「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2009年11月26日 星期四

台灣戴明圈 60-69




2009/12/06~2010/01/31 羅斌‧畫展‧樂樂



或者,乾脆就來個potluck party?


活動訊息‧胡慧玲/文 羅斌/圖 林以加/攝影


Dear J-M,

In the Oxford dictionary of Music, the date of Saint François d'Assise world première is in early December. I am confusing. Would you mind checking the French source for me?

"Saint François d'Assise
is an opera in three acts and eight scenes by French composer and librettist Olivier Messiaen, written from 1975 to 1983. It concerns Saint Francis of Assisi, the title character, and displays the composer's devout Catholicism. The world première took place in Paris on November 28, 1983...."

Dear HC,

I confirm : The world première of the Opera "Saint François d'Assise" in three acts and eight scenes, by Olivier Messiaen, took place in Palais Garnier, Paris, on November 29th, 1983 (not 28th)

Best wishes



Gresham College, Where the Royal Society First Met
Gresham College, Where the Royal Society
First Met

The Latin motto of the Royal Society, Nullius in verba, translates as "On the words of no one", or "take nobody's word for it". The full quotation from Horace is Nullius addictus judicare in verba magistri which means "Not compelled to swear to any master's words". This is interpreted by the Society as "an expression of the determination of the Fellows to withstand the domination of authority (such as in Scholasticism) and to verify all statements by an appeal to facts determined by experiment".[5]


Drucker on Leadership: New Lessons from the Father of Modern Management (Hardcover)

~ William A. Cohen PhD (Author)

A fresh look at vital lessons from "The Father of Modern Management"–exploring Peter Drucker's teachings on leadership

As we approach what would have been his 100th birthday, the late Peter Drucker's management principles continue to be studied and applied by managers all over the world. Though many seek his lessons on the central element of management-leadership-he in fact wrote relatively little under this actual subject heading. Now, for the first time, William A. Cohen, a former student of Drucker's and a leadership expert and author in his own right, brings together Drucker's reflections on leadership, culled from his 40 books and hundreds of articles. Explaining why there is so little know about Drucker's ideas on leadership, this book is a must-read for students and

  • Hardcover: 304 pages
  • Publisher: Jossey-Bass (November 16, 2009)

1. Strategic planning is the first priority of the leader. Drucker believed that the leader's job was to create the desired future for the company or the organization. The leader needed to be intimately involved with the strategic direction.

2. Ethics and integrity are critical for leader effectiveness. Character and ethical behavior are of central importance for the leader. According to Drucker, followers might forgive leaders for mistakes, but will not forgive a lack of integrity.

3. Model the military. Peter Drucker had great respect for how the military developed leadership, with an emphasis on character and leaders as positive role models. The military's emphasis on commitment and "taking care of your people" are examples of what Drucker admired about military leadership.

4. Motivation: Treat employees like volunteers. Peter greatly admired nonprofit organizations, and he extracted leadership lessons from them. If a leader treats employees as if they were volunteers - free to leave at any time - the leader pays greater attention to the non-monetary needs of workers, and moves from transactional motivation to transformational motivation.

5. Leaders should be marketers. This surprising lesson really means that leaders should be focused on the customer, and be concerned about how customers view the organization and its products or services. The leader must set the tone for how the organization is viewed, and be its best representative.

Although little of Peter Drucker's writings focused on leadership, there are many lessons for leaders in his work. Our thanks to William Cohen for highlighting them.


Dear HC,,
昨日Dick Lee來訪 他已白髮蒼蒼
我們談了舊事 一些老朋友的近況 也說了些Connector的可能發展
我請他中午便餐 同時贈2009年會之書一套
今天去看朱董事長 他向您問好
他們新任總經理比較cost-driven 已經退出A-team
朱董雖有不同看法 仍然尊重
Best rgds
David Hsu
送鄭處長 鄭總裁 梁經理 葉總經理等


昨天談到此事 以及台灣風行的吊點滴 和可怕的健保局 "洗腎"之支付 台灣八成原料為沈醫師投資之公司供給
衛生署發警訊:服Sibutramine減肥藥心臟病發作風險較高500 【19:20】
〔記者王昶閔/台北報導〕衛生署昨晚發佈警訊指出,美國發現使用含Sibutramine減肥藥的病患,有較高的心臟病發作、中風等心血管疾病風險,但兩者間是否有直接關連,尚須進一步釐清,提醒醫師與民眾注意。 衛生署藥政處處長康照洲表示,美國藥物食品管理局在十一月二十日 ...

1979我們曾經參與其事 30年前 竹北TECHNOLOGYNOVEMBER 26, 2009, 8:29 A.M. ET EU Charges TV Tube Manufacturers
BRUSSELS -- The European Commission Thursday said it has sent formal antitrust charges to cathode ray tube manufacturers, used in televisions and computers, on suspicion that they operated a cartel.

Dutch electronics company Royal Philips Electronics NV confirmed that it had received the commission's charges known as a statement of objections, and was preparing a response.


沒想到日元-美元 是87: 1

《經濟通通訊社26日專訊》杜拜主權投資公司杜拜世界(dubai world)延遲還債,作為債權人之一的匯豐控股(00005),其倫敦股價受壓,一開市已跌1﹒5%,至7﹒3英鎊(約93﹒6港元),跌幅一度擴大至4﹒5%,報7﹒077英鎊(約590﹒8港元)。 總負債達590億美元的杜拜 ...


Apple's iPhone is set to go on sale in South Korea, a country that prides itself on cutting-edge technology but where the government raised trade barriers on smart phones.

無意間看到Discovery 介紹
The Korea Train eXpress (KTX) is South Korea's high-speed rail system, which connects the capital Seoul to Busan and Mokpo. Operated by Korail, the train's technology is largely based on the French TGV system, and has a top speed of 350 km/h, limited to 300 km/h during regular service for safety.[1]
準時率 98%.


剛剛在台大網 和哲學系網站都沒找到Elias 資訊 pr真不夠
收到你回信 了解 我想辦法
今天洪醫師問我什麼叫 pr

