「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2015年7月28日 星期二

《寶成-戴明學院通訊》2003.5.19(PCN NOS TIMES)第83期 拿破崙遠征莫斯科

《寶成-戴明學院通訊》(PCN NOS TIMES)83

我們上回談資訊表現/發表,提到這方面的了不起教授Edward Tufte。他的故事很多,譬如說,他在全美國所開的研討會,只有失業的學生才可能半價優待。我們這回可以復習他的一些重要學說,譬如說,一張良好的圖就可以道盡一”可歌可泣”的故事,例如《戴明領導手冊》第247-49頁的《拿破崙征俄史詩》我希望這當作大家「學習說故事」的習題。

如何「學習說故事」?基本的原則是「先學習說某一相關的特定故事來引發大家的興趣」「再學習將故事的道理一般化或普遍化導引道理事」「然後再學習如何再舉一與大家相關的特定故事讓大家容易記住」-- 這是「學習說故事的三部曲」英文代碼為PGP(PGP: start with a Particular (a story) to capture attention, proceed to the General case for a solid foundation, and finish with the Particular (another story) to make the concepts memorable.)

我們再舉一例,譬如說你如果依照我上兩回的建議去讀《經濟學人》的書評「未來是顧客支援和服務為主導的時代」。我們一方面要強調「顧客是衣食父母」The customer is always right。也許是打字和表達能力等等的限制我這兒很難舉些絕妙的例子,不過我希望有些人能練習這些簡單的原則,並與大家分享

我們可以舉大陸出版業的一”表面故事” 從「合格證」到「信譽卡」




談起信息可視化,Edward R. Tufte, 是必然不能繞過的人物。這位喜歡自稱ET(同名美國電影中一位外星人的稱號)的男人,被當今的大眾媒體稱為用科學和藝術的結合來展示信息, 把原本枯燥的信息轉變為生長於科學開出了藝術之花的神人。在信息可視化還遠遠沒有像現在爆炸式繁榮的三十年前,他早就已經前瞻式對信息可視化的一些基礎領域,比如信息可視化設計和視覺解釋,進行了大量基於歷史考據的基礎研究。有趣的是,和其它信息可視化領域中的大牛不同,Tufte本人並不是計算機或者藝術科班出身。他原本的專業,政治科學,和可視化並沒有太多的關聯。在他人生經歷中,他並沒有成為在政治研究中的具有影響力的學者,而是開拓了信息可視化的領域,並確立了他在其中的舉足輕重的地位。
Tufte於1942年在堪薩斯市出生,隨後他隨父母搬到了加州洛杉磯著名的比利福山莊。從比利福山高中畢業後,Tufte在斯坦福完成了他的統計學士和碩士學位。在這期間,他對政治科學產生了濃厚的興趣,這促使他選擇去政治氣息更濃厚的耶魯攻讀政治科學的博士學位。而之前的統計基礎讓他在分析政治事件走向中更傾向用於科學統計的方法來分析數據,並對如何更好的表達數據結果產生了濃厚的興趣。從耶魯畢業後,Tufte受聘於普林斯頓從事政治經濟和數據分析教學。在這期間,Tufte開授一門面向記者的統計課程。在這門課的教學中,他大量使用了統計圖示,加上Tufte本人驚人的教學能力和才華,這門課程連續幾年受到好評。而Tufte在這門課中使用的材料,當時的無心插柳之後則成為可視化的奠基之作《The Visual Display of Quantitative information》的基礎材料。說起這本書的出版,還有一則逸事。因為Tufte堅持要使用大量高質量的插圖,沒有一個出版商願意投入這項高風險的買賣。他們認為這本書根本不可能暢銷。為此一意孤行Tufte用他的房子做了抵押,個人出資出版了此書。而這本書在10年之後的巨大成功,也許也讓當初的出版商大跌眼鏡。在《The Visual Display of Quantitative information》書中,Tufte使用了大量歐洲歷史古籍中先人繪圖的瑰寶,挖掘了前人在二維圖繪設計中的智慧,與當前報紙和雜誌用圖示歪曲的信息誤導讀者形成了鮮明的對比,徹底樹立了他的視覺設計繼承古典經典的地位。正在此書中他首次提到了五點可視化信息的原則,這五條原則也成為日後無數網站,新聞報紙,和嚴肅雜誌插圖編輯們的聖經。
  1. 重中之重,展示數據。不能因為美化,迎合需求,或者其它利益的原因而在圖中隱藏任何信息。
  2. 使信息量和像素的比例最大化。在盡量小的圖片中展示更豐富的信息,能夠簡單用幾個像素表達的信息就不必用冗長複雜的裝飾形式。
  3. 刪除沒有包含信息量的像素,比如無關內容只是為了裝飾的背景花紋
  4. 去掉包含重複信息量的像素。
  5. 反復修改和編輯。
拿破崙遠征莫斯科插圖(選自Tufte的“The Visual Display of Quantitative information”書)

The grave at Lithuania was discovered in 2001.

