── 2008年東海戴明學者講座
A Taiwanese Deming Circle (1964-2008)
目錄 致謝
開場白:故事、寓言(鍾漢清) 11
台灣戴明圈的故事(鍾漢清) 15
簡介戴明、威廉‧謝爾肯巴赫先生(鍾漢清) 23
導言:戴明到日本(鍾漢清) 35
戴明與台灣(簡記)(鍾漢清) 45
《1950 年戴明博士對日本高階經營者演講》 53
品管九講 譯者序言(劉振) 64
品管九講 品質管制與企業發展(小柳賢一) 67
日本品質管制之回顧(戴明) 74
日本的成就(戴明) 80
導言 (鍾漢清) 91
《戴明博士四日談》中文版導言(鍾漢清增修) 102
《轉危為安》(鍾漢清) 109
運用戴明循環(鍾漢清) 118
鳥瞰 Lean/Six Sigma 運動 (1979-2008) (鍾漢清) 128
簡談實驗設計(鍾漢清) 153
由戴明理念談實驗設計之應用(蔡坤祥) 158
西式管理風格必須改弦更張(戴明) 163
戴明博士到 HP,團隊合作(鍾漢清) 172
2008 年東海戴明學者講座 185
主講人:威廉‧謝爾肯巴赫先生簡介 188
講座之一 193
講座之二 227
講座之三 252
尾聲 Epilog 2008 年戴明淵博知識系統之旅 275
第四部 東海…人物
播種季 286
東海大學和 英國 Essex 大學的點滴 288
從東海第七宿舍讀司馬賀先生談 30 年的緣份 294
慶祝東海 IE 創立四十年 鍾漢清 297
前進英國省錢大作戰 - Less $ can be more 300
引言:從漢寶德老師談其他老師 305陳其寬老師 310
高禩瑾院長 314
劉振老師 322
劉振老師紀念獎 Liu Cheng Award 328紀念 吳玉印(Yuin Wu)老師 330
王錦堂老師 334
張忠樸先生 338
in the loopGM和 Ford的失敗簡史
Remember when General Motors introduced Saturn by proclaiming it was “A different kind of company. A different kind of car”?
With Saturn, G.M. Failed a MakeoverFord的過去榮光
2007 通信
David Hsu"
Juran on Quality by Design 已近尾聲﹐這本書看了好久﹐除了我自己不專心外﹐Juran 的書與 Deming 的書似乎都不易懂﹐Juran 更有抓不到重點的感覺﹐不過總算要讀完了。 倒數第二章談 Taurus ﹐讓人不禁想﹐究竟後來出了什麼事?會讓這車種幾乎銷聲匿跡? (相對的 Accord 可以連續風光八代) "
Ford 將它給出粗租汽車業
然後"大家" 是習以為常
编译者:朱敏 杨力峰 等译
· 《底特律的没落——三大汽车公司如何丧失美国本土市场》
1 底特律如何失去了它的统治
2 倒下的功臣
3 殊途同归
4 从内到外的旅程
5 热狗、苹果派和佳美汽车
6 挑战者
7 攻占市场的高端和低端
8 南方底特律
9 底特律的没落
10 客户的真正需求
后记 2010年的美国汽车界
ISBN: 0385507704
Take a drive on most U.S. highways and even consumers wholly
uninterested in the auto industry would have to agree with New York
Times automotive writer Micheline Maynard --- the Big Three's
dominance of the American car market is over.
Imports dominate California's car-clogged roads. In Texas, once
dominated by domestic truck brands Chevrolet and Ford, imports are
increasingly popular with younger, more affluent consumers. Even in
the Big Three's home state, Michigan, import brands have built some of
the biggest and most extravagant dealerships in the country to serve a
growing number of customers.
In August 2003, cold hard facts began piling up alongside such
anecdotal evidence. For the first time ever, Toyota outsold Chrysler,
now owned by the German-American company DaimlerChrysler. It was a
seminal point for the domestic carmakers that had tried everything
short of giving away cars to shore up their faltering market share in
the past two years. By September, the Big Three's market share hit 57
percent, a historic low.
How and why Toyota surged to this position and how once-dominant
brands of Ford, General Motors and Chrysler let it happen is at the
Ms. Maynard deconstructs how imports from Korea, Japan and Germany
systematically have eaten away at the market share of U.S. car brands.
