鍾漢清擔任杜邦公司的工程部兼產品開發部經理,組織團隊開發SIMM(Single In-Line Memory Module )Sockets系列產品。
約1990年2月,鍾漢清接受清華大學吳鑄陶老師的邀請,向工業工程營(Industral Engineering Camp )學員(高中生)做業界的應用簡介,頗受歡迎。受贈一件外套,2012年還在使用。
9月 韓義泳Hi-Yong HAHN*著(日文)《韓國企業的挑戰》陳耀茂譯 台北:聯經 1990 (* 2005 (韓義泳教授退職記念特集号) )
日 | 一 | 二 | 三 | 四 | 五 | 六 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 |
28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
10月12日為Dr. Deming 的90歲慶生會(生日10月14日),他今年有三次手術,在醫院數周之久,不過他能參加Clare和Bob Mason* 家裡特別為他辦的生日慶典。慶生會超過百人參加,我的法國朋友Jean-Mare
Gogue 特地從凡爾賽趕去參加(他寫信告訴我;The World of Dr. Deming 頁265
也有記載。英國朋友等有訪問他,我在SPC Press 看過,戴明博士很謙虛地說他對日本產業的貢獻是微不足道的,獲得勳章等純屬運氣。· Henry
Neave: The Deming Dimension 文末有《美國的戴明》影片中的訪問稿。
*此夫婦即是企劃1980年NBC的《日本能…..美國呢》的電視主持人。他們成立經營管理的永恆智慧公司。下面是其自我介紹About Us
Welcome to ManagementWisdom.com
As collaborators with the late W. Edwards Deming and Dr. Russell L. Ackoff, we are pleased to keep the video rendering of their revolutionary contributions to management philosophy available to people around the world. This material is timeless.
It is the foundation for the steadily developing new worldview of:
� Systems thinking
� Management for continual improvement of processes and systems
� Commitment to development of people, which enables organizations, teams, and individuals to become greater than the sum of their parts and improve the quality of life for more and more people.
The Deming Library and Dr. Ackoff's Better Management for a Changing World series are available on DVD. We continue trying to make the material more accessible for individual study and group instruction.
As collaborators with the late W. Edwards Deming and Dr. Russell L. Ackoff, we are pleased to keep the video rendering of their revolutionary contributions to management philosophy available to people around the world. This material is timeless.
It is the foundation for the steadily developing new worldview of:
� Systems thinking
� Management for continual improvement of processes and systems
� Commitment to development of people, which enables organizations, teams, and individuals to become greater than the sum of their parts and improve the quality of life for more and more people.
The Deming Library and Dr. Ackoff's Better Management for a Changing World series are available on DVD. We continue trying to make the material more accessible for individual study and group instruction.