飛雅特克萊斯勒未召修 罰33億。道奇牌(Dodge)車對他人殺傷率高

飛雅特克萊斯勒未召修 罰33億

飛雅特克萊斯勒公司願收購有瑕疵的Dodge Ram貨卡。翻攝網路
【韓政燕╱綜合報導】義大利與美國車廠合組的飛雅特克萊斯勒(Fiat Chrysler)汽車前天宣布,已與美國國家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)達成協議,因其未依規定進行23次安全性召修,須繳1.05億美元(約33.2億元台幣,下同)罰款,還須回購瑕疵車輛,創美國史上召修罰款紀錄新高。

NHTSA局長羅斯凱說,「飛雅特克萊斯勒欠佳的表現模式,讓數百萬客戶及駕駛置身危險。」據NHTSA報告,飛雅特克萊斯勒未召修次數達23次,影響逾1100萬輛車,包括暢銷車Dodge Ram貨卡、Chrysler Aspen貨卡、Dodge Durango休旅車等。目前這些車國內未代理。 
其中Dodge Ram的操縱零件瑕疵會導致駕駛失控,部分瑕疵無法修正。飛雅特克萊斯勒已同意向車主收購或免費維修。據目前行情,光收購4分之1瑕疵車,成本就達791億元。其他瑕疵是較舊款貨卡,油箱設計在後車軸,易在後撞事故中失火,據統計至少75人死於相關事故,NHTSA未來3年會監督其召修程序。 




Dodging the data

The car brand most likely to kill occupants of other cars in an accident.
Gregory Nemec

Gregory Nemec

View full image

Dodge vehicles carry aggressive names: Challenger. Charger. Ram. It’s perhaps no coincidence, says Law School professor Ian Ayres ’81, ’86JD, that on safety, Dodge has one of the most aggressive records in the industry. By “aggressive,” he means having the “propensity to kill or injure someone in another vehicle.”
When a Dodge crashes, people in the other vehicle are 2.2 times more likely to die than those in the Dodge, Ayres and law professor Amy Kapczynski ’03JD found in an analysis of US auto fatalities. In other words, Ayres says in an interview, “for every life inside the car that’s being saved, relative to the median, their cars are killing two people outside the car.” That’s the highest ratio of external to internal fatalities of any carmaker. (Ayres and Kapczynski calculated the ratios for their article “Innovation Sticks,” to be published in December in the University of Chicago Law Review.)
A spokesman for FCA, Dodge’s manufacturer, responds: “The company takes seriously its commitment to public safety and designs its vehicles accordingly. All vehicles produced by FCA US LLC meet or exceed applicable safety standards.”
Having a fleet that’s safer than average inside but more dangerous outside is “a fairly unusual trait” among auto companies, Ayres says, and it “raises interesting ethical questions, not just for Dodge and other laggard manufacturers but for consumers.” Academic literature on innovation “focuses almost exclusively on which type of carrot is the best” incentive, but “it occurred to us that you could have sticks”—financial penalties for low performers. (Other auto-related areas do: speed limits and fuel-efficiency standards, for example.) Fines for persistently high fatality averages would raise a new question for auto companies: “There are tons of other cars that are doing better than yours. Are there measures you could take to bring your fatality rate down?”

醫療, 健康與品質報 創刊號 2007.12.25/2015.7.28 "我願意....."這樣無法改變醫療

"康健雜誌"的這一影片/方式,用意良善,看似創新,將眾人/要角請來"立志"、"激勵"一番,其實是鬆散的"個人誓師會",效果有限。除了個人"願意改變"之外,還必須說出要如何去達成 (方法)。這是管理的ABC。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5M370ctGxk


醫療, 健康與品質報

創刊號 2007/12/25 主選者:鍾漢清


Effort to Defeat Polio Faces Unique Challenges
Unclear When Vaccination Can Be Halted
(By David Brown, The Washington Post)
BBC 20071223 格林尼治標準時間18:12北京時間 02:12發表


The New York Times leads with a look at how several states that began the year with big dreams to overhaul health care continue to face resistance from business groups, as well as increasing questions about who is going to foot the bill, particularly in a not-so-rosy economic climate. The Los Angeles Times leads with news that a California appeals court put restrictions on when health insurers in the state can cancel a policy. Insurers can't wait until bills add up to check whether someone gave inaccurate information in an application form and can only cancel a policy if they can prove a customer "willfully misrepresented" health information. In the past, courts had usually sided with the insurance industry and some predict this ruling will open up the field for hundreds of new trials that could "scare the hell out of the insurance companies," a lawyer said.


