「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2013年10月16日 星期三

華人戴明學院精選“Experience by itself teaches nothing; it must be coupled with theory, with profound knowledge.”

“Experience by itself teaches nothing; it must be coupled with theory, with profound knowledge.” — W. Edwards Deming

Zettel may be
  • a German term for "piece of paper" and hence "(written) collection of maxims", "concise remarks", sometimes translated as epitome
Zettel, collection of Wittgenstein's thoughts in fragmentary/"diary entry" format as with On Certainty and Culture and Value.
維根斯坦,Zettel, 456-7

456「一些哲學家(或你要叫他們什麼)為或可稱之為「失去問題」(Problemverlust, loss of problem) 所苦。對他們而言,凡事看來都十分簡單,再也不存在深沈的問題了,這個世界變得廣平而無深度,作品變得極其膚淺和瑣碎。羅素和H. G. Wells就有這毛病。

457... quia plus loquitur inquisitio quam inventio... (Augustinus) (…….因為尋覓遠比發現的更豐富……..(. . . because the search says more than the discovery ...)

