── 2008年東海戴明學者講座
A Taiwanese Deming Circle (1964-2008)
開場白:故事、寓言(鍾漢清) 11
台灣戴明圈的故事(鍾漢清) 15
簡介戴明、威廉‧謝爾肯巴赫先生(鍾漢清) 23
導言:戴明到日本(鍾漢清) 35
戴明與台灣(簡記)(鍾漢清) 45
《1950 年戴明博士對日本高階經營者演講》 53
品管九講 譯者序言(劉振) 64
品管九講 品質管制與企業發展(小柳賢一) 67
日本品質管制之回顧(戴明) 74
日本的成就(戴明) 80
導言 (鍾漢清) 91
《戴明博士四日談》中文版導言(鍾漢清增修) 102
一首值得傳唱的史詩:《轉危為安》(鍾漢清) 109
運用戴明循環(鍾漢清) 118
鳥瞰 Lean/Six Sigma 運動 (1979-2008) (鍾漢清) 128
簡談實驗設計(鍾漢清) 153
由戴明理念談實驗設計之應用(蔡坤祥) 158
西式管理風格必須改弦更張(戴明) 163
戴明博士到 HP,團隊合作(鍾漢清) 172
2008 年東海戴明學者講座 185
主講人:威廉‧謝爾肯巴赫先生簡介 188
講座之一 193
講座之二 227
講座之三 252
尾聲 Epilog 2008 年戴明淵博知識系統之旅 275
第四部 東海…人物
播種季 286
東海大學和 英國 Essex 大學的點滴 288
從東海第七宿舍讀司馬賀先生談 30 年的緣份 294
慶祝東海 IE 創立四十年 鍾漢清 297
前進英國省錢大作戰 - Less $ can be more 300
引言:從漢寶德老師談其他老師 305
陳其寬老師 310
高禩瑾院長 314
劉振老師 322
劉振老師紀念獎 Liu Cheng Award 328
紀念 吳玉印(Yuin Wu)老師 330
王錦堂老師 334
張忠樸先生 338
附錄(二) 從統計制程管制到實驗設計(蔡坤祥 投影片) 339
Ying-Feng Hsu(徐英風) 2002
"......透過戴明PDCA循環的管理模式,首先定義缺點及判定標準,進而進行對現狀數據之蒐集及對重點異常原因以腦力激盪進行特性要因分析,針對所有可能 的原因以田口實驗方法找出最佳製程條件。將最佳製程條件透過標準化作業、人員訓練、測試及人員資格驗證等方法確認最佳製程條件得以被改善執行,改善後重新 蒐集數據並進行分析,確認改善前、後良率之比較與差異檢定,其間透過組織內部網路系統進行每日良率通報、品質異常通報、客戶抱怨通報及品質看板公告,加速 組織內品質資訊的流通讓組織內每位員工時時都感受到品質持續不斷改善的壓力,以達成品質良率提昇之目的。......."
......劉 振(1980),《品質管制實用的管制方法》,中興管理顧問股份有限公司。
鐘漢清(1996),戴明修練,謝爾肯巴赫(William W. Scerkenbach) 著,鍾漢清譯。.......
Have You Grown Your Profit Margin and Are You Having Fun?
Big Sky Business Journal - Billings,MT,USA
Growing profit should not be random but achieved by using the scientific method set out by Dr. W. Edwards Deming in the continuous Plan-Do-Study-Act loop. ...
《第四代管理 》說 PDCA等,精彩
戴明的 《新經濟學》 說明 PDSA
ZDNet Japan
開催場所: 大阪府
開催日: 2008年12月11日~12月12日
申込締切日: 2008年12月4日
Dr. Deming used to tell this story about teaching.
Dear Lisa,
該來的翻譯 總是跑不掉
我與Bill討論過 為了防止他的故事以"漏斗實驗規則四"Chinese whispers方式散播
以下為正宗版本 請協助翻譯
A medical professor at Columbia University gave a lecture and during the lecture he mentioned a practice by Chinese physicians to prepare the mouth for oral surgery. They would put a little mouse in the mouth that would eat away the dead gum material cleaner than any other preparation known in Western medicine. He went on to describe in great detail this procedure.
