「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2008年3月28日 星期五

陳教授對CSQ 月刊的建議和 HC回信

tony chen的電郵:
承學會理事長張文貴兄告知 學會月刊新任主編將於五月間理監事會上出現 我的想法是在理監事會中不可能談事務性的事 我們不妨提出一點書面意見給新主編作參考 我寫了幾條 請各位看看 並請修正補充 謝謝 一切為了學會

過去最大弊病是 慷他人之慨拿學會錢 付稿費 應酬私人朋友 「炒冷飯」式的文章 畫莫名其妙的塗鴉(根本不夠資格稱為畫)

學會月刊兼具會員通訊的作用 應向會友報導會務動態 促進會友向心


要配合學會的活動 例如 ANQ活動等
不免會有錯誤 下一期必須有「更正道歉」

文章中所附表格 比文字重要不可縮小至不能辨識


不宜同一期中 同一作者有多篇文章 (可用筆名)



主動訪問介紹學會的團體會員 得獎廠商

廣告應求美化 廣告文字「雜誌化」「知識化」


國內報章雜誌 有關文字消息可以轉載




新書評論 譯介大師名著




2008年3月25日 星期二



stand in the footprints for recognition, humiliated

But Haier's hierarchical culture has been a tough fit with U.S. workers. They rebelled against being forced to stand in the footprints when they made mistakes. Haier's Chinese management has tried to adjust to American tastes. Instead of humiliating bad workers, they now encourage the best ones to stand in the footprints for recognition.

不過,海爾多層級的管理文化令美國工人難以適應。他們對出錯就要罰站的做法很抵觸。海爾的中國管理層開始努力適應美國方式。他們取消了出錯罰站,而是在那裡表揚優秀員工。Chinese Refrigerator Maker Haier Finds US Chilly

一轉眼 自己也老了


2008年3月21日 星期五

A reflection on the "professional learning roadmap planning for CQE of CSQ"


Technically speaking, I am not (or we are not) qualified to discuss about this subject, because I am not a certified quality engineer per se.

Philosophically I strongly believe that “Much more things grow in the garden than the gardener sows.” (“The gardener” in this case is CSQ.)

Currently there are several “learning/qualification” programs available. A case in my mind is the so-called “green belt/ black belt/champion”--the “ career ladder” of the Six Sigma programs, for example. But there are many trouble of this branch of “off-line trainings”. They normally too technical oriented. In real organizations, “technical-oriented “( for quality ) might be meaningless or powerless.

( Several weeks ago, I had a long discussion with a CEO on the Chinese booming black belt trainings. His comments were quite interesting.) Please also refer to a report on the Hwawei :華為員工生死門 --上周林博華先生提到該公司買書和這些"傳言"之片段.......

If I can be of some help in this thread, I like to remind us reviewing several related chapters of the Juran’s Quality Handbook.

2008年3月19日 星期三

SPC in the Chinese PCB Industry?

它的 links 原是美國半導體的"遺澤"

Is There a Fundamental Disconnect in the Chinese PCB Industry?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008|Real Time with CPCA, Ray Rasmussen

Is there something wrong with the quality of China’s printed circuit boards? While many have said Chinese fabrication is finally on par with other PCB producing nations, that might not be the case.

Hearing from one high-level technologist talk about the problems with the Chinese PCB quality came as something of a surprise. Could this be one man's opinion? However, hearing the same message from two different experts residing on two different continents—within in the space of one hour—was quite surprising. It suggests that Chinese PCB quality problems might be more widespread than one would imagine.

First, Happy Holden, one of the industry’s most respected technologists sees a fundamental flaw in the way boards are being built in China and he believes management style may be at fault.

A top-down driven management style leaves engineers doing what they are told rather than creatively attacking the real issues. Holden referred back to the teachings of W. Edwards Deming as the missing link. The lack of statistical quality methods leaves many Chinese fabricators with very small margins and constant struggles as they work to meet their customer demands for cheaper and cheaper circuit boards. This pressure has managers looking to the latest technology to drive efficiencies, which Holden believes is the wrong approach and simply masks the problem. A quality focus is what’s needed. That will change the industry in China as it did the Japanese industry in the 1980s.