檢查器的transducer 沒更換而傳染C型肝炎(五病人係同一基因)


今天是聖誕節,卻有些人得在醫院裡度過,不管是探病、 就醫或是醫護人員在崗位上工作,消基會今天表示,離開醫院可能帶著8 隻細菌,呼籲民眾多洗手。 今年九月初消基會公布檢測鈔票上的細菌,75%檢出帶 有造成食物中毒的金黃色葡萄球菌。
1. 秘書處指定了總召集人, 玄岳也做得稱職, 分工合作無間;2. 每一位專家座談與談人可以有三位免費名額 發揮了酬謝及協助動員的双重功能;3. 演講及座談會場分樓辦理的新模式;4. 摸索出和各單位横向連繫的途徑;5. 新的擴音系統發揮了功効;6. 與談人會後聚餐發展後續關係成為定型化...
接下來, 我們仍有下列事項要完成
1. 問劵調查反應;2. 寄發更新版Power Point;3. 把這次收集到的通訊資料建檔, 以備日後需用...」

某醫院病患筆記 (W. Edwards Deming)

賀 中華民國品質學會 (王晃三策劃)
醫療照護最佳運作模式 (吳欣怡博士)
So Far, So Good.
吳欣怡博士問起 Dr. Deming一篇論文:
Dear Dr. Wu,

Congratulations for the very successful quality forum and a wonderful presentation.

I checked with the file and list a paper by Dr. Deming for your reference.

Some Notes on Management in a Hospital, Journal of the Society for Health Systems, Vol. 2, No.1, Spring, 1900.

In case you can not get it then I'll try to "find out" it and scan it for our reference.

Once again, wish you and your family a nice trip here. I hope we can meet soon or later and I can report back some of our accomplishments soon.

Best Regards,

Hanching Chung
要 使系統發揮最佳的效果,光憑苦幹與全力以赴還不夠。一系統必須善加經營。醫院的管理者對院內的許多事情知之甚詳。護士長也一樣。譬如說,護士長知道許多管 理者看不到的事情。同樣的,任何工作其間的護士也如此。照顧住院病人的醫生會知道許多醫院的「獨家新聞」。院內病人會看出他人所未見的。
Some Notes on Management in a Hospital, Journal of the Society for Health Systems, Vol. 2, No.1, Spring, 1900




3M celebrates leadership with Littmann StethoscopesMoneycontrol.com (press release) - Mumbai,Maharashtra,India
... the Littmann engineers continue to push the boundaries of auscultation technology and use process improvement tools, such as Six Sigma, to provide the ...

2015年7月27日 星期一

Cohort (statistics)

“Our women know what to do and when,” crowed Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, after a recent uptick in the country’s fertility rate. A fall in America’s, by contrast, produced gloom. Both reactions were absurd. The conventional measure of fertility is a poor guide to how many babies people produce http://econ.st/1IpAAF0

 The Collaborative Study is an occupational cohort study of 6022 men and 1006 women of working age recruited from 27 workplaces throughout the central belt of Scotland. It took place between 1970 and 1973. The primary multiple health examination consisted of a self-administered questionnaire and a 20 minute attendance for screening at a temporary centre for a height and weight check, respiratory function test, 6 lead ECG, blood pressure, chest x-ray, and 10 ml. fasting blood plasma sample for cholesterol, triglycerides and the phenotyping of lipoproteins. The questionnaire differed from that used in the MAIN study as it included more detailed questions on lifestyle and early life.

Cohort (statistics)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other senses of this word, see cohort (disambiguation).
In statistics and demography, a cohort is a group of subjects who have shared a particular event together during a particular time span[1] (e.g., people born in Europe between 1918 and 1939; survivors of an aircrash; truck drivers who smoked between age 30 and 40). Cohorts may be tracked over extended periods in a cohort study. The cohort can be modified by censoring, i.e. excluding certain individuals from statistical calculations relating to time periods (e.g., after death) when their data would contaminate the conclusions.
The term cohort can also be used where membership of a group is defined by some factor other than a time-based one: for example, where a study covers workers in many buildings, a cohort might consist of the people who work in a given building.[2]
Demography often contrasts cohort perspectives and period perspectives. For instance, the total cohort fertility rate is an index of the average completed family size for cohorts of women, but since it can only be known for women who have finished child-bearing, it cannot be measured for currently fertile women. It can be calculated as the sum of the cohort's age-specific fertility rates that obtain as it ages through time. In contrast, the total period fertility rate uses current age-specific fertility rates to calculate the completed family size for a notional woman were she to experience these fertility rates through her life.

