「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2009年11月19日 星期四

台灣戴明圈 30-38


On Purposeful systems by R. L. Ackoff and F. E. Emerry

Appendix I

Errors of Observation

...When the observer believes that error is present, he may be able to correct for it if he knows its sources and nature....The theory of data ajustment is frequently used in science for just this purpose (Deming, 1943)
Dear Hanching

Thanks for the interesting article.

It is a long time since I looked at this book of Ackoff's and I didn't
remember this story, though I remembered the title "Purposeful Systems"



Systems Research and Behavioral Science




(刊登於 2009 年 3 月 4 日‧信報)

已 故的品管大師戴明(W. Edwards Deming)觀察到影響公司業績百分之九十五的因素是「不能被量度的」。那即是說,只有5%對業績有直接影響的因素可以量度!量度的英文 measure,其拉丁字根是 maya,即面紗的意思,因此 measure 的另一含意,很諷刺地,是幻象(illusion)。傳統會計為企業提供一把扭曲現況的度尺,帶有很嚴重的後果。

這 個訊息很重要,因為若要設定一個目標,但卻不關注它對整體企業的扭曲和影響,日後便可能遭受強力的反撲。這種說法說明了管理人為何必須培養系統思維 (systems thinking)的直覺。對於系統思維的重要性,戴明曾說過:「假若你有一個穩定的系統,你不用為它設定一個目標,無論如何它也會有一定的生產量,不多 也不少;但若然你的系統並不穩定,那麼這也沒有意義去定一個目標。因為你就是沒有辦法知道它會生產多少。」在一個扭曲的量度系統中,我們損失了不知多少的 生產力。

Relevance lost Thomas Johnson 是美國波特蘭州立大學(Portland State University)的品管教授,在1987年與哈佛商學院的 Robert Kaplan 合著了一本 Relevance Lost, 指出傳統成本會計的種種流弊,並提出一套新的會計理念 Activity Based Costing(簡稱 ABC,即以活動為本的成本計算)。這本來是頗受歡迎的新工具,他們也希望此工具能為企業管理效能帶來重大改變,但一段時間後,Johnson 卻醒悟到 ABC 其實是「換湯不換藥」的伎倆。它對企業的衝擊有限,更遑論什麼顯著的成效。結果 Johnson 和 Kaplan 分道揚鑣,Johnson 被打為「叛徒」,而 Kaplan 則以 ABC 為基礎,與 David Norton 發展出「平衡計分卡」(The Balanced Scorecard),繼續在商界上名成利就。扭曲的系統仍然是沒有得到修正。

Profit Beyond Measure 事實上,ABC(或後期的平衡計分卡)雖然受到大公司取用,但成功個案偏低。這和 Johnson 遠離 ABC 的原因很有關係,Johnson 意識到很多時候,管理層推行 ABC 其實只是對員工的行為加強控制;這也代表了管理人的心智模式從沒有改變。但不論 Johnson 對 Kaplan 等人的批判如何有道理,大家關心的始終是有沒有更有效的替代方案。我認為 Johnson 沒有;然而 TOC(Theory of Constraints,制約理論)的一套卻可供大家參考。

早在1984年,《目標》作者 Eli Goldratt 以物理學家的身份打入工業生產行業,並提出「制約理論」。其理論指出對生產產能的改善,必須對成本會計法進行徹頭徹尾的反思,並改用以 TOC 為基礎的 Throughput Accounting。

TOC 之所以具有威力,不單是它的指導性方針具備系統思考,而且它也有一套評估及量度的方法,能量度出對組織最具價值的5%因素(其餘的,用不着管得那麼細 了)!。這指導方針是革命性的,它能夠引導管理人將最有限的資源集中在最需要處理的事情上。TOC 最關注的宏觀指標,就是企業創造利潤的「速率」(rate),連帶下來就是庫存成本、交貨準時率等指標。

The Measurement Nightmare 不是有了指標,管理便自然變得客觀、科學。我們須要知道,所有量度指標背後都隱藏了極關鍵的心智模式 (mental model),不了解量度背後的心智與信念,很可能會浪費了一些有效而重要的度量工具。TOC 的世界中,對量度的心智模式之區分,分為「成本世界」(cost world)及「產出世界」(throughput world)。簡單的說:帶着成本世界的視野來應用 TOC,是注定不會成功的。為什麼?因為成本會計很容易破壞企業的一體性。

成 本會計對組織帶來傷害多於助益,組織以為降低成本就是競爭力的來源。簡單來說,我們需要監控成本,但卻不應被成本支配我們每一個管理決策。不幸的是,當工 具箱只有一個錘子,他╱她會出現一種傾向將外界大部分事物看成是釘子,只管採用一種方式死命的進行成本控制。誠如 Goldratt 所說:「告訴我你將以什麼準則來量度我,我便會以那準則來作行為表現……若然你的量度準則是荒謬的,我便會以你不能明白(或不能原諒)的表現作回應。」