Within an hour of Happy’s interview at ECWC 11, EIPC Technical Director Michael Weinhold commented on some of the problems Europeans are seeing with PCBs imported from China. He suggested the problem was related to a lack of circuit board fundamentals, and that price pressures are causing companies to skip some of critical steps in making reliable PCBs.

Weinhold went on to say the EIPC is driving an effort to encourage manufacturing excellence in European PCB companies, especially those manufacturing in China. This suggests that even Western fabricators need to get back to the basics of building highly reliable PCBs in the most efficient way possible.

A Free Step in the Right Direction

Happy Holden also offered the link below, which he believes is a requirement for engineers. The book is free and invaluable to all engineers inside or outside the PCB industry.

8 Chapters for the “Process Engineer”

Exploratory Data Analysis
Measurement Process Characterization
Product Process Characterization
Process Models
Process Improvement
Process or Product Monitoring and Control
Product and Process Comparison
Assessing Product Reliability


This handbook is approximately 600 pages, but it could prove invaluable for engineers wanting to make process improvements without throwing money at problems.

2008年3月14日 星期五

Joseph M. Juran 死去(斷續之追念之八):The Guardian,訃文

Joseph M. Juran 死去(斷續之追念之八 )
前幾天讀 Balzac的文論 知道小說家的人物是 取許多"模特兒"之最美處
合而冶之 最重要的文學家要賦予"靈魂"

我覺得Juran在其主編的第五版" Juran品質手冊"中有類似的矛盾

可是我們看手冊中有篇/章 有些胡說八道的 benchmarking


Joseph Juran

Business management guru who adapted statistical laws to save time and waste

This article appeared in the Guardian on Monday March 03 2008 on p34 of the Obituaries section. It was last updated at 10:13 on March 14 2008.

Joseph Juran, who has died aged 103, will be remembered as the first management guru whose name is best associated with "quality". His distinctive contribution lay in expanding the statistical conception of quality so that it became an essential resource for management. He adapted the 19th-century statistical tool known as the Lorenz Curve to make it a manufacturing aid to identify clusters of defects in the production process. By integrating it with the 19th-century statistics-based Pareto's "80/20" Law, he eliminated random searching for the majority of defects, not only saving time but reducing waste.

The translation of Pareto's Law that he coined was that 80% of problems occur in only 20% of activities. This Juran/Pareto law of identifying the "vital few" (the 20%) has been applied to many functions of management since Juran gave it application: the most widely accepted formula it has generated is that 80% of results are the consequence of 20% of total activities (for example, a popular interpretation is that 80% of profits come from 20% of customers).

Born in Braila, Romania, Juran arrived in the US when he was eight with his family to join his shoemaker father, Jakob, who had left Romania to find a better life. Juran had to work to contribute to the family income, but still excelled at his studies. In 1924 he graduated in electrical engineering from the university of Minnesota, and joined the progressive Western Electric's Hawthorne plant in Chicago, where he was assigned to the inspection department. He progressed rapidly and became a key member of the unique inspection statistical department.

In 1935 he published his first article on quality and two years later became head of industrial engineering at Western Electric's headquarters in New York. He was now at the centre of the "quality movement" as he worked on national committees with experts from other major organisations. Juran's holistic approach enabled him to merge his own ideas with those of others.

During the second world war, Juran joined the government Lend-Lease programme in Washington and improved performance by cutting red tape and eliminating waste and inefficiency, while redesigning shipping and delivery techniques for the benefit of the allies.

After the war, Juran built up a consulting practice and was a major contributor to the Quality Control Handbook (1951). It was the first book on total quality, and early editions sold more than 300,000 copies. His proposition was that "total quality" as a management philosophy could be applied to all aspects of business. Every gain by the elimination of waste was "gold in the mine".

In 1954, he embarked on a lecture tour of Japan, where his lectures were attended by chief executives of large companies (in America he would have been addressing engineers and production specialists). He showed the Japanese how to implement "quality", and became one of the few foreigners to be awarded Japan's highest civilian decoration, the Second Order of the Sacred Treasure. The Japanese were making quality products well before he appeared, he noted, and added that "quality" was not a new idea - it had been practised by the Babylonians.

ずいほうしょう 瑞宝章

the Order of the Sacred Treasure.

He formed the Juran Institute in Wilton, Connecticut, in 1979 to continue his studies on "quality" management, working until his final lecture tour in 1993-94. He wrote 14 books, more than 100 papers, left many lecture notes and was hampered by "the disease of making no error at any cost".