See also[edit]


  1. Jump up^ "BLS Information". Glossary. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Division of Information Services. February 28, 2008. Retrieved 2009-05-05.
  2. Jump up^ Dodge, Y. (2003) The Oxford Dictionary of Statistical Terms, OUP. ISBN 0-19-920613-9

External links[edit]

  1. 仲間のグループ。特に統計で、同一の性質を持つ集団。団塊の世代など。
  1. コホートぶんせき【コホート分析】
    • ある特定の集団の行動の変化を、年齢・時代・世代(コホート)の三つの要因に注目して説明する分析手法。その集団の行動の将来予測などに使われる。





  • 人口移動がないものとみなし、一定の生存率から5年後には死亡者分だけ減少し、こうなっているはずという人口(期待人口)が得られる。
  • 「実際人口」と「期待人口」との差が人口移動(転入・転出の差)であり、人口との比率を計算すると男女別・年齢別の「移動率」が求められる。
  • これらを用いて男女別各年齢において、5年後、10年後の人口を推計する。
    • なお、出生者数については、出生者数と女子人口(幼年と高齢者を除外する)から別途、「女子子ども比率」を計算する。




ケースコントロール研究 Case-control study とコホート研究 Cohort study

2015年7月24日 星期五

Hyundai and Kia fined $100m for misleading customers on fuel economy誇大油耗遭罰百多億:現代和起亞

Hyundai and Kia fined $100m for misleading customers on fuel economy
Car-makers must also forfeit $200m worth of carbon credits after understating lifetime CO2 emissions on some of its models by about 4.75m metric tons
The Hyundai Accent, one of the models that the car-maker advertised as having lower emissions than was true.
 The Hyundai Accent, one of the models that the car-maker advertised as having lower emissions than was true. Photograph: Mary Altaffer/AP
Hyundai and Kia have agreed to pay $100m (£62m) in fines and forfeit $200m in credits for misleading customers about the fuel economy of more than a million cars sold in the US.
Monday’s fine for the South Korean car-makers is the largest in the 50-year history of the Clean Air Act, and could set a precedent for Ford and other car companies audited for similar practices.
Hyundai and Kia agreed to the fines after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Justice Department found the car-makers had misled consumers about fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions on several models, including the popular Accent and Elantra.
After fuel prices spiked in 2008, Hyundai gained a marketing edge by claiming that its cars got 40 miles per gallon in highway driving. The inflated fuel economy claims involved about 1.2m vehicles, about a quarter of the 2011-2013 models sold in the US, the EPA found.
“Hyundai and Kia gave consumers inaccurate information about the real-world fuel economy performance of many of these vehicles,” the EPA said in a statement on Monday.
Kia violated the Clean Air Act.
 Kia violated the Clean Air Act. Photograph: Jason Szenes/Jeon Heon-kyun/EPA
The agency said the car-makers chose the most favourable results, rather than the average, when processing test data, inflating fuel economy by one to six miles per gallon. They understated greenhouse gas emissions of their fleets by about 4.75m metric tons over the estimated lifetime of the vehicles.
The company claimed at the time that engineers running the tests had made mistakes. They lowered the claims, and offered compensation to car owners for the extra fuel costs.
Under the agreement, the EPA said the companies accepted an audit of the 2015 and 2016 models, and to overhaul test protocols before its 2017 models come to market.
The companies will also give up 4.75m carbon credits. Those credits had allowed Kia and Hyundai to go on selling the big gas-guzzling models that remain popular with American consumers. The EPA said they were worth more than $200m.
The EPA's Gina McCarthy and US attorney general Eric Holder announce the fine for the car-makers.
 The EPA’s Gina McCarthy and US attorney general Eric Holder announce the fine for the car-makers. Photograph: Evan Vucci/AP
David Zuchowski, Hyundai’s chief executive in the US, said in a statement: “Hyundai has acted transparently, reimbursed affected customers and fully cooperated with the EPA throughout the course of its investigation.

Since the 2012 audit of Hyundai, the EPA has taken a closer look at other car company claims. Ford, Mercedes-Benz and other companies have reduced mileage claims for some models after EPA audits.“We are happy to put this behind us.”
“Businesses that play by the rules shouldn’t have to compete with those breaking the law,” the EPA administrator, Gina McCarthy, said on Monday. “This settlement upholds the integrity of the nation’s fuel economy and greenhouse gas programs and supports all Americans who want to save fuel costs and reduce their environmental impact.”
In June, Ford admitted to overstating mileage claims and agreed to compensate owners for extra fuel costs. The company said the initial mileage claims were a mistake.

誇大油耗遭罰近百億 韓現代汽車補破網

找來小皇帝LeBron James亮相開新車,南韓起亞汽車連續第6年成為NBA大金主。今年,母集團現代汽車更宣佈擠下通用,成為美式足球聯盟NFL的最大贊助商。
