「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2011年3月17日 星期四

戴明愛智合作社連絡簿( 59):友情

戴明愛智合作社連絡簿( 59):友情

2006/3/13DAVE HSU來訪。談些家常:他住在陽光山林 20 年前去過一次,現在據云綠數成蔭。

David 跟我談些他們的改善經驗。


我說,產業之有心人應有三書:專業的(譬如說他對 design性能)、一般管理心得、自傳(回憶錄)


《艾略特文學論文文集》「譯者前言」中,「十七世紀玄學派詩人稱為機智( wit)的統一體:巧妙的將思想、情感和感覺三個因素結合成一體」之說法,正是『戴明修煉 II』的主旨。


Dear Tony, 你選的『西遊記 三圖:大鬧龍宮、大鬧天宮、取回真經』請參考,如果有問題請通知 .



英國 The Observer 周日 Sunday March 12, 2006 Simon Caulkin 專欄談企業界經常被管理潮流 `之空話 迷思所惑 Bosses in love with claptrap and blinded by ideologies

他引 Deming 說如果太刻板重視目標之追求,常常會不惜一切但求達標、犧牲一切

Incentives do incentivise - but be careful what you wish for. As W Edwards Deming said, people with sharp enough targets will probably meet them even if they have to destroy the company to do so. And what about change or die?The trouble, they say, is that companies are so bad at it that 'empirically it is change and die'.

foolish, meaningless talk which should not be believed:
Don't believe a word of what he says. It's just a load of claptrap.


陳寬仁老師今天來我處閒聊數小時。我們覺得王大哥的退休紀念會( CSQ)勢在必行。所以請你選一時間(因為七月你可能赴美)。其他由我與林公負責。

現在最優先的是王老師要說 YES,然後發動,請考慮一下。



下周三晚 CSQ討論中原授 Kano 先生榮譽博士之先前作業。


寄英文「製造的近視」(仿 T. Levit 之「行銷的近視」)給 Kevin Justing Kevin HBR 之訪問稿。


狄更斯『德魯德疑案』( The Mystery of Edwin Drood (unfinished) (1870) ,項星耀譯)首章注解:狄更斯在這章的寫作要點曾寫道:「接觸到主旨:『惡人若回頭 …..』」

聖公會早晚禱都用此開頭:「 ……惡人若回頭離開所行的惡、行正直與合理的事、他的靈魂即可得救。」

(這可能就是 W. E. Deming 每天之禱詞)

西 Ezekiel

18:27 [hb5] 再者、惡人若回頭離開所行的惡、行正直與合理的事、他必將性命救活了.

[lb5] 再者,惡人若回轉離開他所行的惡,而行公平正義的事,他就會將性命救活。

[nb5] 還有,惡人若回轉離開他所行的惡,行正直公義的事,他就可以使自己的性命存活。

[asv] Again, when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive.

[kjv] Again, when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive.

[bbe] Again, when the evil-doer, turning away from the evil he has done, does what is ordered and right, he will have life for his soul.