Through detailed and engaging reporting, she shows how these companies
consistently offered consumers higher quality, cheaper prices or more
dramatic styling and performance. She also talks about why the U.S.
companies have failed to stop the imports in their tracks.
Ms. Maynard does a superb job of offering insight and evidence as to
how Toyota and Honda grew from offering cheap energy efficient cars in
the 1970s to full-line auto makers with trucks and sport utility
vehicles that rival the power and performance of the domestic makers.
She dives into the differences between Honda and Toyota, explaining
how divergent these two Japanese companies really are, despite the
fact that they are often "mentioned in the same breath ---
Toyota-and-Honda, all run together --- as if they were one big company
instead of two." Ms. Maynard, however, rightly points out that the two
companies are following very different corporate paths to win
consumers. Both corporate strategies spell trouble for the domestic
Toyota has plans to be the world's No. 1 automaker, overtaking General
Motors by the beginning of the next decade. Ms. Maynard believes
Toyota's domination is inevitable; she even writes a fictional news
story in which Toyota announces this fact. While it is hard to argue
with Toyota's superiority, Ms. Maynard doesn't discuss in detail
whether Toyota could fall prey to the same problems as the domestic
makers while it pushes for world domination.
By contrast, Honda is content to build vehicles for its small but
zealous customer base, Ms. Maynard says. Sometimes, ironically, those
zealous customers are in fact its biggest competitors. General Motors
now buys Honda engines for use in its vehicles.
She also outlines the comebacks of upstart brands such as Korea's
Hyundai and Japan's Nissan. Hyundai dominates the low-end of the
market with its inexpensive sedans and small sport utilities. Nissan
is pulling a flanking position by offering flashy, high performance
products like the 350Z and even a sexy minivan called Quest.
But when Ms. Maynard turns her attention to the U.S. automakers, it is
with less of the fine detail with which she brought the imports' story
to life. Her broad brush of the U.S. industry may leave readers
wanting more stories and details on how the Big Three lost their grip.
Instead, her re-telling of how Ford neglected the Taurus family sedan
and lost its No. 1 ranking to the Camry has an outsiders' feel, which
contrasts to the insider's feel of her reporting on Toyota and Honda.
鍾 漢清
David Hsu"謝謝 我也還記得您的這一段故事 但 Ford 所架構的 Taurus Team 竟沒能對Ford 後來的產品開發產生影響? 還是那一套對喜新厭舊的老美又"過時"了? 您提的那段 CEO訪問 好像Ford 有意重振Taurus雄風 就看他是否有此能耐了"
寫"Deming管理方法"的Mary Walton寫過一本暢銷書(約1995)
The Car詳說Ford一開發經驗
不過 似乎欲振乏力
| "Good Thinking, Good Products." The original banner, in Japanese, hanging in a plant in Japan |
他事忙 年前終於補強為 "戴明現象—一些觀察和體會"
要求我和David 看稿 "HC 好不容易我終於走完了最後一里路 為了這沒走完的一步,我已經背負了重擔快兩個月 我是咬緊牙根才出來的 可憐的我就是這付德性 請你們繼續當我的諍友吧! 三呆 P。S。 請為我看還有沒有錯別字。"
我和David 大鳴大放
譬如說 Deming在 1960
Sample Design in Business Researchon Page 23: "... In every branch of science we lack the resources to study more than a fragment of the
phenomena that might advance our knowledge.
可是英文另外一意思與"成功"關連 這是中文中沒有的
隔幾天 我寫
"今天中油公司的賴丹桂女士打電話來 她(主動)說這篇 (語重心長) 寫得很好 可見我們談的是雞蛋挑骨頭"
"現在 可以確定自己孤陋寡聞
蔡文甫現象 寫回憶錄"天生的 凡夫俗子" (易名為 "從零到九 的 九歌傳奇" 台北:九歌 2005)的讀後感 (pp. 483-91) 她是美國人 她說"...這些現象 我稱之為...."
David 說 "Ha,, 我也覺得寫得好棒 只是沒說出來而已!"
比較: "MANAGEMENT HAS MUCH POWER AND DISCRETION, BUT CAN NOT MOVE ALL THE EARTH. To the production worker, the system is all but him." (OOTC, p. 318, 1983)
"管理階層的權力和自主性很大 但畢竟不能移山倒海 而對生產線上的員工而言 系統就只有他而已" (改中文本370 頁)
Dr. Deming 的履歷表很顯赫 所以這本書的介紹要用 "言不盡意 etc., etc., etc."
