從經典看閩南語的古雅![]() | 2008-05-21 | 楊秀芳教授 |
主題:從經典看閩南語的古雅講者:楊秀芳教授主辦單位:秘書室 日期:2008-05-21片長:102 分鐘語言:中文台大的錄音/影 竟然非多境頭 不可思議
這講題不是用閩南語講 也是一大諷刺
David Dubal
David Dubal 的鋼琴欣賞節目的引言多甚妙
"純水是上帝賜與人的最佳 best 禮物.....
對我 葡萄酒 威士忌甚至於啤酒已足矣"David Dubal's Radio Show "Reflections from the Keyboard""Reflections from the Keyboard -- The Piano in Comparative Performance" with David Dubal, Peabody award and Emmy award winner, is one of the most popular ...
再一次 大規模的產品召回 Sony Computer Batteries Recalled Due to Fire and Burn Hazard
Sony said five computer makers are recalling 100,000 lithium-ion battery packs made by the company, the latest bad news to hit the Japanese electronics giant.
The Success of Early Voting
Early voting has many advantages, but the main one is that it makes it likely that more eligible voters will participate in democracy.
Science is facts; just as houses are made of stones, so is science made of facts; but a pile of stones is not a house and a collection of facts is not necessarily science. — Jules Henri Poincare (1854-1912)
"中國時報頭版今天刊登廣告指稱「阿扁貪污不是只有國務機要費」,署名陳茂宗。前總統陳水扁辦公室今天表示,這則廣告涉及誹謗,陳水扁將立即對陳茂宗及中國時報提誹謗告訴。 陳水扁辦公室下午發布新聞稿表示,這則廣告通篇都是明顯錯誤, ..."
當老闆早已無能無心經營時 或許像台灣鄉下婦女在殺雞時喃喃自語 "早日投跆去也..."
30日下午碰到【晏山農】 ---他今天寫 我見我思─又是「台灣呆狗*」 2008-10-30
他拿"中國時報"的"遺臣"之名片--問他「台灣呆狗」如何發音 楊碧川老師可以對答
*台南市議員王定宇率眾抗議中國海協會副會長張銘清,致其在推擠中跌倒一事後,傳出兩岸黑道連手準備伺機修理王定宇的訊息。終於,在江湖人物黃如意穿針引線下,王定宇受「邀」至其台北辦公室,再透過中天電視的獨家攝錄,黃如意以大哥訓斥小弟的姿態捶了王定宇兩拳,黃還透過鏡頭代王向張銘清道歉。 這短短四分多鐘的鏡頭播出後震驚全台,由於事極敏感,泛藍人物一口咬定王定宇是自導自演,不少泛綠人士則深感言論自由、人身安全的不再, 以及對黑道治國的懼怖。在事件水落石出之前,我等實在不能遽斷真假,更不應預設立場臧否王定宇,唯一可以確定的是,黑道終於還是介入兩岸的恩怨糾葛了!這讓我不禁憶及台灣近代史上極其不堪的一頁,那就是日治時代所謂的「台灣呆狗」。 「台灣呆狗」指涉的是,在日本殖民政府的縱容庇護下,不少台灣的流氓、無賴漢在閩粵等地為虎作倀,荼毒當地中國人民的醜陋史。原台灣總督府警務局長本山文平在其回憶錄《夢幻的九十年》一書就詳述台灣軍司令部如何密令艋舺流氓李呂翼在福州殺害一名日本人小學校長,好作為出兵華南的藉口。「台灣呆狗」因其形象惡劣至極,致使當時沿海的中國人對台灣人全沒好印象。「台灣呆狗」的影像很模糊嗎?只要想想侯孝賢執導的《悲情城市》,裡頭由高捷飾演的三哥林煥良,就是最典型的「台灣呆狗」。 為虎作倀的「台灣呆狗」,當然在歷史定位上不會好到什麼地步,不過「台灣呆狗」同時兼具被統治者與加害者的雙重身分,而多數台灣人根本不 想面對這歷史公案,可如今新的「台灣呆狗」又在兩岸交流與政治矛盾中再度復活。所不同者在於,昔日的「台灣呆狗」是受控於日帝,今日的「台灣呆狗」則隱約 成了中國的統戰先鋒。 眾人憂心黑道治國,但實際上,黑道治國只是惘惘的威脅,未必是政治結構不可分的成員;相反的,黑道在中國為求苟存,必然得託庇於地方政府和中央的統戰部門。如今若為張銘清一事想投桃報李,一點都不讓人驚訝。 不過,一如蔣介石祇把清幫的杜月笙等視為夜壺,日帝利用「台灣呆狗」,國民黨和共產黨先後利用黑道制衡島內的草根民主力量,凡此都凸顯「台灣呆狗」好勇鬥狠的背後,永遠祇能扮演可悲可鄙的丑角!
