「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2010年2月27日 星期六

car lots , parking lots

A buyer's market on area car lots
Dealers stepping up sales efforts in wake of storms, Toyota recalls
(By Dana Hedgpeth, The Washington Post)

    1. A piece of land having specific boundaries, especially one constituting a part of a city, town, or block.
    2. A piece of land used for a given purpose: a parking lot.

2010年2月25日 星期四

Toyota unsure how to solve safety issues

Toyota unsure how to solve safety issues

Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Toyota's top U.S. executive told lawmakers on Tuesday that he is not certain the company has fixed its runaway car problems even though it has recalled millions of vehicles around the world.

Although the automaker has blamed obstructing floor mats and sticky gas pedals for reports of cars accelerating out of control, lawmakers at a hearing on Capitol Hill appeared skeptical about the sometimes-conflicting accounts of what has gone wrong.

"Do you believe that the recall on the carpet changes and the recalls on the sticky pedals will solve the problem of sudden, unintended acceleration?" Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.) asked James E. Lentz III, president of Toyota Motor Sales USA.

"Not totally," Lentz replied.

"What do you need to do?" Waxman asked.

"We need to continue to be vigilant and continue to investigate all of the complaints that we get from consumers -- that we have done a relatively poor job of doing in the past," Lentz said.

The hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee was jammed with spectators and news media from the United States and Japan, who heard emotional testimony about terrifying car rides, as well as engineering analysis and a lengthy corporate apology. Lentz at one point fought back tears recalling that he lost his brother in a car crash years ago.

"There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of that," he said, "so I know what these families go through."

In the end, the hearing outlined but did not resolve the controversy that has rocked the world's largest automaker in recent weeks: What exactly has caused Toyota cars, in rare but occasionally fatal instances, to rev and accelerate out of control?

At another hearing Wednesday, Toyota President Akio Toyoda plans to face the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and attribute the company's troubles to rapid growth.

"I regret that this has resulted in the safety issues described in the recalls we face today, and I am deeply sorry for any accidents that Toyota drivers have experienced," he said in prepared remarks released ahead of the event.

On Tuesday, lawmakers first heard testimony from a retired Tennessee social worker whose Toyota 2007 Lexus ES 350 sped up to 100 miles per hour during a wild, six-mile ride in 2006. The car sped on even after the driver applied the emergency brake and shifted into neutral and then reverse.

"I prayed for God to help me," Rhonda Smith testified tearfully. "I called my husband on the Bluetooth phone system. I knew he could not help me, but I wanted to hear his voice one more time."

For months afterward, the couple tried telling their story to journalists, to Toyota and to federal safety regulators. They said they wanted to warn others of what they viewed as a deadly flaw. They also wanted their money back on a car that had only 2,728 miles on it.

One Knoxville television station, WATE-TV, ran a story.

Toyota looked at the engine but said it seemed fine.

An investigator from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration visited the couple in Tennessee, but he "seemed to arrive with the preconceived idea to sell to us that it was a floor mat problem," Smith testified. She was sure it was not.

It wasn't until the death of a California Highway Patrol officer and his family in August, which was preceded by their fraught 911 call seconds before the crash, that the company and federal regulators seemed to give more credence to consumer complaints.

"Shame on you, Toyota, for being so greedy," Smith said. "And shame on you, NHTSA, for not doing your job."

Lentz, who testified later, reacted to her story.

"Listening to Mrs. Smith, I'm embarrassed for what happened," he said. "You didn't have to have a death to understand the terror she had from that accident."

The Tennessee couple was followed by David Gilbert of Southern Illinois University, a professor who said his interest was "piqued" after seeing news reports about the runaway Toyotas. Based on 30 years teaching and testing automotive technology, Gilbert said he conducted an experiment that showed a Toyota Avalon's onboard computer could be tricked into operating as if nothing was wrong even if the accelerator was stuck and the car was speeding uncontrollably.

"To be quite honest, at the moment I discovered this, I was sick at my stomach," he said.

Gilbert's research was attacked by Rep. Steve Buyer (R-Ind.), who has a Toyota assembly plant in his district. He asked Gilbert whether he had "cut three wires" in the car to rig his test. Gilbert responded that he had not; he tapped into the wires with a monitor for electric current, a procedure within scientific methods.

Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.) told Gilbert that Toyota lawyers said they were able to duplicate Gilbert's experiment but that it amounted to "sabotage." She asked Gilbert whether the conditions simulated in his experiment could occur while driving.

Yes, Gilbert responded. Then why wasn't Toyota able to find this earlier?

"Maybe they weren't asking the right questions," Gilbert said.

Some lawmakers suggested that Gilbert's research was meant only to make money. Gilbert said he'd been paid $1,800 so far, by safety consultant Sean Kane, who works on behalf of victims' families and trial attorneys.

That Gilbert could so quickly turn up a problem that an entire industry has been looking for seemed "too good to be true," Lentz said.

"It's not in our interest, if a problem exists, to not find it," Lentz reminded lawmakers.

The other key question facing lawmakers is why the NHTSA did not act earlier in response to consumer complaints.

In late-afternoon testimony, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood told lawmakers, "You have my 100 percent commitment we will get in the weeds on this."

Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.), who owns between $116,002 and $315,000 in Toyota stock with her husband, recused herself from participating in Tuesday's hearing.

Harman International Industries, her husband's company, also has held lucrative contracts with Toyota for years, equipping cars with Harman Kardon audio systems.

Staff writers Kimberly Kindy and Dana Hedgpeth contributed to this report.

2010年2月21日 星期日

台灣戴明圈 250-59



豐田召回事件 再爆內幕

  • 2010-02-23
  • 工商時報
  • 【記者鍾志恒/綜合外電報導】

 豐田社長豐田章男本周三將出席美國眾議院監督暨政府改革委員會(監改委)舉行的聽證會。外界正議論豐田要為召回事件負責,抑或政府監管不力時,媒體披露 豐田內部文件顯示,豐田早在2007年就曾與美國政府進行談判成功,僅限量召回少數汽車而因此省下1億美元。此一消息使得豐田的形象再受打擊。



 文件顯示2007年8月,美國政府已經針對十多起死亡車禍對豐田展開調查,並且訪問600名Lexus車主後,發現1成反應有暴衝的問 題。但同年9月僅回收5.5萬部因為問題踏板而可能出現暴衝的Camry和Lexus ES350;這些問題跟豐田去年秋天召回約850萬部汽車的狀況是一樣,但時間上已延後了約2年。



 美國政府周日表示,已經在調查豐田汽車多起暴衝報告。交通部公布早在2003年12月時,已經調查39起有關豐田在2002年至2003 年出廠的Camry暴衝控訴;其後連2003年至2004年出廠的Lexus ES300,和2002年至2004年出廠的Camry都出現暴衝問題。









Peter Drucker used to say that “to focus on weakness is wasteful—a misuse, if not abuse, of the human resource.