Workers wanted to produce quality to give them job satisfaction, he suggested, and defective work was the result of poor design or poor management, which demoralised the work force.

He rejected the technique of trying to activate quality improvement by quality drives. It could not work because "quality" improvement was a continual process, and a function that added 10% to the manager's workload. "Management drives" in general, he thought, abused workers by creating unnecessary stress.

Always a free thinker, Juran challenged two of the conventions of management. The first was that fear is a disincentive and reduces performance. Juran believed that fear could stimulate people and enhance performance in the short-term. The second convention was that management is a logical, rational and sequential process in which luck plays no part. Juran used his own background to promote the idea that there was such a thing as luck in ordinary life, and consequently in management. As evidence, he noted his own life prospects had he stayed in Romania, compared with the good fortune he enjoyed in the US, after becoming a citizen in 1917.

On his retirement, at 93, he said that he wanted to continue with his writing to pay back society for a life that had turned out to be so fortunate. For Juran, the 20th century had been "the production century" and the 21st century would be the "quality" century.

Juran is survived by Sadie, his wife of 81 years, three sons and a daughter.

· Joseph Moses Juran, management guru, born 24 December 1904; died February 28 2008

· This article was amended on Friday March 14 2008. The statistical tool used for measuring income or wealth distribution is the Lorenz curve and not the Lorenzo curve, as we had it in the obituary above. This has been corrected.

2008年3月13日 星期四

Small manufacturers need new ideas, not cost cuts

Small manufacturers need new ideas, not cost cuts
Rockford Register Star - Rockford,IL,USA
Hall’s growth system, which borrows heavily from production innovator W. Edwards Deming, is available to smaller companies through the Manufacturing ...

2008年3月12日 星期三

Many Doctors, Many Tests, No Rhyme or Reason


Many Doctors, Many Tests, No Rhyme or Reason

Published: March 11, 2008

I recently took care of a 50-year-old man who had been admitted to the hospital short of breath. During his monthlong stay he was seen by a hematologist, an endocrinologist, a kidney specialist, a podiatrist, two cardiologists, a cardiac electrophysiologist, an infectious-diseases specialist, a pulmonologist, an ear-nose-throat specialist, a urologist, a gastroenterologist, a neurologist, a nutritionist, a general surgeon, a thoracic surgeon and a pain specialist.

He underwent 12 procedures, including cardiac catheterization, a pacemaker implant and a bone-marrow biopsy (to work-up chronic anemia).

Despite this wearying schedule, he maintained an upbeat manner, walking the corridors daily with assistance to chat with nurses and physician assistants. When he was discharged, follow-up visits were scheduled for him with seven specialists.

This man’s case, in which expert consultations sprouted with little rhyme, reason or coordination, reinforced a lesson I have learned many times since entering practice: In our health care system, where doctors are paid piecework for their services, if you have a slew of physicians and a willing patient, almost any sort of terrible excess can occur.

Though accurate data is lacking, the overuse of services in health care probably cost hundreds of billions of dollars last year, out of the more than $2 trillion that Americans spent on health.

Are we getting our money’s worth? Not according to the usual measures of public health. The United States ranks 45th in life expectancy, behind Bosnia and Jordan; near last, compared with other developed countries, in infant mortality; and in last place, according to the Commonwealth Fund, a health-care research group, among major industrialized countries in health-care quality, access and efficiency.

And in the United States, regions that spend the most on health care appear to have higher mortality rates than regions that spend the least, perhaps because of increased hospitalization rates that result in more life-threatening errors and infections. It has been estimated that if the entire country spent the same as the lowest spending regions, the Medicare program alone could save about $40 billion a year.

Overutilization is driven by many factors — “defensive” medicine by doctors trying to avoid lawsuits; patients’ demands; a pervading belief among doctors and patients that newer, more expensive technology is better.

The most important factor, however, may be the perverse financial incentives of our current system.

Doctors are usually reimbursed for whatever they bill. As reimbursement rates have declined in recent years, most doctors have adapted by increasing the quantity of services. If you cut the amount of air you take in per breath, the only way to maintain ventilation is to breathe faster.

Overconsultation and overtesting have now become facts of the medical profession. The culture in practice is to grab patients and generate volume. “Medicine has become like everything else,” a doctor told me recently. “Everything moves because of money.”