三頭六臂集 49
「邁向頂尖大學計畫」--2005 年 10 月 9 日教育部公布了該計畫的入圍名單,共有 12 所學校獲得補助,其中本校獲得每年 30 億的補助。
這基本上不是"願景" 而是目標管制MBO
所以都偏向數量 幾乎無法兼顧品質
譬如說臺大出版中心大量出書 有許多書錯字連篇 無索引---不談內容之質
大量搞地面鋪路 庭園新建......你看看施工後的路已上下落差大 文學院的 樹下亂石一堆
招EMBA 一次約130人次 這是以13億人口為準的 重量不重質
台大的演講 會議或展覽等活動可能是其他大學的數倍
我10月15日參觀 白先勇文學講座特展
不過十天之後 它就謝啦 必須移開...
《法律与文学》(Law and Literature) Richard A. Posner 1998
Harvard University Press: Law and Literature by Richard A. Posner
其中一例 pp.90-92Michael Kohlhaas by Heinrich von Kleist
The classic story of a sixteenth-century man who suffers injustice and takes the law into his own hands. After horse trader Kohlhaas protests an unfair tax, things escalate until he becomes the heroic leader of a rebellion against the king.
Heinrich Von Kleist is one of the most important dramatic writers of European and German historical literature. He is the author of The Marquise of O and Penthesilea.
Wikipedia article "Michael Kohlhaas".
The Economic Structure of Intellectual Property Law - Page 67by William M. Landes, Richard A. Posner - Law - 2003 - 442 pages
... Doctorow's novel Ragtime would infringe Heinrich von Kleist's novella Michael
Kohlhaas; and Romeo and Juliet itself would have infringed Arthur Brooke's ...
Kohlhaas; and Romeo and Juliet itself would have infringed Arthur Brooke's ...
全宋詩-趙眾 題倅廳吏隱堂. 滿耳江聲滿目山,此身疑不在人寰。 民含古意村村靜,吏束刑書日日閒。
"朝花 夕拾"是什麼意思
三頭六臂集 48
WSJ報導 Internet Giants Set Common Voice Abroad
Google, Yahoo and Microsoft have reached an agreement on principles for doing business in nations that restrict speech.
紐約時報Google Settles Suit Over Book-Scanning
Google’s Green Agenda Could Pay Off
SAN FRANCISCO — Google, the Internet search and advertising giant, is increasingly looking to the energy sector as a potential business opportunity.Microsoft之惡劣
Microsoft Battles Low-Cost Rival for Africa
Microsoft sees sub-Saharan Africa, among the poorest places on earth, as one of the last great computing frontiers. But critics say the software giant is steering cash-strapped governments away from the cheapest solution: Linux.
「福氣」在哪? 消基會:提神飲料防腐劑含量高
由於保力達B與維士比含有許多營養成分,在販售或保存期間,可能會發生劣變或孳生微生物而造成腐敗,因此,為了了解保力達B與維士比是否添加防腐劑,來抑制微生物生長、延長保存期限,消基會進行檢測發現這兩項產品二烯酸鉀檢出量竟高達0.8 g/kg以上,已經超出「食品」 ...
三頭六臂集 47
・~に帰る regain the enthusiasm one had as a beginner.
「初心」(2004-08 四人)
---英文世界用食物污染 而台灣10月25日遊行等採用黑心
TAIPEI - China apologized to Taiwan Monday over tainted Chinese milk products that sickened three children and a woman, officials said. ...