感謝 John Liu 給我們這一"剪報 "
我不同意諸如ETC等機構的成立 可以嚴控台灣品質
(想要以"國家"為單位談品質 都是容易過於廣泛)

"品質是生命.品牌是責任 2010-02-22 工商時報 【黃茂雄】  近一年來為了摩斯漢堡和樂雅 樂餐飲服務將在中國成立據點,經常往返大陸考察市場狀況,發現大陸民眾對台灣的食品相當有信心,認為台灣的食品有水準,安全品質也能令人安心。  基於這種信任和好感,讓國內的食品業在彼岸發展十分快速,從最早的永和豆漿、頂新、旺旺、統一到近期的85度C,都廣受好評。不過,為了 快速展店,很多業者都複製台灣的成功經驗,採取加盟方式,雖然很快的就打響知名度,但大陸的環境是否能像台灣一樣,確立安全性和品質,建置完整的保障體 制,是必要慎重思考的!  以最近新聞話題不斷的豐田汽車來看,由於油電混合車(EV)兩用的品質出問題,大大衝擊了豐田汽車王國的神話。  以織布工廠起家的豐田集團,是在1937年8月由豐田喜一郎成立,並選擇以1938年11月2日搬遷至舉母新廠(現今總社工廠)開工的良 辰吉日為公司創立紀念日。  擁有7、80年歷史的豐田汽車,是日本企業的象徵、日本國力的表彰,在長期重視品質管理與成本控制下,鼎盛時期的豐田以旗下四大主力品牌 Toyota、Lexus(凌志)、Scion、Hino,外加併購的Daihatsu(大發)和持股的Subaru(速霸陸),橫掃全球170多個國 家,在全球26個國家中,架構了52座生產基地,雇用員工總數高達26.5萬人,而「豐田看板式管理」、「零庫存」,也一直是全球企業界爭相仿效的教戰榜 樣。  現在卻因危機處理差,打垮了這家在2008年的金融風暴中擠下通用汽車躍居全球第一的汽車製造商,豐田辛苦建置幾十年的品牌形象正面臨嚴 峻考驗。  豐田這次的問題車,據說是受美國外包零件廠所影響的。儘管也有所謂「陰謀論」的說法,但汽車牽涉到生命的安全性,消費者認同的是品牌。他 不會計較汽車零件或車子是在何處生產?是從那裡供應?以品牌就是責任榮辱的歸屬對象來探討,豐田都難辭其咎。  因此,在經營事業上,也要了解當地社會的風土民情和風氣,如果覺得有些條件不足,就要加強,俾以降低風險。畢竟在日本、在台灣可以依賴的 生產環境,在美國、在大陸不是全然就會相同的,更何況是在異國外包的協力廠商。  無獨有偶的,不只是豐田生產的汽車被質疑,1980年代三菱使用的CRT映像管彩色電視機,歷經了30年,現在也還出現問題而被追究而要 回收,足見品質的重要性,稍不留意,就會是企業沈重的負擔,甚至可能是壓垮駱駝的最後一根稻草。  隨著大環境的改變,2、30年來,國內廠商不斷的把生產基地從台灣向大陸、東南亞等海外地區挪移,廠商如何貫徹生產品質是很嚴重的考驗, 豐田事件是很好的借鏡! 東元的前任董事長偕林波士、林長城過去即再三的交待,推出產品時,要考慮的優先順序是一、品質。二、交期。三是成本。「顧客至上、保障消費者」的原則是凌 駕在成本利潤之上,一直都是東元堅持的企業信念,東元員工仍時時刻刻要銘記於心的原則。  以前國內的電線電纜出口,曾經由於品質不佳,容易發生電線走火、漏電等意外事故,而被中東國家嚴重抗議、要求限制出口,當時的經濟部長趙 耀東就下令要求廠商自重,提升品質,因此,後來就成立了ETC(電子檢驗中心)、CED(電機電子產品發展協會)等單位來嚴控品質,也建立了國內電子電機 產品的安全性及形象,並陸續打進國際市場。  現在不管是線纜,電子、醫療器材、農產品花卉、食品等產品,「MADE IN TAIWAN」已經慢慢成為高檔貨,並建立生產基地的權威地位,創造了優勢的競爭力,而辛苦打下的基業,不管是在何處生產,或者是銷售到何方,「品質」絕 對是企業生命與品牌,也是永續事業的信用。(本文作者為工商協進會理事長、東元集團會長) "


Coeur d'amour épris Henri MATISSE

Coeur d'amour épris

by Henri MATISSE

這標題 請rl 翻譯一下

瑞麟: "上午九點出門,《菩提道次第廣論》研討班聯誼兼補課,

Coeur =心




Coeur d'amour épris=滿懷愛慕的心 "



http://photo.xuite.net/eric.jhang ==>拍照比較容易,記錄319鄉鎮(天下文化)
http://blog.xuite.net/eric.jhang/happylink ==>這個念頭,一直到開始記錄小孩的閱讀心得,有了變化,或許心態的調整,慢慢可以把渾沌的腦袋,整理出什麼來。



張智翔 敬上


Sent: Sat,20 Feb 2010 13:55:08 Asia/Taipei
Subject: 新生讀書會 2010
我 最近至少有2 場聚會 公開
蘇錦坤 (Ken)先生提一問 相當有意思
百年之後 我們的plogs 跑 (藏)到那
我當時是想 天上人間 網路之空間不會煙沒 (老兵不死 只下地獄)

Peter Drucker has written that "we are currently living through" one of the "transformations" that occurs "every few hundred years" in which "society rearranges itself -- its worldview; its basic values; it's social and political structure; its arts; its key institutions," so much so that "fifty years later, ... the people born then cannot even imagine the world in which their grandparents lived and into which their own parents were born."

Ken 極力鼓吹 "讀書會"
(為什麼取新生讀書會 2010 諸位 近日翻王雲五的八十自述)
我就想 乾脆2010 就將過去幾組的讀者會朋友"強行組合"成一
每次來"新生讀書會"的 都採用ppt 與問答方式
原則上周末 (配合rl)

現在 每次 Ken都可插入他淵博之佛典與漢字
3月中 有Kevin Lin主持的 "從Toyota recalls" 說起
4月上中旬 有張華先生主持挖開兔子洞:深入解讀愛麗絲漫遊奇境
(為什麼不在下旬 因為我經常去泉州遙想 "晚晴老人"弘一大師)


Another Toyota Recall Coming?

By any measure, it has not been a good year for Toyota. The auto giant has recalled millions of vehicles due to sticking accelerator pedals and faulty braking systems—and that's after more than 4 million cars were recalled in the last quarter of 2009. Now, it is expected that the United States is going to announce a new investigation today that will focus on complaints of steering problems in the Corolla. "The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says it has received more than 150 complaints about possible steering problems in the 2009-2010 Corolla," the BBC reported. "Toyota said on Wednesday that it was looking into complaints of power steering problems with the Corolla." The investigation will involve approximately 500,000 vehicles.

"據知情人士說﹐《紐約時報》(New York Times)的財經記者考韋(Zachery Kouwe)週二辭職﹐該報此前的一次內部調查發現﹐此人過去一年中有過多次剽竊行為。




News about ASQ

APPLYING FOR OTT Applications for the 2010-2011 Ellis R. Ott Scholarship are now available through ASQ's Statistics Division. The $5,000 scholarships are for students in master's degree or higher programs with a concentration in applied statistics or quality management. During the last 12 years, Ott scholarships totaling $175,000 have been awarded to 34 students. Last year's scholarship winners were Wendy Ktsch, Iowa State University, and Jessica Jaynes, University of California, Los Angeles. For more information and an application form, visit www.asqstatdiv. org. Applications are due April 1. Contact Lynne B. Hare at lynne.hare@comcast.net with questions about the scholarship.
SR THINK TANK ASQ recently hosted a social responsibility (SR) think tank in Milwaukee to discuss the importance of SR and the essential role quality can play in this cause. Representatives from Aurora Health Care, the Better Business Bureau, Georgetown University, IBM, Leader to Leader Institute, Manpower Corp., Potawatomi Bingo Casino and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee participated in the event, along with four former ASQ presidents. Chris Jordan, a photographer who was the keynote speaker at another SR event hosted by ASQ last year, also participated, clem Bezold, a noted futurist, facilitated discussions at the event.

Happy New Year
W. Edwards Deming once said “you can not inspect quality into the product; it is already there.”