Consider medical imaging. According to a federal commission, from 1999 to 2004 the growth in the volume of imaging services per Medicare patient far outstripped the growth of all other physician services. In 2004, the cost of imaging services was close to $100 billion, or an average of roughly $350 per person in the United States.

Not long ago, I visited a friend — a cardiologist in his late 30s — at his office on Long Island to ask him about imaging in private practices.

“When I started in practice, I wanted to do the right thing,” he told me matter-of-factly. “A young woman would come in with palpitations. I’d tell her she was fine. But then I realized that she’d just go down the street to another physician and he’d order all the tests anyway: echocardiogram, stress test, Holter monitor — stuff she didn’t really need. Then she’d go around and tell her friends what a great doctor — a thorough doctor — the other cardiologist was.

“I tried to practice ethical medicine, but it didn’t help. It didn’t pay, both from a financial and a reputation standpoint.”

His nuclear imaging camera was in an adjoining “procedure” room. He broke down the monthly costs for me: camera lease, $4,500; treadmill lease, $400; office space, $1,000; technician fee, $1,800; nurse fee, $1,000; and miscellaneous expenses of $200.

“Now say I get on average $850 per nuclear stress test,” he said. “Then I have to do at least 10 stress tests a month just to cover the costs, no profit going into my pocket.”

“So,” I said, “there’s pressure on you to do more than 10 stress tests a month, whether your patients need it or not.”

He shrugged and said, “That is what I have to do to break even.”

Last year, Congress approved steep reductions in Medicare payments for certain imaging services. Deeper cuts will almost certainly be forthcoming. This is good; unnecessary imaging is almost certainly taking place, leading to false-positive results, unnecessary invasive procedures, more complications and so on.

But the problem in medicine today is much larger than imaging. Doctors are doing too much testing and too many procedures, often for the sake of business. And patients, unfortunately, are paying the price.

“The hospital is a great place to be when you are sick,” a hospital executive told me recently. “But I don’t want my mother in here five minutes longer than she needs to be.”

Dr. Sandeep Jauhar is a cardiologist on Long Island and the author of the new memoir “Intern: A Doctor’s Initiation.”

2008年3月9日 星期日



恭喜新書:恐懼 Landscape of Fear

* 作者:段義孚

* 譯者:潘桂成.鄧伯宸 .梁永安

* 出版社:立緒

* 出版日期:2008


Space and Place: The Perspective of Esperience)錯字,應為Experience
作者英文名更重要 要附上。


Landscape Of Fear: Stephen King’s American Gothic

* 作者:Magistrale, Tony

* 出版社:Univ of Wisconsin Pr

Landscapes of Fear
by I-Fu Tuan
Paperback | Univ of Minnesota Pr | 1980-04-15 | listprice: $14.95
ISBN-10: 0816610215 | ISBN-13: 9780816610211

不過,同一作者所有著作,不知他們如何處理?我知道rl 的可通。」



「加強本會與歐洲品質管理之交流 EOQ國際委員Prof. Ing. Milan Zeley來台訪問」:這朋友我十年前曾與他有過電郵,關於Batta捷克之會議。當時先生負責美東區組稿....我很後悔當初沒立志去布拉格一遊...





「以6 Sigma手法達到良率提升並且消除浪費與提升顧客滿意度」:這篇文內重要的圖文Joiner Triangle 錯誤,也是三手資訊。

Joseph M. Juran 死去(斷續之追念之七)

我所知道的Joseph M. Juran Medal



The Joseph M. Juran Medal is presented to the individual who exhibits distinguished performance in a sustained role as an organizational leader: personally practicing the key principles of quality and demonstrating breakthrough management.

Juran Medalists 獎主

2000 Robert W. Galvin-- 他是Motorola公司的前任董事長

2001 David T. Kearns –他是CEO of Xerox Corporation (1982-1990) and Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education (1991-1993).