At the end of the term, he had a question on the final exam that asked to describe the procedure and its efficacy.
Every student but one answered giving a detailed description of the procedure.
One student wrote on the exam that he had searched the literature, journals, asked physicians, etc. and could find no reference to this procedure. He said that the professor must be tricking the class. This student got an A.
The rest, who fed the same marbles back to the professor that he gave them, got an F.
Dear Lisa,
該來的翻譯 總是跑不掉
我與Bill討論過 為了防止他的故事以"漏斗實驗規則四"Chinese whispers方式散播
以下為正宗版本 請協助翻譯
A medical professor at Columbia University gave a lecture and during the lecture he mentioned a practice by Chinese physicians to prepare the mouth for oral surgery. They would put a little mouse in the mouth that would eat away the dead gum material cleaner than any other preparation known in Western medicine. He went on to describe in great detail this procedure.
At the end of the term, he had a question on the final exam that asked to describe the procedure and its efficacy.
Every student but one answered giving a detailed description of the procedure.
One student wrote on the exam that he had searched the literature, journals, asked physicians, etc. and could find no reference to this procedure. He said that the professor must be tricking the class. This student got an A.
The rest, who fed the same marbles back to the professor that he gave them, got an F.
劉兄拜讀大作最大的驚訝就是key words
integrated vs 磨合
鍾 漢清
Hanching Chung (or HC/ hc)
漢清兄您的意見直指核心。我與Dr Brookfield討論過,當時未找到好的英文。從我們討論的組織間互動內涵觀之1.日文的「擦り合わせ」最貼切2.台語的「搓(喬)乎好勢」也恰當3.「磨合」接近4. integrated 是勉強使用歡迎提共卓見。仁傑
『台灣戴明圈:2008年東海戴明學者講座』p.122 羅益強總裁之說法
Transparency: How Leaders Create a Culture of Candor (Jossey-Bass, 2008) Peanut Butter on the Chin by James O’TooleMotorola
摩托羅拉公司(Motorola Inc.)手機部門新主管正迅速採取措施﹐重整陷入困境的這一部門﹐簡化生產流程並進一步裁減職位。
據知情人士透露﹐今年8月出任摩托羅拉公司聯席首席執行長的桑賈伊•傑哈(Sanjay Jha)已決定﹐摩托羅拉諸多新手機將主要採用谷歌(Google Inc.)的Android軟件作為操作系統。
摩托羅拉從高通公司(Qualcomm Inc.)請來了傑哈﹐這位印度出生的管理人士幫助高通公司組建了晶片業務﹐為高通公司貢獻了大部分銷售額。他肩負著帶領摩托羅拉手機部門重現盈利的重任 ﹐上個季度摩托羅拉銷售了2,810萬部手機﹐但平均每部手機卻虧損了12美元。
據知情人士透露﹐預計摩托羅拉明年之前都不會推出基於 Android系統的手機。實際上﹐摩托羅拉轉用Android作為主平台意味著公司將要努力追趕宏達國際電子股份有限公司(HTC Corp.)等製造商﹐後者生產的G1手機本月已經由T-Mobile USA主推上市。
Sara Silver
Motorola 'to use Google platform' for showcase phones
Motorola said it plans to cut 3,000 more jobs and delay its planned breakup, as the company copes with mounting losses in its handset business.*****
…He sat up. His armpit to his chest was covered with fresh blood….
Then with his left hand he grabbed the gray burlap bag of acacia seeds, and, untying it with his teeth, scattered the seeds one handful after another all around, and two handful by the corpse. A dozen of them landed on his face and chest.
When the rain comes, some seeds will sprout.
When spring comes, there will be a grove of acacia here.
When my breathing stops, I’ll return to the Earth. My body and the Earth will become one, and I’ll return to the human realm again with the spring saplings….