What you measure is what you get,若你要求在這個月生產一百萬件零件,他們便會用盡辦法生產一百萬件零件,那怕這樣做可能會損害公司的運作、員工的關係,甚至增加成本。成本與收入 的關係是:有生意便有營運的需要,有營運也自然附帶生產成本。減少成本,也正是削弱企業創造收入的能力。

TOCs Management Accounting 要知道的是,戴明本身也是統計學博士,一個對量計擁有大量專業知識的高手,竟會說出組織內有95% 的事情是不能被量度這種話,內裏必有其乾坤。當一家企業過度針對成本的計算時,他們是根本性地進行自我削弱(競爭力)。不少企業為了降低成本,不惜買入一 些品質不穩定的物料,或選用交貨期不準的供應商,以致最後交貨嚴重失期,不是要不計工本的寄飛機送貨,就是要得失客戶,更嚴重影響自家聲譽。以上只是其中 一個很典型的例子而已。

成 本導向引致的損失,有時候發生了也不自知。這一類的傷害最大,最明顯的例子就是沒頭沒腦的建立成本中心(cost center) 或利潤中心 (profit center)等管理概念。應用這些「中心主義」的組織,其實是諷刺地讓組織失到「中心」。組織會依照他們的成本指標各自死命誓保成本底線,結果各自為 政,形成割裂(silo) 主義。組織就成了一頭時時刻刻都想要分解且難以駕馭的怪獸,完全與系統及全觀的概念背馳。

再 者,從企業控制的角度出發,成本計算也是難於掌控的。試想想,一家企業可以「降低成本」的動作可以有很多很多,可以是用少一張紙,用少一支筆,在最需要買 一個工具箱維修重要機件時,買一些最平宜的貨色,請外聘導師時用上投標的方式要求「價低者得」等等,這種這減一元,那減一毫的做法是否能夠提升組織的競爭 力?我相信答案已經很明顯了。

一 家企業的生存條件就是賺錢。賺錢當然是以純利計算,純利自然是由銷售額減去成本而得出。利潤是來自更多的銷售額,但降低成本也可以創造更高的邊際,而且降 低成本的成效往往也比較快。因此降低成本經常被用作營造利潤的手段,但賺錢的另一個途徑就是增加收入,或創造更多的銷售訂單。整個向心是非常清晰的,透過 TOC 我們會問:到底是哪個工序或部驟限制了組織創造更多收入呢?這就是對瓶頸之管理。



1. TOC 方面,之前集中討論的是 Eli Goldratt 的《目標》,但若以會計為主題的 TOC 相關讀物,我會大力推薦 Theory of Constraints and Its Implications for Management Accounting ,這是一本為三位專業會計對 TOC 的主張進行獨立研究,當中也有不少的部份是回應 Kaplan 在其著作 Cost & Effect 中對 TOC 的批判。然後不容錯過的有 Throughput Accounting ,但同一書名,也有兩本的,一本是 Thomas Corbett,另一本是由 Steven Bragg。兩本皆屬佳作。

2. 至於學院派的發展上,我建議可以追隨 Thomas Johnson 的書目看看,先從他與 Kaplan Relevance Lost 開始,然後有他自己的 Relevance Regained,以至較後期的 Profit Beyond Measure: Extraordinary Results through Attention to Work and People ,這一本有不少筆墨討論豐田的量度方式的,佳作。

3. 有關 W. Edwards Deming 論述有關對數字管理的想法,可以先從 The New Economics 開始。當然,他的 Out of Crisis 仍是經典中的經典。

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Jeff Sutherland quoting Dr. Deming’s response to Peter Senge request for a comment on his book, The Fifth Discipline:

“Our prevailing system of management has destroyed our people. People are born with intrinsic motivation, self-respect, dignity, curiosity to learn, joy in learning. The forces of destruction begin with
toddlers—a prize for the best halloween costume, grades in school, gold stars—and on up through the university. On the job, people, teams, and divisions are ranked, rewarded for the top, punished for the bottom. Management by Objectives, quotas, incentive pay, business plans, put together separately, division by division, cause further
loss, unknown and unknowable.”

See page 125 of New Economics, by W. Edwards Deming on the Forces of Destruction.


Dear HC,

The "System Thingking" theme is very important. But let me point out that, inside a system , there are cause/effects interactions that you can't understand without a minimum of "Statistic Thinking". People who aren't good at maths dont like that, but it's a fact.

Comparison and Correlation are two major tools in statistical thinking.

1) Comparison. Let's take two series of 20 numbers, e.g. the sales of a bookstore in January and February. The first average is 1,000 $ per day, the second is 1,150 $ per day. The "poor at maths" will tell you that the sales increased from January to February. True or false? The Student Test gives the answer.

2) Correlation. A man's shop made no discount on shirts week 1, then 5% discount week 2, then 10% discount week 3, then 15% discount week 4. The sales increased by 13% week 1, 14% week 2, 16% week 3 and 14% week 4. The "poor at maths" will tell you that the sales are correlated with the discount. True or false? The Fisher Test gives the answer.

Sorry for the mathematician's arrogance.

