補看大妹借的書 找出別字
鍾博士的 "百衲"寫成百納
無國境世代 (有一小錯是將羅素說成盧騷 guru寫成gulu)
現在連第一流的醫學雜誌都很難區分 相關與因果
Mass murder and the market ( Russia ) vs Eighteenth-century Britain
今天讀到 " 小花趴 趴走 三十三間堂
p.7 On Process
San-ju-san-Do, temple of thirty-three bays, Kyoto...此處關於"間"之翻譯可能有錯錯誤
bay 格間(ごうま)- Architecture. A part of a building marked off by vertical elements, such as columns or pilasters: an arcade divided into ten bays.
" 位於京都東山的三十三間堂(Sanjusangen-do)是一間頗為特殊的寺廟,在京都眾多的寺廟中,可算是蠻有特色的。三十三間堂正式的名稱應該是蓮 華王院(Rengeo-in),大約在西元1164年由平清盛所建造而成,不過在80年後卻不幸被燒毀,燒毀後立即就修復重建,到了西元1266年重建完 成。此後歷經了幾次的戰火,所幸都能修復完成,三十三間堂保存至今已有700多年了!
三十三間堂這個名字大家應該會覺得很奇怪吧!三十三 間到底是什麼呢?小花本來以為是不是有33間小廟組合而成,結果還真錯得離譜啊!"間(gen)"是日 本古時候一種用在建築物度量長度的單位,一間大概是1.75到1.9公尺,這個長度也是柱子到柱子間的長度,而蓮華王院的本堂長度就是33間,所以又稱為 三十三間堂。不過三十三又代表著佛祖在人世間拯救眾生的33種面相。"
The Phenomenon of Life: Nature of Order, Book 1: An Essay on the Art of Building and the Nature of the Universe
提起近三十年前在工研院電子所的資訊部門 就有自撰的自動對號程式
"只有回憶被整理 被凝視 被重新賦予意義時 活過的軌跡才透顯出它的價值...."鍾怡雯 "我和我豢養的宇宙" 頁177
Enjoy Reading
Michael Lin 林世煜 "
現在什麼時代了 台大仍然這樣浪費
管理學院的季報類似 乏善可陳
現在可以參考發行一百多萬份的學院網路通信之一篇文章 它報導一門課程的第一堂課
Finance and Investment
Lesson One: What Really Lies Behind the Financial Crisis?
What was the true cause of the worst financial crisis the world has seen since the Great Depression? Was it excessive greed on Wall Street? Was it mark-to-market accounting? The answer is none of the above, according to Jeremy Siegel, a professor of finance at Wharton. While these factors contributed to the crisis, they do not represent its most significant cause. Siegel provided a detailed analysis of the factors that fueled the meltdown during the inaugural lecture of a 15-session course on the financial crisis that Wharton is offering MBA and undergraduate students.
"Two straight quarters of falling output is the most widely accepted definition of a recession. Britain's economy has been hard hit by the world financial crisis, with rising unemployment, falling house prices and its slumping currency, the pound sterling."
The Financial Crisis: Bad and Getting Worse, but
Put Away that D-word
It began as the "subprime crisis" in 2007, and then mushroomed into a full-blown global recession in 2008. And still, despite mammoth government intervention, the bad news keeps getting worse. Are we now teetering on a precipice, ready to plunge into another Great Depression? Can the latest proposals pull the economy out of its nosedive? There is plenty to worry about. But while many experts say this crisis is the worst since the Depression, that doesn't mean it will be as bad.
他說芬蘭的政治清明世界第一 可惜自殺率也冠全球
我說 這兩統計值相衝突 我可相信前者 不過後者不太可思議
自殺率是一重要的社會資料 很容易找到
"公視祝您牛轉錢坤 新年快樂
公視感謝觀眾的支持,特別製作「公視好牛年 新春送福袋」call-in互動節目,為觀眾『哞』福利! "
我們這些欣賞過 BBC和NHK節目之精彩的人 對於台灣的公共電視台當然覺得它差多了
可是 它畢竟是我們自己的
最近看它播韓國的"陶瓷" 節目 可以知道韓國之眼界和魄力 這是台灣永遠做不成的
或是我們聽閩南語唱鄧雨賢故事改編之歌劇 會含淚驚喜 就像昔日林語堂先生在士林聽到鄉音一般
這市我為日本朋友 Kawase先生找日本影歌星在台灣活動的情形之副產品
經濟日報的副刊編輯很不用心 譬如說2000年我寫的"紀念戴明百歲" 分三天登 其中兩天將我的姓寫錯 (內容是我自己打好的字)
許多內容我並不同意 不過它們畢竟保留當時的某些人物的看法
UDN的電腦化很可行 反觀品管協會 (csq)的月刊之電腦化 則是被廠商綁架
"(中央社波士頓21日路透電)今天刊出的一份研究報告指出,這20年來美國空氣品質改善,使每個美國人平均增加了21週壽命。 美國猶他州楊百翰大學(Brigham YoungUniversity in Utah)流行病學家波普(Arden Pope)表示,改掉抽菸習慣是讓美國人活更久的主要原因。 ..."