In the Appendix I " Participants in " The Politz's Papers" Project"
Dr. W. Edwards Deming,
Consultant in Statistical Surveys,
Wahington D. C.
(Distinguished mathematical statistician, probability sampling pioneer, quality control specialist, consultant to governments and multinational corporations etc., etc.,etc., etc.)
《1950 年戴明博士對日本高階經營者演講》
Notes by W. Edwards Deming (1990年4月)
The Politz Papers, pp. xiii-xvii (...with notes from WED. I read Alfred is the person persuaded WED to teach in NYU and worked together some papers, one of them was in the collection of papers. I read two participative cases in Sample design in Business Research.)
1993 Published The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education
(Cambridge, Mass.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for
Advanced Engineering Study. 240 pp.)
首先天下文化的翻譯版,似乎要陷Deming 於不義:他們將原書許多「引用或受教」聲明,多刪去!
我談一下我的收獲:第一章How Are We Doing? 現況的省思
Nothing can do you so much harm as a lousy competitor. Be thankful for
a good competitor.
──波利茲(Alfred Politz)
Alfred and I had numerous discussions on all of the foregoing, and we worked together to adapt sampling methods for his use in sampling individuals for nation-wide market surveys. Alfred Politz understood marketing research as a problem of the analytic kind, and we also discussed what we both considered the necessity to make predictions. We collaborated in a joint article, published in Journal of Marketing (see Chapter 5.2), in which we tried to explain that marketing requires predictions: that marketing research and consumer research are carried out for the purpose of making better predictions- to try to avoid wild shots.
He believed in cooperation, and created a spiritual of cooperation with well-meaning firms and individuals on Madison Avenue, friends and competitors alike. He shared with all of them the results of his own innovations, as well as his failures.
Alfred said repeatedly that no one can do you so much harm as a lousy competitor. So right he was. Be thankful for a good competitor.
While I may have contributed to Alfred Politz's work in market research, he contributed a great deal that was helpful to me in my international consulting work. In this later respect, I thought that the readers of this book might be interested in notes that follow, which were prepared in 1950 for conferences with top management of major corporations in Japan. (pp. xiv-xv)
我的知新是:稍微了解Alfred Politz。他的背景和Deming類似,都是從物理學轉抽樣統計與調查,成為當時名家。Alfred Politz 很早就發現受訪者容易「假仙」,從俗而不說真話……
有趣的是Hugh S. Hardy, ed. The Politz Papers: Science and Truth in
Marketing Research, Chicago: The American Marketing Association, 1990,
訪問Deming對傳主Politz 的看法,我轉引如下According to Edwards Deming,
"Politz was intimately involved in only the marketing side of the equation, but he fully understood and endorsed the dual importance of statistical quality control. This was evidenced by his life-long emphasis on the product first and advertising second. Alfred was a brilliant, articulate, scientifically trained immigrant who made a significant and lasting contribution to the world of marketing. This book will help to document that contribution."
(Hardy, 1990, xvii) Said to have "accomplished a near revolution in marketing research during his thirty-year tenure in the United States," (Hardy, 1990, xi)
1949年博士協助日本人口普查局準備 設計 1950年 10月的調查東京和大阪之人口
Return to book
31. | on Page 267: |
"... my privilege to be there during the preceding summer, and to assist in the design of a sample-tabulation of the complete census. The aim was to provide advance tabulations of a number of important characteristics of the people, not for small areas, ..." |
Dr. Deming 從1930s就很重視消費者研究
| on Page 301: |
"... What constitutes a plausible assumption is of course the responsibility of the expert in the subject-matter (in this case, consumer-studies). A survey was to cover Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego, ..." |
"...the expert in a substantive field (
consumer research, engineering, production, accounting, psychology, law, etc.), although statisticians themselves have perhaps even more need for this kind of advice. ..."