Best wishes



Dear Hanching,

>Thanks for the information.
>It seems quite difficult to get members of Deming Philosophy Circle

I am afraid that the generation of us who knew and worked with Dr Deming
is getting older. We badly need a new generation of scientists who
understand the Shewhart/Deming ideas and will take them forward.

So much research remains to be done.




想到上一世紀 兩名翻譯家


A Google executive said the Internet giant is “a year away” from making its anticipated Chrome computer operating system available to users.

威比獎執行主任戴維斯(David-Michel Davies)說:「網路是這10年來的故事,因為它不僅是在生活各方面扮演改變的催化劑,在商業、通訊、政治和流行文化也是如此。」



  - Craigslist網路分類廣告服務擴大到舊金山以外地區(2000年)

  - Google推出關鍵字廣告服務AdWords(2000)

  - 維基百科誕生(2001)

  - 檔案分享網站Napster關站(2001)

  - Google首次公開上市(2004)

  - YouTube引發的網路影音革命(2006)

  - Facebook開放給大學生以外人士使用;推特上線(2006)

  - 蘋果iPhone手機上市(2007)

  - 美國總統大選中網路的使用(2008)

  - 伊朗總統大選示威中推特的使用(2009 )


作者:經濟學人  出處:Web Only 2009/11


30 年前,哈佛大學教授Ezra Vogel在《日本第一》這本書中寫道,日本在工業競爭力優於美國,但大部分人並不知道。當時,日本已經是全球第二大經濟體,在某些衡量中,國民平均 GNP已經超越美國,似乎就要取代美國的地位;美國則深陷停滯性通膨,失業率接近二位數字。


泡沫於近20年前破裂,帶來將近20年的經濟成長遲緩。日本花了15年,工業產出才超過1991年的高峰,而此次危機更讓產出下滑到1980年代的 水準。在1980年代,若以存款來衡量,全球前十大銀行都在日本。而上個月Bloomberg的市場專家們則在金融首都這個項目中,將東京排在數個大城市 之末。

為何日本企業的威力沒有恢復?《日本國力之謎》的作者Karel Van Wolferen認為,這是因為日本企業習於受到保護,變革速度太慢。加大柏克萊分校的教授Steven Vogel,也就是Ezra Vogel的兒子,認為那是因為監督者花了太長的時間,才解決了銀行系統的問題。

Ezra Vogel曾在1979年強調,日本在許多方面都是美國的榜樣:良好的勞工關係、低犯罪率、優秀的學校以及精英官僚。已經退休的Vogel如今表示,美國確實有從中學習,也同意日本必須有所改變。

Land of the setting sun

IT LEFT American executives quaking in their loafers and cheered a generation of Japanese salarymen. "The extent of Japanese superiority over the United States in industrial competitiveness is underpublicised," trumpeted Ezra Vogel of Harvard University 30 years ago in "Japan as Number One", which became one of the most-discussed business books of its time.

The world's second-largest economy had surpassed America in gross national product per person according to some measures, and looked on course to overtake it. "Vogel's book helps explain why Japan is the most dynamic of all modern industrial nations," gushed Foreign Affairs. America was mired in stagflation, with an unemployment rate nearing double digits. Japan seemed to be the better bet.

Yet things didn't quite work out the way Professor Vogel expected. Japanese industrial production rose by 50% in the decade after 1980—a remarkable trajectory for a country crammed into an area the size of Montana. But growth was driven by financial leverage and overinvestment. Property and share prices bubbled, rising as much as sixfold.

The bubble's collapse, beginning 20 years ago this December, led to almost two decades of economic doldrums. It took 15 years for industrial production to surpass the 1991 peak. In the current crisis it collapsed to levels last seen in the 1980s. In time America's fearful "Japan bashing" gave way to sniggering, then indifference. Last month a poll of market professionals by Bloomberg, a news provider, put Tokyo last among several big cities as a financial capital. In the 1980s all of the world's top ten banks measured by deposits were Japanese.

Why didn't Japanese business regain momentum? Companies, accustomed to being protected, were too slow to change, says Karel Van Wolferen, author of "The Enigma of Japanese Power", published 20 years ago this year. Steven Vogel of the University of California in Berkeley (and Professor Vogel's son), blames regulators for failing to clean up the banking system until long after the crash.

His father had argued in 1979 that Japan set many examples to America: good labour relations, low crime, excellent schools and elite bureaucrats with long time horizons. "And the US did learn," particularly in manufacturing, he says today from retirement in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Yet change is needed in Japan, he admits. A system geared for high growth has been unable to adapt.

Though it is still the second-largest economy, Japan may well lose that title to China in 2010. Many are now cooing about China's growth. But the lesson of Japan is that nothing is inevitable.

David Hsu :
即使CPK有諸般問題 有一件事你無法逃避

你的產品檢驗顯示的變異超出客戶期待 除非你能說服客戶降低規格 否則降低變異才是正辦


hc: 昨天翻 Ackoff 和 Emery 著作的 On Purposeful System

有依附錄 是用系統思考 觀測/量測等的 errors 可以畫出3乘4之矩陣

文末引用 DEMING 1931 年的統計調整數據 說科學界"自覺"這些錯誤 所以 校正之