2002 Roger Milliken 他是美國大紡織廠商董事長

2003 John A. Young 他曾是美國H-P公司主管

2004 Robert R. Waller 目前還沒找到相關資料 他為Mayo Clinic Family Health Book寫序

2005 Jamie Houghton 美國 Corning公司二度主管

2006 John Hudiburg 美國電力公司 FPL主管 取得Deming獎之後就被廢功


2008年3月7日 星期五

Joseph M. Juran 死去(斷續之追念之六)

Janet Durrans, 1998

Joseph M. Juran

中國古人喜歡說:「壽則多辱」。Juran 的最後數十年還對社會有大貢獻呢。這很幸運,也很了不起。
我想到給Juran訃聞下的標題是:Juran's Long and Useful Life

其實讀者應該記住,最早他將Pareto的兩類取名為”Vital Few vs Trivial Many”。幾十年(80年代末期)之後,才用現在 ”Vital Few vs Useful Many”。

我們從這一變更,或許可以了解思想的變遷和用詞的細心。前者是”科學”語言,它表示事實,可是trivial 表示”瑣碎的”,可能有不屑理會它們的意思。而 useful 是管理用語,比較人文得多。


More Expensive Placebos Bring More Relief (紐約時報)安慰劑越貴似乎效果更大

本周某公司副總與我談Deming 的學說重視心理學,他認為這是其晚年的獨創。我說:非也,他們在三零年代就作廣告學的統計研究等,當然知道消費者心理之重要。Shewhart 在他的品管開山力作也強調:主觀的心理認知可能更能影響其幸福感。



印度廠商”包” Deming和日本品質管理獎

品質經營Quality Management
特集 品質管理教育とその伝承


2)「教育の質向上のための品質システム工学的データ分析 -個人差の解析を中心として-」 椿 美智子 著 発行所:株式会社現代図書
  椿 美智子 氏 電気通信大学 電気通信学部 システム工学科 准教授

有趣的統計學:達爾文與統計學シリーズ 統計のはなし(4) 統計学の温故知新 ―ダーウィンと統計学―

Joseph M. Juran 死去(斷續之追念之五)

我最近看某文人祭某公說,其文章可傳千古,我不禁失笑:這種對不確定性的天真,可愛!“作品能流傳後代多久?” 這是很有趣的問題,因為長期而言,每個人的相識者”共同體”都會”死去”,所有的”人之記憶都跟著”告別”,剩下的,只是些思想。然而,企業界常”喜新厭舊”,多半不會再讀它們。


事業呢?目前掛Juran的,有顧問公司Juran Institute。我們有商場經驗的人都知道,公司最”脆弱”。掛名”Juran Quality Handbook”的,也可能名存實亡,我們知道大英百科等都可以多度易手,甚至於面臨網路啟動的知識革命之挑戰:目前流行的東西,根本在新版”Juran Quality Handbook”沒收錄,所以我們應該思索新一代的”手冊”是怎麼樣。最後一掛Juran的是其母校的”品質領導中心”--這我上回說,資料庫近半年未維護了。


2008年3月6日 星期四

Joseph M. Juran 死去(斷續之追念之四)

Joseph M. Juran 死去(斷續之追念之四)

今天再次讀到A/P 的訃文之引用;特別注意到它說Juran在第二次世界大戰的公務員經驗。


During World War II, Juran worked in Washington, eliminating bottlenecks that hindered timely equipment shipments to U.S. allies overseas, and worked to minimize defective exports.



Joseph Juran (From The Times)

March 6, 2008

Joseph Juran

American pioneer of quality control who wrote the definitive manual and helped create Japan's postwar economic miracle

Thanks to Joseph Juran’s work, products are systematically engineered with far fewer defects than they were when he started his career eight decades ago. He redefined quality control, persuading companies to plan for it from the very top of management, and his Quality Control Handbook, first published in 1951, became the standard reference work in the field. For decades, he was one of America’s leading management consultants, lecturing, writing and teaching across the country.

His advice was most spectacularly applied in postwar Japan. When he arrived there in the 1950s, Japanese goods had a reputation for unreliability. His lectures and teaching on the importance of quality played a significant role in the astonishing reverse of this perception in the economic miracle that followed.

Joseph Moses Juran was born the son of a shoemaker in Braila, eastern Romania, in 1904, and brought up in a poor village where opportunity was limited and anti-Semitic violence common. The family emigrated to America in 1912, and Juran grew up in Minnesota. There he took a variety of menial jobs from a young age to help to support the family, as well as completing his education. He graduated in electrical engineering from the University of Minnesota and in 1924 got a job in the inspection department of the Western Electric Company, the manufacturing division of AT&T.

