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COURIER photo/Gabriel Fenoy |
The Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management. |
Drucker Societies come together in Claremont
Even though Claremont Graduate University serves as a hub for the modern business teachings of Peter Drucker, the influence of the management expert, author and teacher goes well beyond the Claremont borders.
Members of Drucker Societies from all across the globe gathered together for the 2nd Annual Drucker Society Global Symposium last Wednesday through Friday, an event that brings the global members together to explore how they can continue to create a healthier society by advancing effective management and ethical leadership.
“Our aim is to foster a network of Drucker Societies where people come together to learn from Drucker ideals and then go out to apply positive change in communities,” said Rick Wartzman, director of the Drucker Institute. “The best way to build on the legacy of Peter Drucker is not to just read about it or hear about it but to put it into action. Peter was about action and results.”
Known as “father of modern management,” Mr. Drucker believed that successful management depended on more than just economics but also rested upon the moral and ethical aspects of leadership as well. Though Mr. Drucker died in 2005, his legacy is carried on today but not only those involved with CGU’s Drucker School and Drucker Institute but also people who are a part of a global network of Drucker Societies that look to bring positive change to communities.
It was last year that CGU’s Drucker School was the venue for the first symposium that featured the first global meeting of the various Drucker Societies. Currently, there are Drucker Societies in 8 countries on 4 continents with locations that include Los Angeles, Texas, South Carolina, New York City, Argentina, Brazil, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Korea and China.
The symposium not only attracts participants from the business sector but also people from the areas of government, nonprofit and academia. As part of the event, the participants from each of the represented societies give presentations on the projects they are currently working on within their respective communities and how they plan to continue implementing Drucker’s ideas.
“It’s been productive seeing what others are doing,” said Ray Ritchey, who graduated from the Drucker School 10 years ago and also is a member-at-large of the Drucker Society of Los Angeles. “In the Los Angeles association, we’re figuring out what we can do to make a difference here. Peter Drucker is very much about common sense, which is what makes his ideas powerful. It’s nice to discuss his ideas but the question becomes what are we going to do with them?”
Putting words and ideas into action is the driving force behind the global network of Drucker Societies. While the 3-day symposium afforded the participants plenty of time for discussion and the sharing of ideas, what was the biggest focus of the members of the global network was how they could help improve their communities through the Drucker-esque philosophies.
“We’re looking at the questions of how do we establish ethical leaders and effective management,” said Ho Jae Lee of the Drucker Society of Korea. “We offer plenty of unique programs for CEOs. One of the programs is a reading club for CEOs where they read and discuss Drucker’s ideas. We want to continue to spread the ideas of Peter Drucker.”
The influence of Mr. Drucker is very significant in Asia, particularly in Japan, which was a place where the author frequented throughout his life. One of the major Japanese corporations that Drucker had an impact on during his career was what is now the world’s largest automaker, Toyota.
The Japan Drucker Workshop (DWS) currently has more than 400 participants that include corporate executives, managers, consultants, scholars and students. With DWS having been one of 3 Drucker Societies represented at last year’s symposium, DWS representative Chuck Ueno was delighted that 10 different societies participated in last week’s event.
“There were many new societies [at the symposium] this year and they had the chance to learn from those of us who have been around a little longer,” Mr. Ueno said. “But we also learned from them too. We all talked about how we can carry on the Drucker legacy and to do that, we need to know what our target is. How are we going to make our global world better?”
Launched in the fall of 2007, the Drucker Society of Austria was one of the newer societies in attendance during last week’s symposium. According to Drucker Society of Austria member Richard Straub, the 3-day event was a chance for him and other members to network, share experiences and part with a greater understanding of how Drucker’s ideas can benefit the world when implemented.
“It was a valuable experience and I gained some contacts for the future,” Mr. Straub said. “I think Drucker is special. There is no other management thinker that caused me to change my approach like he did. My entire post-corporate life has been based on Peter Drucker.”