全球製造業對新興國家的依賴度持續增加,德勤全球( Deloitte)發布的2008年「新興國家產品來源的風險報告」指出,安全與品質成為製造業產品最重要的風險。 台灣食品業獲利近來不斷受到大陸黑心原料衝擊,最快在食品業第三季的財報上,就會反映出來。 ...
我很早就知道日本用深遠なる知識(Profound Knowledge™)
The Deming System of Profound Knowledge (wikipedia) 的英文-日本簡介很值得參考
The Deming System of Profound Knowledge
"The prevailing style of management must undergo transformation. A system cannot understand itself. The transformation requires a view from outside. The aim of this chapter is to provide an outside view—a lens—that I call a system of profound knowledge. It provides a map of theory by which to understand the organizations that we work in."The first step is transformation of the individual. This transformation is discontinuous. It comes from understanding of the system of profound knowledge. The individual, transformed, will perceive new meaning to his life, to events, to numbers, to interactions between people.
"Once the individual understands the system of profound knowledge, he will apply its principles in every kind of relationship with other people. He will have a basis for judgment of his own decisions and for transformation of the organizations that he belongs to. The individual, once transformed, will:
- Set an example;
- Be a good listener, but will not compromise;
- Continually teach other people; and
- Help people to pull away from their current practices and beliefs and move into the new philosophy without a feeling of guilt about the past."
- Appreciation of a system: understanding the overall processes involving suppliers, producers, and customers (or recipients) of goods and services (explained below);
- Knowledge of variation: the range and causes of variation in quality, and use of statistical sampling in measurements;
- Theory of knowledge: the concepts explaining knowledge and the limits of what can be known (see also: epistemology);
- Knowledge of psychology: concepts of human nature.
"The various segments of the system of profound knowledge proposed here cannot be separated. They interact with each other. Thus, knowledge of psychology is incomplete without knowledge of variation.
"A manager of people needs to understand that all people are different. This is not ranking people. He needs to understand that the performance of anyone is governed largely by the system that he works in, the responsibility of management. A psychologist that possesses even a crude understanding of variation as will be learned in the experiment with the Red Beads (Ch. 7) could no longer participate in refinement of a plan for ranking people."[19]
The Appreciation of a system involves understanding how interactions (i.e. feedback) between the elements of a system can result in internal restrictions that force the system to behave as a single organism that automatically seeks a steady state. It is this steady state that determines the output of the system rather than the individual elements. Thus it is the structure of the organization rather than the employees, alone, which holds the key to improving the quality of output.
The Knowledge of variation involves understanding that everything measured consists of both "normal" variation due to the flexibility of the system and of "special causes" that create defects. Quality involves recognizing the difference in order to eliminate "special causes" while controlling normal variation. Deming taught that making changes in response to "normal" variation would only make the system perform worse. Understanding variation includes the mathematical certainty that variation will normally occur within six standard deviations of the mean.
The System of Profound Knowledge is the basis for application of Deming's famous 14 Points for Management, described below.
深遠なる知識(Profound Knowledge™)
- 例を挙げ
- 他人の話を良く聞くが、決して妥協せず
- 人々に常に教え
- 人々に新たな哲学を植え付ける」[15]
- システムの理解(Appreciation of a system)- 供給業者、製造、顧客を含めたプロセス全体を理解する
- ばらつきに関する知識(Knowledge of variation) - 品質のばらつきの範囲と原因を知るため、統計的標本化技法を利用する
- 知識の理論(Theory of knowledge) - 知識を説明する概念と知ることができる限界(認識論)
- 心理学に関する知識(Knowledge of psychology) - 人間性の概念
「システムの理解」は、システムの構成要素間の相互作用理解し、どのようにしてシステムが安定した状態に向かうのかを把握することである。個々の要 素によらず、この安定した状態がどんなものであるかによって、システムの出力が決定される。つまりそれは、組織の構成員ではなく構造であり、出力の品質を 向上させる鍵はそこにある。
「ばらつきに関する知識」は、測定可能なものには必ず標準的な分散と特殊原因による固有の問題があると理解することである。品質向上は、特殊原因を 排除し、標準的な分散を制御することに他ならない。デミングは、標準的な分散に対して変革しようとすれば、システムの性能は低下するとした。この考え方がシックス・シグマへと繋がる。