2010年2月18日 星期四

DuPon /tsmc Board of Directors


本公司董事會由七位在高科技、商務及管理等領域具有傑出專業背景與豐富經驗的董事所組成。 其中前英國電信公司執行長彼得‧邦菲爵士、宏碁集團董事長施振榮先生及前美國德州儀器公司董事長、總經理暨總執行長湯馬斯‧延吉布斯先生三位為獨立董事。在張忠謀董事長領導下, 董事會嚴肅對待它的責任,是一個「認真、有能力、獨立」的董事會。

依張董事長對公司治理的理念,董事會的首要責任是監督。它必須監督公司守法、財務透明、即時揭露重要訊息、沒有 內部貪污等。為了善盡監督責任,台積公司董事會已建立了各式組織與管道,例如:審計委員會、薪酬委員會、隸屬審計 委員會的財務專家、內部稽核、內部檢舉系統等。

董事會的第二個責任是指導經營團隊。台積公司董事會定期聽取經營團隊的報告,也花相當多的時間與經營階層對話, 經營階層必須對董事會提擬公司策略,董事會必須評判這些策略成功的可能性,也必須經常檢視策略的進展,並且在需要時 敦促經營團隊做調整。

董事會的第三個責任,是任免經理人及評量經營團隊之績效。台積公司經營階層與董事會之間維持著順暢良好的溝通, 專心致力於執行董事會的指示與業務營運,為股東創造最高利益。


張忠謀博士自本公司成立以來即擔任本公司董事長,並於八十七年三月至九十四年六月間 擔任總執行長一職。自九十八年六月十二日起,張博士再度兼任本公司總執行長一職。 七十四年至八十三年間,張博士曾擔任工業技術研究院院長及董事長。在此之前,張博士 曾任美國通用儀器公司總經理及營運長、美國德州儀器公司總公司資深副總裁。張博士為 美國麻省理工學院機械工程學士、碩士及史丹福大學電機工程博士。

曾繁城博士自九十四年七月起擔任本公司副董事長,九十年八月至九十四年 六月間,擔任本公司副總執行長。曾博士現並兼任創意電子股份有限公司 董事長、太極影音科技股份有限公司公司董事及新加坡Allegro Manufacturing Pte, Ltd.董事。曾博士曾於八十五年至八十七年間擔任世界先進股份有限公司總經理, 於八十七年五月至九十年八月間擔任本公司總經理。曾博士在擔任世界先進股份 有限公司總經理前曾任本公司營運資深副總經理。曾博士為國立成功大學電機工程博士。

彼得‧邦菲爵士為本公司獨立董事。邦菲爵士於八十五年一月至九十一年一月間擔任 英國電信公司執行長暨董事長一職。邦菲爵士現亦兼任瑞典L. M. Ericsson、美國 Mentor Graphics Corporation、及日本新力等公司之董事;英國品質基金會副總裁; 花旗集團國際諮詢委員會委員及新力公司諮詢委員會委員;英國Actis Capital LLP 及Dubai International Capital之董事;NXP公司監事會主席。邦菲爵士擁有英國 Longhborough 科技大學之工程學士及榮譽學位。

施振榮董事為本公司獨立董事。施先生現為智融集團董事長與宏碁、佳世達科技、緯創 資通及南山人壽等公司董事。施先生為宏碁集團創辦人,並自六十五年至九十三年間 擔任董事長暨執行長職位。施先生為國立交通大學電機學士、碩士及榮譽博士、香港 理工大學榮譽科技博士、英國威爾斯大學榮譽院士、美國桑德博管理研究所榮譽博士。

湯馬斯‧延吉布斯先生為本公司獨立董事。延吉布斯先生於六十五年進入德州儀器公司服務直到 九十七年退休。在這段長達三十二年的服務期間內歷任過多項職務,包括於八十二年至八十五年 間擔任該公司執行副總經理暨半導體事業群總裁;八十五年至八十七年期間擔任總經理暨總執行長; 八十七年至九十三年間同時擔任董事長與總經理暨總執行長;九十三年至九十七年則專職擔任董 事長。目前,延吉布斯先生擔任J.C. Penny 公司的董事、Southwestern Medical 基金會理事, 以及The Business Council之委員。湯馬斯‧延吉布斯先生擁有美國普渡大學電機工程碩士及 榮譽博士學位。

陳添枝博士為行政院國家發展基金管理會代表人。陳博士為國立臺灣大學經濟系教授。陳博士 於九十二年三月至九十四年八月間擔任中華經濟研究院院長,九十年十月至九十四年八月擔任 中華經濟研究院國際所所長,九十七年五月至九十八年九月擔任行政院經濟建設委員會主任委員。 陳博士為臺灣大學電機系學士及美國賓州州立大學經濟學博士。

蔡力行博士自九十年八月起擔任本公司總經理,並自九十四年七月起同時擔任總執行長一職至 九十八年六月十一日止,蔡博士現擔任本公司新事業組織總經理。蔡博士於九十年八月至九十四 年六月擔任本公司營運長,八十九年九月至九十年八月間擔任本公司全球行銷暨業務執行 副總經理,在此之前為本公司營運執行副總經理。蔡博士並曾於八十八年至八十九年間擔任 世界先進公司總經理。蔡博士為美國康乃爾大學材料工程博士。

Ellen J. Kullman, Chair of the Board & Chief Executive Officer Ellen J. Kullman 1
Chair of the Board & Chief Executive Officer

Samuel W. Bodman Samuel W. Bodman 2,6
Former United States Secretary of Energy

Richard H. (Dick) Brown, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of EDS Richard H. (Dick) Brown 1,4,5
Former Chairman and CEO of EDS

Robert A. Brown, President of Boston University Robert A. Brown 2,6
President of Boston University

Bertrand Collomb, Chairman and Former Chief Executive Officer of Lafarge Bertrand Collomb 2,5
Honorary Chairman of Lafarge

Curtis J. Crawford Curtis J. Crawford 3,4,6
President and Chief Executive Officer of XCEO, Inc.

Alexander M. Cutler Alexander M. Cutler 4,5
Chairman and CEO of of Eaton Corporation

John T. Dillon John T. Dillon 1,3,4
Retired Chairman and CEO of International Paper
Vice Chairman and Senior Managing Director of
Evercore Capital Partners

Thère du Pont Eleuthere I. du Pont 3,4,6
President, Longwood Foundation, Inc.

 Marillyn Hewson Marillyn Hewson 2,3
Executive Vice President, Electronic Systems – Lockheed Martin Corporation

Lois D. Juliber Lois D. Juliber 1,3,5
Retired Vice Chairman of Colgate-Palmolive Co.

William K. Reilly, President and CEO, Aqua International Partners LP William K. Reilly 2,5,6
President and CEO of Aqua International Partners LP

William K. Reilly, President and CEO, Aqua International Partners LP Mary E. Bowler

1 Strategic Direction Committee
2 Environmental Policy Committee
3 Audit Committee
4 Compensation Committee
5 Corporate Governance Committee
6 Science and Technology Committee



化 工產業是台灣總經濟的重要指標,是我國次於電子電機的第二大產業,年產值突破兩兆新台幣,而新興的兩兆雙星上游化學關鍵材料的產值需求,預計在2006年 可達八千億元。身為在台灣最大、最早的投資外商之一,台灣杜邦將持續四十年來與台灣產業與事業夥伴在創新與永續成長發展的承諾,與台灣產業共同面對當前的 挑戰,重新調整產品結構,重新塑造高附加價值、安全環保健康的產業新形象。

面對創新與變革,杜邦公司堅持在安 全、環保、道德、人性尊重的企業核心價值。台灣杜邦2004年得到「工業永續精銳奬」,2001-2004年連續三年獲得「企業環保奬」的最高榮譽,並獲 總統府領贈「大綬景星勳章」、最佳安全稽核公司、傑出社區公益、優良外商、品質優良企業與亞太營運中心在台灣傑出代表企業等。

在企業內部全面落實企業誠信的最高準則,成為台灣少數成功執行沙賓法案(Sarbanes Oxley Act)的指標企業,嚴格執行財務透明度標準。同時,台灣杜邦也全面實施「反托辣斯政策」(Antitrust Compliance Policy),並針對全體企業內部員工完成「誠信道德及利益衝突與遵行法律」(Legal Eagle)的商業法律基礎訓練,在提高產能與工作效率方面,74%以上的員工擁有六個標準差的認證。

在 現今全球化的企業經營體系中,市場導向的行銷,客戶導向的生產,均為企業致勝的關鍵,而創新與科技,則永遠是勝利成功的前提。台灣杜邦公司發揮「杜邦科 技,優化品質」的領先優勢,以技術運用發展中心作為連結橋樑,在未來,台灣杜邦經與台灣產業界一同努力,加速與國內產業資源與技術整合,培養更多在研究發 展與國際企業的傑出人士,加速產業加值的轉型,與國際接軌,厚植競爭實力,達到永續經營,永續成長的最高目標。

2010年2月14日 星期日

台灣戴明圈 240- 49


NYC Deming Seminar to Address Emerging Markets, Climate Change, W ...
How do W. Edwards Deming's breakthrough practices apply today? Joyce Orsini, Ph.D., President of The W. Edwards Deming Institute® and the seminar's Co-Chair ...