其中有一篇關於消費者心理等領域的研究 我將它放在
Not on the List? The Truth about Impulse Purchases
Bill Scherkenbach 先生是世界的首要品質和它的實施之權威人士。他過去三十年來成功地協助客戶達成優質並降低成本。他的事業,在咨詢和製造業職務之間,有最佳的平衡了: 美國三星半導體(Samsung), 戴爾電腦公司, 福特汽車, 美國國防部, Willis Corroon 公司, 美國能源部, 美國Booz Allen & Hamilton 顧問公司、波音航空公司、 Usinor/Sacilor 、美國 (日資 )Tokai Rika公司 , 通用汽車公司、南弗爾頓醫療中心、 CBS、英國宇航和美國 EDS 。 他的一些成就包括:
l 為 Samsung半導體從頭創設、開發一個「精實的標準差」組織,在在第一二年的投資報酬率 (ROI)達 350%。
l 在中國、日本、馬來西亞, 和臺灣的第一級電子供應商評價並協助改善其製程能力。
l 教導並導引200 個商業流程改善(BPI ) 專案,節約金額超過1 億美元。
l 在福特公司任職全公司「統計方法」處長,達成國際水平的品質,成本節省超過十億美元。
l 在通用汽車公司帶領「產品開發過程」中的「為達成六標準差的新設計法」(DFSS-- Design for Six Sigma 。)之設計再造之部份,節省達二十億美元
l 在通用汽車公司開發並執行一透過電腦 /衛星的輔助品質教育訓練課程(四十個課程)。
l 教授並輔導來自Tyco 公司, CertainTeed 公司, Cummins 公司, 和 3M( at SBTI) 的高級黑帶和 黑帶(MBBs and BBs) 。
l 在Samsung 公司使用一自動化的SPC 系統將其檢驗等延誤的批數減少一半。
他在福特任職之前是Hittman 公司(能源和工程學咨詢公司、為Booz Allen 應用研究集團之一成員)之副總、專長是可靠性和可維護性。他是美國海軍學校的畢業生,並服役5 年(負責工程任務)並到過越南執勤。他並從紐約大學的商業研究院之Deming 博士之下學習,取得碩士學位。
在許多主要品質和管理的會議和公司高階主管會議,Bill 經常是基調演講人。他寫了許多關於品質的文章,他的作品為最近幾本書籍和兩片美國公共電視記錄片(PBS documentaries) 所引用。他是二本經常被援引、暢銷的品質管理書籍:『戴明修煉I 』、『戴明修煉II 』的作者。他將Deming 博士在經營管理方法的種種應用製作成兩張Breakthrough Performance 系列之CD-ROM ("Deming: Best Efforts Are Not Enough!" ) 和DVD-ROM 教學工具。
他是有名望的「美國品質學會Deming 獎」和美國工程學會的金牌獎得主。他曾是美國優質保險會(QIC )和美國品質協會(ASQC )的理事。他是南佛羅里達的大學兼任副教授(研究所品管課程)。他目前是德克薩斯大學卓越表現中心之理事。
引言:從漢寶德老師談其他老師 蔡文甫 寫回憶錄 (易名為 "從零到九 的 九歌傳奇" ___"天生的 凡夫俗子") 漢先生在華副的筆名"可凡"是幼女之名(p.370) 與何凡無關
Freescale Semiconductor just wants to be free. Freescale, formerly Motorola's Semiconductor Products Sector, is one of the oldest and most diverse makers of microchips in the world.
