60 歲出版 統計學最後的專著 Sample Design in Business Research
這本書十六年之後台大商學系才買 每年約一人借閱
1-10 of 20 pages with references to quality:
1. | on Page 12: |
"... He will of course be concerned about the quality of the questionnaire and of the field-work, and he will help in any way within his power to achieve quality. ..." | |
2. | on Page 20: |
"... plant subjected to the sampling procedure, and contained on the lists that he furnished to me, as a figure whose quality he now knows, through evaluation of both (a) the margin of sampling variation, and (b) any uncertainty that could arise ..." | |
3. | on Page 26: |
"... However, economy by itself, without improved quality of information, is a poor argument for sampling. No self- respecting executive or scientist is interested in trading savings for ..." | |
4. | on Page 27: |
"... The quality of the interviewing, supervision, coding, and other work in a sample-survey CAN be superior to the quality in a complete ..." | |
5. | on Page 29: |
"... precision of the sample is then improved by the small number of units in the frame (p. 387). 6. The quality of a statistical sample is built in. It is not luck. 7. A sample is NOT a last resort, to ..." | |
6. | on Page 31: |
"... sample, because the two types of sample are used for different purposes. Cost has no meaning without a measure of quality, ..." | |
7. | on Page 136: |
"... 136 PART If. REPLICATED SAMPLING DESIGNS We now appreciate our consulting statistician's advice to be sure of the quality of each step before we accept it, and even before we verify it, and to carry out one step at ..." | |
8. | on Page 137: |
"... whole volume as a unit. The proper month will show on the transcription sheet (Step 17). 3. Now test the quality of the preceding step. ..." | |
9. | on Page 140: |
"... 12. Measures have been built into the earlier steps to ensure the necessary quality, and to provide objective measures of the quality, whatever it be. It is nevertheless inevitable that a few mishaps will ..." | |
10. | on Page 150: |
"... Wernicke, Comptroller, and to Harold Gulde, of the Quality Control Department, of the Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Company for the privilege of working on this problem and for permission to use ..." |
11. | on Page 158: |
"... A corps of 20 people regularly engaged in statistical quality control reexamined a total of 440 lots, drawn by random numbers from the main sample of the inventory, both classes. ..." | |
12. | on Page 160: |
"... Similarly for P1 and P2. The standard deviation of the errors in the 440 observations in the quality- audit is thus about $17.39. I shall assume that errors of the kind dealt with here can fall in either ..." | |
13. | on Page 163: |
"... in the complete inventory, but this experience was the usual one in which sampling procedures carefully conducted require and achieve quality of performance not previously achieved. ..." | |
14. | on Page 164: |
"... Now, with sampling, the quality of the job is known. Exercise. An inspector engaged in the audit of the sampling ..." | |
15. | on Page 187: |
"... urban blocks, and that the maps of the rural areas that we may wish to sample may be of varying quality and difficult to find. 5. ..." | |
16. | on Page 215: |
"... Sometimes one can not meet any of the above desired qualities of a combination, and must form some other kind of combination, merely meeting the requirement for the minimum number of ..." | |
17. | on Page 245: |
"... not common to all the interviewers, but specific to him. He may require retraining; or, if his point indicates extra-high quality (like EM's no refusals in Fig. ..." | |
18. | on Page 261: |
"... One circumstance is a quality characteristic in a manufacturing plant where use of the Shewhart charts has brought the process into an excellent "state of ..." | |
19. | on Page 270: |
"... The final estimate of the standard error of a result, made from the sample itself, together with tests of the quality of performance (the audit or control, Chapter 5), provide the stamp of quality, good or bad. ..." | |
20. | on Page 471: |
"... Tippett, The Methods of Statistics (Williams and Norgate, 1931): p. 177; and by Walter A. Shewhart, The Economic Control of Quality of Man factrrred Product (Van Nostrand, 1931): p. 389. ..." |
1. | from Front Matter: |
"... problems here and there disguised to form exercises and examples. W. EDWARDS DEMING Washington July 1960 ..." |
__ #107: Uncertainties in statistical data and their relation to the design and management of statistical surveys and experiments, Proceedings of the International Statistical Institute, Tokyo, June 1960
___ #108: Some stratified sampling plans in replicated designs, Estadistica, 1960
日本科技連 (JUSE) 所寫的品質革命中Deming 博士的貢獻 鍾漢清
...the best way out is always through.
---A Servant to Servants by Robert Lee Frost
寫給成立10周年的網路討論 Deming Electronic Network *DEN) 談
Deming vs. Juran
The Words by JUSE by Hanching Chung
昨天提筆抄錄一大段JUSE 在戴明獎十周年專刊解釋他們如何感謝Deming博士的幫忙。
Some friends of DEN know my position and opinion on the personal impact on the 'Japanese Quality Revolution'. That is, the major and vital contributors are Japanese themselves, not any (native or overseas) quality gurus. Hence the argument of whom was more influential on the Japanese achievement or more popular is not relavant.
I admire Dr. Deming insightful and creative contribution to the theory of management and organizations. Dr. Juran's contribution is also significant.
On the other hand, the history was written and witnessed by JUSE. So I like to share with you their appreciation of Dr. Deming in an important document (note by Hanching : I used JUSE and SQC/QC in my own copy and I used their full names in the following ones) :
'The 10th Anniversary of the Deming Prize : How Have 25 Leading manufacturers Materialized SQC for Better Quality and More Efficient Operation?' May, 1960, presided by Kenichi Koyanagi
'It was in 1948, or three years after the war termination, that the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers started a series of research and investigation on the industrial application of Statistical Quality Control. But our research workers then were few, and they could avail themselves of little information and literature on the subject. Not until Dr. W. Edwards Deming gave his compact, practical Quality Control lectures in this country in August, 1950, under the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers sponsorship did our industrial application of Statistical Quality Control method start steady progress. It is his educational activities at that time and his advices and suggestion in the following years that have given us the guiding torchlight and invincible determination with which we have been well able to use QC methods wider and wider in industry, the Deming Prize was found, and it was award for the first time in 1951…