Keen to Be Lean
CFO.com Magazine - New York,NY,USA
The lean-manufacturing approach — which evolved from the Toyota Production System that W. Edwards Deming influenced — progresses in a never-ending series of ...
截至目前 Kevin 和 戴教授肯定來參加 我也希望官老師來談明年他主持的年會
我今年準備多介紹 他的理想系統設計
抄過他在 Bell Lab 當過顧問的故事 還沒翻譯
讀過兩cases-- 杜邦的 SHE 和 企管學院之設計---原想比較 Fordham 的 MBA 可能做不到---所有的老師都用一TITLE--
沒有TENURE 聘期為 1,2,4,8,16 退休 這非重點 但博ㄧ笑
鍾 教授:12月12日(星期六) 紀念 Russell Ackoff (1919-2009)
Getting rid of what one does not want is not the same as getting what one wants.
--- Ackoff
Columbia Business School professor Rita McGrath studies innovation, corporate venturing, and entrepreneurship. She is well known for developing practical tools and frameworks to make the innovation process less risky and difficult, and to bring a dose of reality to growth programs. She works extensively with leadership teams in Global 1,000 companies.
...I was the last Ph.D. student ever to graduate from Ackoff's Social Systems Sciences program (founded in 1980) at The Wharton School. His program was a bit of an anomaly, even at the time. Wildly popular with Wharton's MBA students, it had an uneasy relationship with the more conventional academic activities of the school. In the Center's heyday, "Triple S" students did action research with companies, while their peers did statistical analysis of large data sets. His students were interested in ideas that cut across intellectual boundaries. They were pragmatic; some observers thought this left them without sufficient academic rigor. Eventually, because of this uneasy fit, Russ decided to leave the university. He retired in 1986 to found INTERACT, a consulting company. Ironically, his program in the 1980s was pursuing the kind of management training and problem solving that advocates are now urgently calling on business schools to provide.
Ackoff's ideas had a profound impact on business schools and on several generations of managers. At a time when business schools were becoming increasingly discipline-based and quantitative, he was an ardent advocate for viewing problems systematically, across intellectual boundaries, and with qualitative insight. In the program he designed, we learned to think the way architects do — to construct a whole solution out of constituent parts that work together, rather than to optimize any given piece of the solution. He was involved in businesses as diverse as selling beer, developing the first touch-tone phone, and sorting out incentive problems with public bus drivers. He had learned that all kinds of complex problems could be tackled by first understanding what kind of problem one was facing, then by working to "dissolve" the problem.
Russ never took himself, or the problems people were facing, too seriously. Iconoclastic and humorous in person, his books Management in Small Doses and Ackoff's Fables encouraged readers to find the humor in business situations. His wonderful writing was accessible to people who wouldn't exactly have been enthralled to read On Purposeful Systems: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Individual and Social Behavior as a System of Purposeful Events.
What Russ spent his life developing — a systems view of complex problems — has now been so widely adopted that we have forgotten that he was one of a relatively small band of scholars and teachers who pioneered this way of thinking.
Eventually Ackoff resumed his affiliation with Penn. In September 2000, he was honored by the establishment of the Ackoff Center for Advancement of Systems Approaches in the School of Engineering and Applied Science. In 2003, at age 87, he returned to Penn as Distinguished Affiliated Faculty to teach a graduate course in "Systems Thinking Applied to Management" and to advise graduate students.
If you have ever solved a problem not by breaking it down into constituent parts, but by looking at the whole thing systemically, or by re-framing the problem to begin with, you have probably been influenced by Russ Ackoff. He will be missed, but his ideas live on.
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Best rgds David Hsu
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Falcon 9 on pad |
The Space Review - Rockville,MD,USA
In modern times this was immortalised by Quality guru, William Edwards Deming, in what has become known as the “Deming Cycle”. This is an iterative process ...
The cycle of innovation
Today’s space entrepreneurs are going through the same experiences as the steamboat pioneers. As frustrating as it may seem, there is a process at work here that can’t be sidestepped.
The great French scientist, Antoine Lavoisier, wrote in 1790 that the proper scientific method must be based on precise experiment, close observation, and accurate measurement. In modern times this was immortalised by Quality guru, William Edwards Deming, in what has become known as the “Deming Cycle”. This is an iterative process of Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA).
Private enterprise is alive and well and is the future for space access. No government in the world will open up space for everyone: it’s too risky. |
Whether used as an approach to experimentation, product development, or as a quality improvement tool, PDCA requires the innovator to: Plan an experiment or trial; Do it while making observations and gathering performance data; Check on what has occurred and analyse the data to establish what worked and what problems were encountered; then Act to solve any problems and design improvements. Then it’s time to begin the cycle again by planning for the next iteration. The process may cause the innovator to go back to the drawing board many times or simply to give up the struggle. But there is no shortcut–all innovations in human history have followed this path.
感謝 Justing 提供這些資料的電子版
(1) CNS 1395 Z4001 品質管制常用符號. (2) CNS 2311 Z4002 品質管制指南. (3) CNS 2579 Z4004 品質管制詞彙
想起去年WWS在天母住的 石濤園(82)
...... 不好意思還要你寫email來. 我這個晚輩應該先和你打招呼才是. 短期之內我可能不會回臺灣. 雖然有點冒昧, 但不知道我們能不能約個你方便的時間, 我可以先打電話向你請教一些問題嗎?
Toyota looks set to be hit the hardest among Japanese exporters
The dollar is losing against the yen but while Japanese exporters have been reeling against its effects, Toyota Motor Corp. appears to have been hit the ...
歐洲汽車評估機構EuroNCAP公布了12種09年款車型的碰撞測試結果。豐田盡管在2009年上半年的測試中“Avensis”、“IQ”及“普銳斯”都獲得了五星級評價,但此次的Urban Cruiser因乘員保護性能評價降低,只獲得了三星級評價……
12/5/2009 - Happy Birthday: Scott Tsai