【日經BP社報導】 美國飛思卡爾半導體(Freescale Semiconductor)當地時間2009年1月5日,公開了有望使迷你筆記型電腦價格降至200美元以下的參考設計(
他在去年暑假到美國三處 寫出"未來博物館的趨勢"
他又繼續他的古玩研究 不過我為他說的"辟邪"說法不同意
這些不重要 他最近指出政府內部組織疊床架屋的問題 倒是很值得一記
前些日子,國家文化總會在馬總統的領導下改組了,結束了前任政府八年的運作方式。這個組織,說起來是民間性質,卻頂著一個「國家」的名義,又有總統做會長,實在使人揣摩不透它的功能何在。 它原是政府在反共抗俄時期,為了對抗中共全面消滅傳統文化的政策而設立的體制外組織,稱為「中華文化復興運動總會」,在台灣推行傳統文化的保存。那時候所 指的文化是指四維八德。在當時,政府大權在握,為什麼不把這麼重要的政策通過政府體制去實施?推想起來,可能是要用總統的地位,強調其重要性,並在社會各 層面普遍推行,類似早年的新生活運動。原希望逐漸形成一種社會運動,然而時過境遷,它的政治與文化的意義都消失了。 總統文化獎 範圍遠超過文化 民進黨上台,為了擺脫其大中國意識而更名,卻改了這樣一個偉大的名號。初聽上去,以為是執掌總統文化大計的組織。後來才知道在陳總統任內,其任務主要是頒授總統文化獎。 國家對文化界的獎勵最高的應該是國家文藝獎。可是行政院設了文化獎,已不知其意義何在,總統又設文化獎,難道是指最高的文化獎嗎?經過仔細了解,原來總統 文化獎對文化的解釋很寬,包括了社會公益、鄉土文化、族群和諧、生態保育等,最後才是文學與藝術。所以每年有五個大獎,其範圍遠超過文化。 我很認同以這樣廣闊的胸懷來看文化。可是為什麼不在行政院設這樣的獎,要具有民間性質的組織來做?我覺得國家文化總會若只是頒獎,應該改名為「總統文化獎委員會」,把組織的任務清楚的表明。 如果頂著今天這種名號,究竟要做些什麼?要認真的思考一番才成。我們要知道在中華文化復興運動總會的階段,政府體系中,尚沒有文建會。文建會的使命中,包 括了生活與行為、社區文化在內,比起狹義的文化,僅只藝術與文化資產,要廣闊得多了。有了文建會,文復會確實無事可做。那麼,這樣一個體制外的組織,確有 重新釐定目標的必要。 文化總會 文化界意見的總匯 想想看,什麼涉及於全民的重要文化事業非總統出面不可,又非民間身份不可?以我看來,國家文化總會的任務只有兩條路:與文建會分工,文建會執掌狹義的文化發展,文化總會負責推動不可能或不容易用公權力執行的,生活與行為的部分,如破除迷信,提倡生活美感,與善良風俗等。 另一條路就是把文化總會經營為文化界意見的總匯,經整理、研究後供總統參考,作為文化施政的依據。馬總統的競選白皮書中不是有總統文化諮議會嗎?這樣做至少可以消除目前文化缺乏政策之批評。 (作者為前世界宗教博物館館長)
***** 觀摹他獎
(我送王治翰回去搭車 他不知道我去年十月已做過劉振先生的紀念會)
For distinguished commentary, Five thousand dollars ($5,000).
Awarded to Maureen Dowd of The New York Times for her fresh and insightful columns on the impact of President Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky.

Columbia University Provost Jonathan R. Cole presents Maureen Dowd with the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary.
Also nominated as finalists in this category were: Nat Hentoff of The Village Voice, a New York City weekly, for his passionate columns championing free expression and individual rights, and Donald Kaul of The Des Moines Register for his witty columns from Washington on politics and other national issues.
Hunter在書中談1999年訪問Simon 的前三十分中考題 填充題
Hunter說其自傳是 個案研究集之寫法
Crowther-Heyck, Hunter, 1968- |
Herbert A. Simon : the bounds of reason in modern America / Hunter Crowther-Heyck |
Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005
開場白:故事、寓言 繼續同其大夢 經過數百年之後 我們的智者到華盛頓的一家庭工作室 有一位老者在讀他同事的論文所引的日本古詩 又讀到這比喻
But while I pondered all these things, and how men fight and lose the battle, and the thing that they fought for comes about in spite of their defeat, and when it comes turns out not to be what they meant, and other men have to fight for what they meant under another name— while I pondered all this, John Ball began to speak again in the same soft and dear voice with which he had left off.
(Project Gutenberg's A Dream of John Ball, A King's Lesson, by William Morris)
這篇的草稿 是2006年美國統計學會的戴明演講
他們打著 WED的招牌 自以為 SIX SIGMA是 WED之後的重要發展
W. Edwards Deming's Making Another World: A Holistic Approach to Performance Improvement and The Role of Statistics
by: Snee, D Ronald
The American Statistician, Vol. 62, No. 3. (August 2008), pp. 251-255.
綑綁1:企業 羅益強驚魂記
作者:陳一姍 出處:天下雜誌 414期 2009/01
可是 公司取名梵文真理 (Satyam)的印度大公司成為大醜聞 Satyam Probe Could Ensnare Others
同樣 取名 Quality的中國公司可能早就下市
"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." —
Barack Obama