能获得一块由市质监 局颁发的信誉匾牌,获得这块匾牌的企业会被列为“质量信得过单位”,企业可以在产品或外包装箱上印制“ISO9000”等字样。如果再加2800元,企业 还能获得一套学习软件,可以到网上免费参加企业管理学习。这样的“好事”自然令郑女士心生疑窦。为防止上当受骗,郑女士立即向市质监局作了咨询,得到的答 复是此类活动根本就是子虚乌有。
据了解,近期已有不少鄞州区企业接到过类似电话,而对方承诺所颁的匾牌也作用各异。“对方称第二天会来我们镇发放一批具有‘免检’效力的匾牌,标志企业 已通过市质监局质量监督保证体系,可在今年上半年的专项检查中享受免检待遇。”鄞州区五乡镇从事机械制造的戴先生在回忆自己接到的电话内容时说。
对此,市质监局表示,质监部门从未也不可能组织此类活动。而且为更好地保证产品质量安全可靠,目前我国已取消免检制度。此外,是否通过 ISO9000质量管理体系,须经第三方法定认证机构现场考核并出具“认证证书”,与所谓的“质量信得过单位”毫无关系。因此质监部门提醒企业,千万不要 上了非法牟利者的当,遇此情况应尽快报警。"
其實 這些notes 是拋磚引玉
我以前曾提議仿造麥當勞漢堡價格比 作一開發國家"STARBUCKS 景氣指標"

估計此種產品召回的代價 並不是當務之急 甚至於不相關
全球最 大汽车生产商日本丰田周三宣布,在全球范围召回数量超过135万台的“雅力士”、“贝尔塔”等丰田车,原因是,这些车的安全带及排气装置出现问题。去年, 丰田公司已因相同问题在日本国内召回52万多台2005年1月至2008年4月生产的同类款型车。丰田公司没有说明,这次召回行动将对公司造成多大损失。"
【東京 28日 ロイター】 トヨタ自動車<7203 .t="">は28日、小型車「ヴィッツ」など3車種・52万5898台のリコールを国土交通省に届け出た。海外でも計83万台をリコールした。
国内の対象車種は2005年1月から08年4月に生産した「ヴィッツ」、「ベルタ」、「ラクティス」。このうち一部でシートベルトの巻き取り装置に不具 合があり、最悪の場合、火災にいたる恐れがある。また、排ガス循環装置のパイプの強度が不足しており、亀裂が入って排ガス基準値を満たさなくなる車両もあ るという。
"......十一月,我們"品質研究發展委員會" (QRD) 在企畫一場關於" ISO 9000 族" 的 座談會。我總會想起宋先生希望我有機會幫忙翻譯,因為 ISO 相關的標準和 參考資料"近於氾濫成災"。宋 先生沒空聽我跟他談美國企管名校的老師如何研究 ISO 現象與效應的,譬如說,哈佛大學最近的研究報告 Working Paper: Quality Management and Job Quality—How the ISO 9001 Standard for Quality Management Systems Affects Employees and Employers
鍾漢清日本早稻田大學 (Work Design), 135;
National Taiwan University Search Result
Search pages within ntu.edu.tw約有17,700項符合ISO的查詢結果 約有243項符合ISO 9000的查詢結果
我記得臺灣大學研究發展處 \
在 2008年取得 9001認證
(約有151項符合ISO 法國的查詢結果) 國立臺灣大學_校園焦點080701 臺大研究發展處通過ISO9001國際品質管理系統標準榮獲法國
nagoya-u.ac.jp での ISO の検索結果 約 11,800 件
nagoya-u.ac.jp での ISO 9000 の検索結果 約 16 件
新着図書リスト(和図書)2003. 4
国際開発研究フォーラム 第07号(1997/06)
ISO 9000 - A Step toward TQM ? : A Case Study on Two Indian Firms in Pune, India, G. Indira RAO. 知識と「無知」 -南太平洋島嶼民にとっての教育-, 関根 久雄. 地域拠点開発論と中国の経済開発区 -中国と日本との比較分析-, 顧 林生 ...
防災対策のための シナリオ・プランニング手法の確立
ファイルタイプ: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - HTMLバージョンISO9000 に引き継がれた、Plan(計画策定)、Do. (実施・運用)、Check(評価・監査)、Action. (是正措置)の4つのフェーズにマネジメントの段. 階を分ける PDCA 法を採用する。実際のマネジメン. トにおいては、この PDCA 法のサイクルを重ねてい ...
質の管理ー企業からの提言 “ベンチマークとして”
ISO9000 · 電子化 · データーベース作成 · カルテの電子化 · 遠隔医療 · 遠隔医療 · 病院のハードの質. 作成者 :真野 俊樹. 電子メール : tmano@magical3.egg.or.jp. ホーム ページ : http://www.med.nagoya-u.ac.jp/hp/medinfo/tokaihcq/tokaihcq_1.html ...Forum of International Development Studies No.07(1997.06)
- [ このページを訳す ]ISO 9000 - A Step toward TQM ? : A Case Study on Two Indian Firms in Pune, Indiawww.gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp/bpub/research/public/forum/07/index-en.html - 20k -
ファイルタイプ: PDF/Adobe Acrobat大学教育の国際化推進プログラム(海外先進研究実践支援). 3. 9000. 先導的 IT スペシャリスト育成推進プログラム ..... ③ ISO 等による外部評価を受ける。 ④ 適切な医療環境を整備する。 (臨床教育・臨床研究のシステム化) ...
它只說 "經國際品質認証" (保證)
這只是眾多"利用ISO 9000 族之品質制度認證"之一例
(譬如說 新北投某 Love Hotel 多年前打出類似的廣告)
這 ISO可能是眾多的行銷法寶之一 (它二十年來已大為貶值)7203>