〔Hermann Hesse〕人的生命和詩人的作品從成千上萬條根中生長出來,只要生命沒有終結,它就在接受成千上萬條新的關係和連繫。假如把人的一生從開始到終結,連同那全部錯節的盤刯都記錄下來,也許會產生一部史詩,像整整一部世界歷史鈉那樣豐富。......晚年和最後歲月那個無窮無盡的關係網仍在一天天變大,變得更加多彩多姿,只要記憶還清醒,那全部稍縱即逝的事物和所有的經歷都一點也不會消失。
序言 (David Kerridge)
編譯序 (鍾漢清)
第一篇☆☆《戴明統計品管九講》 6
☆編輯說明 (鍾漢清)
☆第一講 統計的品質管制在工業上的利益
☆第二講 統計知識對工程及其他基本知識之關係...
☆第三講 變異性的特殊原因和共同原因...
☆第四講 尋找特殊原因而發生的兩種錯誤
☆第五講 有關管制圖的幾個基本觀念...
☆第六講 判斷管制是否存在的管制圖法
☆第七講 用實驗室方法做的幾個實驗
☆第八講 生產期間管製品質的管制圖法
☆第九講 驗收抽樣
☆☆戴明︰Walter A. Shewhart 百年誕辰紀念文...
☆☆品質標準的性質與起源 (W. A. Shewhart)...
. ☆OUT OF THE CRISIS 第二章經營十四責任
☆戴明︰統計推論的界限 (含《實驗改善手冊》序)..
☆☆ 尾聲與前瞻...
Ed Deming wants big changes, and he wants them fast.
August 1, 1990... He has always looked younger than he is, but even with that he is clearly old. He moves slowly through the hotel lobby, preceded by his ample stomach, leaning forward slightly and looking straight ahead through his glasses. From a distance, he...
Smithsonian 月刊1990年8月號
戴明博士文選 : 統計品管到淵博知識 / 戴明原
著 ; 鍾漢清, 劉振翻譯. -- 初版. -- 臺北
市 : 華人戴明學院, 民98
面 ; 公分
ISBN 978-957-28176-6-7(平裝)
David Kerridge
W Edwards Deming is best known for his writings on management. But in the course of a long and active career he contributed to physics and statistics, as well as management.
This combination of research fields is strikingly similar to that of Walter A Shewhart, who inspired so many of Dr DemingÕs advances. And the influence of modern physics can be seen in the work of both.
These great men studied physics at a time of change. The new physics did not just bring the discoveries of Relativity and Quantum Theory, it brought about a fundamentally new way of thinking. To achieve the accuracy needed for the new physics, ideas had to be expressed in a way that could be checked, instead of assuming that their meaning was obvious.
They used this exact way of thinking in all the work they did. What is surprising is that they saw that the advantages were even greater in applied science than in pure science.
For example, what do we mean by saying that a scientific theory is true? Many ideas once treated as certainty have been disproved. Nobody knows what will be discovered in the future. All we can say is that the latest theories make better predictions than the old ones. But these in turn may be replaced by others, better still.
This came as a shock to pure scientists who had, until the 20th century, believed in the absolute certainty of scientific truth. But Dr Shewhart and Dr Deming saw that this dynamic model of discovery was just what was needed in applied science - and from this realisation they developed the PDSA cycle of never-ending improvement.
Take another example. The new physics requires us to define every scientific concept in terms of actions (operational definition). There is no one right way to do it: new methods of measurement are always being discovered, and they give different answers. But we must know which method was used, if we are to compare results.
In pure science, there is only one purpose, the advancement of knowledge. So we choose the method that theory suggests is more accurate, in some sense. But in applied science, we usually collect data for a particular reason - to take action of some kind. So the action concept can be applied to the complete system, of data collection and interpretation. We choose the operational definition of a measurement that is most relevant to the actions we will take. Hence we see "On Probability as a Basis for Action".
There are other examples, but these illustrate a general principle. The statistical methods of Dr Shewhart and Dr Deming often seem strange to those who only know the methods usually taught. But when we see a difference, we should look for the underlying reason, which is the strict application of the scientific principles which arose from the new physics.
These papers deserve the most careful and detailed study.
高康大應是十五、六世紀拉伯雷(F. Rabelais)《巨人傳》(Gargantua et Dantagruel)的主角,我十年前還提過:
這本書告訴你如何學習、鍛鍊出新領導者本事,它也是戴明哲學應用於現場領導改善、培訓大全。本書為作者休提士(Peter R.
Scholtes)先生數十餘年經歷及用心的結晶。這本闡揚戴明領導哲學的名作《戴明領導手冊》(The Leader Handbook),應在人間多點知音。這是譯者心意。我要轉引十五、六世紀拉伯雷(F. Rabelais)《巨人傳》(Gargantua et Dantagruel)書後的吉特先生話:「他為我們寫下了這本書。它給讀者以生命,它也使作者精神永垂不朽。」我以為作者會以本書傳世。英國大文評家 John
Ruskin說得好:「愛心得匠意,則傑作在望(When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece)。」
這回重讀前十餘章,逸趣也趣橫生。雖然沒找到出處,不過在網路上可找到1537年的(再加上B. Raffel的英文翻譯本)封面都可以找到這種滿嘴卷鬚之圖示,就暫時交差。
━━ n. ガルガンチュア ((フランスの作家Rabelaisの『ガルガンチュアとパンタグリュエル物語』の主人公の巨人)).
Gar・gan・tu・an ━━ a. ガルガンチュアの(ような); (またg-) 巨大な.
David Kerridge
這些研究領域與沃爾特 休哈特(Walter Shewhart)的極為相似,