「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2010年2月5日 星期五

台灣戴明圈 220-29


記得許達然先生在1990? 寫過一篇"能 (量)"的散文

. Henry Moore Sculpture - "Nuclear Energy"
Henry Moore Sculpture© Jennifer Roche
I have always found this sculpture by Henry Moore chilling. The bronze is titled "Nuclear Energy," and it commemorates the creation of the first sustained nuclear chain reaction, which was realized by a team of University of Chicago scientists led by Enrico Fermi. This knowledge eventually led to the creation of the nuclear bomb and, subsequently, to its use in Hiroshima. The sculpture was unveiled on December 2, 1967.

Ellis Avenue between 56th Street and 57th Street
Chicago, IL


前立委連基本的法律知識都缺乏 搞"民粹"

雙重國籍案 判刑兩年 李慶安泣訴:我絕不是詐欺犯

中時電子報 - ‎6小時之前‎
因雙重國籍案,四日被依詐欺罪判刑兩年的前立委李慶安,經兩天長考與家人商量後,六日首度現身開記者會。她數度落淚,強調自己絕不是詐欺犯;從政以來的薪資被說成是不法所得,都讓她情何以堪,未來她會加倍努力,相信司法會還她清白。 李慶安表示,十幾年前從媒體工作轉 .


Take no pleasure in Toyota's reckoning
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
As recounted in David Halberstam's 1988 book "The Reckoning," 這本書值得一讀this was the company, inspired by the post-war quality-control theories of W. Edwards Deming, ...

U.S. to Investigate Prius Brakes
Ford and Toyota said they are fixing problems with electronic brakes in hybrid vehicles. U.S. safety regulators are widening their probe, focusing on Toyota.


Fixing modern government, Peter Drucker once observed, requires returning to first principles. What's missing in government is the activating principle of ...

'Let's try common sense," President Obama said in the State of the Union address, provoking a spontaneous burst of laughter in the House of Representatives chamber. The unintended humor exposes an important truth about Washington: Everyone knows that won't happen.

More troubling, however, was that the president's speech revealed why common sense is nonexistent. Mr. Obama wants new laws to tell us how to do things better—when the need is to overhaul old laws to restore freedom of choice and individual responsibility. Up and down the chain of authority, the accumulation of law and entitlements precludes sensible decisions.

(224) 生或死
看到 Peter Drucker (1909 - 2005) 想到的不是"百年紀念"
----Mark Twain
  • Born: 30 November 1835
  • Birthplace: Florida, Missouri
  • Died: 21 April 1910 (heart failure)
  • Best Known As: The author of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn

Twain was born and died in years in which Halley's Comet passed by Earth: 1835 and 1910... His pseudonym, Mark Twain, was taken from Mississippi riverboat terminology; it's a measure of depth... Twain married the former Olivia Langdon in 1870; she died in 1904, and the melancholy tone of Twain's later writings is often attributed to his depression over her death.

Mark Twain Himself A Pictorial Biography Milton Meltzer
再讀 Out of the Crisis 第11章 還是很感動
每一例子都有生命 可以了解 Deming的功力和真性

翻讀 陳榮捷先生詳注"傳習錄"


北森 鴻さん(きたもり・こう=ミステリー作家、本名新道研治〈しんどう・けんじ〉)が25日、心不全で死去、48歳。葬儀は26日午前11時から山口県宇部市中野開作403のやすらぎ会館で。喪主は父新道利夫さん。「狂乱廿四孝」で鮎川哲也賞を受賞し、デビュー。1999年には「花の下にて春死なむ」で日本推理作家協会賞を受賞した。

