How many slams in an old screen foor?
Depends how loud you shut it.
How many slices in a bread?
Depends how thin you cut it.
How much good inside a day?
Depends how much you give 'em.
我現在因為desk top 沒與互聯網接通 所以打字都簡單說說
我在準備九月要出的書 --配合十月的Deming紀念研討會 截稿日7月底
原先我希望它是"季刊" 不過每季出350頁的書 似乎自不量力
刊名取 Deming的書名
不過 "稿費"只是折算成當期書 (每本 500元)贈送
2009 秋 季起 發行 新經濟: 產官學醫農一體適用轉型--淵博知識
我最近與他們談 Herbert Simon的經濟方法論
David Kerridge 贈一文
10 月 (2009) 的慶祝活動
2009/4/27 Justing <>
我坐高鐵回台南, 已經12:10.
A Light in the Attic
There's a light on in the attic.Though the house is dark and shuttered,
I can see a flickin' flutter,
And I know what it's about.
Ther's a light on in the attic.
I can see it from the outside,
And I know you're on the inside...looking out.
Last night while I lay thinking here
Some Whatifs crawled inside my ear
And pranced and partied all night long
And sang their same old Whatif song:Whatif I flunk that test?
Whatif green hair grows on my chest?
Whatif nobody likes me?
Whatif a bolt of lightning strikes me?...
Here in the attic of Shel Silverstein you will find Backward Bill, Sour Face Ann, the Meehoo with an Exactlywatt, and the Polar Bear in the Frigidaire. You will talk with Broiled Face, and find out what happens when Somebody steals your knees, you get caught by the Quick-Digesting Gink, a Mountain snores, and They Put a Brassiere on the Camel.
From the creator of the beloved poetry collections Where the Sidewalk Ends and Falling Up, here is another wondrous book of poems and drawings.
新經濟: 產官學醫農一體適用
坐在車上 我訂下一點計畫
2010春季起 發行季刊 轉型--淵博知識
(以雜誌-書籍 綜合之方式出版)
Clay Christensen on Disrupting Health Care
![]() | ![]() | 全球金融危机让人们不再相信银行, |
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由於它已設定yahoo網 所以我蒐得
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Fondée en 1984 par le Dr. Han-Ching Chung, cette association organise chaque année un séminaire à l'université Tunghai. En 2008, l'invité était le Dr. William Scherkenbach.
我在 Simon的blog寫這是我第二次被稱為 Dr.ㄐ的 第一次是其大學CMU治喪委員會邀請我們這些有連絡的舊識參加******
Dear H.C We met the other day, you proposed to publish a quarterly magazine with the title The New Economics Quarterly. I admire your courge to do this thing. But when went home, I begin to wandering the meaning of New Economics. Please explain it to me, I will be very much appreciated. By the way, Please ask Bill what is the meaning of new economics and why Deming named his book New Economics. Thanks a lot. Tai
*****Dear Prof. Tai,
This is a great question. I believe the title can get thousand guesses.
My guess is it is in the spirit od Shewhart's first book with much more extensive scope.
The subtitle is also very interesting that a lot of "wastes" or "variations" are in the current systems in industry, government and education...
主要作者 Mayo, Elton, 1880-1949 書名/作者 The social problems of an industrial civilization : with an appendix on the political problem / by Elton Mayo ; foreword by J. H. Smith出版項 London : Routledge, 1998
We have an economics that postulates a disorganized rabble of individuals, competing for scarce goods; and a politics that postulates a "community of individuals" ruled by a Sovereign State. Both these theories foreclose on and discourage an investigation of the facts of social organizations.
The New Economics according to W. Edwards Deming
At the dawn of mankind, the first Economics consisted in swapping goods. The trade pattern was : Goods - Goods (GG).
Then Money was invented. The trade pattern became : Goods - Money - Goods (GMG).
Then banking was invented. Clever people started making Money with Goods. Their trade pattern was (and still is) : Money - Goods - Money (MGM).
Today, Economics works under a mix of both patterns, GMG and MGM. But as a matter of fact, MGM largely prevails over GMG, especially since the last 20 years. This is the basic cause of the crisis.
The Deming’s philosophy about New Economics is a drastic values reversal. He claims that GMG must prevail over MGM.
The first consequence is that Quality must prevail over Quantity. This is the basic Deming’s principle. The people who don’t accept or don’t understand it are people whose aim is making money by using goods - real or virtual goods - as a mean, instead of making goods by using money as a mean.
Jean-Marie Gogue
April 8, 2009
Never discussed it with him. To me the logicical follow-up from Out of the Crisis. He was trying to pique the interest of managers whose first question was “What crisis?”. He then got the chance to tell them about the crisis that they didn’t even see. This was a theme of his throughout his practice. He reveled in seeing problems that management could not see. This led him to “Profound Knowledge” and Transformation of management.
Professor David Edgerton
]David Edgerton also shows how British intellectuals came to think of the state .... ‘Science and Technology: David Edgerton interviewed by Anthony Seldon’, ..***
Dear friends,
Last week I read Taming of the chance.
It is interesting to note the main fuction of statistics in 19 century is try to "enhance" the welfare of the people of the states.
The taming of chance by Ian Hacking
The taming of chance
作者:Ian Hacking*****英文 David Kerridge 教授的解釋
Dear Deming fellow-students
>Bill reminded me Dr. Deming wrote a chapter named Sample as a basis for
>action. (*Some theory of sampling*). I don't have the book on hand. It
>be interesting to compare it with his 1975 paper.
following up a different line of thought.
It seems to me that Dr Deming's general theory is a generalisation of
that of Adam Smith. Although most people think of Adam Smith as the
apostle of the free market, he argues the case for this because of the
overwhelming wealth-creating effects of the division of labour -
something we now take for granted.
But the division of labour is one important but limited method for
coping with variation of tasks, skills, and people. It is easy to see
how a thorough study of variation and uncertainty carries on where Adam
Smith left off.
Dr Deming was, no doubt for the same reasons, an advocate of the free
market, and minimum government interference.
It will take me time to write this down properly, but fortunately my
daughter Sarah studied economics, and seems to know Adam Smith by heart.
The whole text of "The Wealth of Nations" is available on the internet.
It only takes a week or so to read.
Best wishes