Journey to the Taimu Mountain by Lee Chiao, translated by Bert Scruggs, in Taiwan Literature English Translation Series, Number 23, July, 2008, p.107
(《台灣文學 英譯叢刊 23號》,2008年七月,頁67-108)
雲煙過眼,不過一時而已。 正如蘇東坡詩云:「事如春夢了無痕」
「蘇東坡」(蘇軾一○三七~一一○一年)一條云:「東坡寓吾惠最久。」 ...... 第考軾《寶繪堂記》,實作「煙雲之過眼」。舊本刊作「雲煙」,殆誤倒其文。王诜(1036—1093后,一作1048—1104后)[北宋]字晋卿,太原(今属山西)人,居开封(今属河南)。出身贵族,娶英宗赵曙之女蜀国公主为妻,官附马都尉及定州观察使、利州防御使。家筑“宝绘堂”,藏历代法书名画日夕观摩,精于鉴赏,苏轼为之记
雲煙過眼錄 是周密的著作
現在的HP公司比上書幾乎是天壤之差 他們企業併吞有道
H-P Skirts Slump in PC Demand
Hewlett-Packard posted better-than-expected earnings, aided by cost cuts, and forecast improved profit. Revenue rose 19%.
***10月16日時梁 永安 先生"啟蒙運動 下" 還沒出版
Hume的"jealousy of trade"
甚至於我們可以說 Deming等人在從事的是產官學的起而行動之"啟蒙"
lean/cell manufacturing
"...並未發現新力的單元生產方式比不上佳能的事實。例如,表示節省人力效果的“活動人數”、以及表示節省空間效果的“活動空間”等數字,兩家公司幾乎一樣,而 廢棄的輸送帶總長度方面,反倒是新力更佔上風。的確,佳能用比新力更短的時間達到了這一水準,但在累計方面新力並不遜色。更何況,筆者不認為僅憑單元生產 方式的浸透程度就能比較製造能力。 ..."
career room in 4th floor of 2nd Administrative Building,
招牌竟然是(職涯的) "精實之旅" (Journey to Lean)
p.161 關於judgement sample 的說法是錯誤的
HC emailed to Prof. Kerridge, 2006
Dear David,
I found out that "probability-sample and judgement samples" were coined by WED. In a note in his Some Theory of Sampling reads as follows,
These terms and definitions were first put forward by the author in an article "Some criteria for judging the quality of survey," J. of Marketing, vol. xii, 1947....(p.9)
----Answer from David
Dear Hanching and Jean-Marie
I found out that "probability-sample and judgment samples" were coined
by WED.
Thanks for that reference. Judgement samples had been used before - asby WED.
WED points out in "probability as a guide for action" all drug-testing
is done on judgement samples. But from the reference you give it shows
that Deming was the first to make the distinction clear.
In a way, this is related to Shewhart's distinction between pure and
applied science. In the early days of statistical theory, applied
science was regarded as inferior. R A Fisher, for example, treated pure
science as the only real science, which is absurd when you consider his
contributions to Agriculture. But this was the academic snobbery of the
time - which is still powerful.
In pure science all samples are judgment samples, because you can
never enumerate the problems that will be met in the future. R A Fisher
was aware of this, and always spoke of sampling from a "Hypothetical
infinite population". This is clearly not dealing with an actual, known
population, as in all enumerative studies.
Best wishes
Simurgh 才對 p.21
The plot of this allegory made up of some 4, Soo couplets, is striking.
The distant king of birds, the Simurgh, drops one of his splendid feathers somewhere in the middle of China; on learning of this, the other birds, tired of their present anarchy, decide to seek him. They know that the king's name means "thirty birds" they know that his castle lies in the Kaf, the mountain or range of mountains that ring the earth. At the outset, some of the birds lose heart: the nightingale pleads his, love for the rose; the parrot pleads his beauty, for which he lives caged; the partridge cannot do without his home in the hills, nor the heron without his marsh, nor the owl without his ruins. But finally, certain of them set out on the perilous venture; they cross seven valleys or seas, the next to last bearing the name Bewilderment, the last the name Annihilation. Many of the pilgrims desert; the journey takes its toll among the rest. Thirty, made pure by their sufferings, reach the great peak of the Simurgh. At last they behold him; they realize that they are the 5imurgh, and that the Simurgh is each of them and all of them.