China Embraces Old-School Business Guru
Word Count: 776 | Companies Featured in This Article: Google Peter Drucker is making a posthumous comeback. It isn't happening in the U.S., where the Austrian-born management scholar spent much of his career until his death in 2005, at age 95. While most of Mr. Drucker's 39 books remain in print, they aren't fixtures on American best-seller lists, as they were a generation ago. In China, however, Mr. Drucker is the man of the moment. In the past few years, devotees have created 14 Drucker academies, in Beijing, Shanghai, Xian and other Chinese cities. Their curriculum draws extensively on Mr. Drucker's writings, so thousands of students can quickly grasp the ...
彼得•德魯克管理學院的首席執行長杜紹基(Henry To)說﹐德魯克提出的正直和謙和等老派價值在中國很有市場。德魯克一生大部分時間都在擔任顧問和教授﹐研究美國大型知名企業。根據它們的經驗﹐他敦促管理者制定明確的目標﹐重視員工和客戶的價值﹐不要唯利是圖。
德 魯克上個世紀70年代的代表作《管理》(Management)一書今年早些時候由和他共事已久的加州克萊蒙大學(Claremont Graduate University)教授約瑟夫•馬奇里洛(Joseph Maciariello)進行了修訂。不過德魯克在美國的影響力卻在日漸消退﹐原因之一是他書中提到的案例常常是另外一個時代的老皇歷。
他 的書中有時會講述上個世紀40年代的陳年舊事﹐當時他是通用汽車公司(General Motors Corp.)首席執行長、傳奇人物艾爾弗雷德•斯隆(Alfred Sloan)的顧問。他的書中完全沒有今天最暢銷的商業書籍中頻頻談及的谷歌(Google Inc.)、私人資本運營基金或是其他新技術或是大型金融公司。
正 是德魯克本人為自己奠定了中國對他的理論的熱捧。2000年﹐他和非營利性機構光華慈善基金會(Bright China Management Foundation)的高層會面﹐啟動了彼得•德魯克管理學院。光華慈善基金會主席邵明路說﹐去年﹐有6,000名中國管理者從學院畢業。他預計今年的 畢業人數將增加20%。
其他亞洲國家也在追捧德魯克的理論。上週﹐全球德魯克愛好者在加州克萊蒙大學德魯克-伊托管理研究生院 (Drucker-Ito Graduate School of Management)召開會議﹐討論了各自的工作﹐通過各種德魯克學會和一個名為德魯克研究院(Drucker Institute)的組織傳播他的理念。
一些最為詳盡的介紹來自韓國和日本的德魯克倡導者。在韓國﹐大型公司的首席執行長定期在一個讀 書俱樂部會面﹐討論德魯克的著作﹐以及如何把他的理論運用到公司上。日本愛好者出版了一份名為《文明與管理》(Civilization and Management)的期刊﹐努力將德魯克的想法應用到當前問題上。與此相反﹐美國的與會者看起來更加傾向於回顧過去。他們調侃說﹐上個世紀70年代德 魯克的書籍比《性愛聖經》(The Joy of Sex)還要暢銷。德魯克從前的學生和同事回憶了和他在一起的時光。他們反復說的一句話就是﹐“我們想念他”。
彼得•德魯克研究院的董事長鮑伯•布弗德(Bob Buford)表示了他的擔憂﹐他指出美國的商業領導人常常追求時髦、很快把注意力轉移到學者或是評論員認為最新鮮的領域。這就使得在美國更難令公眾堅持德魯克的理念。
George Anders
Drucker's Precepts And Values Find New Enthusiasts
It isn't happening in the U.S., where the Austrian-born management scholar spent much of his career until his death in 2005, at age 95. While most of Mr. Drucker's 39 books remain in print, they aren't fixtures on American best-seller lists, as they were a generation ago.