現在我們注意一下 台灣香煙盒上的"可怕的吸煙口腔惡果" (一套三圖) 或類似 登 "未成年請勿喝酒"等做法 是否只是"口號" 更有效的可能是'以價制量"
你要威脅邱吉爾不吸雪茄 或要戴明的牛排上少加那麼多的調味 可能沒什麼作用的
Little has emerged about the process behind those episodes, but aides described Mr. Obama’s decision making as crisp and efficient. When he sits down for meetings, they said, he starts by framing questions he wants answered, then gives each person a chance to talk, while also engaging them. At the end, he typically sums up what he has learned and where he is leaning. A late-night person, he often follows up with calls to aides at 10 p.m. or later, after he has put his daughters to bed.
不過 不可思議的是 竟然三四天之後還無法統計出誤發出的金額等等
毛姆(William Somerset Maugham)說得好 ,"There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are." —
同樣的,或許沒有什麼說得出來的經營管理之卓越之道,所以說什麼 "標竿企業學習"等等,或許是"迷思",144
slip-up deconstruction of the oath of office
手術前用查核表確定團員每人都認識或消毒完全等等 就能大幅降低併發症等的發生
Checklist Reduces Deaths in Surgery

A new checklist could help lower the risk of complications from surgeries.
A checklist for surgical teams that includes steps as basic as having the doctors and nurses introduce themselves can significantly lower the number of deaths and complications, researchers reported Wednesday.
“Surgical complications are a considerable cause of death and disability around the world,” the researchers wrote in the online edition of The New England Journal of Medicine. “They are devastating to patients, costly to health care systems and often preventable.”
But a year after surgical teams at eight hospitals adopted a 19-item checklist, the average patient death rate fell more than 40 percent and the rate of complications fell by about a third, the researchers reported.
The senior author of the study, Dr. Atul A. Gawande of the Harvard School of Public Health, said it was hard to identify which items on the checklist had proved the most important.
But even a small change, like having surgical team members take a moment to say who they are and what they do before scalpel touches skin, can have important consequences later on should one of them develop a concern during the operation. Earlier studies have shown that communication problems are fairly common in operating rooms, with junior members of the team sometimes hesitant to speak up.
“Giving them a chance to say their names allows them to speak up later,” Dr. Gawande said.
Other items on the checklist are of more obvious importance, like a requirement that the nursing staff confirm that everything has been sterilized and that all equipment needed is present. Team members must also confirm that the patient has been given antibiotics ahead of the surgery, if called for, to reduce the chance of infection.
The checklist also requires team members to verify that there is enough blood on hand if there is a risk of blood loss, that a piece of equipment that measures blood oxygenation is working and that all the medical images needed are present.
Before the operation begins, the checklist calls for the team to confirm the identity of the patient and the nature of the procedure. Afterward, the doctors and nurses are supposed to review what has been done, including discussing any special steps that need to be taken to aid recovery and confirming no equipment has been left in the patient.
The researchers, working with the World Health Organization, conducted the study over a year at hospitals in the United States, Canada, England, Jordan, New Zealand, India, the Philippines and Tanzania. The lead author of the study was Dr. Alex B. Haynes of Harvard.
The researchers reviewed the outcome of 7,688 patients who were undergoing noncardiac surgery at the hospitals. About half the patients had surgery before the checklists were adopted, and half after. At the end of the study, the average death rate dropped to 0.8 percent from 1.5 percent, and the average complication rate fell to 7 percent from 11 percent.
Some of the hospitals in the study have already begun using the checklist regularly, the researchers said. The changes can be made quickly and at little cost, they said.
The improvements in outcome, the researchers said, most likely came about not because of any one or two items on the checklist but from a combination of factors. Beyond that, the changes in procedure may have brought about a broader change in behavior that improved safety. The fact that the surgical teams knew that they were being studied may also have kept them on their toes, the researchers said.