A Wellspring of Deming Philosophy : A 2009 Report from Taiwan
統計理論告訴我們 如果要有效地 (善用數學 判斷和研究相關的專業知識)作或完成某一提議的研究
換句話說 統計學家是統計研究的邏輯師和建築師
The statistician is a logician and must insist that the inferences bear the proper labels. To fail to do this is to invite misuse of good data...." | |
2. | from Front Matter: |
"... Statistical theory shows how mathematics, judgment, and substantive knowledge work together to the best advantage. The statistician is thus the logician and the architect of a statistical study. ..." |
"活火新泉"出自蘇東坡(蘇軾 1037~1101年)的《試院煎茶》。 活火(焰熾的炭火)。 「蟹眼已過魚眼生,颼颼欲作松風 鳴。蒙茸出磨細珠落,眩轉繞甌飛雪輕。銀瓶瀉湯誇第二,未識古人煎水意。君不見,昔時李生好客手自煎,貴從活火發新泉。」"他的經驗是煮水以初沸時泛起如蟹眼魚 目狀小氣泡,發出似松濤之聲時為適度,最能發新泉引茶香。煮沸過度則謂「老」,失去鮮馥。所以煮時須靜候水的消息。宋人曾有「候湯最難」之說。"
"活火"指的是我們世界戴明圈的一些朋友持續閱讀並討論戴明博士的著作和資料。要感謝的人物 請參考本書"鳴謝表" 包括台灣的一些圖書館。特別感謝台灣戴明圈諸友的切磋 美國Bill Sckerkenbach(2008-09 在台灣服務)的交流和慷慨提供第一手資訊 法國Jean-Marie Gogue的資訊和通信 英國David Kerridge教授的論文和解說。
日前在email 的"簽名廣告"
鍾 漢清 Hanching Chung (or HC/ hc)
台灣戴明圈: A Taiwanese Deming Circle
若謂戴明堪繼踵 只應緣木可求魚
宇文所安在「術語彙要」的部分對「德」的解釋 (p. 662):
"inner power" (內在的力量) "virtue" (美德)...經常是道德力量 借助"文" "德"就顯現在世界之中"
“Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue” (Izaak Walton).
我經常鼓勵大家寫自述 (胡適四十歲就先下手啦)
我們可以出"品質尋智人叢書" (紀念 C. P. Chang)
陳寬仁八分之六 (八秩大慶回憶錄)
敬請期待 (早上他說 已完成近七萬字)
生也有涯 無涯惟智
“It was on the day, or rather night, of the 27th of June 1787, between the hours of eleven and twelve, that I wrote the last lines of the last page in a summer house in my garden. After laying down my pen, I took several turns in a berceau or covered walk of acacias, which commands a prospect of the country, the lake, and the mountains. The air was temperate, the sky was serene, the silver orb of the moon was reflected from the waters, and all nature was silent. I will not dissemble the first emotions of joy on the recovery of my freedom, and, perhaps, the establishment of my fame. But my pride was soon humbled, and a sober melancholy was spread over my mind by the idea that I had taken an everlasting leave of an old and agreeable companion, and that whatsoever might be the future date of my History, the life of the historian must be short and precarious."
Edward Gibbon: Memoirs of My Life,吉本自傳
the historian must be short and precarious這嘆史家之生命注定短暫而不確定。precarious 另外一種意思如「神遊」--寫這巨著之經驗。
在Deming.org W. Edwards Deming Institute
錄音或錄影是否能重現大師的思想和行事之豐采 有點可探討
譬如說 一位歌劇名星Jon Vickers 說
Fundamentally, I do honestly believe that the genius of the performer dies with him, and there is nothing that can keep it alive - not films, not recordings, nothing.
BD: Are you not pleased that 100 years from now people will listen to your records?
JV: I think they will laugh. I think they will find it old-fashioned. I think they will find it inadequate.
(我倒是這樣認為 要了解他 必須將他的統計學領域的著作瀏覽一番
可作為 反映 "內在生命及周遭之社會世界"的"樣本"
Tukey, John W (1977). Exploratory Data Analysis. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-07616-0.
同理Least Squares 是美國農業部研究所的內部發行草稿 正式發行為Statistical Adjustment of Data,
Other books by W. Edwards Deming: |
Least Squares, The Graduate School, Department of Agriculture, Washington 1938. 收入下書 |
Statistical Adjustment of Data, John Wiley and Sons, 1943, Dover 1964. 台大有 |
Some Theory of Sampling, John Wiley and Sons, 1950. 政大或公企中心 |
Elementary Principles of the Statistical Control of Quality, Nippon Kagaku Gijutsu Renmei, Tokyo, 1950, 1952; in English. Out of print. 品管九講 更好 |
Sample Design in Business Research, John Wiley and Sons, 1960 台大.1976 在前言中說明此書近乎 "十年磨一劍 通勤間和 車站等車時的筆記" |
1980s 著作中有兩處談產業中招搖撞騙的統計學郎中(hacks)之憤慨 這是前書都沒有的
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