In China, however, Mr. Drucker is the man of the moment. In the past few years, devotees have created 14 Drucker academies, in Beijing, Shanghai, Xian and other Chinese cities. Their curriculum draws extensively on Mr. Drucker's writings, so thousands of students can quickly grasp the management essentials needed for China's booming economy.
Mr. Drucker's old-school values like integrity and humility play well in China, says Henry To, chief executive of the Drucker academies. Mr. Drucker spent much of his career as a consultant and professor studying big, well-known American companies. Based on their experience, he urged managers to set clear objectives, to value employees and customers, and to define their mission as more than just making a profit.
'When Drucker writes about leadership, he says that integrity must come first,' Mr. To observes. 'He says leaders need to listen to their employees and be followers, too. That matches our Confucian heritage.'
UNLIKE MANY American management gurus, Mr. Drucker frequently stretched his precepts into nonprofit and governmental areas such as education and health care. That panoramic focus turns out to be well-suited for many Asian nations, where state policy and private-sector initiative are knit together more closely than in the U.S.
Mr. Drucker's magnum opus of the 1970s, 'Management,' was updated earlier this year by Joseph Maciariello, a longtime colleague of Mr. Drucker's at Claremont Graduate University in California. But his prominence has faded in the U.S., in part because his imagery often speaks to a different era.
His books sometimes recount stories from the 1940s, when Mr. Drucker was a consultant to legendary General Motors Chief Executive Alfred Sloan. There's nothing in his writings about Google Inc., private-equity funds or other newfangled technology or financial powerhouses that are cited ceaselessly by today's most-popular business authors.
At the Drucker academies in China, however, Mr. Drucker's fondness for business history is considered a virtue, not a fault. 'I tell students: 'The truth will not be outdated,'' says Mr. To.
With China building up its manufacturing capacity at breakneck speed, Mr. To says, it's probably more useful for Chinese management students to examine U.S. industrial triumphs of past decades, rather than get distracted by the fanfare associated with various postindustrial ventures of today's America.
Mr. Drucker himself laid the groundwork for China's enthusiasm for his teachings, meeting in 2000 with leaders of the nonprofit Bright China Management Foundation to get the Drucker academies started. Last year, 6,000 Chinese managers graduated from the academies, says Bright China's chairman, Ming Lo Shao. Mr. Shao expects this year's tally to be 20% higher.
OTHER ASIAN countries also are embracing Mr. Drucker's work. Last week, Drucker enthusiasts from around the globe met at the Drucker-Ito Graduate School of Management in Claremont, California. They discussed their efforts, through various Drucker Societies and an umbrella group known as the Drucker Institute, to spread his ideas.
Some of the most detailed presentations came from boosters in South Korea and Japan. In Korea, chief executives of sizable companies meet periodically in book clubs to discuss Mr. Drucker's work and how it applies to their companies. Japanese devotees publish a journal called Civilization and Management that tries to apply Mr. Drucker's ideas to current-day problems. By contrast, U.S. attendees at the conference seemed more inclined to look backward. They giggled about Mr. Drucker's ability to outsell 'The Joy of Sex' in the 1970s. Former students and colleagues shared memories of their time with him. The phrase 'We miss him' was heard repeatedly.
Bob Buford, chairman of the Drucker Institute, voiced concern that American business audiences tend to be faddish, rapidly switching their attention to whatever scholar or commentator seems freshest. That makes it harder to keep Mr. Drucker's work in the public consciousness at home.
Mr. Drucker's writing style -- which mixed anecdotes and precepts in a way that led some fans to describe him as a philosopher -- is out of step with the tastes at many leading business schools, where the preference is for conclusions based on large statistical studies.
In China, however, Mr. Drucker is in no danger of fading away. His boosters there, in addition to running the Drucker academies, have assembled full sets of his translated works and have donated them to major Chinese universities. Their hope is that Chinese students will come to these 'Drucker libraries' in decades ahead for inspiration.