「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2007年10月14日 星期日

2007年 華人Deming 學院年會

Kevin Lin 周六從台中來 鼓勵 買"戴明領導手冊"多本
Justing Kuo 周日從台中來 送好茶 (Kevin說 它的可運作定義是什麼)
徐歷昌先生從楊梅來 請我們客家料理
熊先生(Peter)的午餐 客家菜 鈦金屬產業
翁先生的Toyota 與Deming之故事.....

2007 華人Deming 學院年會

主題:我們這年的心得交換( 歡迎新朋友參加)


《新北投新民路一巷5 6樓(過新民國中在新民 25號後,左轉十公尺「貴園別莊」內;Tel. 02-2894 6100 ):開車很方便 附近新民國中巷有許多停車位》。捷運 ()「淡水線」,在「北投站」下(不出站),直接過月台,轉「新北投」線即到。



大略想談一有趣的問題:老闆不表態支持情況下,部屬能有怎樣的作為;Peter 維強 一粒種子的故事.」;Justing郭可以根我們說螺絲與茶葉的故事;鍾漢清談某苗栗牙科醫生如何經營出北台灣一片天……

Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
Forces of Destruction: grades in school, merit system, incentive pay, business plans, quotas.
"It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory."

Any two people have different ideas of what is important.

Does experience help? NO! Not if we are doing the wrong things.
Management's job is to improve the system.

You can not achieve an aim unless you have a method.

If you do not know how to ask the right question, you discover nothing.

People care more for themselves when they contribute to the system.

If you destroy the people of a company, you do not have much left.

The customer invents nothing. New products and new services come from the producer.

Improve quality, you automatically improve productivity.

Retroactive management emphasizes the bottom line.

We can do something about our problems, or we can continue the way we are.

The process is not just the sum of its parts.

Off we go to the...Milky Way!

You can not plan to make a discovery. You do not plan innovation.

Judging people does not help them.

People need to know how their job contributes.