Behind the Troubles at Toyota

By Bill Saporito with Michael Schuman and Joseph Szczesny

Toyota was the world's most admired automaker, a company that had redefined manufacturing. Then the recalls started. What can other firms learn from a corporate culture that went horribly wrong?


me: 恭賀新蟢喜 問候你母親和家人
Justing: 謝謝也請問候師母 我媽狀況也明顯很好謝謝
me: 我們都在台中 還不錯謝謝
Justing: 台中應該明天轉涼喔
me: 今年的論文要繼續寫下去寫
Justing: 沒關係我已經完成30頁
me: 哈哈 天 你寫什題目
Justing: 就寫扣件與車場標準關係式
me: 了解 先照你原先想的寫下去



--- 齊邦媛《巨流河》p. 433


此書精彩 譬如說 許多人物軼事 包括胡適之先生與作者談文學之深度和品味等
譬如說 Hayek 來台時還沒得諾貝爾經濟學獎
CZ 列車 California Zephyr



印象最深刻的是1980年代的 銀座歩行者天国

Pedestrian zones in Japan are called hokosha tengoku (歩行者天国, literally "pedestrian heaven"). Clis Road, in Sendai, Japan, is a covered pedestrian mall. Several major streets in Tokyo are closed to vehicles during weekends. One particular temporary hokosha tengoku in Akihabara was cancelled after the Akihabara massacre in which a man rammed a truck into the pedestrian traffic and subsequently stabbed more than 12 people.

アキバ歩行者天国、再開申し入れへ 早ければ大型連休前



查一下網路 才知道 張忠樸先生的尋智專業顧問公司的網站似乎移走了

一年多前 晃三兄說 張忠樸/著 人生的不標準答案 (天下文化 2002年05月31日) 已經停版了




有一位朋友,是大家公認做生意的高手,最近有機會和他一起去拜訪客戶,雙方見面第一件事,我這位朋友非但沒 談生意,反倒問起對方兒子在美國攻讀MBA的情形。幾句發自肺腑的關懷,就已醞釀出知己相見的熱忱。隨後言歸正傳,他說:「兩個月前,貴公司表示有成本的 壓力,所以我請研發人員為貴公司想辦法。經過實驗之後,已為貴公司開發了一種新產品,不但可以幫貴公司將總生產時間減少十五%,還可提高材料利用率八%, 不知道能不能請我們的研發同仁張先生向您報告一下?」



回程車上,我請教這位朋友怎麼這麼會做生意,他笑笑說是碰釘子碰出來的,早年做業務員時並不順利,於是他就 請調做採購,經過一段時間,他慢慢歸納哪些供應商他喜歡,為什麼?哪些供應商他不想見,又為什麼?結果發現了很有趣的現象:討人喜歡的供應商原來處處在為 客戶著想,而不想見的供應商大多數是為了自己的業績纏得人心煩。想通了之後,他得到幾點心得:












如果冷靜地再想一想,討論事情非要從「我」的角度出發不可嗎?既然每個人都會把「I」大寫(多微妙的英文文 法),那麼「我」可不可以先「忘我」呢?換句話說,我們最先考慮的可不可以是對方的需要呢?如果對方能夠感受到我們的善意,體會到我們的尊重,請問他還好 意思冷若冰霜,還有理由咄咄逼人嗎?


【本文摘錄自天下遠見讀書俱樂部 http://rs.bookzone.com.tw


戴明顧問公司-尋智人 訪張忠樸總經理(1998/9)

尋智人 ─ 訪張忠樸總經理

時間: 地點: 永和 訪問:蔡士魁(兼主持人、主筆) 鍾漢清

Q: 在這次訪談前,我們先拜訪過貴公司的網站(http:/www.eurekacp.com.tw),印象深刻,可否請你先介紹一下。

A: 我們的網站尋智,有專人在負責,根據一位教授朋友的回應說,在他拜訪過國內顧問業的網站中,尋智網頁的分類相當清楚,而且內容更新頻率很高。可算是一個有 特色的網站,我希望能讓來訪的網友,每次都有些新的收獲,所以目前我們每週更新一次。我們有一些客戶就是經由網站上來認識我們的。戴明學院可以在這方面共 同努力。

Q: 在接觸到尋智公司的網站和出版品中,有兩、三個術語比較常見:D.O.E和KNOW HOW ,可否請你解釋一下。

A: 所謂D.O.E就是Design Of Experiment (實驗計劃法),它是開發KNOW HOW的一項工具。我們所謂的KNOW HOW ,則是指:「利用統計手法D.O.E,找出一組最佳的生產條件,而這個最佳的組合可以經得起反覆的驗證」。這種開發出KNOW HOW的能力,正是目前高科技公司要領先競爭對手的關鍵要素。也就是說D.O.E是一種方法,而KNOW HOW是一種目的。

Q: 我倒覺得,除了上述品質工程上的KNOW HOW之外,尋智公司還把輔導業者的成果和心得彙編在網站上發表,這也可算是另一種型式的KNOW HOW也是貴公司獨特的地方。順便再請教一下;Q.F.D和D.O.E有什麼關連嗎?

A: 任何學問都不會單獨存在的,它的另一端都會和別的學問有所連結。Q.F.D (品質機能展開)和D.O.E的連結點就在更源頭的地方,也就是實驗因子的選擇。讓業者活用D.O.E是我們公司的專長,但是生產條件(實驗因子)的選擇就需要借重於客戶的專業知識。換句話說: Q.F.D可以幫助客戶把他們知道的客戶需求,轉換成工程語言,再藉由D.O.E找出最佳的生產條件組合(KNOW HOW),而且這種條件組合的預期結果是可以再複製出來的。

Q: 用D.O.E來找尋KNOW HOW算是品質改善的一種手法,這種傳統的Q.C.C (品管圈)有什麼不同呢?

A: 傳統的QCC是一群工作性質相似的人員,針對例行性的工作進行改善的活動。推動D.O.E我們則要求All one team ,要求跨部門、跨功能的組合,把研發、製程和生產的人員都納入,讓他們尊重彼此的獨特專業,集思廣義地共同去解決困難,然後建立一個高良率的製程。

蔡: 我在近二十年前的在職訓練中,就有請台大農經系教授到廠講授D.O.E ,可是沒兩下就全部還給老師了。D.O.E的迄今普及度不足,讓我很感慨,連帶對中共的華羅庚在普及「雙法」提 升產能的印象極深刻,所以也想利用義工家長之便,對小學生講授一點統計的知識。

A :我很贊同要把統計知識普及化,而且我還有三個心得:(1)要打破學生的心理障礙,不再認為統計是很可怕的東西。(2)講統計要深入淺出,能夠發現統計就 和我們的生活很相關;例如班上同學同一天生日的機率有多大?有沒有人是相同身高?相同到小數點第幾位?高個子的定義是什麼?這樣就很容易把變異的觀念帶出 來,引出學生的好奇心,(3)要讓學生對自己有信心,能活學活用。很可惜,我們大專院校理工科系中,把統計列作必修的並不多見。

鍾: 要讓統計普及,必需讓它有趣,好玩。像美國的戴明學會就將戴明的知識設計成為遊戲的型式,在網站上與大家共享。補充一下;華羅庚先生是中共推崇的質量管理大師,他所推廣的是作業研究中的CPM與優選法,不是實驗計劃法。華先生對於把統計用到品管上也沒有什麼表現。

Q: 以下想問些較私人的問題。請問你如何走到這個顧問業的?