On the factory floor of the company’s vast Hawthorne Works, Juran was introduced to the problem of quality at the most basic level — the malfunctioning machine and the complaints of its operators. His mentor there was Walter Shewhart, who was developing some of the first statistical techniques for detecting the causes of defects. Juran was promoted quickly, helping to write AT&T quality control training guidelines.

During the war he was seconded to the Lend-Lease programme by which the US provided materiel to its British and Soviet allies. He was put in charge of a team surveying and redesigning the process by which requests for assistance were processed. This had taken 90 days; Juran’s superiors credited him with cutting it to just 53 hours, as well as halving the amount of paperwork involved.

Afterwards, Juran decided he had had enough of working for big bureaucracies and joined New York University as a professor of industrial engineering, also developing a consulting practice. His work decoupled the definition of quality from ideas of luxury, arguing that it should be seen as “freedom from trouble”, and he tried to persuade managers that it was cheaper to plan for quality from the start than to have to deal with faulty products.

This sprang from the observation that 80 per cent of consequences stem from 20 per cent of causes. (He called this the “Pareto principle”, after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who had noted that 20 per cent of people controlled 80 per cent of wealth). Juran initially used it to identify the most common sources of defects, but it became most commonly known through the idea that 20 per cent of clients provide 80 per cent of profits. Juran called these two groups “the useful many” and “the vital few”.

Juran insisted that quality could not just be left to inspection departments, but had to be led by the top levels of management and become an integral concern of any business, just as finance was. In what came to be known as the “Juran trilogy”, he laid down the idea that traditional after-production inspection control had to be preceded by systems that planned in quality from the start, and followed by continuous improvement in the product.

His Quality Control Handbook, first published in 1951, became the standard reference work for training and management in the field. It also led to an invitation to speak to senior business executives in Japan where he lectured in 1954. Along with W. Edwards Deming, another American theorist of quality, he emphasised the importance of the concept to the leaders of Japan’s shattered manufacturing industries, and his advice was taken to heart as Japanese companies rapidly came to lead the world in quality control.

“They had no reason not to try these new ideas,” Juran recalled in 2004. “The Japanese had a terrible reputation for quality. They had to overcome this reputation of producing junk. Because they were convinced of the need for this change, they were openminded to ideas on quality.” And Juran was in no doubt that this paid off. “Japan reached economic superpower status and they did it through quality,” he said.

Although he liked to play down his part in this transformation — saying that without him and Deming “it might have taken them two or three years longer to arrive at the same place” — others gave him due credit, including the Japanese Government, which awarded him the Order of the Sacred Treasure. The Japanese quality management theorist Kaoru Ishikawa wrote: “The Juran visit created an atmosphere in which quality control was to be regarded as a tool of management, thus creating an opening for the establishment of total quality control as we know it today.”

Juran wrote several more books, including Managerial Breakthrough (1964). Based on his reading of the anthropologist Margaret Mead, it analysed how disputes between workers and managers should be understood in terms of cultural resistance, and how this process could be organised.

He was greatly in demand as a speaker, particularly once the dominance of Japanese methods became apparent in the 1980s. Juran believed that quality control underpins today’s connected society, with its constant reliance on multiple complex systems such as electricity supply and telecoms. “Like the Dutch, we now live behind dykes,” he liked to say, “the dykes of quality control.”

In 1979 he founded the Juran Institute, a consulting organisation, and in 1986 the Juran Foundation, which later became part of the University of Minnesota business school. His final speaking tour came in 1994, but he continued to write. His works including A History of Managing for Quality (1995) a fifth edition of his Handbook (2000), and a volume of autobiography, Architect of Quality (2003). A biography, Juran: A Lifetime of Influence, by John Butman, appeared in 1999.

The management guru Peter Drucker once said: “Whatever advances American manufacturing has made in the last 30 to 40 years we owe to Joe Juran and to his untiring, steady, patient, self-effacing work.”

Juran is survived by his wife of 81 years, Sadie, and his three sons and a daughter.

Joseph Juran, quality management pioneer, was born on December 24, 1904. He died on February 28, 2008, aged 103

2008年3月5日 星期三

Joseph M. Juran 死去(斷續之追念之三)

Joseph M. Juran 死去(斷續之追念之三)

我所知道的Juran 的慈善相關關事業

補充前兩篇:多年前我也用英文寫過 Pareto Rule

Pareto Distribution:Deming, Juran and Simon’s Rule and Worlds of ...

