「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2019年5月3日 星期五

《轉型:統計品管、可靠性與轉型的新經濟學》The Trilogy of the New Economics of Dr. Deming


239 簡介孫康宜的文集與《走出白色恐怖》/康正果:“出中國記” 2018-8-6 漢清講堂

轉型: 2009年戴明博士紀念研習會
The Trilogy of the New Economics of Dr. Deming


☆☆版權頁☆ ..........................................i
☆序 (Jean-Marie Gogue): .........................v
☆☆ 第一部 導論.....................................13
☆叢書「新經濟學:產官學醫農 一體適用」發刊詞.....27
☆ 引言..........................................97
☆☆ ............................................105
☆ 引言.........................................201
☆ 戴明:超級顧問(兼談Cuthbert Daniel 等人)....209
☆ 產官學研都需要顧問:顧問(或最高主管)之需求與其重
☆ 現在的顧問業.................................222
☆ 專業倫理、美國汽車產業的「品質倫理」.........230
☆ 顧問業的技術與方法...........................238

☆買賣、賣買;SIPOC、COPIS ......................294



統計製程品管 (SPC) ( 官生平) 310
可靠性設計DFR (Design For Reliability) (簡英哲)356
失效模式(FMEA)在緊固件熱處理製程上之應用 (郭展銓)357

憶台灣戴明圈2008 年東海戴明學者講座三兩事 (熊維強)......

轉型 紀念戴明博士. 2009年 : 統計品管可靠性
與轉型的新經濟學 / 鍾漢清等原著. -- 初版
. -- 臺北市 : 華人戴明學院, 民98
面 ; 公分

ISBN 978-957-28176-5-0(平裝)

台中精機(英語:Victor Taichung Machinery Works Co., LTD.)是台灣一間以工作母機為業務核心的機械公司。[3]民國43年(1954年)成立以來,總部設立於臺中市西屯區臺灣大道上,早期以生產傳統工作母機牛頭刨床與皮帶式車床為主,後來研究發展電腦車床、加工中心機及塑膠射出成型機等產品。

#企業突圍 #傳承接班🔥全球經濟局勢動盪,新科技浪潮來襲,走過高速發展年代的台灣企業,該如何打破僵局、逆勢突圍?《天下》長期關注全球產業動態,陪伴台灣企業成長 >> http://bit.ly/2FWRFdc

第三講 專業顧問

Wikipedia Looks Hard at Its Culture
At an awkward moment, Wikipedia has hired consultants to tell it how to diversify its contributors and its offerings.

右圖為 "品質洞識力" (QUALITYSENSE)使用來說明公司重要的諸職能.

Han-Ching Chung

The Trilogy of the Dr. Deming’s New Economics

Foreword by Jean-Marie Gogue

In history there are some big changes having their roots in obscure events whose actors don’t realize the importance immediately. In June 1950, Dr. W. Edwards Deming, a consultant in Statistical Studies, gave a series of lectures in Japan. He had been invited by a small group of statisticians in order to teach senior and top managers new methods to improve quality and productivity. They had been invented by Dr. Shewhart, and successfully tested at the Bell Telephone Laboratories. Dr. Deming had never worked before in a manufacturing company. He was a member of the Bureau of the Census. Thanks to this journey, he met the highest leaders in the Japanese industry and make them understand the importance of Shewhart’s methods. The Japanese firms applied them immediately.

Thirty years later, most American firms still ignored Shewhart’s methods and Dr. Deming, who had retired, was taking care of his garden. Japanese products were flooding on America so many that the sales of automotive and electronic companies decreased dangerously. Then, two journalists from Washington made a survey in Tokyo, and discovered that the Japanese success was mainly due to lectures made by an American who was considered by Japanese as a heroe. They made a TV report « If Japan can, why can’t we ? » broadcasted by NBC in Summer 1980, with a huge audience. A lot of people were amazed. The swells of American top management begged Dr. Deming to visit their companies and teach these new methods. This was the beginning of a continuous series of four day seminars, for thirteen years, whose total attendance was about 100,000 people.

Some consultants keep telling that the Deming philosophy has been well adopted by management, but that nowadays we should receive more modern messages. But when we read the Deming’s fourteen points for management, we must admit that his influence on the current management practices is still very shallow. This book has the merit of placing Dr. Deming and his message under the limelights again, while too many people tend to put him in the Pantheon of Science.

August 18th, 2009