A: 只能用因緣湊巧四個字來形容。我在華通電腦公司做到總管理 處處長的職位時,下一步是什麼呢?總經理嗎?那個職位與我的個性相合嗎?為了使個人專長與工作做更好結合,所以才會以教人活用D.O.E為職志;而去創辨了尋智專業顧問公司。這 幾年下來的成果,讓我步伐更堅定,對自己的當年抉擇也更歡喜。

Q: 你曾經在好幾家一流的公司服務過,那些公司可否算是一個學習型組織的標竿企業呢?

A: 面對未來,企業內的員工都應有再學習的能力,企業才可能繼續生生不息。最近我常會問人,「我們這一代的文盲多,還是我們父親那一代的文盲多?」如果我們把 文盲定義為一數學式子;分母是一個時代所有的知識,分子是一個人所擁有的知識。(詳見拙著新文盲時代)那麼我們就會發現到,其實我們這一代的文盲比父親那 一代還多。每次去逛書店,我明顯感受到書架上的新書目不暇給,這還不包括電腦網站上的資訊交流呢!所以學習型組織是必然的趨勢。企業每一位員工都學習一 些,才可讓整個企業體文盲的比例變少一些。

更重要的一點是,我們過去的經驗不只不全然可靠。甚至還可能讓我們面對未來變革時。由一項資產變成各負債。也就是 說,企業員工必須有系統的去學習。有目的的去使用,讓知識在加速度組織中發揮效用。許多企業中的讀書會紛紛成立,這不是巧合,而是一種洞燭機先,面對未來 的一項準備,我本人喜歡讀書,因緣際會接辦一個讀書會,在尋智公司的網站也有尋智書摘的一個園地,都是在這種認知下的具體行動。

Q: 你是一位虔誠的基督徒,請問宗教信仰對你的影響有多大呢?

A: 我是得天獨厚,生長在一個基督教的家庭。本來基督教的教義中,就有著自我調整與改善的精神,這與我多年來從事品管工作是相輔相成的,聖經也變成我的另一項 資源來印證許多真理。戴明博士也是一位虔誠的基督徒,他在講領導就十分有人 性。譬如他講領導、要求自己先做好榜樣,要主管不要責罵身陷系統中的部屬,要去探討系統的因素,像紅珠子實驗就是一個例,他的宗教情懷,讓他能把每一位員 工都當平等的人來對待。比起若干政治人物只講權位(Authority),不講人性是截然不同的。所以看戴明的書令人如沐春風,心想;如果我有這樣的老闆 有多好!

鍾: 這就是所謂的「Servant Leadership」。戴明博士篤信基督教中的信、望、愛,所以才會在九十高齡還要努力來修改他的著作,這種Hope和Love,也都會繼續影響他的信徒吧!

不過作者張戎本人最重視的中文版,卻因書中直指國軍名將胡宗南是「紅色代理人」(red sleeper),導致胡的後人及舊部屬群起抗議。胡宗南之子、台灣駐新加坡代表胡為真在今年三月,透過遠流出版公司董事長王榮文表達對張戎出版《毛傳》的不滿稱:「為了維護父親名節,什麼事都可以做;出版前是朋友,出版後是敵人。」王榮文也指出,張戎並沒有直接證據,書中卻說「胡宗南是共諜,還把他的部屬一一送入虎口,這是品德上嚴厲的指控」。"

昨天在 Simon University - PChome 新聞台Blog
聯絡上留言/流言的一兩位朋友 這樣最好

2010年2月13日 星期六

再紀念張忠樸先生 2010


查一下網路 才知道 張忠樸先生的尋智專業顧問公司的網站似乎移走了

一年多前 晃三兄說 張忠樸/著 人生的不標準答案 (天下文化 2002年05月31日) 已經停版了......

真是 往事只能回憶

我們曾合辦1996年的 戴明博士紀念研討會
我報答他邀請我去一家公司的 演講 是在 戴明修煉 I 戴明修煉 I I 中都免費刊載 尋智顧客公司的廣

我們兩家顧問公司的網站都1998 年創刊戴明顧問公司-尋智人 訪張忠樸總經理(1998/9)

他甚至於可能可以開創一"雜誌 "......."電視台"

所以他完成十輯 尋智書摘精選集 可能超過百本書的摘要
如果各位知道他的"讀書會" 對象是產業界的員工

張忠樸先生 在兩岸關於 實驗設計 (DOE)和統計品管 (SPC) 領域 的產業輔導

烏乎 忠樸 忠樸 了不起的忠樸

最近有人要買忠樸的實驗計畫 請問如何連絡 請賜知
我周三起在大陸 無法連絡 請用 email

2010年2月10日 星期三

Safety Agency Scrutinized as Toyota Recall Grows

Safety Agency Scrutinized as Toyota Recall Grows

Published: February 9, 2010

In November, top auto safety officials made an unusual request of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. After reviewing complaints about Toyota vehicles, the regulators said they believed the automaker was stalling their inquiries and wanted to go to Japan to stress just how serious their concerns had become.

Skip to next paragraph
Associated Press

In Japan, 2010 Prius models waited on Tuesday for shipment. More than 400,000 of Toyota's hybrid and other gas-electric models worldwide are being recalled.

Lauren Victoria Burke/Associated Press

Ray LaHood defended the national traffic safety agency on Tuesday.

Toru Hanai/Reuters

Akio Toyoda, left, of Toyota, met with Japan's transportation minister, Seiji Maehara, on Tuesday about the recalls.

Executives at Toyota “were dragging things out, and we’d had it,” a senior American transportation official said in recounting new details of the talks. “We were getting excuses that didn’t make sense anymore.”

Mr. LaHood approved the unprecedented trip, but it would be a month before his top safety aides met with Toyota executives, and another month before Toyota disclosed to Washington that it had found problems with some sticking accelerators. Not once in more than six years of reviews of Toyota’s problems did officials at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which regulates automakers, use their power to subpoena Toyota’s records, even though they said they believed the automaker was withholding critical information.

Now, with the recalls of some eight million Toyota vehicles since late last year, including more than 400,000 models of the 2010 Prius and other hybrid models this week, the traffic safety agency promises to be scrutinized as much as Toyota itself. Members of Congress, independent experts on auto experts and others say they want to know why the agency did not act more aggressively in investigating Toyota’s problems.

“This is the most extensive vehicle recall in history, and we want to know, what did Toyota know about its defects and when did they know it, and what did N.H.T.S.A. know and did it act quickly enough?” Representative Henry A. Waxman, the California Democrat who leads the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said on Tuesday.

Some Congressional officials and outside experts say they believe the safety agency has become too close to the industry it is charged with regulating, as a number of agency employees have gone to work for Toyota. Among other issues that need to be addressed, they also cite the agency’s limited use of fines or subpoenas against auto manufacturers, a dearth of technical expertise in areas like electronic throttle problems and frequent turnover in its leadership.

Joan Claybrook, who was the director of the agency in the Carter administration, said that it “should be the government cop on the auto regulatory beat,” but too often it was not.

“It has enormous authority to do its job,” she said, “but it doesn’t always have the staff or money. And in this particular case, they took the road of least resistance.”

Mr. Waxman’s committee has sought documents from the safety agency and scheduled a hearing this month on the problems. A second group, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, postponed a hearing until Feb. 24.

In recent days, Toyota has begun taking out full-page newspaper advertisements to repair its reputation and has brought on new lobbyists to make its case in Washington, where many lawmakers have benefited from the campaign contributions and jobs at home provided by the company. And transportation officials have begun pushing back as well.

“The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has the most active defect investigation program in the world,” Mr. LaHood said on Tuesday in a statement to The New York Times. “Its safety experts are dedicated to finding and fixing safety problems, and they review 30,000 consumer complaints every year. Over just the last three years, N.H.T.S.A.’s investigations have resulted in 524 recalls involving 23.5 million vehicles — a stellar record.”

But internal agency documents and interviews with auto safety experts demonstrate that the safety agency and the auto giant it regulated engaged in a Kabuki dance of sorts in the months and years before tensions coalesced. Drivers would file complaints by the dozens about mysterious accelerations and other hazards, federal regulators would open official reviews, Toyota would promise answers, the regulators would complain about not receiving the information they needed, and in the end, almost nothing would come of any of it.

Six times since 2003 in fact, the safety agency opened inquiries into possible Toyota safety problems, and six times it closed them without any significant action.