Wikipedia Joseph. M. Juran 條目,稱他也是位philanthropist,即「慈善家」(日文採「博愛家」)。或許讀者可以從他的回憶錄*,稍微了解他如何處置80年代品質運動中所賺到的錢(主要賣『品質改善』教學錄影帶系列產品,包括''Quality Control Handbook'等書,以及其顧問公司的股票。這方面細節我也不清楚,譬如說某本合著教科書**的版權,過去十來年的變化頗大)。

Juran的慈善相關關事業以Juran Foundation 為主,這基金會是他在1986成立的,並不是紐約時報19981115 CLAUDIA H. DEUTSCH撰文TALKING QUALITY WITH -- JOSEPH M. JURAN; The Guru of Doing It Right Still Sees Much Work to Do 中所說的,是從1979年就有了。

Juran Foundation 1990年代資助出版兩本書,讓我印象深刻:

Quality Wars: The Triumphs and Defeats of American Business by Jeremy Main.( Free Press,1994 { 美國品質大戰三百回合})-

J. M. Juran (editor) A History of Managing for Quality (Quality Press, 1994,,)

不過,The Juran Foundation 1998就遷到他的母校: the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota,成立The Joseph M Juran Center for Leadership in Quality 我查一下,它的文獻資料庫上次更新時間為Database last updated: 05/31/2007 09:37 PM

*Juran, J. M., Architect of Quality : The Autobiography of Dr. Joseph M. Juran, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Trade McGraw-Hill School Education Group, 2003

** Gryna, Frank, Quality Planning and Analysis: From Product Development through Use, Fourth Edition, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies, The McGraw-Hill School Education Group, 2001

Godgrey, A. Blanton and Juran, J. M., Juran's Quality Handbook, Fifth Edition, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies, The McGraw-Hill School Education Group, 1999

2008年3月3日 星期一


謝謝朋友們 向王道還先生致意
hc:「謝謝資訊 年餘沒訪該寶地」
The Great Painters of China( by Max Loehr, Oxford: Phaidon, 1980.) 書末的(或許意味深遠)詩給王老師和simon university等地朋友參考:
此詩為根據英文在網路找到的,感謝:【經典札記】 蘭香透遠 撰文/王思熙 《經典》200503月號 80


A passing of quality

From Endless Knots
Juran_bookHeaven must be running very well these days.
For those of us who started reading management books back in the '70s (true), we learned a few names quickly: Deming, Drucker, Juran. All three lived very long lives, Mr. Juran's the longest. He died on Friday at 103, leaving his wife of 81 years, Sadie. Together, these three defined the way we think about organizations, what they do, why they do it, and how they accomplish their goals.
Each time we use the word quality, mention defects, allude to Six Sigma, or most familiarly, talk about the 80/20 rule, we're drawing on Mr. Juran's work. His thinking about cross-functional management has had a big impact on our work. We wrote about these ideas extensively during the '90s.
I wasn't blogging when Peter Drucker died in 2005 (Mr. Deming died just after Tim Berners-Lee gifted the world with the web). Had I been, that would have been a very long post as he was the only one of the three whom I knew. That the last of the three pioneers has died is some kind of marker and perhaps a call to discover the new breakthrough organizational thinkers among us. Some quiet voice inside is whispering that they're not to be found only in the business schools or in the commercial world, perhaps not even writing business books.

Joseph M. Juran 死去(斷續之追念之二)

Joseph M. Juran 死去(斷續之追念之二)

今天的 Joseph Juran, 103, Pioneer in Quality Control, Dies 紐約時報 比較AP的稍微精彩。不過文末引Peter Drucker ,他總是會說些好聽的話。最有趣的是說,Juran生前還在更新他的某本舊著。

Joseph M. Juran曾陸續建構幾張「示意圖」,作為他論點的輔助說明。這一”事業”的「表與裏」以及其「含意」,是相當值得我們討論的。

1981611日,他在「歐洲品質組織 25屆年會」發表的主題演說:『為西方的產品品質把脈、開方』(N. Sasaki D. Hutchins《日本式的品質管理應用在歐美廠商的個案》鍾漢清編譯,台北:新世界出版社,1985,頁161-180),舉出「西方 vs 日本」的品質績效,基本上是大而化之的說法。

