「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

1970年8月7日 星期五



on Page 193:
"... Edwards Deming, Some Theory of Sampling (Wiley 1950): p. 238. t The theory for the optimum number of segments in a sampling unit, and for the optimum number ..."
3. on Page 456:
"... Edwards Deming, Some Theory ofSamplin, (Wiley, 1950): p. 421. t See the reference to Morton S. Raff on page 407; see also Churchill Eisenhart, "Inverse sine transformations ..."


日本之講義共有234頁(86頁英文,148頁日譯),名為《戴明博士統計品管教材,1950版,初版2000本,再刷2000本,而三刷為1700本。正名:Elementary Principles of the Statistical Control of Quality, by W. Edwards Deming:Nippon Kagaku Gijutsu Renmei, Tokyo, 1950, 1952; in English. Out of print. 此書新版之中譯和發揮,詳劉振譯的『品管九講』正文等。

1950年戴明博士在日本的箱根為高階主管演講稿(英譯本:Dr. Deming's 1950 Lecture to Japanese Top Management)。Deming自言,森口 繁一(Shigeiti MORIGUTI1955 Deming賞,200210月逝去) 說,自此之後 8成日本總資本之公司之高階主管參與過高階品質管理講座。

Teacher and consultant to Japanese industry, through the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers 1950, 1951, 1952, 1955, 1960, 1965

Image:W. Edwards Deming in Tokyo .jpg
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W._Edwards_Deming_in_Tokyo_.jpg‎ (277 × 207 pixels, file size: 42 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg)

#70 On an important limitation to the use of data from samples
by Morris H. Hansen and W. Edwards Deming, Bulletin de l'institut international de statistique, Bern 1950: pp.214-219

1. on Page 51:
"... The operational definition given here for the error of sampling was described first by Morris H. Hansen and W. Edwards Deming, "On an important limitation to the use of data from samples," Bull. Inst. Int. Statist. Bern 1950, vol. xxxii, part 2: pp. 214-219. ..."

○ Peter Drucker 在The Harper’s 發表「退休金的幻象」(for Harper’s entitled “The Mirage of Pensions.”)

10月 japan bureau of census