In 2008, for instance, the agency examined a request from the owner of a Toyota Tacoma pickup to investigate “sudden and uncontrolled acceleration.” After a preliminary review, the safety agency concluded in a memorandum given to House investigators that: “In view of the need to allocate and prioritize N.H.T.S.A.’s limited resources to best accomplish the agency’s safety mission, the petition is denied.”

In recent years, the agency has dealt with financing and staff cuts in some areas. The Transportation Department announced last week that the administration was seeking money for 66 new positions.

The agency also has had a revolving door of leaders, with about a half-dozen directors since 2005. The current administrator, David Strickland, was confirmed only in December.

The agency was stymied by Toyota’s centralized decision-making, but did not act aggressively in its dealings with the company’s leaders. Over its six defect investigations, agency investigators never met with Japanese executives, only Toyota officials in the United States.

Christopher Santucci, a manager of safety affairs for Toyota in Washington, testified in a deposition in a lawsuit that all decisions on defects and vehicle recalls were made in Japan.

Federal regulators were routinely told during investigations that requests for safety data or vehicle testing must be relayed to Japan for answers. By the fall of last year, N.H.T.S.A. officials had become frustrated by delays in receiving information.

Even though the agency was not getting all the information it wanted from Japan, it did receive data about possible defects from State Farm, the insurance firm, beginning in 2007. The agency said that information was incorporated into its continuing investigations, but Congressional officials say it should have set off louder warnings at the agency.

Congressional investigators have indicated that they are looking into the agency’s ability to investigate possible defects in Toyota’s computerized, electronic throttle-control systems. The agency is expected to hire outside experts to assist in its inquiry, said a federal official with knowledge of the decision.

But the Transportation Department said the move was not a sign of any shortcomings in its level of in-house expertise. Since 1980, the agency has conducted 141 investigations into throttle controls, both mechanical and electronic versions, the department said.

The Toyota recalls occurred a decade after N.H.T.S.A. withstood heavy criticism from Congress over its failure to detect a pattern of rollovers in Ford S.U.V.’s with Firestone tires. In that case, State Farm had given the agency documents warning of safety failures, but Congressional investigators said the agency was slow to realize the significance.

“This is history repeating itself,” said Clarence Ditlow, who runs the Center for Auto Safety and is scheduled to appear as a witness at the House oversight hearing.

“Where were they before this?” he asked of the safety agency. “The whole relationship is really too cozy. They view their constituency as the auto industry and not the consumer. It’s a classic case of a regulatory agency that over time becomes captured by the industry it regulates.”

2010年2月9日 星期二

台灣戴明圈 230-38



讀此 mail 大有「明年此會知誰健,戲把茱萸仔細看」的感慨,

  Ken Su
謝謝 "北埔"資訊 很不錯
對了 我看司馬遼太郎著作 說日本寺之讀音 可能是 Pali 的 Thera 翻譯


錦坤 遲到甚久茶可能涼 人好最重要

reply to
在新竹市巧遇吳國精,我們決定邀你下來共賞我的陳年老人茶(40年),可遇而不可求囉...call either one or live a message to my e-mail.
2009-12-31 19:26:52
  即茶演法﹔  借水澄心。 只是聊聊天,喝東方美人茶。
茶要香,酒要醇,咖啡要厚﹔ 心求清,情求重,肚腸求寬。
  可以給我電話,約個時間喝茶。  我也成為專業譯人了...  (0963)227-958

蘇錦坤  賀新春
沒關係啦 好好當譯家也很不容易呢
前幾月吳國精兄轉述 秋邱羅火兄說 葉德榮先生已因心肌梗塞過世
上月帶美國友人之子訪新竹 當時沒回去看Simon U 這BLOG



China and Japan are each going through their own unique quality crises. In China, officials are hunting for 170 tons of contaminated milk powder that is still on shelves more than a year after the melamine scandal was first exposed. And in Japan, discussions are focused on all that has gone wrong with its automotive industry after Toyota's recent recalls. But a closer look at the two scandals shows how far apart the countries are in their approach to quality—and how much China stands to learn from Japan.

China's quality challenge has at times been compared to Japan's efforts in ...

Why China Keeps Poisoning the Milk
Wall Street Journal
Japan's reputation for high quality in recent decades owes much to W. Edwards Deming, the father of "total quality management." Were he around today, ...


"孔子" 在台灣怎麼玩 他是某"飲料"之代言人







胡慧玲 敬邀


85℃海綿寶寶加價購活動其贈品「海綿寶寶筷子」被驗出含鉛超量事件,為確保食品消費安全,台南市衛生局接獲衛生署食品藥物管理局通知;禾誠國際有限公司代理之『海綿寶寶方角及筆型筷子』含鉛量超出「食品器具容器包裝衛生標準(鉛:100ppm)」,立即派員稽查。 ...

消基會批評中油A空污費,中油今天以實際行動表現,將去年實際繳交空污費的金額,在浮動油價公式當中反應,而且率先從明天9號零點起,調降汽油跟柴油價格每公升降一毛。 中油強調,每年空污費金額會在一月計算得出,因此未來將在每年一月檢討,並從二月起,將前一年度實際 ...

全球大範圍召回事件影響﹐豐田汽車公司(Toyota Motor Co.)總裁豐田章男(Akio Toyoda)週五宣佈了一項包含六個要點的行動計劃﹐以解決質量和該公司業務的其他問題。






成露茜 (世新)

2000我將Simon的 adminstrative behavior 中譯 本 要賴鼎銘先生轉交成露茜先生
後來他們社會研究所來買十幾本 發票開"世新會館"


這新聞有許多有趣的事 譬如說他們怪SGS 公司的化驗報告中沒有將超過標準的用紅字警告他們

含鉛超標 85度C海綿寶寶筷全數回收

2010/2/6 下午 02:49:00






2010年2月8日 星期一

董(理)事會 : 2010年戴明講座演講 (1)

The W. Edwards Deming Institute Board of Trustees
Diana Deming Cahill, Founding Trustee, is a former classroom teacher in the elementary and primary grades. From 1979 to 1993, she accompanied her father at numerous public and private seminars and consulting sessions, classes, and meetings at New York University and at companies in the United States, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa. She attended Randolph-Macon Woman's College and Marietta College. She holds a B.A. degree in sociology.

Linda Deming Ratcliff, Founding Trustee, taught thirty years in primary and special education, specializing in learning disabilities. After retirement from full-time teaching, she worked in the special education department of the local school system as educational diagnostician for Child Find and case manager for the department of special education appeals. She and her husband now carry out much of the administrative work of the Deming Institute. She holds a B.S. in elementary education, psychology, and philosophy from Longwood College and an M.S. in special education from George Washington University. She was named as one of the Outstanding Teachers of America in 1973.

William J. Bellows, Ph.D., Associate Trustee is an Associate Technical Fellow in the Enterprise Thinking Network at Boeing’s Rocketdyne Propulsion & Power business unit. In that capacity, he provides facilitation and instruction of enterprise thinking activities that encompass the Deming philosophy of management. In 1987, Dr. Bellows was exposed to the quality improvement techniques of Dr. Genichi Taguchi and for several years led an AVCO Lycoming division's applications of Taguchi Methods. In 1990, he became a student of Dr. Deming’s work, thereupon worked to integrate Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge into Taguchi’s design system. At Boeing he leads efforts to foster an organizational thinking transformation.

Dr. Bellows is a founding board member and co-president of the In2:InThinking Network, founder and active leader of the Deming Discussion Group in the Los Angeles area and a board member of the L. A. chapter of the Volunteers of America. Bill holds a B.S., M. S. and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York.

Kevin Edwards Cahill, Associate Trustee, is Dr. Deming’s grandson. He is the Co-founder and COO of ViewBridge, Inc. The company was founded in 1999 and through its operating division, AdConnections, is implementing a globally integrated end to end system for the Media Industry. Previously, he was Vice President Sales Manager for Media rep firm, Katz Communications. As a member and chairman of various company committees, he helped guide the design and implementation of various sales, technology, and management systems. Kevin holds a BA in history from UCLA.