年之後,「我在演講開頭,必須先掃除一則關於美國流行的盲目排日之迷信、胡說八道。 ……」("Let me clear up for good one bit of chauvinist nonsense."),參考Made in U. S. A. : A Renaissance in Quality ,Harvard Business Review, July-August, 1993, pp. 42-8,就說得比較具體些:採用Rates of auto quality improvement”

關於 quality trilogy 「示意圖」之發展故事,我改天再詳說。

他這輩子最成功的是開創「撰述」持續改善的機制,譬如說 quality handbook各版約11年更新一次,其間顧問公司和教科書再更新,所以他可以有進步之機會。記得嗎「他們養成一專案接一專案(project by project)的改善習慣」。

我幾天前讀他編的quality handbook quality planning process 一章,注意到其中引Ford公司開發M車系的績效十來要項(類,panels),我們可以比較該書Toyota公司的作法。這是很值得深思的。

印象最深的是當時讀到一則日本名汽車供應商集團的quality circle之故事報導,我特別注意他們在安全方面的發明以及「將物品邊轉動邊檢查,將無用的去除,是非常具有參考價值的事例。

品質管理の改善例発表 苫小牧のQCサークル(03/01 14:05



 過酸化水素を取り扱う新酸素化学は、出荷に使うポリ容器の回収後の処理をコンベヤーを利用して簡素化し、作業時間を三分の一、人員を半分で済むようにし た事例を発表。同支部幹事のトヨタ自動車北海道品質管理部の渡辺裕文担当課長は「モノを動かしながらチェックするなど無駄を取り除いており、非常に参考に なる事例」と講評。 また、西川組は配電盤など高圧設備に近い場所での作業安全性を高めるため、光や音で危険を知らせるセンサー付きバリケードの発明事例を紹介した。(広田孝明)

2008年3月2日 星期日

organization man

"In Britain conservation is largely in the hands of organization men, smooth, cautious, and committee-minded."



以下對 "organization man"的中文注解可能是錯誤的-- 正確的是英文的說明:


《分成兩半的子爵》表露對於冷戰分裂的嫌惡:其他國家的割碎,也牽連國土並未分化的我們;《樹上的男爵》探討了知識份子在理想幻滅的時候,該如何在政治洪流中知所進退;《不存在的騎士》則對「機構人」( 6)提出批判。老實說,雖然在3個故事中,《不存在的騎士》的時空乍看之下和現世的距離最為遙遠,可是我卻認為這個故事也最深切觸及我們當前的處境。


伊塔羅.卡爾維諾Italo Calvino

「機構人」在英譯本中為Organization man,意思應指「處於機構中的人」、「受困於制度的人」。"

organization man

Someone who subordinates his personal goals and wishes to the demands of the corporation or a similar large organization for which he works; a conformist. The term comes from the book The Organization Man, by William H. Whyte. (See also bureaucracy, bureaucrat, and conformity.)

pioneers of quality management

W. Edwards Deming, Expert on Business Management, Dies at 93

W. Edwards Deming, an expert on business management who...made striking advances in quality. Mr. Deming was described by many commentators as...after Gen. Douglas MacArthur. William Edwards Deming was born on Oct. 14, 1900, in Sioux...

December 21, 1993 - - Obituaries - Obituary - 1766 words

Philip Crosby, 75, Developer Of the Zero-Defects Concept

...quality will improve. Mr. Crosby, Armand V. Feigenbaum, W. Edwards Deming and Joseph Juran were often grouped as the nation's...Life'' (1999). Philip Crosby was born in Wheeling, W.Va. He attended what is now Case Western Reserve University...

August 22, 2001 - - Business - Obituary - 550 words

Joseph Juran, pioneer of quality control, dies at age 103
International Herald Tribune - France
AP RYE, New York: Joseph M. Juran, a pioneer of quality management whose "Quality Control Handbook" revolutionized how companies around the world made and ...

Joseph Juran, 103, Pioneer in Quality Control, Dies 紐約時報



日本也有漢字 很有意思

くさわけ 草分け

a pioneer; an early settler; 《創設者》an originator.
~となる pioneer.
草分け時代 the pioneer days.