Edward FitzGerald translated portions of the poem under the playful title The Bird-parliament; A bird's-eye view of Farid-Uddin Attar's Bird parliament.
被矮化降級? 台灣飛利浦CEO改稱總經理
台灣飛利浦總裁莊鈞源將於明年一月底退休,由現任台灣照明事業部總經理柏健生接任台灣總經理一職,值得注意的是,台灣飛利浦在台四十二年,歷任台灣最高主 管中文職稱向來是總裁,英文職稱為CEO(Chief Executive Officer),未來最高主管職稱卻改為總經理(Country Manager),矮了一截;反觀飛利浦目前在中國、印度、馬來西亞,甚至連菲律賓、巴基斯坦的最高主管職稱皆為CEO。
有關職稱的改變近來在台灣飛利浦內部引發員工高度討論,台灣飛利浦退休資深員工大嘆,在大中華區崛起的壓力下,台灣地位分明遭到矮化。飛利浦在台四十二 年,為荷蘭總部創造驚人產值,員工人數最高峰逾一.二萬人,隨著公司轉型,將台灣飛利浦建元電子獨立為恩智浦半導體、被動元件部門賣給國巨、行動顯示系統 事業部賣給統寶、顯示器部門賣給冠捷,退出傳統電子製造領域,聚焦在醫療保健、照明、優質生活三大核心事業上,轉攻台灣內需市場。在台員工銳減至四百人, 現在最高主管位階還被矮化,連菲律賓、巴基斯坦這兩個貢獻度不如台灣的國家最高主管都還叫CEO,看在飛利浦台灣員工眼中,真是「情何以堪」。
一九六六年,飛利浦踏上南台灣土地,在高雄楠梓加工出口區設廠,當時有所謂「北TI(德州儀器)、南PHILIPS(飛利浦)」的說法。飛利浦高雄建元廠 每年營收在飛利浦全球各個封測廠中居冠,台灣封測、晶圓代工業人才幾乎全出自飛利浦與德州儀器兩大外商體系,成為台灣封測界重要搖籃,在台灣半導體上中下 游供應鏈隨處可見飛利浦的身影。
但在全球大環境變遷下,飛利浦受到美國、日本、台灣資訊業猛力夾擊,一九九○年初期出現嚴重赤字,這家來自歐洲百年老企業進行大規模轉型與重組,專注在健 康舒適與優質生活(Health&Wellbeing)領域,過去兩年更花費逾一百億歐元併購燈具、醫療等公司,獲利逐年成長,重新擦亮這塊百年招牌。
Grave Forecast
Founded in 1937, Toyota has reported an operating profit every year since 1939. For the current fiscal year, it expects net income of 50 billion yen, helped by interest income and dividends from affiliates. That's less than a tenth of its previous forecast of a 550 billion yen profit, and a fraction of the 1.72 trillion yen it posted in the year-earlier period.Justing "接觸到豐田,結果知道他們~ZD AND JUST IN TIME都是無法做到,是他們日本廠商親口講的,在策略經營與民族性管理手法為贏吧."
wsj 年底請美國教授等選出"在逆境中 表現不錯的經營者
Stanford's Mr. Pfeffer nominated Toyota's leader, without knowing his name. That's a good thing, Mr. Pfeffer says: "Sometimes you want leaders whose names you don't know," because they're not famous for the wrong reasons. Mr. Watanabe is Toyota's president; it doesn't have a CEO. While some U.S. auto makers struggled to survive, Toyota continued to post a profit, albeit smaller than a year ago. What's more, Mr. Pfeffer says Toyota executives are "trying to maintain their commitment to their workers and they continue to introduce innovative products."