J. Vincent Cahill, Associate Trustee, is responsible for setting direction, policy and procedures for the HR Shared Services organization. Oversees the baseline processes that maintain the PeopleSoft HRMS database, which includes accurate processing, maintenance and security for corporate information. Provided project oversight to upgrade existing technologies and implementation of integrated technologies to leverage the deployment of automated processes. He holds an MBA from George Washington University and a B.S.B.A. in Finance from Georgetown University.

John A. Hillerich, III, Associate Trustee, is President and Chairman of the Board of Hillerich & Bradsby Company, a manufacturer of sporting goods equipment. Its well-known products include Louisville Slugger baseball and softball equipment, PowerBilt golf equipment, and Louisville ice hockey equipment. He is a 1961 graduate of Vanderbilt University and joined the family-owned company upon his graduation. He held various positions within the company and became President upon the death of his father, John A. Hillerich, Jr., in 1970.

Hillerich & Bradsby Co. places a strong emphasis on quality through the use of Dr. W. Edwards Deming's philosophy. The company initiated its own program in 1984 and is currently participating with other companies, locally and nationally, to increase awareness and share experiences. Mr. Hillerich is active in local charity and community groups. He is a member of the Board for Alliant Healthcare and Louisville Science Museum. In addition, Mr. Hillerich serves on the Board for the Center for Quality of Management in Boston and the Board of Trustees of Brevard College. He is an avid outdoorsman. Fishing and golf occupy his time when he can get away from the business environment.

Joyce Nilsson Orsini, Ph.D., Associate Trustee, is Associate Professor of Management Systems at Fordham University Graduate School of Business, where she directs the Deming Scholars MBA program. She has been a practicing statistician and consultant to industrial management and government for more than 25 years. She has held positions including Vice President of Research, Chief Human Resources Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operations Officer in the banking industry. Dr. Deming directed her doctoral dissertation research at New York University. She assisted Dr. Deming with his teaching at N.Y.U., as well as with many public and private seminars. The Metropolitan Section of the American Society for Quality awarded her the Deming Medal.

Richard R. Steele, Associate Trustee, is the founder and CEO of Peaker Services, Inc., a company that restores Locomotive engines, located in Brighton, Michigan. He has been an active member of the Deming Study Group of Greater Detroit for many years. He is a Board member and House Leader for Habitat for Humanity in Huron Valley. Formerly, he served on the Boards for McPherson Hospital and Old Kent Bank of Brighton. Mr. Steele is Past President of the Brighton Township Homeowners Association. He holds a B.S.M.E. and B.S. Aero E. from Iowa State University. His outside interests include home building, snow skiing, mountain biking and playing the piano.

Michael D. Tveite, Ph.D., Associate Trustee, is a founder of the Tetrad Group, a consulting firm based in Minneapolis. He works with organizations in manufacturing, distribution, government and education. He assisted Dr. Deming with numerous four-day seminars and accompanied him on consulting visits. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Deming Scholars M.B.A. program at Fordham University. He holds a B.A. degree in mathematics from St. Olaf College and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in statistics from Iowa State University.



Werner Wenning
( 主席 )
Klaus Kühn
( 財務 )
Wolfgang Plischke
( 創新、技術與環境 )
Richard Pott
( 經營策略與人力資源 )



Making Corporate Boards More Effective

Your Course of Study

Through lectures, case studies, and interactive discussion, you will examine a range of critical challenges facing boards of directors today. You will explore strategies and techniques for structuring positive, productive relationships and efficient processes that will enable your company's board and management team to meet those challenges head-on. Examples from companies in diverse industries will illustrate the impact of cooperation between the board and management team on long-term company success. Curriculum topics include:

Board composition, roles, and responsibilities
  • Designing board structure and selecting directors
  • Choosing the right number and type of outside directors
  • Using committees to maximize board productivity and cooperation between board members and the management team
  • Understanding the legal responsibilities of directors
  • Enhancing the board's role in strategic planning, goal setting, and initiating positive change
  • Formulating an external financial reporting and disclosure strategy
  • Handling unanticipated company opportunities or crises (takeovers, CEO firings, etc.)
Effective meetings, informed decision making
  • Identifying the information and metrics that enable the board to understand and monitor company strategy
  • Structuring different types of meetings
  • Leading dynamic, constructive board meetings with time-efficient agendas
Monitoring, measurement, and compensation
  • Evaluating CEO performance and compensation
  • Planning management succession
  • Evaluating the board and its members
  • Determining director compensation and stock ownership

主要作者 Stoesz, Edgar
書名/作者 Doing good even better : how to be an effective board member of a nonprofit organization / Edgar Stoesz
出版項 Intercourse, PA : Good Books, c2007

190 p. ; 22 cm
內容 Doing good even better begins with people -- Organizational greatness begins with people -- Growing great directors -- Helping directors become great leaders -- Making room for greatness -- Discussion questions -- Helping directors understand their governance role -- Distinguishing governance from management -- Defining the purpose -- Planning to fulfill the purpose -- Delegating responsibility for plan implementation -- Resourcing the plan -- Monitoring and evaluating -- Reporting back to the members -- Helping boards have better meetings -- Meetings: why have them? -- A strategic agenda -- Planning effective meetings -- Whose rules of order? -- Bad habits great boards overcome -- The role of the chair -- The role of recording -- Great boards have a good fight (occasionally) -- Discussion questions -- Great boards evaluate performance -- Great boards evaluate themselves -- Great boards evaluate program -- Great boards evaluate their CEO -- Discussion questions -- More tools to increase board effectiveness -- Governing through policies -- Buoys to guide management -- The board role in fund-raising -- Budget: a necessary management tool -- Caution about committees -- Committees-getting more with less -- Managing conflict constructively -- Working your way through a crisis -- Smelling salts for discouraged organizations -- Under the shadow of litigation -- Great board celebrate -- Leaving right -- Afterword -- Exhibits: -- A. Board self-evaluation: board responsibilities-the full scope -- B. Board self-evaluation: board duties-how well are we accomplishing them? -- C. Board self-evaluation: board meetings-our work together -- D. Director self-evaluation -- E. Suggestions for committees -- F. Writing effective proposals for board action -- G. CEO annual review outline -- H. CEO search checklist -- Suggestions for interviewing a candidate for the CEO position -- J. Governance guidelines (a model for a start-up)

總圖4F科技資料區 HD62.6 S76 2007 2812819 可流通

召回: 普銳斯(Prius)油電混合動力車

日本共同社(Kyodo)報導﹐知情人士透露﹐豐田汽車公司(Toyota Motor Co.)計劃在美國和日本兩地申請因剎車問題召回最新的普銳斯(Prius)油電混合動力車﹐此舉可能影響到超過27萬輛汽車。

知情人士表示﹐豐田汽車計劃最早週二向日本國土交通省(Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry)上報召回一事﹐並盡快向美國提交類似文件。

知情人士稱﹐豐田汽車還在考慮提交其他油電混合動力車型的召回申請﹐例如豪華車雷克薩斯(Lexus) HS250h以及混合動力專用的Sai緊湊轎車﹐這些車型也使用了與普銳斯油電混合動力車類似的剎車系統。

田汽車(Honda Motor Co.)首席財務長Yoichi Hojo警告稱﹐豐田汽車公司(Toyota Motor Co.)的大規模召回事件可能會給整個汽車行業帶來連鎖反應﹐挫傷消費者對汽車質量和安全的信心。


田汽車公司(Toyota Motor Co.)週二表示﹐該公司向全球銷售的40萬輛汽車因剎車系統問題被歸入召回之列。


豐田汽車總裁豐田章男(Akio Toyoda)稱﹐對於公司給諸多消費者帶來的問題和困擾﹐公司再次表示歉意。

週二早些時候﹐豐田汽車表示將在日本召回223,068輛混合動力車﹐其中包括新款普銳斯(Prius)、Sai緊湊轎車、雷克薩斯(Lexus) HS250h及普銳斯插電式混動車。豐田章男表示﹐將盡快通過經銷商告知國內客戶召回事宜。

Toyota Prius Recall 2010: Company Begins Worldwide Brake Recall On Flagship Hybrid

YURI KAGEYAMA | 02/ 9/10 03:06 AM | AP

Toyota Prius Recall
Toyota has begun a Prius recall.

TOKYO — Toyota says it is recalling about 437,000 Prius and other hybrid vehicles worldwide to fix brake problems – the latest in a string of embarrassing safety lapses at the world's largest automaker.

"I apologize for causing trouble and worries for many customers over the quality and safety of Toyota," President Akio Toyoda said at a press conference Tuesday in Tokyo.

"We sincerely acknowledge safety concerns from our customers," he said. "We have decided to recall as we regard safety for our customers as our foremost priority."

The recall is the latest blow to Toyota Motor Corp., which is in the midst of recalling more than 7 million vehicles worldwide because of problems with floor mats, which can trap gas pedals, and faulty gas pedals that are slow to return to the idle position. The 2010 Prius wasn't part of those recalls.

There have been about 200 complaints in Japan and the U.S. about a delay when the brakes in the Prius were pressed in cold conditions and on some bumpy roads. The delay doesn't indicate a brake failure. The company says the problem can be fixed in 40 minutes with new software that oversees the controls of the antilock brakes.

Toyota officials went to Japan's Transport Ministry earlier Tuesday to formally notify officials the company is recalling the 2010 Prius gas-electric hybrid – the world's top-selling hybrid car. The automaker is also recalling two other hybrid models in Japan, the Lexus HS250h sedan, sold in the U.S. and Japan, and the Sai, which is sold only in Japan.

The 223,000 cars being recalled in Japan include nearly 200,000 Priuses sold from April last year through Monday, according to papers the automaker filed with the ministry. The Prius is Japan's top-selling car.

In the U.S., Toyota will recall 133,000 Prius cars and 14,500 Lexus HS250h vehicles. Nearly 53,000 Priuses are also being recalled in Europe.

Owners in Japan of the 2010 Prius can get their cars fixed starting Wednesday, said Ryusuke Itazaki, chief of the recall department at the Transport Ministry.

He said Toyota would suspend production of the Sai and Lexus HS250h in Japan as the company doesn't have the updated software for those models yet.

If drivers experience any delayed reaction when depressing the brakes in any of these models, they should keep pressing, he said.

Itazaki said complaints about the brakes started coming in as the weather got colder, particularly from northern Japan.

He also said Toyota should have taken action sooner. "If the company had paid more attention to consumers' viewpoint, it could have realized that there was a safety problem."

Toyoda, the president, has been criticized for being largely invisible during the two weeks after the company announced Jan. 21 the gas pedal recall in the U.S., Europe and China. He apologized at his first public press conference last Friday, but was criticized by the Japanese media for failing to outline concrete steps to tackle the safety crisis and reassure customers around the world.

In contrast to his halting English in response to questions from foreign reporters at last week's news conference, Toyoda seemed much better prepared Tuesday, reading from an English statement after doing so in Japanese.

"We will redouble our commitment to quality as a lifeline of our company," he said in English. "We will do everything in our power to regain the confidence of our customers."

U.S. safety officials have launched an investigation into problems with the brakes.

The problem is suspected in four crashes resulting in two minor injuries, according to data gathered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which is investigating the matter. Toyota says it's cooperating with NHTSA's investigation.

Problems with hybrid braking systems haven't been limited to Toyota.

Ford Motor Co. said last week it plans to fix 17,600 Mercury Milan and Ford Fusion gas-electric hybrids because of a software problem that can give drivers the impression that the brakes have failed. The automaker says the problem occurs in transition between two braking systems and at no time are drivers without brakes.

Toyota's plug-in hybrid is also being recalled in Japan – a largely experimental model for rental and government use, with 159 sold.

The Prius holds a cherished spot in Toyota's vehicle lineup and is symbolic of its leadership in the "green" car market.

Toyota was one of the first companies to mass-market a hybrid that combines an electric motor with a gas engine, introducing the Prius in Japan in 1997. Its high gas mileage made it popular among environmentally conscious drivers, especially when gas prices spiked two years ago.

But the complexity of the Prius, a highly computerized car, has led to problems in the past. In 2005, the company repaired 75,000 of them to fix software glitches that caused the engine to stall. It has also had trouble with headlights going out.


Associated Press Writers Mari Yamaguchi, Shino Yuasa and Malcolm Foster in Tokyo, Aoife White in Brussels, Tom Krisher and Dee-Ann Durbin in Detroit and Ken Thomas in Washington contributed to this report.

2010年2月5日 星期五

台灣戴明圈 220-29


記得許達然先生在1990? 寫過一篇"能 (量)"的散文

. Henry Moore Sculpture - "Nuclear Energy"
Henry Moore Sculpture© Jennifer Roche
I have always found this sculpture by Henry Moore chilling. The bronze is titled "Nuclear Energy," and it commemorates the creation of the first sustained nuclear chain reaction, which was realized by a team of University of Chicago scientists led by Enrico Fermi. This knowledge eventually led to the creation of the nuclear bomb and, subsequently, to its use in Hiroshima. The sculpture was unveiled on December 2, 1967.

Ellis Avenue between 56th Street and 57th Street
Chicago, IL


前立委連基本的法律知識都缺乏 搞"民粹"

雙重國籍案 判刑兩年 李慶安泣訴:我絕不是詐欺犯

中時電子報 - ‎6小時之前‎
因雙重國籍案,四日被依詐欺罪判刑兩年的前立委李慶安,經兩天長考與家人商量後,六日首度現身開記者會。她數度落淚,強調自己絕不是詐欺犯;從政以來的薪資被說成是不法所得,都讓她情何以堪,未來她會加倍努力,相信司法會還她清白。 李慶安表示,十幾年前從媒體工作轉 .


Take no pleasure in Toyota's reckoning
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
As recounted in David Halberstam's 1988 book "The Reckoning," 這本書值得一讀this was the company, inspired by the post-war quality-control theories of W. Edwards Deming, ...

U.S. to Investigate Prius Brakes
Ford and Toyota said they are fixing problems with electronic brakes in hybrid vehicles. U.S. safety regulators are widening their probe, focusing on Toyota.


Fixing modern government, Peter Drucker once observed, requires returning to first principles. What's missing in government is the activating principle of ...

'Let's try common sense," President Obama said in the State of the Union address, provoking a spontaneous burst of laughter in the House of Representatives chamber. The unintended humor exposes an important truth about Washington: Everyone knows that won't happen.

More troubling, however, was that the president's speech revealed why common sense is nonexistent. Mr. Obama wants new laws to tell us how to do things better—when the need is to overhaul old laws to restore freedom of choice and individual responsibility. Up and down the chain of authority, the accumulation of law and entitlements precludes sensible decisions.

(224) 生或死
看到 Peter Drucker (1909 - 2005) 想到的不是"百年紀念"
----Mark Twain
  • Born: 30 November 1835
  • Birthplace: Florida, Missouri
  • Died: 21 April 1910 (heart failure)
  • Best Known As: The author of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn

Twain was born and died in years in which Halley's Comet passed by Earth: 1835 and 1910... His pseudonym, Mark Twain, was taken from Mississippi riverboat terminology; it's a measure of depth... Twain married the former Olivia Langdon in 1870; she died in 1904, and the melancholy tone of Twain's later writings is often attributed to his depression over her death.

Mark Twain Himself A Pictorial Biography Milton Meltzer
再讀 Out of the Crisis 第11章 還是很感動
每一例子都有生命 可以了解 Deming的功力和真性

翻讀 陳榮捷先生詳注"傳習錄"


北森 鴻さん(きたもり・こう=ミステリー作家、本名新道研治〈しんどう・けんじ〉)が25日、心不全で死去、48歳。葬儀は26日午前11時から山口県宇部市中野開作403のやすらぎ会館で。喪主は父新道利夫さん。「狂乱廿四孝」で鮎川哲也賞を受賞し、デビュー。1999年には「花の下にて春死なむ」で日本推理作家協会賞を受賞した。
